[hlds] Custom browser tab

2008-03-02 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

  Just wanted to post some frustrated thoughts on this new patch change in how 
servers appear in the browsers.

  Now those that know me know that I dont moan about changes much, I just 
shutup and get on with it or find a means around the problem without making a 

  I certanly dont wish to make a fuss and I know theres quite a few posts about 
this already so I hope this doesnt step on someone's toes, maybe these issues 
have already been brought up or people are fedup on the subject already.

  First issue is the steam browser doesnt have the custom tab, the ingame 
browser does. I for one use the steam browser to find a server and join as 
opposed to firing up TF2 and looking for a server. I do of course sometimes 
fire TF2 up and then go to my favourites but not always, this would suggest 
that others also do that.
  Then simply if your server meets the criteria of being a custom server it 
doesnt appear in the internet list. Some users may be totally unaware your 
server is running and join it unless they are familiar with the other method.

  Simple solution would be to make sure this doesnt take too long to address 

  Second issue I have is with having 2 browser lists. Favourites is a good idea 
and people will want to find servers without searching for them, and the 
suggestion is a good percentage of some of my server users have kept their 
favourites. But not all of them and the drop in player numbers speaks for 

  If people are like me, I like to quickly hit search, scroll a list and find 
what I want. I wont want to then think oh hang on I might fancy a different 
gametype and then have to go to custom and do another search.

  Some people wont even know that this is where some servers are located. you 
are seriously expecting people to understand that sv_alltalk turned on moves a 
server from where it normally is to another list!

  It's time involving, gamers are creators of comfort and relies on every gamer 
out there knowing and understanding this is what happens.

  Finally I can understand stuff like critical hits and instant respawn being 
moved to this list but sv_alltalk and maxplayers?

  You can turn alltalk on during play and your server moves from internet to 
custom straight away!!

  Likewise if you do move 25-32 slot servers into custom based on the official 
means then surely you should force all large slot servers into this list to be 

  Likewise the same applies to those of us using insta spawn on beetles now 
being in a different location to those who use the cvar method! Servers are not 
correctly going to be filtered via this means.

  Of course im happy to chane my settings to whatever way works thats not the 
issue the point is it splits all servers out of a list.

  My personal solution would be do away with custom, have 1 single list, like 
you get in any other game and if people wish to filter they can then apply the 
filter to the list thats just refreshed in internet much as you do when 
changing the location, ping settings, map etc.
  It just doenst make sense to have filters for some things and then move other 
settings into a totally different list.

  Its logical if all filters are applied to one list, just like you can do say 
with COD4.

  Sorry for the lenghty rant, not really looking to argue or slag anyone off or 
say I dont like it moan moan boo hoo just saying I think there's better ways of 
doing this without pissing everyone off!!

  The current method at time off writing this theres 400 servers under 
internet, the main browser and 1000 under custom.

  That says a lot, and it says to me that people used to one particular method 
of server may totally ignore theo ther lot, when before this change you could 
find everything under one simple list and join whatever caught your fancy!

  Cheers again anyways.

  Like a good boy ill be reviewing the settings ive applied and considering the 
options but right now im in two minds where I want my servers listed and where 
I think the majority of my players will expect to find them!!

  Hopefully the users will work this out for themselves but its obviously 
causing confusion to quite a lot.


  PS Fingers crossed people will so this wont be an issue at all..

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[hlds] Still suffering linux related low fps high cpu

2007-10-16 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks Kyrios, didnt think of that.

  Just checked but sadly thats not the case :/

  top - 18:40:04 up 7 days,  2:28,  1 user,  load average: 1.09, 1.25, 1.37
Tasks:  60 total,   3 running,  57 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu0  : 34.7%us,  3.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 62.3%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Cpu1  : 32.2%us,  3.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 62.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.3%hi,  1.3%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   3767424k total,  3649044k used,   118380k free,   173088k buffers
Swap:  1518100k total,0k used,  1518100k free,  2784024k cached

  Thanks anyway for the suggestion.


[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Is that intendended:
48.5%us,  4.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 46.2%id,  0.0%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.7%si,  0.0%st

This looks like all 4 Servers are running on only 1 of the cores. Press "1"
in top to examine this. 4 Threads on one CPU doesn't sound like a very good

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[hlds] TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

2007-10-15 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Oh give it a rest Dan.

  A lot of people are getting sick of the constent whiny posts (thanks to those 
who sent support on this btw!) asking the same questions and not getting 
  Its obvious to me, tom, dick and his pet frigging dog your not going to get 
an answer, is that a good thing? No im not saying that but for the sake and 
respect of everyone else on the list if you want to constantly complain over 
and over again do it on the steam forums where it seems to be impossible to put 
a problem to bed and we can ignore it.

  Plugin or modded bins, either way is that how valve intended it to be run? no 
its not is it, how hard is that to grasp?
  If you choose to mod a server in any way shape or form thats fine, we all do 
it no problems there but if valve dont want to support the changes that were 
made outside of their control then fair enough. You dont stick a porsche engine 
in a ford and then take it to a ford garage because the bloddy engine doesnt 
fit do you?
  Its not a feature that valve have introduced and its not something they have 
to support and asking them questions about it and demanding answers is like 
beating your head against the wall.

  That sir is there within the problem that you are inflicting on us all, its 
not just this it was people asking stupid questions like filtering out custom 
maps from the client browser just so he didnt have to play ep1 style content, 
omg give us a break.

  If I install a mod and the mod then makes my server incompatible in some way 
shap or form ill go to the modder and sort it out with him.  If I promise to 
sell 32 man servers to people on some dodgy frigging hack that valve dont want 
anything to do with then I bite the bullet and apologise to my customers for 
jumping the gun trying to get a few easy quid in the pocket.
  Live and learn, thats the experience of life.

  I dont think anyone has a problem with people asking off post questions now 
and again its when people just go on and on and on and on ... hang on a minute 
I need to find another duracell to repower the on and on part. moaning, 
whining and slagging off valve when its obvious they are not going to give an 
answer if you keep on like that.

  It would be nice to have an official stance, didnt say it wasnt but I 
certanly wont let the whining bully boys push me around like they have done to 
everyone else who has asked for them to stop please.

  Now ill explain the last bit in terms you might just understand, no offence 
intended there but you dont seem to understand why I said I wasnt going to 
reply in 1st, out of respect for the other users I acknoweldged that my posts 
whining about them whining wasnt helping matters but thank you for pointing 
that out again and out of respect and for the sanity of everyone else said I 
wasnt going to rise to the bully boy possie and reply if you couldnt understand 
why others were getting upset.

  Why because everything that needed to be said had been said, obviously not 
but hey this isnt a forum if you wish to carry on being childish and attempting 
to be insulting then so be it.

  I have far more important things to do then play internet rambling with 
people who have no respect for other users and think its ME ME ME im important 
I dont care about anyone else valve shafted me wah wah I must whine.

  Whatever, I apologise to those whome I may have offended by raising to the 
bait and seriously I DO ... no lets not do the big letter game, I do understand 
that this is not helping matters and dont wish to carry on acting being exactly 
the same as the guys who do have no respect for others, not a case of im right 
and your not which you seem to be very ... no I wont do that im a mature adult 
and able to finish something without provoking people into a reply when there's 
really no need to say owt more!

  As you say, dont like the complaint's then theres a delete key.


  [waffle waffle]
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Honestly, you are not helping the situation. If you don't like the bickerin=
g, there's always the delete button.  But, you decided to make matters wors=
e with a rather long (and somewhat redundant) email complaining about peopl=
e who are complaining.  Not to mention, you speak of ignorance when you you=
rself are being ignorant of the subject; there were legit server plugins th=
at were doing this without the modifications of the server bins.

People are asking a reasonable question: Why impose just a 24 player limit =
and not let the server admins choose?  All Valve has to do is release a sta=
tement on it.  And it does have something to do with servers: when a plugin=
 is being run to cause 32 player servers not to show up, your server will n=
ot get seen at all, therefore not played on.  Personally, I have not played=
 the game nor run the client, but this is getting ridiculous.

And IMO, from a bystander's point

[hlds] TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

2007-10-14 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Your missing a whole load of points.  This is ..and I will say it again ... a 
HLDS mailing list, Half-Life Dedicated server mailing list. It's not a forum 
where you can join in and browse at leasure easily, not something you can 
search/find when your looking for specific help. Your sending out spam to a 
mailing list full of people who couldnt care less about an un-supported 
modification to TF2.

  And your probelm..Its a filter in the STEAM CLIENT right? IS that part of 
HLDS? Not its not is it right? For the record you do know the difference 
between the Steam Client and HLDS dont you? if you dont and think dedicated 
servers are mostly run through the steam client on the "dedicated" button I 
suggest you look into the matter further before responding.

  The changes which valve have decided to filter out in their STEAM CLIENT 
(Client being that nice little gui that runs on your home pc when you connect 
to your dedicated server remotely) were neither supported or approved so why 
should they listen to DEMANDS on why they decided to pull the plug on it, if 
they wanted to say somethign they would have, they havent so moaning and 
whining on about it serves what purpose exactly?
  Exactly the mentaility you get on the steam forums.. whine whine I DEMAND a 
right to know ... NO WE ARE RIGHT I WONT SHUTUP... for the love of money 
someone save me!

  So to bring to an end, your spamming us about something thats changed in the 
client in relation to a hacked un-supported modded server binarys which are 
neither approved OR supported by valve.
  A change in the Client that people have rightly pointed out neither stops you 
running the server, administrating the server, or joining the server therefor 
highly worthy of flooding the mailing list with post about right?

  Then when people pointed this out nicely that perhaps you shouldnt be posting 
this here, nor demanding an answer people got the hump and started ranting off 
stating we demand answers. Well good luck, if thats the tone you wish to adopt 
then kindly do it on the forums where "problems" like this SHOULD be posted and 
not spamming us with things that matter not to us.  If you cant see the 
difference between the HLDS mailing list and the steam forums then its 
pointless me even saying another word to you because its obvious to all of us 
who is posting whining pointless spam in the wrong place.

  PS lets net get childish about it, I never said I couldnt run a 32 man server 
I simply stated I didnt want to hack the server bins because I felt 24 player 
slots was plenrty.  I have 13 TF2 servers with space to run another 5/6 if I 
wanted, I could quite easily run a 32 man server if I wanted.

  Really if this is the type of reply your going to come up with then ill say 
it again you really really really are in the wrong place pal and all I can say 
is the mailing is worst off for it.

  I should not have to justify anything to anyone for conclusions they have 
drawn, I wont let myself be drawn further on such purile comments :)

  PPS I appreciate my comments are neither helping and equally contributing to 
the spam so as far as I am concerned on this subject im saying no more, if you 
cant see the logic in this post then its really not worth another moment of my 


  [You said]
  Doesn't sound like whining to me, its not unreasonable to expect to be
told whats in the contents of an update or the rational for making the
decision for locking the slots to 24 players, neither of which has
been provided in the last update(FYI No hexing of dll's was actually
required to run 32man as a helpful mod was actually posted to this
list) ..

If the next update stopped you from kicking & banning players & there
was no announcement or any reason provided most you would be mortified
& whining like somebody who passed out last night & awoke to find a
limb removed.

.. Just because either you have no wish to run or don't have the
resources available to run a 32 man TF2 server doesn't mean the rest
of us cannot discuss the matter here, which is after all what this
list is about, to support each other & not have trolling matches

We just want some replies from Valve.. as they have been oh so quiet
on this list since the last update came out, I'm hoping Alfred or one
of the other guys from Valve might actually comment, rather than the
quit whining brigade who are just spamming the list with unhelpful

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[hlds] Still suffering linux related low fps high cpu

2007-10-14 Thread John Porter
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Hmm you see the weird thing is, I know someone who says he is using Linux and 
has a dual xeon 1.8ghz and yet says he is running 3 TFC servers and 2 TF2 
servers with no lag, although im investigating his setup in more detail I just 
thought I must be missing a trick.

  Has anyone managed to get TF2 running at a decent level on Linux? when I say 
decent I mean 18+ slots with more than one server running at any one time?  I 
personally dont want to run 1 TF2 server on a dual xeon and nothing else :>

  PS Alfred suggested disabling HT, this worked on my Windows servers but not 
on Linux :/ however you do have a bit more processing power there so you might 
notice a bigger improvement :/


  John, manually setting affinity is going to nothing much... I see the same
thing on my linux box which is dual 3.0 xeons With a full 24 person,
which it is right now im looking at 80%cpu and 4.1mem... I have HT on,
that's the only diff... Yet When I have 30 people in my BF2 server I don't
see any higher than 35% CPU... Pulling stats while its full the fps bumps
between 120 and 30... I'm running CentOS 4.3. This is nothing new to what I
have seen.

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[hlds] Still suffering linux related low fps high cpu

2007-10-13 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi Chaps,

  A few weeks ago someone suggested compiling a low latency kernel, tickless 
for high fps which we have progressed and done.

  My box is a dual xeon 2.6ghz, HT is turned off and just the two cpu's are 
showing up. Its identical to my windows box in terms of hardware and setup.

  On my windows box I have 3 TF2 Servers and 1 TFC server running, when full 
task manager reports around 85% cpu usage and no fps related problems (although 
similar cpu loads being reported).

  Yet on the linux box it drops to 10fps, now with 14 players its fine

21:39:53   CPU In  Out   UptimeUsers
   FPS  Players
   45.00 35178.93 38394.59 210 4493.83  14

  Soon as it hits 18+ it goes off the boat...

  21:31:36 CPU  InOutUptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   83.33 48139.13 79145.84 202 3   11.23  19

  21:33:24 CPU   In   Out Uptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   83.75 54450.20 113019.84 203 3   13.33  22

  If you look at top you see its hammering the server.

  top - 21:36:51 up  5:25,  1 user,  load average: 1.36, 1.27, 1.22
  Tasks:  60 total,   5 running,  55 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
  Cpu(s): 48.5%us,  4.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 46.2%id,  0.0%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.7%si,  0.0%st
  Mem:   3767424k total,  1097880k used,  2669544k free,44068k buffers
  Swap:  1518100k total,0k used,  1518100k free,   628592k cached

  12268  25   0  230m 169m  22m R   73  4.6  59:40.89 srcds_i486
  12154  15   0 98300  70m 6592 R   19  1.9  33:39.28 hlds_i686
  11989  15   0 77908  57m 6248 R9  1.6  25:21.40 hlds_i686
  12323  15   0  207m 144m  22m S6  3.9   9:17.43 srcds_i486

  This server is running 1 x TF2 22 man server 1 x TF2 20 man server 1 x TFC 14 
man server and 1 x TFC 20 man server.

  My windows box is running 1 x TFC 14 man server, 1 x TF2 20 man server, 1 x 
TF2 18 man serverx 1 x TF2 18 man server.

  As you can see the CPU load, at the moment the fps dropped to 11fps the box 
was hardly busy.

  At the same time this was my windows box

  21:44:20 CPU   In  Out  Uptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   53.85 52241.09 128488.64  39 0  441.99  19

  21:45:25 CPU   In Out  Uptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   48.46 53325.14 63532.80322869  261.63  18
  21:45:29 stats

  21:46:23 CPU   InOut  Uptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   55.86 48499.68 98046.574857   111  256.18  18

  Short term im going to drop the linux servers down to 18 slots and up the 
Windows ones a bit to see what effect taht has but I have another windows 
server setup to 24 slots and it has no problems either...

  21:47:25 CPU   In Out   Uptime  Users   FPSPlayers
   43.42 62050.84 105045.49  34 1   510.61  24

  All 3 machines are dual xeon 2.6ghz with HT disabled.

  AS these are my public boxes I know nothing else is running on the hardware 
at the same time and its not shared the only difference is linux/Windows.

  I heard people talking about manually assinging the afinity, does that make 
much of a difference? Or has anyone else found any other tricks?

  Much appreciated.


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[hlds] TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

2007-10-13 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi Tom,

  I do apologise if my tone was a bit harsh but normally you can login to the 
archive, browse down the list and find people experiencing PROBLEMS that you 
are, have a quick read and get some informed and very helpful advise from 
experienced server operators.

  I scrolled to the bottom and managed to find about 2 posts hidden within all 
the other rants and demands about client related issues and found it highly 

  It's no wonder that the valve lads have stopped replying and the server ops 
who were telling these guys look this isnt the place were just getting smug 
replies and insulting tones, its like hello we have been using this list for 
many years we dont need forum style replies on here smelling the joint up! Look 
back through the history and you will see how it works.

  I still expect some form of backlash for what I've said but hopefully if me 
getting abused by a bunch of kids means we can get back to normal service then 
so be it :)

  Keep up the good work chaps, I for one find the information here invaluable!


  [In reply to]
  Thanks John,

As much as I would (NOT) disagree with your tone it's nice to know someone
else feels the same way - I never post to here but the info here is
invaluable - until Valve post a controversial update and then all low grade
hell breaks loose.

Kudos mate


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[hlds] TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

2007-10-12 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Gimped I like that. Hope you get plenty of help when you really need it! :>

  Funny but I have to wait 5 minutes + to get onto my 24 man servers just like 
you did on your 32 man servers. 32 man servers sought out? Perhaps they were 
but thats only because no one else was running them and people might wanna try 
it out and see what its like.

  Just like we did we testing out the Instant respawn mod, people tried it, saw 
that it sucked and went back to normal servers.

  Perhaps you should learn to post your whines on steam CLIENT forums and not 
dedicated server mailing lists? I for one couldnt give a monkeys if valve have 
filtered out the 32 slot TF2 servers. Perhaps you wouldnt be so pissed if you 
hadnt hacked the steam binaries to alter the limits to allow you to do this?
  I knew how to do it, did I want to? no? do I care they filtered it? no! Do I 
think that you should find someone else to demand your rants? yes!

  Whats with the people on here recently? Childish rants, demands and whines 
off to the steam forums please!!! And let us get back to serious problems huh? 
Dunno why I bother im sure ill get some form of witty smug 14 year old style 
reply involving my mumma! Or how you DEMAND the right to an answer, its there 
game, their rules, their game, they dont have to answer anything.

  This hurts!!

  [someone spouted this]
  Yet, if you had 4 32 slot servers (before they gimped the list) You would
have most likely had 4 FULL servers...
It is a fact that the 32 slot servers were more popular than the smaller
ones. It is true of almost all the mods. People love a crowd!

I'm not saying they were the only full servers, lots of full ones of all
sizes. But the 32 slot servers were sought out and actually hard to get
into.. I had to use auto retry to get into my own server and would wait as
long as 10+ minutes..

My thought is that if the players like it, and the servers can handle it (I
didn't have one single crash as a 32 slot server, more stable than all of my
18 servers combined) Then why shouldn't we have the option?

There is still no official mention of why the server list was modified to
filter out + 24 slot servers.
Come on guys, lets hear something on this!!!

Mike ParaDOX


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas Morton
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 1:43 PM
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Re: TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

Are you guys crazy?? I have 6 22 slot TF2 servers running at the moment and
they are topping out at 14 - 17 player averages. They are hardly ever full.

Lets fill our servers first then bitch about the limits...



From: "Mike Munoz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Re: TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

> Tim said: 
> perhaps they should just lock all the cvars & have a server benchmark
> program that will not allow the server to run unless it meets a
> minimun score... 
> Are you crazy?! Giving them ideas like this?!
> Mike ParaDOX
> www.paradisesgarage.com

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[hlds] TF2 ... All 32 player servers filtered out?

2007-10-12 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You know I have been away from the mailing list for a while but today when im 
trying to get SERVER related help it seems either other thread is someone 
whining about something.

  If you want to whine about a client crashing go to the steam forums.

  This is a mailign list for HALF LIFE DEDICATED SERVER operators.

  The steam forums have been taken over by morons who have nothing better to do 
than complain about everything and anything they can think off, can we keep 
this list constructive and to the point?

  I'm sorry to hear about your BSOD errors whilst trying to play the orangebox, 
im sure by now you have filled in a steam support ticket and someone at valve 
is trying to resolve your problem for you, now this mailing list is not here to 
discuss and argue such matters can we kindly move on and get back to the point 
of what the mailing list is about?

  Valve limited the game to 24 slots for a reason, thats how they have intended 
it to be played, like any company im sure they are very concerned with people 
modding the server binarys and will do steps to ensure file consistency.
  This is their test platform and their rules, they set the levels of priority 
to the problems. I suggest if you are not happy then complain through the 
proper channels and allow us who are trying to get help and back on track 
talking about offical problems.

  Im highly concerned with the influx of people who think this is an extended 
arm of the steam forums and its normal to sit there whining and acting like 14 
year old teenagers.

  Im starting to think ill never find the information im looking for :(


  [Someone said]
  Process running in the user mode (the game) just cannot cause BSOD by
design of operating system, only stuff running in kernel mode (OS
ifself or device drivers) can. In this particular case the most
probable cause of BSODs is faulty video driver. It IS faulty since
regardless of what it is being told to do by user mode process it
should not throw BSOD. As simple as that.

On 11/10/2007, Valdimar Kristjansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And don't think Valve need to worry about people whining about shoddy
> coding.
> Half of the people can't play the Orange Box because of bluescreen
> errors after the release.
> And all because of their own coding.
> nisbus
> Matthew Cheale wrote:
> > > Plus if there were lots of issues with servers crashing, then those
> > servers
> > > would end up empty, because people would get fed up with the crashes.
> >
> > And everyone would whine about Valve's shoddy coding reducing their
> > reputation
> > and all because of 3rd party modifications...
> >
> > --
> > With regards,
> >
> > Matthew Cheale
> >
> >
> > +44 (0)56 000 36985
> >
> > 
> > This e.mail is private and confidential between Multiplay (UK) Ltd.
> > and the person or entity to whom it is addressed. In the event of
> > misdirection, the recipient is prohibited from using, copying,
> > printing or otherwise disseminating it or any information contained in
> > it.
> >
> > In the event of misdirection, illegible or incomplete transmission
> > please telephone +44 845 868 1337
> > or return the E.mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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[hlds] TF2 server performance on Linux

2007-09-24 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Just the question I was going to ask :)

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[hlds] TF2 server performance on Linux

2007-09-24 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

  - Steve hmm oh you mean on Windows? or is that Linux as well? I have read 
that people have had problems with that on Windows. I havent really noticed it 
even with 3 full TF2 servers but I use Firedeamon which does have some affinity.

  How are people having it so to speak? Does the standard windows affinity 
settings allow you to assign manually?

  Or are you talking about linux as well?

  -LouLou oh so its not just me then :/ Yeah using Debian as well. Hmm how you 
getting up to 500fps? lol thought it capped at around 250? That a cvar? :)


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[hlds] TF2 server performance on Linux

2007-09-24 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Has anyone noticed performance related issues with the Linux version of TF2?

  Take 2 boxes to compare, one running windows one running linux. Both 
identical hardware in Dual Xeon 2.6ghz.

  The windows box I run 1 TFC server and 3 TF2 servers. Running a simple 
booster I get 125-250 fps even when the servers are full.
  On a 1000hz distru of Linux runnin 2 TFC servers (no problems what so ever) 
and 2 TF2 servers, even with just one TF2 server when it gets full the 
serverside fps drops down to 20-40fps and rcon stats reports 80-90CPU usage.

  Yet the process in linux only shows around 20-30%?

  Just a little bit baffled as TFC runs fine on the box and both identical spec 
machines the only difference is the OS and binarys?

  Have I missed something in my rush to get my hands on the game and play it? :D


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[hlds] Server crashing on startup

2005-09-01 Thread John Porter
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Lo Chaps,

Been looking into a problem with a server that crashed earlier today and have 
so far not been able to fire it back up again, so I am just looking for a bit 
of advice.

This is quite a long post so any suggestions would be great...

Fire the server up I get this..

Console initialized.
Protocol version 47
Exe version (tfc)
Exe build: 00:51:04 Aug 11 2005 (3213)
STEAM Auth Server
couldn't exec language.cfg
Server IP address
./hlds_run: line 424:  4806 Killed  $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./hlds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help 
with solving this problem
Thu Sep  1 14:26:48 BST 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds

Adding +developer 1 -debug to the start line I get a bit more...

Console initialized.
Protocol version 47
Exe version (tfc)
Exe build: 00:51:04 Aug 11 2005 (3213)
STEAM Auth Server
couldn't exec language.cfg
Server IP address
Adding:  tfc/dlls/tfc_i386.so
Dll loaded for mod Team Fortress Classic
Spawn Server 2fort
Clearing memory
Using WAD File: tfc.wad
Using WAD File: halflife.wad
Using WAD File: liquids.wad
Texture load:  440.4ms
Building PAS...
Average leaves visible / audible / total: 76 / 245 / 2289
Cvar_Set: variable room_type not found
./hlds_run: line 424:  4875 Killed  $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./hlds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help 
with solving this problem
Thu Sep  1 14:53:10 BST 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds
Although I never seem to actually get a debug.log :/

The start line is:
hlds_run -game tfc +maxplayers 12 +map 2fort -port 27055 +developer 1 -debug
obviously the last 2 bits I added after this problem started.
If I add +ip to the start line I get a bit more...
Auto detecting CPU
Using Pentium II Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
./hlds_run: line 1: gdb: command not found
Please install gdb first.
goto http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/
Auto-restarting the server on crash
Console initialized.
Protocol version 47
Exe version (tfc)
Exe build: 00:51:04 Aug 11 2005 (3213)
STEAM Auth Server
couldn't exec language.cfg
Server IP address
Adding:  tfc/dlls/tfc_i386.so
Dll loaded for mod Team Fortress Classic
Spawn Server 2fort
Clearing memory
./hlds_run: line 424:  4966 Killed  $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./hlds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help 
with solving this problem
Thu Sep  1 14:59:58 BST 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds

I dont have gdb installed by the looks of it, but thats only needed to create 
the debug.log file afaik.

Anyway we havent done anything to this machine at all I am at a loss what to do 
with it.

Any suggestions welcome.

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