Re: QUERY PROTOCOL - WAS Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Alfred
The problem with the halfd protocol is that it is way too verbose. This
querying standard will be used for ALL 3rd party server interactions
(i.e when you are not actually in the game). We need to minimise the
cost of getting the status of a server. That is why the standard
specified default queries (ala stored procedures in the db world) to
minimise the bandwidth when getting commonly used queries. The standard
also allows programs to query on an ad-hoc basis for the data they want,
it doesn't all need to be lumped into on giant packet.
If you read the standard you will see it is similar to the halfd format,
Rob actually helped in its creation. Right now it is zero limited rather
than tab limited because we didn't want to put any arbiarty constaints
on the strings you can use in response packets. We also designed the
standard to work for all FPS style gaming engines (in the hope that
others would implement it).
- Alfred

Brian A. Stumm wrote:
AND to add to this...

the most popular HL mods are team based. One should be able to get the
damned TEAM scores via a query as well...
Why can I not determine that (in TF) Red teams score is 20 and Blue teams
score is 10 via a query...
THAT is an absolute must in whatever standard is determined. The engine
should allow the mod to set a mod type flag (aka team based) which means
the engine will track team scores...
On a side note, does anyone know how I can obtain team scores for TFC in
the current hlds, even via a middle man hack? by middle man I mean
something such as how botman's code sits between the engine and mod? I've
figured out how to determine lots of info like the x,y,z coords of each
player, kills, deaths, current weapon held, armor, health, etc etc etc but
for the life of me CANNOT find the phreaking team score and THAT is
completely frustrating...
On Tue, 27 May 2003, Brian A. Stumm wrote:

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Alfred wrote:

This standard was produces by this list about 6 months ago. Hopefully
something like this will appear in HL2, nothing concrete about this side
of the engine has been decided however.
yes I've reviewed that before. I should have commented before.

a tab delimited format would be much better. Its a system that has been in
use for better than 20 years now.
Are you familiar with the halfd newapi standard?

lines   18
up  1
users   [STF]H4XI-NET_COP   [STF]1337   TheOtherWhiteMeat
pings   5   5   5   5
frags   0   10  1   1
times   60:42:3560:42:3560:42:3560:42:35
userid  843 844 845 846
wonid   0   0   0   0
model   PyroPyroEngineerEngineer
teamBlueRed BlueRed
deaths  0   0   1   1
map 2fort
cnt 4
Formatting may get wasted here but let me explain. First line tells us how
many lines to expect ie:

\t meaning TAB and \r\n meaning newline.

Now we read 18 lines, the 18th line is blank which indicates end of
These subsequent lines are key/data pairs. This provides us with a
multidimensional array of data.
From the data above we can see that...
The player with name theotherwhitemeat has ping of 5, 1 frag, been
playing for 60 hours 42 minutes 35 minutes, is from ip, userid
is 846, wonid is 0 (this is a bot), model/class is engineer, team is red,
has 1 death. We also know that voting is enabled (1) the map is 2fort and
that there are 1537 seconds left on map. This is a single Halfd packet.
There are other type messages that COULD be received. ie:
lines   8
up  1
auth2 #2
max 14
type indicates the kind of data we are reading...

Anyone that is familiar with database import can deal with this type of
data in any language. Tab Delimited...
Players cannot use tabs or newlines in chat messages (in current hlds
engine) which also makes this preferable.
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Brian A. Stummd88b.
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RE: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-29 Thread RDG O'Sullivan
  Any person who is not trained in the basics of programming (algorithms +
  data = programs) and how to express them in a computer language is
  -- by definition -- not a programmer.  This is the same distinction
  made between real hackers and mere script kiddies.

 The way you say this, you're basically saying that *I* am not a programmer,
 and am limited to copy and paste. I've never taken a lesson in my life, I've
 never been trained and I'm willing to bet a LOT of people that could do
 circles around you haven't either.

You can teach yourself to program, but both teacher and student need to
be the right kind of person. This was aimed at people who are
untrained in the respect of being unable to implement new algorithms
in code. You're clearly better than that.

Edge has managed to procure some information from insiders at Sony
though. Apparently, PlayStation3 will be even more difficult to program
than the PlayStation2 was, though according to contacts inside SCB RD,
this is partly deliberate, in a bid to eliminate developers who don't
have the technical skill to develop for the platform.
- p.12, Edge #124

Referring back to the original discussion... Power and flexibility are
necessary to give HL2 technically interesting mods. Simplicity and ease
of use are clearly secondary. However, a well-documented SDK would be
nice, and would make it easier to use this power and flexibility - to
those who know what they're doing. Unskilled programmers who don't know
what they're doing are basically irrelevant, as they are unlikely to
produce anything of importance until they improve - whether with a
simplified scripting language or a powerful and well-supported language
like C++ or Java.

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Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-28 Thread Michael A. Hobson

This phrase:

(algorithms + data = programs)

Should be:

(algorithms + data structures = programs)

Michael A. Hobson
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Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-27 Thread Jeroen \ShadowLord\ Bogers
 If you (or ANYONE) belive that C++ is the be all and end all of
 of games then you need to take a reality check, wake up and stop being so
It's not the be all and all. But it is the base for almost any AAA game. So
you can't just shove C/C++ aside without looking back.

 Anyways, I'm not going to argue this point any more, simply because i've
 been in your postion, did some reading and researching into scripting
 systems and realised just how good they are and what you can do with them,
 and frankly i've had enuff of bashing my head against a brick wall here
 i've better things to do (like work and make a living).
 So, go through life beliving C++ is the best if you like, but if you plan
 taking your skills out into the game industry be prepared for a shock and
 kick in the teeth when they use other things as well.
The thing is that with only a scripting language Half-Life 2 modding will
never be as big. The modders basicly need the same access to the game as the
developper had, except maybe the core engine (altho there are ways aorund
the enige too). Just like the HL SDK works now. With only scripting this is
just not feasable. The scripting would be so complex and feature rich that
it would be easier to just start coding in binary code :)

The key is a combination of scriping and C/C++, just like game developpers
use. The creative staff uses the scripting language to create whatever they
want in a simple way. If it doesn't support a certain feature, it's added
with C/C++. Just like that, the modder would need the same access. If you
want to create a 'simple' mod, you can just use the scripting language only.
And you're happy it was all so simple to mod HL. On the other hand, if you
want to make a real TC, like a rally mod, you just fire up your favorite
C/C++ editor next to the script editor and start working... If you need
extra power or a new script feature, you just switch ot your C/C++ window,
code it there and then continue with the script. This way you have the best
of both worlds. And it allows the creative staff of your mod to do a lot of
coding for you with the script, while the core coding team concentrates on
the bowels of the engine.

Jeroen ShadowLord Bogers

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RE: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-27 Thread Kyle
OMFG MY EMAIL, jesus christ you guys clam DOWN!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony omega
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 8:39 PM
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

I'm replying to myself because I just re-read it, it may seem like I have
this thing against CS, but I don't. Anyway, more to the point, because of
something phantom said about hl being one of the first.. well, no. Quake.
I'll bring up quake any day of the week. From what I know/remember, the
majority (or at least, a large chunk.. robin with tf, yahn with BSP, steve
used to run a quake modding site (he even helped me with some stuff back in
the day for quake, thanks steve!) of valve are/were all Quake Modders. It
isn't because its written in c/c++ that the mod community is so big; its
BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT IT. I've yet to see another retail game where the TEAM
sets up a coding mailing list, and other forms of communication to keep
community interaction with their project. HL could have had its own
variation on QuakeC, and I'm willing to bet it still would have risen to the

Sure, it may not have lasted AS long, with so many things being recycled,
it's the fact that valve has always supported the mod community, being
modders themselves that put them to the top.

From what I've seen, even if hl2 used a scripting language, I'd STILL mod
for it, unlike unreal. I just don't see the support aspect there.

Blackened Interactive -
Wavelength -

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlcoders-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony omega Sergi
 Sent: May 26, 2003 11:30 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

 No other game has counter-strike, and people wanting to clone it either.
 No other game has a huge following that thinks CS *IS* the engine, and
 they want to mod it.

 I just felt like throwing this in for no real reason. I'm all for c/c++
 scripting anyway, always have been, however its surely not because of
 that there are so many mods. There are hundreds if not thousands of mods
 that are by people that don't know how to program anyway, they just want a
 piece of the hl mod pie, and most of them are CS players.

 Blackened Interactive -
 Wavelength -

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Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-27 Thread Sniper
Truth hurts, doesn't it. The average game out there IS just a bunch of
crappy weapon mods. Take the entire Starsiege: Tribes series for instance.
The mod community was built around a scripting engine the game featured.
Nothing but double warhammer shotgun flameball thrower plasma bomb
launcher weapon mods were created.

There are several different examples of why scripting languages usually lead
to crappy weapon mods. Too many to list.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael A. Hobson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 9:18 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

  Persons who are not up to programming in C or C++ are not up to
  programming at all and are certainly not skilled enough to produce
  but crappy weapons mods.

 oh, one last thing, this is the most bigoeted, short sighed and childish
 comment in this whole convasion.
 Your going to write off the work of everyone who programs in something
 other than C or C++ because they are 'not upto it' if they havent needed
 learn it?
 Tell me when you get out into the real world and discover C++ isnt 'all
 that' :)
 (btw, i'd be intrested to know just how much of C++ you really do know
:) )

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Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

2003-05-27 Thread Phantom
And i wonder how many 'crappy weapon mods' have existed for HL and just
faded away.. probably no less.

btw, most of my comment was directed at the idea that unless you can code in
C or C++ you might as well not bother programming at all, which unless you
are crazy and an idiot you cant agree with :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] c++ vs. scripts

 Truth hurts, doesn't it. The average game out there IS just a bunch of
 crappy weapon mods. Take the entire Starsiege: Tribes series for instance.
 The mod community was built around a scripting engine the game featured.
 Nothing but double warhammer shotgun flameball thrower plasma bomb
 launcher weapon mods were created.

 There are several different examples of why scripting languages usually
 to crappy weapon mods. Too many to list.


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