Re: [hlds] Master server browser

2016-05-31 Thread 3Turtles
pychonic (Lead Sourcemod Developer) spent the last hour troubleshooting 
the issue with me and found a solution. For anyone else wondering here 
it is:

In your Steam client folder (same as steam.exe) copy steamclient.dll, 
tier0_s.dll and vstdlib_s.dll to the server's bin folder (which is in 
same directory as srcds.exe. Then restart the server.

Big Kudos to pychonic for his patience!

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Re: [hlds] Master server browser

2016-05-30 Thread 3Turtles

It's a mod called: Modular Combat

The strange thing is, i had a similar problem on my other dedicated box 
but i solved it by adding the setmaster lines manually.  Those same 
setmaster lines dont work on this new box.  Also the firewall settings 
are identical the only difference between the server boxes is that the 
old one runs Windows 2012 R2 Standard and the new one runs Windows 8.1 
(i'm limited to a client OS because server OS isn't supported on that 
type of server).

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Re: [hlds] Master server browser

2016-05-29 Thread 3Turtles
I analyzed my firewall logs and the connection to valve servers is being 

But for whatever reason, the master servers refuse to list my server.

When i run the test CSS server, i get the exact same lines and the 
server is listed fine.

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Re: [hlds] Server Doesnt Show Up On Master Server List

2016-05-28 Thread 3Turtles

I didn't do that before, but i just tried it too and it also didn't work.

Oddly, when i got it to appear briefly on the server list after trying 
everything i could think of for over 4 hours the server was added to the 
server list when i connected.  That doesn't work anymore though.

The box runs 5 servers on the same IP (with incrementing ports), but i'm 
currently testing this server list issue with just 1 server being online.

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Re: [hlds] Server Doesnt Show Up On Master Server List

2016-05-28 Thread 3Turtles
I tried that, waited a few minutes and its still not showing up (im 
testing via 
and querying the master server list itself (via a php script which lists 
all server ips).

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[hlds] Server Doesnt Show Up On Master Server List

2016-05-28 Thread 3Turtles
My server doesn't show up 99% of the time on the master server list.  My 
server is at a datacenter and it's not a ports issue because its using 
identical opened ports from one of my other boxes where this isn't an issue.

Oddly, when i run a test CSS server on the box, it shows up on the 
master server list properly so something else weird is going on. I've 
tried multiple times reinstalling the files, and even disabling 

I also have this in my autoexec.cfg and server.cfg and it hasn't helped 
(whereas on my other server it has):

setmaster enable
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add

Any idea what's happening and how i can fix it?

P.S. This is for a modification called Modular Combat.

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Re: [hlds] Master Server List Issues - Can you help me?

2015-11-25 Thread 3Turtles

I think i managed to fix it.

It looks like my servers were trying to submit to the wrong master 
server list.  So added the following in 3 files (autoexec.cfg, 
server.cfg and sourcemod.cfg):

setmaster enable
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add

Thanks for everyone's help.  It helped me pinpoint where the problem was.

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Re: [hlds] Master Server List Issues - Can you help me?

2015-11-24 Thread 3Turtles
It's not running in lan mode.  I have sv_lan 0 in server.cfg and i just 
verified via rcon that its 0.

There's only 3 or 4 other server's for this game so the server list 
isn't being overloaded.  Is valve phasing out support for listing 
servers using Source 2007?

I'm not simply refreshing my server browser list to see if its being 
listed, im using a php script that queries the master server list and 
shows me ips of every server.  The server never displays :( It's not the 
mod itself either as i can run a test server from home and it shows up 
on the server list fine.  Something is happening on the server, i just 
don't know what or how to fix it :-/

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[hlds] Master Server List Issues - Can you help me?

2015-11-24 Thread 3Turtles

Server OS: Windows 2012 R2 x64
Processor: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 (Quad Core)
Ram: 32GB
Game(s): Modular Combat
Start Up Command: -console -game modularcombat +map dm_runoff -ticrate 
66 -pingboost 2 -secure +ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 16 
+exec server.cfg +rcon_password PASSWORD

Admin Mods: Metamod Source, Sourcemod

Bandwidth: 116MB Download, 27MB Upload (Datacenter says its 1Gb connection)
External IP: to
Opened Ports: UDP: 26900-26903, 27015-27016, 27020, 27030-27031

I recently moved my dedicated server (rented from datacenter) to VMWare 
ESXi and the game servers are in a virtual machine running Windows 2012 
R2 x64.  They appeared on the server list fine when the box was just 
running Windows, but in the VM they dont.  Changing back isn't an option 

I've tried the following with no success:

 * Disabling the firewall (Temporarily for duration of test)
 * Typing heartbeat in console and server.cfg
 * Various sv_region settings
 * Fresh install with nothing custom (no configs, metamod or sourcemod)
 * Setting sv_master_legacy_mode to 0 and 1
 * Setting sv_master_share_game_socket to 0 and 1

Oddly, it does appear that its making a connection to the Steam servers 
because VAC works and i see the following on startup:

|Using 'steambeta1:27013' CSER server!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
  VAC secure mode is activated.|

Aside from this problem, the server appears on people's favorite list 
and they can connect to it fine.

Any idea what's happening?  This is particularly bad because i host the 
official servers for the mod.

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2015-11-07 Thread 3Turtles
Ive been having a very strange problem on my game servers for the past 
few months (i only just heard about it today).  The server is running an 
old Source 2007 mod and when players connect, their steamid's show up as 

This happens to even myself.  Oddly, when i type status in console i can 
see most players steamid.  But functions like ban display 
STEAM_ID_PENDING instead of the user's steamid (i tested this by banning 

I understand STEAM_ID_PENDING not going away means the server can't 
connect to the steam servers, but the server console shows:

   Using 'steambeta1:27013' CSER server!
   Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.

Each server is using its own IP address and i have the following ports open:

UDP: 26901 to 26903 (VAC), 27015, 27016, 27020, 27050

Any idea how i can fix this?

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[hlds] Server Wont Appear on Server List

2015-02-26 Thread 3Turtles
My server is running a steam version of a source 2007 mod (Modular 
Combat) and i'm having problems getting the server to appear on the 
server list of the client.  There's no dedicated server available yet 
because the engine is so old so i installed Source 2007 server. I can 
connect and play on the server fine through the console, but i just 
can't get it to display on the server list.

I have sv_region 0 in my server config and changing IPs or running only 
that server on my box doesn't fix it.

I even tried steam_appid.txt in the mod directory with the mod appid, 
with source 2007 server appid and with the non-steam appid of the mod.  
None of them worked.

Any idea what's happening?

P.S. Does Source 2007 hate custom appids?  Is that the cause for all this?

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Re: [hlds] Server config isint being applied

2014-12-16 Thread 3Turtles

I got it working.

valve.rc in the cfg directory had the hostname set in it.  I removed it 
and it fixed my problem.

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[hlds] Server config isint being applied

2014-12-15 Thread 3Turtles
I use a custom name for my server.cfg file for my Source 2007 server 
(Modular Combat mod) and something new has started happening. It seems 
like the config is executing (i use +exec server1.cfg in my command line 
paramters) because the echo i added shows up in console but many of the 
commands in it (including hostname) aren't actually being executed.

Any idea how i can fix this?  I thought maybe it was the encoding of my 
file so i tried dos, unix, ascii, utf-8.  Nothing works.  Even if i take 
the server.cfg file that works and edit it and rename it, it stops working.

P.S. I've never had this problem before, in fact my Garrys Mod servers 
dont have this problem either and they're on the same machine.

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Re: [hlds] Source 2007 Server Wont Display on Server List

2014-12-15 Thread 3Turtles

You sir are a gentlemen and a scholar.

sv_region 0 fixed it.

Many many thanks!

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Re: [hlds] Source 2007 Server Wont Display on Server List

2014-12-15 Thread 3Turtles

I went to that page (with sv_enableoldqueries set to 0) and it displays:


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Re: [hlds] Source 2007 Server Wont Display on Server List

2014-12-15 Thread 3Turtles

It didn't fix it :(

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[hlds] Source 2007 Server Wont Display on Server List

2014-12-15 Thread 3Turtles
I've been trying to get my Modular Combat (Source SDK Base 2007) server 
to display on the server list for the past 5 hours and everything i've 
tried doesnt work.  In my server.cfg i have at the bottom:

   sv_master_legacy_mode 0

And this didn't fix it.  My dedicated server box has 2 garrys mod 
servers displaying fine on the server list, its just my source 2007 
(Modular Combat mod) server that wont show up at all.

Is the "Source SDK Base 2007 dedicated server" repo (appid 310) broken?

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Re: [hlds] Can't Join Team

2014-01-10 Thread 3Turtles

Reconnecting to server doesn't fix it.  But restarting/changing map does.

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Re: [hlds] Can't Join Team

2014-01-09 Thread 3Turtles

I forgot to mention.  The game is TF2.

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[hlds] Can't Join Team

2014-01-09 Thread 3Turtles
My server has been having an odd issue: some players are unable to join 
a team.  They can connect and choose a team and class but after choosing 
class they stay in spectator mode.  They aren't moved to the team they 

 Any idea why this is happening and how i can fix it?

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Re: [hlds] IP Tunneling Doesnt Work With SRCDS

2013-11-26 Thread 3Turtles
I fixed it!  It was a stupid mistake on my part.  I forgot to forward 
udp traffic to the public ip in iptables.  In case anyone else gets this 
kind of problem here are the rules you need:

In the *nat section add (on each line replace the first instance of 
X.X.X.X with your public ip and the second instance with your internal ip):

-A PREROUTING -d X.X.X.X -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination X.X.X.X
-A PREROUTING -d X.X.X.X -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination X.X.X.X

In the *filter section add (on each line replace the first instance of 
X.X.X.X with internal ip):

-A FORWARD -d x.x.x.x -p tcp -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -d x.x.x.x -p udp -j ACCEPT

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Re: [hlds] IP Tunneling Doesnt Work With SRCDS

2013-11-26 Thread 3Turtles
When i connect to the tunnel, i can query the server via its internal IP 
fine.  It's the external IP that's not working.  It works fine with 
things that only use 1 TCP port (eg. web server) but SRCDS just isint 
working.  I'm not sure if its because its primarily UDP, but the console 
does show everything connecting fine, see below:

Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL

Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is 209.141.39.X.
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:(3799)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
Connection to game coordinator established.
Current item schema is up-to-date with version BD3E31DB.
Received auth challenge; signing into gameserver account...
L 11/27/2013 - 02:19:52: Received auth challenge; signing into 
gameserver account...

Game server authentication: SUCCESS! Standing: Good. Trend: Steady
L 11/27/2013 - 02:19:52: Game server authentication: SUCCESS! Standing: 
Good. Tr

end: Steady

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Re: [hlds] IP Tunneling Doesnt Work With SRCDS

2013-11-26 Thread 3Turtles

* To clarify my previous post;

I originally did that (opened udp/tcp 27015) but when it still wasnt working, i 
opened all tcp
and udp ports and its still not working.

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Re: [hlds] IP Tunneling Doesnt Work With SRCDS

2013-11-25 Thread 3Turtles
I originally did that but when it still wasnt working, i opened all tcp 
and udp ports.

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[hlds] IP Tunneling Doesnt Work With SRCDS

2013-11-25 Thread 3Turtles
I know this isin't exactly the place to ask about this, but i dont know 
where else to ask:

I got an IPSec tunnel to mitigate DDoS attacks and the tunnel is working 
properly as i can view my tunneled game control panel (UGCC) fine. My 
problem is that my TF2 server cannot be queried or joined.

I have SRCDS listening on the internal ip (10.1.0.x) and it displays the 
public ip in the console fine but i still can't query it.

On the DDoS VPS, i have IpTables set to allow all incoming and outgoing 
traffic. Also, it can't be the box my game server runs on because when i 
set it to listen to the regular non ddos protected IP, i can query and 
connect to it fine.

Any idea what's happening?

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Re: [hlds] Problems with CSGO Server

2013-09-09 Thread 3Turtles

Doh >.<

Didnt realize there was a list for csgo.

Thanks :3

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[hlds] Problems with CSGO Server

2013-09-08 Thread 3Turtles
I have my CSGO server set up and it starts fine but when i connect i get 
kicked with:

Host_Error: Server is enforcing file consistency for 

The odd thing is, it does the above error even when pure is set to 0.

I even tried deleting all of my CSGO client files, running verify cache 
and redownloading them all and the same thing is still happening.

Any idea how to fix this?

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