Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 Lag bug?

2009-03-12 Thread listacct2
 Does anyone have any specific information about this bug that causes
 servers to lag every once and a while temporarily? I am seeing some
 weird outbound spikes in all the server's bandwidth every 2 hours or
 so.  At the same moment the router's CPU usage spikes.  It also seems
 like this happens at the same time across all the servers.

Wouldn't know but then again... HAHA I wouldn't care anymore either.

Between the last updates to TF2 and yesterday's update to L4D dedicated
server, Valve is batting 1000 on -EFSCKINGSTUPID.

Our TF2 servers lag and nobody (not even ME) can reach our L4D servers now.

Enough already.  Valve is same as it ever was... same as it ever was..,
the players out there are getting more and more arrogant ie gimme this
gimme that, this map is retarded  blah blah blah.  Bunch of spoiled brats.

Somebody else can babysit the little bastards, I'm done with them and done
depending on Valve to do anything right.  I am definitely done paying $400
a month to babysit grown-up children.

Out like a boner in sweat pants...

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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 Update still problems

2009-03-08 Thread listacct2
 Lol, you are using Mani Admin Plugin, the most outdated and inestable
 plugin ever, use beetlesmod or sourcemod


Yeah, seriously.  He's only been AFK for about what, 2 years now?

When we first started running TF2 servers (when TF2 came out) I tried the
orangebox edition of Mani (the one thing he seems to have done for
Mani Admin Plugin in the last couple years) and when I found that half of
the stuff that wasn't CS:S-specific anyway didn't work right, I decided
it was time to move on.

You really should get rid of Mani, even if it isn't the cause of your
crashes.  It's DEAD.  iirc there are a couple sourcemod plugin scripts
that will give you some additional compatibility command translation
for sourcemod, so you can keep using the mani commands.

Beetlemod is pretty good.  Sourcemod is pretty good too, and as an added
bonus you can code your own stuff for it without having to recompile
everything else too if you are so inclined.

We're 100% sourcemod now on all servers (CS:S, TF2, L4D).  Being able to
change thing we don't like about the stock way some plugin scripts are
written is important to us.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Kernel Options and Clocksource

2009-03-07 Thread listacct2
 I feel like such a linux nub... how do you set your clocksource?

On any fairly recent 2.6-series kernel you can put this right on the
kernel boot commandline:






so that it is set at boot.

The echoing of available options into the /sys entry is valid as well, ie:

# echo hpet 

but is more of a post-boot type thing.  That's not bad, necessarily.  You
can use it to change the clocksource post-boot.  This is useful if you are
experimenting with different ones because you can change the clocksource
without rebooting.

So to get a list of which clocksources your hardware has available:

# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource

you'll get something like this back (but it will vary from system to system):

tsc jiffies hpet acpi_pm

Someone else asked whether running a 500Hz timer resolution will allow you
to get a stable 500 server fps.  I'm not going to say it is impossible,
but I will say that *I* have yet to find a server machine (server-class
hardware) that would let me get 500fps with a 500Hz kernel.

I've only ever been able to get 500 server fps with a 1000Hz or tickless
kernel, and setting fps_max to 600 or higher.

Entirely possible I'm just not doing it right though.  But what I do
works, so I keep doing it. :)

Setting fps_max to 600 usually gets me around 490-496 server fps.  CPU
utilization for the core a full 30-slot server runs on is usually around
60-65% on a 2.5GHz Harpertown but it does briefly peak higher at times.

This is under F10 x86_64 with a stock 2.6.27 kernel (which I'm pretty sure
is built dynamic/tickless) and I can get ~1000 server fps out of it for
our CS:S games by setting fps_max to 2000.  I'm using clocksource=hpet
currently, but have considered experimenting with tsc since I've read that
there are some recent userspace optimizations in glibc for it on x86_64
which may be of benefit.

(And yes, I know you don't need to run 1000 server fps on CS:S to get a
good smooth game, or 500 server fps on TF2, but our server has the spare
cycles. And let's face it, for server ops this game is ALL about
attracting players to your servers and since with GSP advertising etc.
many players are convinced they have to be on a 100 tick 1000fps
counterstrike server to be on a good server.. well you get the idea)

I also use isolcpus= on the kernel cmdline to set aside processor cores
for the high-demand games.  The cores our TF2 games run on are the only
processes allowed to execute on those cores. All hardware IRQ service is 
pinned to specific other cores by disabling irqbalance and programming
the smp_affinity for each valid numeric IRQ.


 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:56 PM, The Universes

 Do you think dropping it down to 500HZ is a better choice or do you
 suggest something else? If yes, does 500HZ still maintain 500FPS?


 Gary Stanley wrote:
  At 10:33 PM 3/6/2009, The Universes wrote:
  I'm running 4 32 man TF2 servers at 500fps (66 tick) and I'm
  if having kernel at 1000HZ (not tickless) with PREEMPT is necessary?
  Is that putting unnecessary strain on my CPU (Q9300)?
  My second question is if  you guys use HPET as your clocksource
  $ cat
  tsc hpet acpi_pm jiffies
  $ cat
  1000hz kernels make nanosleep() expensive to call.. on a core2quad
  calling usleep (which calls nanosleep)
  nanosleep: 6157 cycles
  That's alot of cpu time. Cranking up HZ makes interrupts fire so
  often, so you get more accurate sleep behavior..
  TSC lives on the CPU, so calling it is fairly cheap. HPET lives off
  somewhere on a bridge, so you need to go out to PCI land to
  read it. HPET is a decent choice, but overall the fastest one is TSC.
  Would you recommend changing that to HPET?
  I'm basically trying to lower CPU usage so it doesnt shoot up to 90%
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 From Ben B. (Goerge)
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Re: [hlds_linux] Kernel Options and Clocksource

2009-03-07 Thread listacct2

 So to get a list of which clocksources your hardware has available:

 # cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource

 you'll get something like this back (but it will vary from system to

 tsc jiffies hpet acpi_pm

Oops... that is supposed to be:

# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource

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Re: [hlds_linux] Kernel Options and Clocksource

2009-03-07 Thread listacct2
 So to get a list of which clocksources your hardware has

# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource

 I think you meant available_clocksource not current_clocksource ?

Yes, already corrected myself TYVM

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Re: [hlds_linux] New update, new bull

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2
Yep same here.

I tried removing all plugins as well, it was the first thing I thought
about.  Same deal.

Thanks, Valve.  You just killed our servers.

When are you idiots going to start TESTING this shit before you shove it
down our throats?


Fucking unbelievable.

When Valve is running 100% of the servers their customers play on, then
you can shove whatever you want to out as mandatory updates.  But until
then, you need to understand that WE support your customers and WE pay the
bills to operate our servers.  And we therefore have a right to pissed off
when an update we don't get to say no to kills our servers, and Valve just
goes home for the day after pickling the turd.


 Right after the TF2 update I was having problems with some of my Linux
 servers where everyone would get disconnected after joining team or a
 Eventually, after restarting the server over and over, the problem goes
 and people can connect and play fine. I talked to octohd and FLOOR_MASTER
 and they said they are getting the same problem.

 Anyone else?


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Re: [hlds_linux] New update, new bull

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2
 Eventually, after restarting the server over and over, the problem goes
 and people can connect and play fine. I talked to octohd and
 and they said they are getting the same problem.

Also, lest Valve think the problem just magically disappears and fixes
itself after a random number of times rebooting the server, and never
comes back again once players can successfully spawn --

The first time I got our 24/7 2Fort Fast Respawn server to successfully
spawn a player without the connection problem, I was still running the
server OUTSIDE of its usual screen session, so I could easily scroll back
and look at console messages.

I then reattached (screen -rd) to the screen session the gameserver
normally runs in and restarted the server.  Voila.  Players can't spawn.

So whatever the problem is, it doesn't magically disappear.  I would
venture to guess that it is subject to come back after ANY server reboot. 
This sucks because many/most of us reboot our games daily to reset the
game's memory allocations.

It's going to take an update to fix it, IMO.

So Valve, when you fix the fix for the string table and startup crash
problems, how about leaving the damn dedicated server alone until you are

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Re: [hlds_linux] New update, new bull

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2
 Also, lest Valve think the problem just magically disappears and fixes
 itself after a random number of times rebooting the server, and never
 comes back again once players can successfully spawn --


 So Valve, when you fix the fix for the string table and startup crash
 problems, how about leaving the damn dedicated server alone until you are

Sorry I accidentally triggered the send before I was done ranting...

How about leaving the damn dedicated server alone until you are SURE that
something you think we need is really READY before you shove it down our
throats?  In other words TEST YOUR CRAP before you MAKE us put it on our

BTW it has nothing to do with mp_disable_respawn_times 1.  It's just as
borked without that set.

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Re: [hlds_linux] New update, new bull

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2
 One of our servers is experiancing this issue aswell. I have restarted it
 a zillion times now, but i am unable to choose a class without getting a
 timeout afterwards. Servers on other machines are not experiancing this

 Saint K.

Saint K. ++

The machine we have problems with (ALL TF2 instances running on it) is
running Fedora 10 x86_64.

[2f...@wolf ~]$ rpm -q glibc

[2f...@wolf ~]$ rpm -q libstdc++

[2f...@wolf ~]$ uname -r

Ran fine til the update.  I only run Sourcemod/Metamod and had just
started using the Sourceop plugin to prevent the stringtable-related
crashes in goldrush thanks to last week's update.  But it occurs without
any of these loaded as well.

The user is not actually disconnecting, at least for us.  They are still
connected to the server.  We don't see the disconnect by user message in
the logs until the client disconencts from their menu after seeing the
timeout in top right.  If that helps any.


 From: on behalf of Severian
 Sent: Fri 3/6/2009 1:28 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] New update, new bull

 Happening to us too; it happens with or without plugins.

 The only disconnect reason in the logs is Disconnected by user, but
 clients see timeouts. Sometimes clients start hanging when trying to

 Restart the server enough times, and it'll just get lucky and start
 working. This is a PITA though since I start/restart multiple servers
 with a script.

 Command line:

 ./srcds_run -game tf +ip +port 27015 +fps_max 450 -debug
 -heapsize 10 +maxplayers 24 +map garbage_day +servercfgfile
 server_poe.cfg +mapcyclefile poecycle.txt +motdfile poe.txt
  server1.log 2server1.err 

 Other info:

 - server_poe.cfg attached, autoexec.cfg is empty
 - RHE 5.2 on dual core, 2GB, dual 100mbps
 - no affinity set, irqbalance not running
 - kernel release 2.6.18-92.el5


 It is extremely frustrating.

 The disconnects show as user disconnect
 Ronny Schedel wrote:
 Try without any server plugins.

 Right after the TF2 update I was having problems with some of my Linux
 servers where everyone would get disconnected after joining team or a
 Eventually, after restarting the server over and over, the problem goes
 and people can connect and play fine. I talked to octohd and
 and they said they are getting the same problem.

 Anyone else?


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[hlds_linux] 3/6/09 update... F4!L

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2

Was this supposed to fix the problems with the Linux server failures in
the 3/5/09 update?  It didn't.

This is why I would NEVER trust Valve to make any kind of recommendations
about keeping gaming client machines up to date on drivers, etc.  Impress
me with something that is 100% yours to maintain first  I'll take care
of my stuff myself, TYVM.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 3/6/09 update... F4!L

2009-03-06 Thread listacct2
 If you mean was it supposed to fix the issues that the change notes said
 are still being looked into then no, funnily enough, it wasn't.  Before
 get all high and mighty you might want to check your own statements aren't
 pile of mince.

Yeah, I'll buy that.  And I'll also admit that I didn't read the changelog
yet.  I just saw one of my servers give me us the ZOMG Your server needs
to be restarted to receive the latest updates notification and thought
well WTF I'll give it a whirl.  I mean, what possible harm could it do
since we can't properly serve any players now whether I update or not
anyway, thanks to yesterday's update?

Since yet another ZOMFGUNEEDTHISUPDATERFN update was being forced on our
servers, I thought it just might be relevant.  Since after all I am *FAR*
from the only Linux TF2 server operator having this problem.

I keep asking myself why I spend my money for this.

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