H-Net* Concorde crash

2000-07-25 Terurut Topik CALCULATOR
 'Black boxes' recovered at Concorde crash site


A still photograph of the Concorde on fire before it crashed in France 

Witnesses say plane was in flames as it took off 

July 25, 2000Web posted at: 7:05 p.m. EDT (2305 GMT)
July 25, 2000Web posted at: 7:05 p.m. EDT (2305 GMT)

In this story: Witness: We waited for explosion after seeing flames on runwayInternational investigationCondolences pour inFirst crash in Concorde historyRELATED STORIES, SITES  

From staff and wire reports
PARIS -- Investigators recovered the flight data and cockpit voice recorders on Tuesday from the crashed Air France Concorde in Paris, France's Ministry of Transportation told CNN. 


Air France inquiries 331-48-62-49-49Germany49-89-97-62-0France0-800-800-812USA 1-800-874-4097

Flight AF4590 

Delivered to Air France on June 17, 1979Put into service Oct. 23, 1980Landings by plane 3,978Flying hours 11,989Last 'C' check completed April 28, 2000

 Fact Sheet

 Supersonic vs. 'jumbo' jet in Trans-Atlantic travel 


 CNN Paris Bureau Chief Peter Humi reports on the crash that killed 113Play video(QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) 

 News conference held hours after the crash by Air France and JFK Airport in New YorkPlay video(QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) 


Eyewitness and Federal Express pilot Sid Hare tells his account of the Concorde crash into a hotel near Paris 
2.3 MB/55 sec.AIFF or WAV sound

New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani offers condolences to family and friends who lost loved ones in the Concorde crash 
430 K/40 sec.AIFF or WAV sound


Images from the crash site near Charles de Gaulle airport near ParisTake a look inside the Concorde Recent plane crashes


More coverage 


Witnesses describe flight's final moments 
Concorde frequent flier saddened by crash 
TIME.com: Time to retire the Concorde? 
French investigation launched into Concorde disaster
Concorde: Charter company 'deeply shocked'
British Airways halts Concorde flights following Air France crash
Schroeder leads condolences
Concorde safety in the spotlight
Concorde: The supersonic airliner
Concorde: Luxury at 60,000 ft

Concorde info: 

The Concorde jet is capable of traveling from Paris to New York in three hours, 45 minutes at a cruising speed of Mach 2 or 1,370 miles per hour.Capacity: Its seating capacity is 100 passengers and it usually has a crew of nine.Daily service between New York and Paris started in 1977.The Concorde holds two world speed records for commercial flights. In 1992, it circled the globe from east to west in 32 hours, 49 minutes and three seconds. Three years later, the Concorde flew west to east in 31 hours, 27 minutes and 49 seconds.


Air safety

Eyewitnesses said the plane's left-side engines were on fire before it left Charles de Gaulle Airport. The supersonic jetliner crashed in flames two minutes later into a hotel-restaurant complex , killing 113 people. 
Air France officials said engine trouble apparently caused the crash and the airline canceled all Concorde flights at least through Wednesday. 
An amateur photographer took a chilling photograph of the plane trailing flames as it took off from the airport in the northern Paris suburb of Gonesse. 
The dead included all 100 passengers -- mostly German tourists -- and nine crew members on Flight AF4590, along with four people in the hotel, authorities said. 
At least a dozen people in the hotel were injured. They were in good condition, Prime Minister Lionel Jospin said. 
Three children were among the passengers, French TV said. 
One passenger was an American, a retired Air France employee, an airline spokesman said. Two other passengers were Danes and one was an Austrian, Air France said. 
The airline was flying families of the victims to Paris on special flights from Germany. Counselors will meet with the families in a room set up at the airport. 
A makeshift morgue was set up in the Jacques Brel Auditorium in Gonesse. Workers placed plastic sheets on the floors where the victims were to be placed. At the crash site, ambulances and hearses were loaded with the first bodies recovered from the accident. 
Witness waited for explosion after seeing flames on runway
A British businessman said he noticed that the jetliner's engines were having problems while it was taking off. 
"The Concorde (was) to our immediate left as he accelerated down the runway, the engine was already smoking," said Darren Atkins, who was in another plane waiting to depart from the airport. 
"As the aircraft drew level with us -- this is before it started to take off -- the left hand engines were visibly on fire," Atkins told Sky television in an interview from Zurich. 
"They were burning very heavily, so much so, in fact, that on the tarmac was some debris that had clearly fallen off the engine and was, 

H-Net* 'Concorde Crash' ada kaitan dengan Al-Mau'nah?

2000-07-25 Terurut Topik CALCULATOR
TemuramahChamil Warrior dengan Datuk Serik di Putra Jawa sebaik sahaja selepas tragedi di Perancis:- 

 'A still photograph of the Concorde on fire before it crashed in France'
Chamil Warrior: Apa komenDatuk Serik mengenai tragedi di Perancis di mana sebuah kapalterbang 'concorde' telah terbakar lalu merempuh sebuah hotel? Adakah ada unsur-unsur sabotaj dan seumpamanya?

Datuk Serik: Apa nama...saya yakin dan saya sendiri memang ada maklumat bahawa ini adalah angkara kumpulan Al-Mau'nah. Mereka ini memang telah merancang lama dahapa nama pada asalnya depa ni memang nak rampas kapalterbang tersebut dan bawak ke belah negara kita ni ...tujuannya nak letup kat sini...tapi pasal depa tak mahir pandu kapalterbang, sebab tu terbakar elok-elok saja berlepas.
Chamil Warrior: Daripada kebakaran yang di lihat melalui gambar yang sempat di ambil sebelum terhempas, nampaknya macam berlaku letupan.
Datuk Serik: Apa nama...memanglah. Beratus senjata yang mereka pelari dari Gerik dulu tu...bukan semua yang kita dapat balik. Sebahagiannya mereka taruk dalam kapalterbang tulah...apa nama...saya ingat mereka nak cuba-cuba guna bom tangan. Sebab mereka tak dak pengalaman...tu yang meletup tu.
Chamil Warrior: Datuk datuk memang hebat!

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