Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-13 Thread Aaron Schiff
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Just post at VDC?


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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-12 Thread Jeremy Swigart
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Is there a community wiki page for such thing?

> Those posts are from 2005.  I had to post about 30 times over the span of
> 16 months before the critical vphysics bug finally got addressed by Valve,
> so I'd advise summarizing the current issues on a new wiki.
> At 2006/08/04 07:21 AM, Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome wrote:
> >>This is great information, and not at all what I thought was being
> >>complained about earlier.  I don't believe anyone's posted these
> >>complaints here or on Verc before.  I don't suppose you'd like to
> >>consolidate this information into a wiki page so Valve has a central
> >>place to go to for those bugs...?
> >
> >See the following threads...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >...I think Valve is well aware of the problem.  :)
> >
> >--
> >Jeffrey "botman" Broome
> >
> >___
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> >
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-12 Thread bloodykenny
Those posts are from 2005.  I had to post about 30 times over the span of 16 
months before the critical vphysics bug finally got addressed by Valve, so I'd 
advise summarizing the current issues on a new wiki.

At 2006/08/04 07:21 AM, Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome wrote:
>>This is great information, and not at all what I thought was being
>>complained about earlier.  I don't believe anyone's posted these
>>complaints here or on Verc before.  I don't suppose you'd like to
>>consolidate this information into a wiki page so Valve has a central
>>place to go to for those bugs...?
>See the following threads...
>...I think Valve is well aware of the problem.  :)
>Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-04 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome


This is great information, and not at all what I thought was being
complained about earlier.  I don't believe anyone's posted these
complaints here or on Verc before.  I don't suppose you'd like to
consolidate this information into a wiki page so Valve has a central
place to go to for those bugs...?

See the following threads...

...I think Valve is well aware of the problem.  :)

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-03 Thread Jeremy Swigart
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
It has been explained several times on here. I've also sent detailed lists
directly to valve, so they know whats missing.

> This is great information, and not at all what I thought was being
> complained about earlier.  I don't believe anyone's posted these complaints
> here or on Verc before.  I don't suppose you'd like to consolidate this
> information into a wiki page so Valve has a central place to go to for those
> bugs...?
> At 2006/08/02 08:38 AM, Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome wrote:
> >Jeremy Swigart wrote:
> >>--
> >>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >>You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
> >>plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of
> the
> >>problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
> >>somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo.
> >
> >...also being able to determine what weapon other players/bots currently
> >have deployed (so you know whether to stand and fight or run away).
> >
> >Being able to know which weapon and/or ammo pickups are active (i.e. the
> >weapon/ammo has spawned and can currently be picked up).  Being able to
> >determine if wall chargers are usable or not (have they been used up?).
> > Being able to determine the state/location of platforms and doors (do
> >I need to wait for a moving platform/lift or is it already at the
> >bottom/top?).  Being able to detect bullet or explosive projectile
> >impacts and sounds.  Being able to tell when things like flashbang
> >grenades have exploded so that the bot reacts properly.
> >
> >These are just a few of the things that aren't easily accessible via
> >plugins.  Without the plugin system supporting these types of querries,
> >developing an easy-to-maintain and mod release agnostic plugin bot will
> >be extremely difficult.
> >
> >--
> >Jeffrey "botman" Broome
> >
> >___
> >To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-03 Thread bloodykenny
This is great information, and not at all what I thought was being complained 
about earlier.  I don't believe anyone's posted these complaints here or on 
Verc before.  I don't suppose you'd like to consolidate this information into a 
wiki page so Valve has a central place to go to for those bugs...?

At 2006/08/02 08:38 AM, Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome wrote:
>Jeremy Swigart wrote:
>>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>>You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
>>plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of the
>>problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
>>somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo.
>...also being able to determine what weapon other players/bots currently
>have deployed (so you know whether to stand and fight or run away).
>Being able to know which weapon and/or ammo pickups are active (i.e. the
>weapon/ammo has spawned and can currently be picked up).  Being able to
>determine if wall chargers are usable or not (have they been used up?).
> Being able to determine the state/location of platforms and doors (do
>I need to wait for a moving platform/lift or is it already at the
>bottom/top?).  Being able to detect bullet or explosive projectile
>impacts and sounds.  Being able to tell when things like flashbang
>grenades have exploded so that the bot reacts properly.
>These are just a few of the things that aren't easily accessible via
>plugins.  Without the plugin system supporting these types of querries,
>developing an easy-to-maintain and mod release agnostic plugin bot will
>be extremely difficult.
>Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-02 Thread Jeremy Swigart
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
True dat. There may be hope on the horizon with this new SDK guy, so
hopefully we will see these things added in an upcoming SDK update.

True that if you have mod source code access you can make bots just fine,
I've been working on such bots for quite a while now in FF, but many bot
coders want to do non mod specific bots, and plug them into CS:S, DOD,
HL2DM, insert any mod here. Getting source access is unrealistic and in many
cases impossible.

On 8/2/06, Jeffrey botman Broome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeremy Swigart wrote:
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
> > plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of
> the
> > problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
> > somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo.
> ...also being able to determine what weapon other players/bots currently
> have deployed (so you know whether to stand and fight or run away).
> Being able to know which weapon and/or ammo pickups are active (i.e. the
> weapon/ammo has spawned and can currently be picked up).  Being able to
> determine if wall chargers are usable or not (have they been used up?).
>   Being able to determine the state/location of platforms and doors (do
> I need to wait for a moving platform/lift or is it already at the
> bottom/top?).  Being able to detect bullet or explosive projectile
> impacts and sounds.  Being able to tell when things like flashbang
> grenades have exploded so that the bot reacts properly.
> These are just a few of the things that aren't easily accessible via
> plugins.  Without the plugin system supporting these types of querries,
> developing an easy-to-maintain and mod release agnostic plugin bot will
> be extremely difficult.
> --
> Jeffrey "botman" Broome
> ___
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> please visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome

Jeremy Swigart wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of the
problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo.

...also being able to determine what weapon other players/bots currently
have deployed (so you know whether to stand and fight or run away).

Being able to know which weapon and/or ammo pickups are active (i.e. the
weapon/ammo has spawned and can currently be picked up).  Being able to
determine if wall chargers are usable or not (have they been used up?).
 Being able to determine the state/location of platforms and doors (do
I need to wait for a moving platform/lift or is it already at the
bottom/top?).  Being able to detect bullet or explosive projectile
impacts and sounds.  Being able to tell when things like flashbang
grenades have exploded so that the bot reacts properly.

These are just a few of the things that aren't easily accessible via
plugins.  Without the plugin system supporting these types of querries,
developing an easy-to-maintain and mod release agnostic plugin bot will
be extremely difficult.

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-02 Thread Robbie Groenewoudt
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Only things are different when using modcode and not server plugins.
The modcode doesn't have these issues...

On 8/2/06, Jeremy Swigart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
> plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of
> the
> problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
> somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo. Such
> basic
> functionality is missing, among other things. Even
> IBotController->SetActiveWeapon(const char *) is rather worthless, as it
> spawns a weapon for the bot, essentially allowing him to cheat. Not only
> that, but calling it too often crashes the game when it runs out of
> entities. CBotCmd.weaponselect is useless too, as there is no way to get
> the
> entity index of a weapon the bot has. If valve were to spend 2 seconds
> added
> a int IBotController::HasWeapon(const char *), which returns -1 if the bot
> doesnt have the weapon, or a valid index otherwise, we'd have something to
> feed into weaponselect. We still wouldn't have access to ammo and stuff,
> which is very important as well, but it'd still be an improvement.  Server
> plugin bots are possible with the current system, if you limit them to
> like
> 1 weapon each time they spawn, or risk the out of entity crashes. These
> are
> just some of the issues we've been trying to get valve to address for like
> a
> year now.
> If you want more information, see
> Few people are willing spend time on half-assed bots.
> I got HL2DM bots working long ago as well,
> but it's not very motivating to publically release them with such glaring
> flaws. I hope the new SDK guy will finally rectify these issues.
> wrote:
> >
> > Are you sure you read my message?  The point was that you don't need to
> > access memory for information about the weapons at all.  Just create a
> > config file that describes some properties about the weapons, like
> whether
> > it's hitscan or projectile etc.
> >
> > At 2006/07/30 02:12 PM, LDuke wrote:
> > >--
> > >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > >You can access info on weapons and other things needed for bots, but
> only
> > >with complicated hacks that are often broken when an update is
> released.
> > It
> > >requires scanning memory for the location you need and then calling
> that
> > >address as a function.
> > >
> > >That's a lot different than handling your own waypoints, and probably
> > isn't
> > >worth the effort that needs to be expended everytime a release occurs
> for
> > >any mod that your bots would be expected to support.
> > >
> > >Grant
> > >(L. Duke)
> > >
> > >
> > >On 7/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> > >wrote:
> > >>
> > >> This is a bit of a copout.  Yes the Valve APIs don't natively support
> > >> weapon introspection, but the Valve APIs don't natively support map
> > waypoint
> > >> querying either, (nor has any FPS API that I'm aware of) and
> > programmers
> > >> have had no problems there.  They simply stored the extra info they
> > needed
> > >> in external config files.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >--
> > >
> > >___
> > >To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> > please visit:
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> > please visit:
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-01 Thread Jeremy Swigart
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You certainly do need access to a hell of alot more than what the server
plugins provide. The properties of the weapon is not in any way part of the
problem. It's finding out if the bot has a particular weapon, and then
somehow changing to it, not to mention querying the weapon ammo. Such basic
functionality is missing, among other things. Even
IBotController->SetActiveWeapon(const char *) is rather worthless, as it
spawns a weapon for the bot, essentially allowing him to cheat. Not only
that, but calling it too often crashes the game when it runs out of
entities. CBotCmd.weaponselect is useless too, as there is no way to get the
entity index of a weapon the bot has. If valve were to spend 2 seconds added
a int IBotController::HasWeapon(const char *), which returns -1 if the bot
doesnt have the weapon, or a valid index otherwise, we'd have something to
feed into weaponselect. We still wouldn't have access to ammo and stuff,
which is very important as well, but it'd still be an improvement.  Server
plugin bots are possible with the current system, if you limit them to like
1 weapon each time they spawn, or risk the out of entity crashes. These are
just some of the issues we've been trying to get valve to address for like a
year now.

If you want more information, see

Few people are willing spend time on half-assed bots.
I got HL2DM bots working long ago as well,
but it's not very motivating to publically release them with such glaring
flaws. I hope the new SDK guy will finally rectify these issues.

> Are you sure you read my message?  The point was that you don't need to
> access memory for information about the weapons at all.  Just create a
> config file that describes some properties about the weapons, like whether
> it's hitscan or projectile etc.
> At 2006/07/30 02:12 PM, LDuke wrote:
> >--
> >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >You can access info on weapons and other things needed for bots, but only
> >with complicated hacks that are often broken when an update is released.
> It
> >requires scanning memory for the location you need and then calling that
> >address as a function.
> >
> >That's a lot different than handling your own waypoints, and probably
> isn't
> >worth the effort that needs to be expended everytime a release occurs for
> >any mod that your bots would be expected to support.
> >
> >Grant
> >(L. Duke)
> >
> >
> >On 7/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> >wrote:
> >>
> >> This is a bit of a copout.  Yes the Valve APIs don't natively support
> >> weapon introspection, but the Valve APIs don't natively support map
> waypoint
> >> querying either, (nor has any FPS API that I'm aware of) and
> programmers
> >> have had no problems there.  They simply stored the extra info they
> needed
> >> in external config files.
> >>
> >>
> >--
> >
> >___
> >To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-08-01 Thread bloodykenny
Are you sure you read my message?  The point was that you don't need to access 
memory for information about the weapons at all.  Just create a config file 
that describes some properties about the weapons, like whether it's hitscan or 
projectile etc.

At 2006/07/30 02:12 PM, LDuke wrote:
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>You can access info on weapons and other things needed for bots, but only
>with complicated hacks that are often broken when an update is released. It
>requires scanning memory for the location you need and then calling that
>address as a function.
>That's a lot different than handling your own waypoints, and probably isn't
>worth the effort that needs to be expended everytime a release occurs for
>any mod that your bots would be expected to support.
>(L. Duke)
>> This is a bit of a copout.  Yes the Valve APIs don't natively support
>> weapon introspection, but the Valve APIs don't natively support map waypoint
>> querying either, (nor has any FPS API that I'm aware of) and programmers
>> have had no problems there.  They simply stored the extra info they needed
>> in external config files.
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-07-30 Thread LDuke
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You can access info on weapons and other things needed for bots, but only
with complicated hacks that are often broken when an update is released. It
requires scanning memory for the location you need and then calling that
address as a function.

That's a lot different than handling your own waypoints, and probably isn't
worth the effort that needs to be expended everytime a release occurs for
any mod that your bots would be expected to support.

(L. Duke)

> This is a bit of a copout.  Yes the Valve APIs don't natively support
> weapon introspection, but the Valve APIs don't natively support map waypoint
> querying either, (nor has any FPS API that I'm aware of) and programmers
> have had no problems there.  They simply stored the extra info they needed
> in external config files.

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-07-30 Thread bloodykenny
This is a bit of a copout.  Yes the Valve APIs don't natively support weapon 
introspection, but the Valve APIs don't natively support map waypoint querying 
either, (nor has any FPS API that I'm aware of) and programmers have had no 
problems there.  They simply stored the extra info they needed in external 
config files.

At 2006/07/24 06:50 PM, Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome wrote:
>THE STORM wrote:
>>Yep, there is! :)
>>Check out for HPBbot2 and RCBot2. They are
>>for HL2DM and their source is public released.
>Just be aware that the HPBbot2 stuff is just a shell that spawns a fake
>client and doesn't do much else.
>Since HL2 plugin had very limited support for getting detailed player
>and weapon properties, I decided it wasn't pursuing a plug-in bot for
>HL2 and mods.
>There was a lengthy discussion about this on the hlcoders email list
>about a year ago if you really wanted to dig through the archive on why
>it was difficult to create a plugin bot that was fully functional and
>easy to maintain.
>Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-07-24 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome

THE STORM wrote:

Yep, there is! :)

Check out for HPBbot2 and RCBot2. They are
for HL2DM and their source is public released.

Just be aware that the HPBbot2 stuff is just a shell that spawns a fake
client and doesn't do much else.

Since HL2 plugin had very limited support for getting detailed player
and weapon properties, I decided it wasn't pursuing a plug-in bot for
HL2 and mods.

There was a lengthy discussion about this on the hlcoders email list
about a year ago if you really wanted to dig through the archive on why
it was difficult to create a plugin bot that was fully functional and
easy to maintain.

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-07-24 Thread THE STORM

Yep, there is! :)

Check out for HPBbot2 and RCBot2. They are
for HL2DM and their source is public released.

The Storm

Robbie Groenewoudt wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
So far HL2DM hasn't got any working bots, though there are serverplugins
that add bots to HL2DM.
At the moment I can't really find an open-source plugin that does this but
don't think porting the code from a plugin to modcode should be that hard?

Does anyone know a good open-source HL2DM bots serverplugin?


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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

[hlcoders] HL2DM bots

2006-07-24 Thread Robbie Groenewoudt
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
So far HL2DM hasn't got any working bots, though there are serverplugins
that add bots to HL2DM.
At the moment I can't really find an open-source plugin that does this but
don't think porting the code from a plugin to modcode should be that hard?

Does anyone know a good open-source HL2DM bots serverplugin?


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