RE: [hlcoders] missing symbols

2006-11-06 Thread Mike Durand
Hi All-

Just for some clarification on the subject of libs:

So one thing that you'll notice with this new release is that there are
now two 'lib' folders. The one located at '%MOD_SRC_ROOT%\lib' contains
libraries built with VS2005 and the one at '%MOD_SRC_ROOT%\lib-vc7'
contains libraries built with VS2003. We need to distribute bot sets
because VS2005 does not link libraries built with VS2003.

So this means that if you are merging the new code and libs into an
existing VS 2003 .vcproj you will need to make sure that this project is
getting libs from the 'lib-vc7' directory.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tobias
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] missing symbols

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Have you copied the lib
folder too?


On 06/11/06, Giancarlo Rivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Hi, I am trying to
> merge my mod code to the 'new sdk' (the one that still can't compile
> on vc2k5). I cleared all compiler errors on the client but the linker
> is giving me missing symbols like:
> _info::vftable on tier1.lib vgui_controls.lib libcpd.lib and seevral
> of the obj files of the project.
> After that it looks like if goes crazy and reports missing base
> functions like _stricmp, _atexit, _fltused, _CIfmod, _RTDynamicCast,
> _finite, _chkstk, _atof, _atoi, _strchr, _ftol2, _CIacos, _floor,
> _strstr, _alloca_probe, _RTtypeid, _sscanf, _qsort, _assert, _wcslen,
> _CIpow, _memmove, _isalnum, _CxxFrameHandler, _except_list,
> _vsnprintf, etc
> (er, with double _ at thebeginning of their names) Anyone know what
> did I delete or am missing?
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] missing symbols

2006-11-06 Thread Tobias Kammersgaard
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Have you copied the lib folder too?


On 06/11/06, Giancarlo Rivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi, I am trying to merge my mod code to the 'new sdk' (the one that still
> can't compile on vc2k5). I cleared all compiler errors on the client but
> the
> linker is giving me missing symbols like:
> _info::vftable on tier1.lib vgui_controls.lib libcpd.lib and seevral of
> the
> obj files of the project.
> After that it looks like if goes crazy and reports missing base functions
> like _stricmp, _atexit, _fltused, _CIfmod, _RTDynamicCast, _finite,
> _chkstk,
> _atof, _atoi, _strchr, _ftol2, _CIacos, _floor, _strstr, _alloca_probe,
> _RTtypeid, _sscanf, _qsort, _assert, _wcslen, _CIpow, _memmove, _isalnum,
> _CxxFrameHandler, _except_list, _vsnprintf, etc
> (er, with double _ at thebeginning of their names)
> Anyone know what did I delete or am missing?
> --
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:


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[hlcoders] missing symbols

2006-11-06 Thread Giancarlo Rivas
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi, I am trying to merge my mod code to the 'new sdk' (the one that still
can't compile on vc2k5). I cleared all compiler errors on the client but the
linker is giving me missing symbols like:

_info::vftable on tier1.lib vgui_controls.lib libcpd.lib and seevral of the
obj files of the project.

After that it looks like if goes crazy and reports missing base functions
like _stricmp, _atexit, _fltused, _CIfmod, _RTDynamicCast, _finite, _chkstk,
_atof, _atoi, _strchr, _ftol2, _CIacos, _floor, _strstr, _alloca_probe,
_RTtypeid, _sscanf, _qsort, _assert, _wcslen, _CIpow, _memmove, _isalnum,
_CxxFrameHandler, _except_list, _vsnprintf, etc

(er, with double _ at thebeginning of their names)
Anyone know what did I delete or am missing?

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