Re: [hlcoders] [Base 2013 SDK / Stock Prerelease 2013 SDK] VPhysics Bug - Assured vphysics.dll hang/crash when physics objects enter specific area in a map

2016-03-01 Thread Peter McKeown
Hi Ryan,

I can confirm that the issue doesn't appear if that sphere is recompiled on the 
latest build tools. I can only hope that the issue is due to the older engine 
the map was compiled for, your findings do make me confident enough that it's 
hopefully a one-off with the map. 

In my attempts to discover the cause, I managed to prevent the issue if I 
either disabled the physics shadow (thus there was no interaction at the 
physics engine level), or removed any velocity for the physics object. Like you 
said as well, phys_timescale also prevents it. These factors do imply a solver 
issue. I'll just have to disable the physics shadow in this one map to prevent 
the issue (as it's a custom map made by a player and the original author may be 
unable or unwilling to recompile it) and attempt to prevent server ops from 
spawning physics objects into the map.

If maps are simply played in a SDK2013 mod that were compiled for the older 
engine and this crash occurs, it may still indicate a bug in the physics engine 
for those with the power to fix it. It would be best for collision detection to 
fail rather than crash like this. For me though, I seem to have a way forward 

Thanks a lot for your help!

Best regards :)


<> on behalf of Ryan Kistner 
Sent: 02 March 2016 01:58
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] [Base 2013 SDK / Stock Prerelease 2013 SDK] VPhysics 
Bug - Assured vphysics.dll hang/crash when physics objects enter specific area 
in a map

Hello Peter,

Tracing your crash puts me in
IVP_Mindist_Minimize_Solver::p_minimize_PP(IVP_Compact_Edge const*,
IVP_Compact_Edge const*, IVP_Cache_Ledge_Point*,
IVP_Cache_Ledge_Point*), which is far enough into IVP to suggest a
corrupt physics state or unsolvable interaction. In this case, I believe
the physics mesh from the displacement sphere is the source of the problem:

I can't seem to rebuild a map with the same broken physics though. You
can confirm that Things Are Bad by setting phys_timescale 0 and trying
to walk around in the sphere area, you will collide with the mesh
sphere, confirming that it is indeed a physics mesh in play.

On 2/29/2016 3:52 PM, Peter McKeown wrote:
> Hi everyone (and hopefully Valve),
> I've been trying to track a strange crash and heap corruption issue in my 
> mod, the problem only manifested itself after re-enabling the player's 
> physics shadow. The problem is only reliably able to be produced in one area 
> in a certain map, I put this down to heap corruption, but on a hunch I tested 
> the same area in a fresh SDK mod using the prerelease beta and the same issue 
> occurs - the stack trace always ends in vphysics.dll .
> []
> The hang / crash happens under the following circumstances:
>*   The player activates noclip and then flies into the crash sphere, and 
> then deactivates noclip while inside it. The crash is caused by the player's 
> physics shadow.
>*   A large physics object such as the airboat enters the large physics 
> crash zone near the sphere.
>*   A small physics object moves near the sphere. I tested this by placing 
> a physics object with prop_physics_create on a block next to the sphere, it 
> rested there fine. I pushed it towards the sphere and the literal instant it 
> moved, the game froze.
>*   Simply moving in that area with an active physics shadow has a chance 
> to crash the game, sometimes the crash occurs due to heap corruption.
> I'm almost certainly sure it's not an issue with map entities. I deleted all 
> map entities such as triggers and func_ entities to be sure. One thing that 
> may be responsible is that this map was compiled for use in SDK Base 2006. 
> The issue appears to happen on other maps too, but I haven't been able to 
> reproduce it. The other affected maps may also be SDK 2006 maps. Apart from 
> this, the maps function completely fine.
> This is the map that causes the crash. I can upload crash dumps if Valve need 
> them, but it should be possible to reproduce the crash as the issue happens 
> with the stock SDK.
> Hopefully the problem can be resolved without changes to the SDK code. If so, 
> please update the standard SDK vphysics as well as the prerelease one - many 
> modders, myself included, are avoiding updating to the latest SDK because of 
> not wanting to inconvenience players by having to switch t

[hlcoders] [Base 2013 SDK / Stock Prerelease 2013 SDK] VPhysics Bug - Assured vphysics.dll hang/crash when physics objects enter specific area in a map

2016-02-29 Thread Peter McKeown
Hi everyone (and hopefully Valve),

I've been trying to track a strange crash and heap corruption issue in my mod, 
the problem only manifested itself after re-enabling the player's physics 
shadow. The problem is only reliably able to be produced in one area in a 
certain map, I put this down to heap corruption, but on a hunch I tested the 
same area in a fresh SDK mod using the prerelease beta and the same issue 
occurs - the stack trace always ends in vphysics.dll .


The hang / crash happens under the following circumstances:

  *   The player activates noclip and then flies into the crash sphere, and 
then deactivates noclip while inside it. The crash is caused by the player's 
physics shadow.
  *   A large physics object such as the airboat enters the large physics crash 
zone near the sphere.
  *   A small physics object moves near the sphere. I tested this by placing a 
physics object with prop_physics_create on a block next to the sphere, it 
rested there fine. I pushed it towards the sphere and the literal instant it 
moved, the game froze.
  *   Simply moving in that area with an active physics shadow has a chance to 
crash the game, sometimes the crash occurs due to heap corruption.

I'm almost certainly sure it's not an issue with map entities. I deleted all 
map entities such as triggers and func_ entities to be sure. One thing that may 
be responsible is that this map was compiled for use in SDK Base 2006. The 
issue appears to happen on other maps too, but I haven't been able to reproduce 
it. The other affected maps may also be SDK 2006 maps. Apart from this, the 
maps function completely fine.

This is the map that causes the crash. I can upload crash dumps if Valve need 
them, but it should be possible to reproduce the crash as the issue happens 
with the stock SDK.

Hopefully the problem can be resolved without changes to the SDK code. If so, 
please update the standard SDK vphysics as well as the prerelease one - many 
modders, myself included, are avoiding updating to the latest SDK because of 
not wanting to inconvenience players by having to switch to the SDK beta, and 
that problem is compounded if they have many mods where some use the beta and 
some don't. The best solution would be to have a Source SDK Base 2016, this 
would make it a matter of simply changing the appid in gameinfo.txt to get 
players on the right engine version.

Hopefully you see this and can fix the issue!



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Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

2015-07-29 Thread Peter McKeown
Well, I'd like to try and help you. No promises on a solution, but I'll take a 
look at it.

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 09:24:01 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Yes, sorry.  I already received some ideas I am hoping will solve the problem, 
but I have some more important stuff to sort out before I can get back to the 
MOD.Since this will take some time, before release, I did not want to leave it 
But if anybody is particularly interested to try it out than throw me a message 
and I'll gladly share it.
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 18:34:39 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Link is 404'ing, did  you delete the upload?

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 06:32:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Thank you Boncey.Probably not the problem, but I'll check those anyway.

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 01:31:40 +
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Have you made sure that radius culling is off before compiling, as that only 
compiles your camera radius and can easily catch you off guard. Also make sure 
to realign your skyboxes to grid. (Click on them in 2D, Right Click - Snap To 
Grid). Hope this helps!
On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 7:58 AM Peter Urbanics wrote:

Hi All,
Some of you might remember me previously asking for help in building my already 
finished MOD:
2 people volunteered at some point, to help but as the ancient Chinese saying 
goes: they both disappeared like gray mule in the fog.
I packed up the whole thing: the version that now runs with the new SDK in 
Hammer but won't compile for some unknown reason, throwing up bullshit 
errors.Nothing has changed and these maps compiled with the old SDK about 2-3 
yeas ago.Please, anybody who think they have what it takes to compile a few 
levels, check it out and help figuring out what is 
 password is: release_this_!!!I would simply like to smack 4-5 graffiti onto 
some walls, build and release it, hoping some of the original watchers are 
still alive and would like to check it out.
Thanks in advance,Peter   

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Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

2015-07-28 Thread Peter McKeown
Link is 404'ing, did  you delete the upload?

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 06:32:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Thank you Boncey.Probably not the problem, but I'll check those anyway.

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 01:31:40 +
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Here's a challenge!

Have you made sure that radius culling is off before compiling, as that only 
compiles your camera radius and can easily catch you off guard. Also make sure 
to realign your skyboxes to grid. (Click on them in 2D, Right Click - Snap To 
Grid). Hope this helps!
On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 7:58 AM Peter Urbanics wrote:

Hi All,
Some of you might remember me previously asking for help in building my already 
finished MOD:
2 people volunteered at some point, to help but as the ancient Chinese saying 
goes: they both disappeared like gray mule in the fog.
I packed up the whole thing: the version that now runs with the new SDK in 
Hammer but won't compile for some unknown reason, throwing up bullshit 
errors.Nothing has changed and these maps compiled with the old SDK about 2-3 
yeas ago.Please, anybody who think they have what it takes to compile a few 
levels, check it out and help figuring out what is 
 password is: release_this_!!!I would simply like to smack 4-5 graffiti onto 
some walls, build and release it, hoping some of the original watchers are 
still alive and would like to check it out.
Thanks in advance,Peter   

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Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

2015-05-30 Thread Peter McKeown
You do not seem to understand what I'm talking about. m_iv_angEyeAngles will 
not be interpolated if ShouldInterpolate() returns false. Please study 
carefully how the game's interpolation system works. m_angEyeAngles will not 
appear smoothly updated to a spectator if m_iv_angEyeAngles is not being 
interpolated due to ShouldInterpolate() returning false.

Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:37:01 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

Your fix is a hack, not a fix, let's get that right for a start. If you look at 
the code around it, you'll see that m_iv_angEyeAngles sets up interpolation on 
m_angEyeAngles, which is a networked copy of a player's eye angles which is 
sent to everyone but the local player. In C_HL2MPPlayer, the interpolated 
version is used in ::PreThink and ::EyeAngles also has an override. This makes 
eye angles in spectator interpolated (ie. smooth) and is Valve's way of 
implementing this. You probably derived from CBasePlayer or 
CBaseMultiplayerPlayer and didn't set this up, which again isn't an engine 

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Peter McKeown wrote:

I'm not seeing how what you posted is relevant, the declaration of 
m_angEyeAngles is fine, but no interpolated variables are processed for a 
spectated player if ShouldInterpolate() returns false, which it does in some 
cases when spectating a player in first person. I haven't tracked down exactly 
why since this is a simple fix, most likely their viewmodels (which are 
visible, the spectator target is not rendered in first person) is chain 
requiring interpolation and that keeps m_angEyeAngles going.

Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:25:52 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

It's not a bug with the code base and that isn't the proper way to fix it. This 
is how Valve's games handle it:

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 2:21 AM, Peter McKeown wrote:

Greetings everyone,

There is a bug with the codebase where in 
some situations the first person spectating of other players can become 
very laggy, as interpolation for m_angEyeAngles stops.

This bug 
is present in TF2's code as well as I've seen it there too. The
 issue is that the player's ShouldInterpolate() doesn't take into 
account if the local player is spectating this player or not, causing it
 to no longer have it's interpolated variables (like m_iv_angEyeAngles) 
processed. I've been hunting this bug for a while in my mod and finally 
solved it, and I figured I'd share the solution here:

In c_baseplayer.cpp, go to the ShouldInterpolate() function, and add this at 
the bottom above BaseClass::ShouldInterpolate():

if ( GetLocalPlayer()  GetLocalPlayer()-GetObserverTarget() == this )
return true;

This will fix it. Hope this helps!

Note: I didn't look too much into this, but the spectating of players is done 
via CalcView which doesn't appear to change what render-GetViewEntity() would 
return - the entity returned by this always interpolated, which would seem to 
be the intended way for this to work, but doesn't.





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[hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

2015-05-30 Thread Peter McKeown
Greetings everyone,

There is a bug with the codebase where in 
some situations the first person spectating of other players can become 
very laggy, as interpolation for m_angEyeAngles stops.

This bug 
is present in TF2's code as well as I've seen it there too. The
 issue is that the player's ShouldInterpolate() doesn't take into 
account if the local player is spectating this player or not, causing it
 to no longer have it's interpolated variables (like m_iv_angEyeAngles) 
processed. I've been hunting this bug for a while in my mod and finally 
solved it, and I figured I'd share the solution here:

In c_baseplayer.cpp, go to the ShouldInterpolate() function, and add this at 
the bottom above BaseClass::ShouldInterpolate():

if ( GetLocalPlayer()  GetLocalPlayer()-GetObserverTarget() == this )
return true;

This will fix it. Hope this helps!

Note: I didn't look too much into this, but the spectating of players is done 
via CalcView which doesn't appear to change what render-GetViewEntity() would 
return - the entity returned by this always interpolated, which would seem to 
be the intended way for this to work, but doesn't.



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[hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

2015-05-30 Thread Peter McKeown

Greetings everyone,

There is an intermittent bug with the codebase where in 
some situations the first person spectating of other players can become 
very laggy, as interpolation for m_angEyeAngles stops. This problem is most 
easily found when the spectator target's viewmodel is hidden and thus isn't 
requiring interpolation (meaning there is no reason to interpolate the parent 
player either).

This bug 
is present in TF2's code as well as I've seen it there too. The
 issue is that the player's ShouldInterpolate() doesn't take into 
account if the local player is spectating this player or not, causing it
 to no longer have it's interpolated variables (like m_iv_angEyeAngles) 
processed. I've been hunting this bug for a while in my mod and finally 
solved it, and I figured I'd share the solution here:

In c_baseplayer.cpp, go to the ShouldInterpolate() function, and add this at 
the bottom above BaseClass::ShouldInterpolate():

if ( GetLocalPlayer()  GetLocalPlayer()-GetObserverTarget() == this )
return true;

This will fix it. Hope this helps!

Note: I didn't look too much into this, but the spectating of players is done 
via CalcView which doesn't appear to change what render-GetViewEntity() 
returns - the entity returned by this always interpolated, which would seem to 
be the intended way for this to work, but doesn't in practice.



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Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

2015-05-30 Thread Peter McKeown
I'm not seeing how what you posted is relevant, the declaration of 
m_angEyeAngles is fine, but no interpolated variables are processed for a 
spectated player if ShouldInterpolate() returns false, which it does in some 
cases when spectating a player in first person. I haven't tracked down exactly 
why since this is a simple fix, most likely their viewmodels (which are 
visible, the spectator target is not rendered in first person) is chain 
requiring interpolation and that keeps m_angEyeAngles going.

Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:25:52 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

It's not a bug with the code base and that isn't the proper way to fix it. This 
is how Valve's games handle it:

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 2:21 AM, Peter McKeown wrote:

Greetings everyone,

There is a bug with the codebase where in 
some situations the first person spectating of other players can become 
very laggy, as interpolation for m_angEyeAngles stops.

This bug 
is present in TF2's code as well as I've seen it there too. The
 issue is that the player's ShouldInterpolate() doesn't take into 
account if the local player is spectating this player or not, causing it
 to no longer have it's interpolated variables (like m_iv_angEyeAngles) 
processed. I've been hunting this bug for a while in my mod and finally 
solved it, and I figured I'd share the solution here:

In c_baseplayer.cpp, go to the ShouldInterpolate() function, and add this at 
the bottom above BaseClass::ShouldInterpolate():

if ( GetLocalPlayer()  GetLocalPlayer()-GetObserverTarget() == this )
return true;

This will fix it. Hope this helps!

Note: I didn't look too much into this, but the spectating of players is done 
via CalcView which doesn't appear to change what render-GetViewEntity() would 
return - the entity returned by this always interpolated, which would seem to 
be the intended way for this to work, but doesn't.





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Re: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

2015-05-30 Thread Peter McKeown
Apologies for the double post, encountered an error in Outlook.

Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:27:42 +0100
Subject: [hlcoders] Solution to laggy first-person spectating

Greetings everyone,

There is an intermittent bug with the codebase where in 
some situations the first person spectating of other players can become 
very laggy, as interpolation for m_angEyeAngles stops. This problem is most 
easily found when the spectator target's viewmodel is hidden and thus isn't 
requiring interpolation (meaning there is no reason to interpolate the parent 
player either).

This bug 
is present in TF2's code as well as I've seen it there too. The
 issue is that the player's ShouldInterpolate() doesn't take into 
account if the local player is spectating this player or not, causing it
 to no longer have it's interpolated variables (like m_iv_angEyeAngles) 
processed. I've been hunting this bug for a while in my mod and finally 
solved it, and I figured I'd share the solution here:

In c_baseplayer.cpp, go to the ShouldInterpolate() function, and add this at 
the bottom above BaseClass::ShouldInterpolate():

if ( GetLocalPlayer()  GetLocalPlayer()-GetObserverTarget() == this )
return true;

This will fix it. Hope this helps!

Note: I didn't look too much into this, but the spectating of players is done 
via CalcView which doesn't appear to change what render-GetViewEntity() 
returns - the entity returned by this always interpolated, which would seem to 
be the intended way for this to work, but doesn't in practice.




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Re: [hlcoders] Getting back to my MOD after 2 years‏

2014-12-28 Thread Peter McKeown
Hi again,

The FGD determines what entities are available (i.e. what shows up in the 
entity list, what keyvalues they have) and so on. Actually loading content, 
like models and textures, is done via mounting the other game's .vpks as search 
paths in the gameinfo. Have you mounted the EP2 vpks and so on? You will need 
something like this in the gameinfo (I think you already had them, but 
commented them out):


You may also want to mount the other game's folders, as well as the vpks. The 
folders contain misc files that may be useful to your mod, such a font files 
and localisation files.

Be aware that the order you mount files matters,  with I believe the higher up 
mounts having priority over the lower ones. This means that files such as the 
ep2 models with the same name as ep1 ones will load the ep2 variant. As some of 
Valve's model animations were changed in EP2, compared to say, HL2, you might 
find missing animations if EP2 removed animations that existed in HL2 depending 
on what you are trying to accomplish. Files in the gameinfo folder (i.e. 
hangover's mod folder) will have priority over all external content as long as 
the |gameinfo_path| remains above all other mounts.

Hope this helps!


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 09:01:51 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Getting back to my MOD after 2 years‏

Great info, thanks!Some progress was made.
So I added this to the GameConfig.txt   Hangover  {   
GameDir   C:\Program Files 
  {   GameData0 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer\bin\halflife2.fgd TextureFormat 
5 MapFormat 4 
DefaultTextureScale   0.25  
DefaultLightmapScale  16GameExe   
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer\hl2.exe   DefaultSolidEntity
func_detail   DefaultPointEntity
info_player_start BSP   C:\Program 
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer\bin\vbsp.exe  Vis   C:\Program 
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer\bin\vvis.exe  Light C:\Program 
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer\bin\vrad.exe  GameExeDir
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer   MapDir
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\sourcemods\Hangover\maps   
CordonTexture tools\toolsskybox 
MaterialExcludeCount  0 }   
which is in:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 
Then if I run the hammer.exe there, now it does not ask anymore which config to 
start with but in the options it is set to Hangover so I guess it uses that.Now 
I can finally see my custom Hangover models in the model browser.It looks like 
the ones that have custom textures are textured but the ones that use textures 
from other Half Life products are just displayed with the black-pink checker 
texture.Unfortunately now every other model (which are not Hangover custom 
stuff but probably from EP1, 2, Orange Box, like trees, logs, rocks...) are 
still missing and displayed as ERROR texts.
I tried adding some more Game Data Files directory paths in the options to the 
Hangover config but it did not change anything.It adds them to the 
GameConfig.txt like so:   GameData0 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 
Deathmatch\bin\base.fgd GameData1 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 

Re: [hlcoders] Getting back to my MOD after 2 years‏

2014-12-19 Thread Peter McKeown

Unless I've misread the problem, you said earlier you are starting Hammer with 
the Half-Life 2: Episode 2 configuration, that seems to be what the problem is. 
If you are making your own mod (with content in it's own folder in the 
SourceMods folder), you will need to create a custom Hammer configuration for 
it. You can do this within hammer, but the easiest way is to go to the SDK Base 
2013/bin folder of your choice, and open GameConfig.txt . Make a copy of one of 
the existing configs, and paste it within the file, and edit the paths and 
names  to reference your mod. Launch hammer with your game select and that 
should fix your missing content problem.

Hope this helps, apologies if I've gotten your problem wrong. Best regards.

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:55:24 -0600
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Getting back to my MOD after 2 years‏

This problem could be solved by allowing developers access to the closed source 
filesystem dlls.

Or valve could actually program their closed source filesystem dlls with 
MASSIVE verbosity. I mean line by line verbosity so that mod developers know 
exactly what is happening when steam goes through each line of  gameinfo txt.

 gameinfo.txt  produces zero output. It is controlled by a blackbox 
software with no output only failure messages and obviscation..
please make it extremely verbose line by line so us developers wont have to 
spend hours trying to figure it out...

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Peter Urbanics wrote:

It's been a long time. :-)I wasn't lazy, just working on other stuff and have 
pretty low motivation for Hammer with this crap I am facing. :-(
 start hammer.exe fromC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK 
Base 2013 Singleplayer\binwith the Half-Life 2: Episode Two game 
configurationthan it seems like I am only missing my mod specific 
How do I add those back? Why does it not find those?
My gaminfo txt looks like this:
GameInfo{ nameHangovergame  Hangover  
title   Hangover  typesingleplayer_only   
developer   Peter Urbanicsdeveloper_url;icon   
icon/hangover_icon // gamelogo 1 //   nodifficulty 1  // 
Hides the difficulty tab nodegraph 0 // When false, prevents 
the engine from creating nodegraphs.
FileSystem  {   SteamAppId  
243730  // Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer
SearchPaths {   // No /custom/ folders 
because they can interfere with mod content and shouldn't be in mod gameinfo.   
 game+mod+mod_write+default_write_path   |gameinfo_path|.   
 // Mod  gamebin 
|gameinfo_path|bin  // Mod's Binaries   
// Base Half-Life 2 Content: ep2, episodic, hl2 game_lv 
|all_source_engine_paths|ep2/ep2_english.vpk//  game
|all_source_engine_paths|ep2/ep2_pak.vpk//  game

|all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_english.vpk// game
|all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk   game
|all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk game
// TODO; find out what is it and why it's here//   game 

Re: [hlcoders] Sound issues

2014-10-13 Thread Peter McKeown
Hi Jan

Sorry if this is late, but looking at the design of UTIL_EmitSoundSuit, it uses 
a CPASAttenuationFilter which will attempt to send the sound to all players 
within audible range, which is probably why you can hear the sound if you are 
close enough to the player. To fix it, replace the CPASAttentuationFilter with 
a CSingleUserRecipientFilter.

A CSingleUserRecipientFilter expects a CBasePlayer in the constructor, so cast 
to a player at GetContainingEntity( entity ).


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:30:07 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Sound issues


Hi Jan,


  regarding your first issue I can say that Source SDK Base 2007 has
  the same issue. We had this issue in our Mod a couple of times a
  few weeks before you posted your message. I have not yet
  investigated it though.




  On 18.08.2014 16:07, Jan Hartung wrote:

Hi list,
Some weird things are
going on with the sound in our SDK 2013 MP based mod. First,
there is a map with a looped sound in it, the entity is
placed in the center of the map and can be heard everywhere
(it’s a small map and the volume is high enough). Now, it
sometimes happens that when I kill a bot, this sound’s
origin jumps to the place where I currently am. It may jump
to its original position when the next round starts or stays
there for a few rounds. At times, not related to any kill,
the sound also duplicates, so you can hear it twice while
the two “copies” are out of sync.
The second thing is that
we got an announcer in the game, so there are sounds which
are played to every player. We loop through the players and
use UTIL_EmitSoundSuit in order to do so. The announcer
received an overhaul just recently, which also added
multiple sounds for the same event, which are set up as
rndwave in the sound script. Since then I notice, that
whenever I stand close enough to another player, I can hear
the announcer’s line, which is played to the other player.
However, UTIL_EmitSoundSuit is supposed to play a sound
audible to the player itself, judging by the function’s
Has anyone seen these



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[hlcoders] Possible 2013 Engine bug: Looping sounds stay in sound list outside of audible range

2014-10-11 Thread Peter McKeown
Hello everyone, I've found what seems to be a bug with the engine 
relating to looping sounds from ambient_generics (yellow sounds on 
snd_show 2).

When testing my mod, which is based on Source SDK 
Base 2013 Multiplayer, I noticed that some map sounds weren't playing, 
and the console was being filled with total_channels == MAX_CHANNELS 
messages. I investigated using snd_show 2 and it seems that every flavor
 sound ambient_generic that played a fire sound (as there was lots of 
torches in the map with a small fire sound next to it) was in the sound 
list (thus showing up on snd_show 2), regardless of whether or not the 
sound was actually audible - every ambient_generic playing a looping 
sound anywhere on the map is in the list. These sounds can't actually be
 heard audibly.

This isn't the same behavior that was in Source 
SDK Base 2006, as running the map there, sounds from ambient_generics 
only appear in the sound list if you get close enough to actually hear 
them. The trail in the mod code ends at engine-EmitAmbientSound(), 
so on a hunch I investigated Half-Life 2 and found this:

If the 
map d2_prison_06 is loaded, there are two constantly looping 
ambient_generics, combine_shield_loop3.wav, coming from combine shield 

If the map is loaded in Source SDK Base 2006, if you 
noclip far away enough from the map, they disappear from the sound list,
 as expected as they cannot possibly be heard.

If you load the 
map in Half-Life 2 though, which has the new engine code, no matter how 
far away you noclip, the sound is always showing in snd_show 2.

 I investigated Team-Fortress 2's map koth_sawmill, which has looping 
ambient_generic saw sounds, and those play in the sound list regardless 
of where you are anywhere in the map, or noclipping out of the map. The 
problem is definitely with ambient sounds from ambient_generics, as 
using stopsound, ent_fire to stop the sound of ambient_generics, then 
playing the sounds again, results in the sounds returning to the sound 
list well out of audible range. The issue going from there appears to be
 with engine-EmitAmbientSound().

This normally wouldn't be a 
problem if a map has a small amount of looping ambient sounds, but if 
the map does have a lot (like flavor sounds from fire), the sound list 
rapidly gets filled up and new sounds won't play, resulting in 
total_channels == MAX_CHANNELS, or audio glitches can be heard. Has 
anyone else encountered this problem? I'm sure this isn't something I've
 caused myself, because it happens in Half-Life 2 and Team-Fortress 2 as

One other note is that the l and r columns of each 
sound seem to increase when they should be audible, and this coincides 
with them appearing in sound list in SDK 2006. In 2013 though, both l 
and r are 0, yet still playing.

Please note that noclipping 
outside the map does not cause this bug, in fact it causes sounds to 
stop being played in the 2006 engine.

A screenshot of a map suffering from this bug with snd_show 2 and snd_visualize 
output is available at
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Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right click on steam, choose Servers )

2014-07-25 Thread Peter McKeown
Excellent! Thank you for listening group members and Valve. Best regards to you 

Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 13:11:10 +0300
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right 
click on steam, choose Servers )


This is fixed now in the latest steam client beta, see:

On 7/18/2014 4:30 AM, Peter McKeown

  This is still a problem, mods aren't showing up in
the steam server browser (not the server, the game itself isn't
being recognised as existant unless you launch the game). If you
View game info on someone playing SDK Base 2013, it says what
server they are playing and it shows the game as the mod in the
server info, but steam itself isn't showing it. It seems there
is some sort of bug in steam going on here, has anyone else
noticed this? This is only for 3rd party mods that aren't in the
steam store ( i.e. mods in the SourceMods folder ) as far as I
can tell.



  Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:48:22 +

  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server
  browser ( Right click on steam, choose Servers )


  So, my mod's server shows up in the server
browser for me. (just checked today 7/14)  I do have the
same behavior where when I'm playing the game, the player
status in Steam says SDK Base 2013 MultiplayerNobody
actually plays the SDK, so it makes more sense for the mod's
name to be there..



  Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:06:33 +0100

  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam
  server browser ( Right click on steam, choose Servers )


  Speaking of that, when playing a source
mod, Steam Friends shows they are in game in the SDK
Base the mod is based on, i.e In-Game: Source SDK Base
2013 Multiplayer, instead of saying In-Mod like it
used to.

  Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014
  19:41:41 -0500



  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in
  Steam server browser ( Right click on steam, choose
  Servers )


  Additionally, mods of Alien Swarm are
showing friends as playing mod: swarm no matter
what mod they are playing. In Steam, playing a mod
of Alien Swarm shows up as in mod: Alien Swarm.


I'm pretty sure the root cause is the same in
  all cases.

This apparently started happening in March.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at
  3:25 PM, Peter McKeown


  Greetings everyone,

I apologise if this issue is already known
on hlcoders, I haven't found any reference
to it yet though - Mods no longer show up in
the Steam server browser. This includes SDK
base 2006, 2007 and 2013 MP mods. The issue
started after a Steam update and persists
(atleast for my mods) today. There has been
some forum posts about it on the Steam
forums but no one has found a solution yet.
The mod files (i.e. gameinfo.txt) match the
latest ones in the SDK github repository.
Also, servers do show up in the ingame
server browser, but not outside of it. This
seems to be a bug with Steam, if there isn't

Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right click on steam, choose Servers )

2014-07-17 Thread Peter McKeown
This is still a problem, mods aren't showing up in the steam server browser 
(not the server, the game itself isn't being recognised as existant unless you 
launch the game). If you View game info on someone playing SDK Base 2013, it 
says what server they are playing and it shows the game as the mod in the 
server info, but steam itself isn't showing it. It seems there is some sort of 
bug in steam going on here, has anyone else noticed this? This is only for 3rd 
party mods that aren't in the steam store ( i.e. mods in the SourceMods folder 
) as far as I can tell.

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:48:22 +
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right 
click on steam, choose Servers )

So, my mod's server shows up in the server browser for me. (just checked today 
7/14)  I do have the same behavior where when I'm playing the game, the player 
status in Steam says SDK Base 2013 MultiplayerNobody actually plays the 
SDK, so it makes more sense for the mod's name to be there..

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:06:33 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right 
click on steam, choose Servers )

Speaking of that, when playing a source mod, Steam Friends shows they are in 
game in the SDK Base the mod is based on, i.e In-Game: Source SDK Base 2013 
Multiplayer, instead of saying In-Mod like it used to.

Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:41:41 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right 
click on steam, choose Servers )

Additionally, mods of Alien Swarm are showing friends as playing mod: swarm 
no matter what mod they are playing. In Steam, playing a mod of Alien Swarm 
shows up as in mod: Alien Swarm.

I'm pretty sure the root cause is the same in all cases.
This apparently started happening in March.

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Peter McKeown wrote:

Greetings everyone,

I apologise if this issue is already known on hlcoders, I haven't found any 
reference to it yet though - Mods no longer show up in the Steam server 
browser. This includes SDK base 2006, 2007 and 2013 MP mods. The issue started 
after a Steam update and persists (atleast for my mods) today. There has been 
some forum posts about it on the Steam forums but no one has found a solution 
yet. The mod files (i.e. gameinfo.txt) match the latest ones in the SDK github 
repository. Also, servers do show up in the ingame server browser, but not 
outside of it. This seems to be a bug with Steam, if there isn't a solution, 
I'll report it here.

I'm using Windows 8.1 x64, and the last selected game in the game tab of the 
browser was a mod. Once it was opened, the game field is blank and it's showing 
all games now, as if mods are no longer valid in the list.


Peter McKeown


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Ben Lubar

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

[hlcoders] Mods no longer show up in Steam server browser ( Right click on steam, choose Servers )

2014-07-13 Thread Peter McKeown
Greetings everyone,

I apologise if this issue is already known on hlcoders, I haven't found any 
reference to it yet though - Mods no longer show up in the Steam server 
browser. This includes SDK base 2006, 2007 and 2013 MP mods. The issue started 
after a Steam update and persists (atleast for my mods) today. There has been 
some forum posts about it on the Steam forums but no one has found a solution 
yet. The mod files (i.e. gameinfo.txt) match the latest ones in the SDK github 
repository. Also, servers do show up in the ingame server browser, but not 
outside of it. This seems to be a bug with Steam, if there isn't a solution, 
I'll report it here.

I'm using Windows 8.1 x64, and the last selected game in the game tab of the 
browser was a mod. Once it was opened, the game field is blank and it's showing 
all games now, as if mods are no longer valid in the list.


Peter McKeown
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Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart the game.

2012-11-21 Thread Peter McKeown
Hi, thanks your your answer.

The problem does not seem to occur for mods running on SDK Base 2007, so the 
issue seems to only happen for mods running on SDK Base 2006 (the engines under 
the tool tab of Steam).

As for the appid, 320 is for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, the appid we are using, 
215, is for Source SDK Base 2006 and must be used for a mod. Half-Life 2 
Deathmatch now runs on an unknown version of the engine and using that as the 
base for the mod would prevent players without HL2DM from playing and would 
most likely be incompatible with the mod code.



 Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 15:18:02 -0600
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please 
 restart the game.
 I don't think valve is going to update or fix the sdk. The last hl2mp
 sdk update was in 2007.
 Unless u can post your files somewhere I doubt anyone can really help
 u fix the bug.
 Aso if you are 2006 sdk, you need to use appid 320.
 On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Peter McKeown 
  Hey guys, sorry to bump my own topic here, but this issue is still
  happening. Does anyone have any solution? The ideal solution would be for
  the code that does steam game version checking to ignore Source SDK Base
  2006, but if I can just modify a file to fix the issue that would be great,
  so I really hope someone can help.
  Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:10:13 +0100
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
  restart the game.
  Hey guys, thank you for the responses.
  I've tried testing with the exact same build time dlls and the issue is
  still persisting. It is possible to join using the steam server browser,
  it's just the ingame server browser and only with listen servers, not
  dedicated ones.
  I've seen this issue on hlcoders before and the solution was using a
  steam.inf file with various settings, or by copying it from another game,
  but this doesn't work anymore, clients still receive the version does not
  match the servers error. This issue only started when sv_master_legacy_mode
  was changed to 0, but this is required in order to get game servers listed,
  so I'm unsure what to do to fix this.
  Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 03:16:08 -0500
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
  restart the game.
  very good advice.
  In English it is spelled cause
  On 10/18/12, Adam amckern McKern wrote:
   There could be a few issues - if your running nightly builds and use a
   version management system such as subversion, and your listen server is
   behind you in time (ie west  coast v's east coast) then the server time
   less then the build time - this will cayuse trouble (same as ztemp
   You need to make sure that your client server is running the same build
   the dll as you, and its clock is the same, or latter then the time stamp
   the file.
   Owner Nigredo Studios
   From: Peter McKeown
  Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 8:27 AM
  Subject: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
   the game.
  Hi guys, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this because I've
   many things and none of them have solved the problem:
  I'm the programmer for KZMod (which runs on Source SDK Base 2006) and
   encountering this message when trying to join listen servers via the
   server browser. The message does not occur when joining dedicated
   running the same files nor does it occur when direct connecting to
   servers. Here is some more details:
  Recently a change was made involving sv_master_legacy_mode, I believe
   the steam master servers no longer respond to legacy requests. This in
   itself isn't a problem, since setting sv_master_legacy_mode to 0 causes
   servers to be listed on the master server (although
   defaults to 1 on Source SDK Base 2006, so servers are by default
   unlisted?), I programmed KZMod to do this automatically so it's not an
   issue. However, with this change to sv_master_legacy_mode 0 has come
   version does not match error, and having read archives of this mailing
   list, I've tried using a steam.inf with just the appID in the file by
   itself at 215, which doesn't solve the problem, I've tried manually
   modifying the PatchVersion parameter which succeeds in making dedicated
   servers inacessible depending on the number compared to the client's,
   doesn't allow access

Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart the game.

2012-11-21 Thread Peter McKeown
Simply download Hidden:Source, a mod that also uses SDK Base 2006 also has this 
bug. Just get a friend to create a listen server on it, make sure the friend 
makes it sv_master_legacy_mode 0 so it's listed, and try and join using the 
ingame server browser. You'll get a version mismatch error message.

 Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:13:52 -0600
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please 
 restart the game.
 320 was the default for the 2006 sdk. Only when 2007 was released did
 the appid change.
  I wonder, is there enough files for someone to download to test for you?
 I would like to see this bug in action, I have enough experience
 debugging to be able to tell you
 if it is YOUR setup bug or every setup bug..
 email me offlist if you could share me enough of a mod to actually test..
 On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Peter McKeown 
  Hi, thanks your your answer.
  The problem does not seem to occur for mods running on SDK Base 2007, so the
  issue seems to only happen for mods running on SDK Base 2006 (the engines
  under the tool tab of Steam).
  As for the appid, 320 is for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, the appid we are using,
  215, is for Source SDK Base 2006 and must be used for a mod. Half-Life 2
  Deathmatch now runs on an unknown version of the engine and using that as
  the base for the mod would prevent players without HL2DM from playing and
  would most likely be incompatible with the mod code.
  Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 15:18:02 -0600
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
  restart the game.
  I don't think valve is going to update or fix the sdk. The last hl2mp
  sdk update was in 2007.
  Unless u can post your files somewhere I doubt anyone can really help
  u fix the bug.
  Aso if you are 2006 sdk, you need to use appid 320.
  On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Peter McKeown
   Hey guys, sorry to bump my own topic here, but this issue is still
   happening. Does anyone have any solution? The ideal solution would be
   the code that does steam game version checking to ignore Source SDK Base
   2006, but if I can just modify a file to fix the issue that would be
   so I really hope someone can help.
   Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:10:13 +0100
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
   restart the game.
   Hey guys, thank you for the responses.
   I've tried testing with the exact same build time dlls and the issue is
   still persisting. It is possible to join using the steam server browser,
   it's just the ingame server browser and only with listen servers, not
   dedicated ones.
   I've seen this issue on hlcoders before and the solution was using a
   steam.inf file with various settings, or by copying it from another
   but this doesn't work anymore, clients still receive the version does
   match the servers error. This issue only started when
   was changed to 0, but this is required in order to get game servers
   so I'm unsure what to do to fix this.
   Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 03:16:08 -0500
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
   restart the game.
   very good advice.
   In English it is spelled cause
   On 10/18/12, Adam amckern McKern wrote:
There could be a few issues - if your running nightly builds and use
version management system such as subversion, and your listen server
behind you in time (ie west coast v's east coast) then the server
less then the build time - this will cayuse trouble (same as ztemp
You need to make sure that your client server is running the same
the dll as you, and its clock is the same, or latter then the time
the file.

Owner Nigredo Studios
From: Peter McKeown
   Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 8:27 AM
   Subject: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please
the game.
   Hi guys, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this because I've
many things and none of them have solved the problem:
   I'm the programmer for KZMod (which runs on Source SDK Base 2006) and
encountering this message when trying to join listen servers via

Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart the game.

2012-11-04 Thread Peter McKeown
Hey guys, sorry to bump my own topic here, but this issue is still happening. 
Does anyone have any solution? The ideal solution would be for the code that 
does steam game version checking to ignore Source SDK Base 2006, but if I can 
just modify a file to fix the issue that would be great, so I really hope 
someone can help.


Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:10:13 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart 
the game.

Hey guys, thank you for the responses.

I've tried testing with the exact same build time dlls and the issue is still 
persisting. It is possible to join using the steam server browser, it's just 
the ingame server browser and only with listen servers, not dedicated ones.

I've seen this issue on hlcoders before and the solution was using a steam.inf 
file with various settings, or by copying it from another game, but this 
doesn't work anymore, clients still receive the version does not match the 
servers error. This issue only started when sv_master_legacy_mode was changed 
to 0, but this is required in order to get game servers listed, so I'm unsure 
what to do to fix this.

 Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 03:16:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please 
 restart the game.
 very good advice.
 In English it is spelled cause
 On 10/18/12, Adam amckern McKern wrote:
  There could be a few issues - if your running nightly builds and use a
  version management system such as subversion, and your listen server is
  behind you in time (ie west  coast v's east coast) then the server time is
  less then the build time - this will cayuse trouble (same as ztemp files).
  You need to make sure that your client server is running the same build of
  the dll as you, and its clock is the same, or latter then the time stamp on
  the file.
  Owner Nigredo Studios
  From: Peter McKeown
 Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 8:27 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart
  the game.
 Hi guys, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this because I've tried
  many things and none of them have solved the problem:
 I'm the programmer for KZMod (which runs on Source SDK Base 2006) and I'm
  encountering this message when trying to join listen servers via the
  server browser. The message does not occur when joining dedicated servers
  running the same files nor does it occur when direct connecting to listen
  servers. Here is some more details:
 Recently a change was made involving sv_master_legacy_mode, I believe that
  the steam master servers no longer respond to legacy requests. This in
  itself isn't a problem, since setting sv_master_legacy_mode to 0 causes
  servers to be listed on the master server (although sv_master_legacy_mode
  defaults to 1 on Source SDK Base 2006, so servers are by default
  unlisted?), I programmed KZMod to do this automatically so it's not an
  issue. However, with this change to sv_master_legacy_mode 0 has come the
  version does not match error, and having read archives of this mailing
  list, I've tried using a steam.inf with just the appID in the file by
  itself at 215, which doesn't solve the problem, I've tried manually
  modifying the PatchVersion parameter which succeeds in making dedicated
  servers inacessible depending on the number compared to the client's, but
  doesn't allow access to listen servers. I've also tried copying SDK Base's
  steam.inf in or using HL2MP's, but
   this causes servers to become unlisted and recieve regular
  MasterRequestRestart messages in the console.
 KZMOD's GameInfo.txt searchpaths to the gameinfo path and hl2. Adding
  sourcetest to this causes MasterRequestRestart messages and unlisting,
  most likely because it's using the steam.inf from SDK Base 2006.
 It seems that Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't have this issue, but we are
  close to our release date and porting is really a last resort,
  additionally another popular mod, Hidden:Source also uses SDK Base 2006,
  so if anyone could advise me on any solution to this problem, I'd be very
 Peter McKeown
 Programmer, KZMod
 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
  please visit:
 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart the game.

2012-10-18 Thread Peter McKeown

Hey guys, thank you for the responses.

I've tried testing with the exact same build time dlls and the issue is still 
persisting. It is possible to join using the steam server browser, it's just 
the ingame server browser and only with listen servers, not dedicated ones.

I've seen this issue on hlcoders before and the solution was using a steam.inf 
file with various settings, or by copying it from another game, but this 
doesn't work anymore, clients still receive the version does not match the 
servers error. This issue only started when sv_master_legacy_mode was changed 
to 0, but this is required in order to get game servers listed, so I'm unsure 
what to do to fix this.

 Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 03:16:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please 
 restart the game.
 very good advice.
 In English it is spelled cause
 On 10/18/12, Adam amckern McKern wrote:
  There could be a few issues - if your running nightly builds and use a
  version management system such as subversion, and your listen server is
  behind you in time (ie west  coast v's east coast) then the server time is
  less then the build time - this will cayuse trouble (same as ztemp files).
  You need to make sure that your client server is running the same build of
  the dll as you, and its clock is the same, or latter then the time stamp on
  the file.
  Owner Nigredo Studios
  From: Peter McKeown
 Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 8:27 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Your version does not match the servers. Please restart
  the game.
 Hi guys, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this because I've tried
  many things and none of them have solved the problem:
 I'm the programmer for KZMod (which runs on Source SDK Base 2006) and I'm
  encountering this message when trying to join listen servers via the
  server browser. The message does not occur when joining dedicated servers
  running the same files nor does it occur when direct connecting to listen
  servers. Here is some more details:
 Recently a change was made involving sv_master_legacy_mode, I believe that
  the steam master servers no longer respond to legacy requests. This in
  itself isn't a problem, since setting sv_master_legacy_mode to 0 causes
  servers to be listed on the master server (although sv_master_legacy_mode
  defaults to 1 on Source SDK Base 2006, so servers are by default
  unlisted?), I programmed KZMod to do this automatically so it's not an
  issue. However, with this change to sv_master_legacy_mode 0 has come the
  version does not match error, and having read archives of this mailing
  list, I've tried using a steam.inf with just the appID in the file by
  itself at 215, which doesn't solve the problem, I've tried manually
  modifying the PatchVersion parameter which succeeds in making dedicated
  servers inacessible depending on the number compared to the client's, but
  doesn't allow access to listen servers. I've also tried copying SDK Base's
  steam.inf in or using HL2MP's, but
   this causes servers to become unlisted and recieve regular
  MasterRequestRestart messages in the console.
 KZMOD's GameInfo.txt searchpaths to the gameinfo path and hl2. Adding
  sourcetest to this causes MasterRequestRestart messages and unlisting,
  most likely because it's using the steam.inf from SDK Base 2006.
 It seems that Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't have this issue, but we are
  close to our release date and porting is really a last resort,
  additionally another popular mod, Hidden:Source also uses SDK Base 2006,
  so if anyone could advise me on any solution to this problem, I'd be very
 Peter McKeown
 Programmer, KZMod
 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
  please visit:
 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
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