[Hornlist] Rednecks...in Germany!

2003-08-12 Thread Scott Bacon Dürkhorns
"It was quite a show, beer, rednecks,
and French Horn duets under the Live Oak Tree behind the bar."

I pride myself as having a bit of redneck in my blood.  When I moved to
Germany, many things came to me as a surprise.  One of the biggest suprises
I found was that there are true blooded rednecks in Germany.

This past week was extremely hot.  45° c in the sun.  So after working on
some horns, and calling it a day, we had a few beers, listened to Bruckner
9, and decided it was just a little too hot to do anything.  But we chose to
make our own outdoor whirlpool.  We used a neighbors big plastic grape
storage bin.  In this region of Germany you have a plethora of German
Redneck Winemakers to borrow tractors, tools, big plastic grape storage
bins Etc.  Well anyway in a slow and easy going manner, we borrowed the
tractor and rode through town drinkin our beers in the wagon while holdin on
to the big plastic grape storage bin...  Where I live in town happens to be
owned by a famous schnapps maker.  (anyone out there heard of Williams
Schnapps?) ... anyway he always has this big white water tank nearly full
and the problem is always where to get rid of the water  So we filled
this big plastic grape storage bin with water, drank a beer, put on the rest
of Bruckner 9, and had a sit down in the big plastic grape storage bin.  Not
long into the 2nd movement, our buddy came up with the idea to snag this
whirlpool bath thing from his mother-in-law.  He snagged this whirlpool bath
thing and put it in the big plastic grape storage bin.  Within minutes we
had an outdoor whirlpool with a shade umbrella decorated with xmas lights,
Bruckner 9 finishing up his ideas, beer, bikinis, and a real hoot of a
party.  And yes all who went in the big plastic grape storage bin came out
smelling like grapes!!

I think that one thing that makes a redneck is their unique ability to
create great things with nothing.  In the city, we go out and subscribe to a
gym, or pay for pool time, or buy the expensive whirlpool.  Not a redneck.
We'd rather spend our money on beer, gas, four wheelers.So to all
rednecks out there, know that you can easily find a home in Germany!!

(try explaining to a German Redneck what Redneck means in English)  (how
would you define it?) (keep in mind you are trying to define a way of life,
or idea that they have themselves..)

In the heat of summer,

Scott H. Bacon
Sales, Marketing, and Service
Verkauf, Marketing, und Service
Specialist in French Horn
Spezialist für Waldhorn

Musikhaus Dürk
Steuerstraße 16a
55411 Bingen - Dromersheim

Telephone: 49 ((0)6725) 1507
Fax: 49 ((0)6725) 6307
Website: www.DuerkHorns.de.

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Re: [Hornlist] Movie

2003-08-12 Thread David Goldberg
On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Karon Ismari wrote:
> the first ones could have been the bicyclists on the bridge) person to get
> run over by an angry car in the movie "The Car" was a hitchhiking Horn
> player.  Was someone trying to make a statement here? :)   Karon

Yes, I think so.  But the guy wasn't very good, and anyway it's stupid to
play by the side of the road, even before there were cellphones.  More
poignant than The Car flattening a horn player, was the MASH episode in
which the car flattened the horn.  That guy wasn't very good either.  On
the theory that two points determine a line, I think we can construct the
statement that you wonder about.  So practice!  (but lock the door)

{  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
{ Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

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Re: [Hornlist] horn tattoos?

2003-08-12 Thread DOCRobby
Well, as most of you know, I don't pretend to know much about horn playing 
even though I try to do a good bit of it.  Why, me and Ol' Stephen Pierce where 
just silly enough (and I suppose to be honest, a wee bit toasted) to pull out 
our horns and play a bunch of duets on the deck behind Boomer Lounge in 
Pensacola the other day.  You talk about learning to get over nerves, them 
rednecks didn't really know just how to take those funny all curled up trumpets!  
They didn't seem to mind the Bipperies all that much but I'm here to tell ya 
most of my Southern mates don't have all that much of a hankerin' for Frederic 
Duvernoy.  Well, we played 'em anyway.  It was quite a show, beer, rednecks, 
and French Horn duets under the Live Oak Tree behind the bar.  

Yup, you guessed it, ol' redneck here.  I thought I would just drop my little 
touch on the tattoo subject, mostly for the kids who happen to be here, you 
adults may as well tune out now.  Being the crusty, salty, ol' Navy Diver (and 
yes, Navy Diving Doctor) that I am, it has been my privilege to observe just a 
boat load of tattoos over the years and, to commune (read, drink) with the 
tattooed.  The only constant I have ever found amongst folks who have tattoos is 
that ten years or so after the fact, they all wish that they didn't have 
them.  I'm sure that somebody will come back and tell me that I'm all hosed up for 
saying that, and that's fine.  I would never tell anybody "don't get a 
tattoo" I would however recommend that you not get a tattoo until you are at least 
80.  If you really want that tattoo then, well, go ahead, you probably won't 
live long enough to regret it.  Now remember, this comes from the most red of 
rednecks the list has ever known so take it for what it cost you!

I'm sure that Dr. (to be soon) Pierce will have more to tell you about 
playing at Boomer.

So there I was, just easin' down the leadpipe of life, thought I was just 
going around the bend to have a few beers.  Well, things got out of hand and I 
had one too many.  Next thing I know I'm sucked into a tattoo parlor and zap, I 
had a saxophone on my forehead!  Damn, scared for life.

Well, I guess that's about all I have for tonight.  Ya'll come to see us when 
ya' can.

Robby Robinson
Section player, River City Band, Memphis Tennessee
formerly from:
LA (Lower Alabama)
Redneck Riviera
Fourth Horn, Northwest Florida Symphony
Second Horn, Pensacola Civic Band
Horn, First City Five Woodwind Quintet
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Re: [Hornlist] horn tattoos? - at this point, NHR

2003-08-12 Thread BrassArtsUnlim
In a message dated 8/11/2003 9:57:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> My boss (female, early 30's, outdoor type, serious bicyclist, etc.) is 
> shelling out around $1,000 to have her tattoo removed.  Long, messy, 
> painful process.  Her tastes have changed significantly since her early 
> 20's.  Robby's ten years fits here too.

For another take on the matter, talk to my wife.  She's a geriatrician and 
sees a lot of naked old people.  Many of them have tattoos.  Believe me, tattoos 
do not get better looking down the decades.  Of course, young people have no 
concept.  So I say, get your tattoo.  If it gives you a giggle or a feeling of 
pride or whatever it is that you get out of it, do it.

By the way, I also encourage many visits to the tanning salon.  Get a good, 
deep chocolate brown tan, and keep it year 'round.  My wife is considering 
changing her specialty to dermatology and my kids need to make it through college.

Dave Weiner
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RE: [Hornlist] Recital suggestions

2003-08-12 Thread Loren Mayhew
  I agree that there were few black players, but I think there were more
than two. I met a very tall handsome black man and a black woman and don't
forget Mr. Pelletier who is simply a marvelous player.

Loren Mayhew
(520) 403-6897 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Lanetra Carther
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] Recital suggestions

Hey, I was at that workshop too!!!  There were only 2 black horn players 
there, and I  am the female.  I was impressed by her ability for such a 
small woman.  That was the first horn workshop that I had ever been to.  It 
was a very informational weekend for me.  I tried out for the solo 
competition, but I did not win anything.  I won three critique sheets.  I am

a pretty good horn player, so I was a wee bit upset when I found out that I 
didn't advance.  It took me about two hours to get over it, and I was good 
as new.  I now have learned to take experiences like that with me to the 
practice room.

>From: Chris Tedesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: The Horn List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: The Horn List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Hornlist] Recital suggestions
>Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 18:29:14 -0700 (PDT)
>That reminds me, Gail Williams mentioned at a workshop this past year at 
>that she has never played a transcription until that recital where she 
>the Gliere.
>yeah shiga,
>--- David Goldklang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Generally when it comes to planning a senior recital, your teacher will
> > be the best source for repertoire pickings.  Some teachers already have
> > a program in mind while others may want you to choose the pieces
> > yourself, but your teacher is probably more familiar with your playing
> > than anyone else and will therefore be able to suggest music which is
> > ideal for your particular horn playing abilities.  What I suggest
> > (aside from talking with your teacher) is to listen to as many
> > recordings of pieces for horn and piano as you can find.  Decide what
> > pieces you really like and would be best suited to your own strengths.
> > Try to represent various styles/periods and mix the piece lengths -
> > alternating between long and short pieces makes it more enjoyable for
> > the audience.
> >
> > Something else to consider is the piano accompaniment.  When you
> > perform a recital with horn and piano, it is best to stick to music
> > actually written for that combination (or transcribed from music for
> > another instrument and piano) and to avoid music written for horn and
> > orchestra that has been reduced.  The reduction of the orchestra part
> > to Strauss 1 is cumbersome for any pianist and often the result is
> > difficult for an audience to listen to.  Don't detract from your own
> > amazing performance by selecting music that will leave the pianist
> > flailing behind you.
> >
> > Off the topic of repertoire, but related to recital presentations,
> > there are two very important things you can do to enable better
> > connection with your audience...
> >
> > 1. Memorize your music.  Having a music stand between you and the
> > audience creates a physical barrier that distances you from them.  The
> > idea is to engage your listeners and making direct eye contact, or at
> > least the illusion of eye contact, is a great way to connect with them.
> >   Also, performing music memorized is more impressive.
> >
> > 2. Talk to the audience.  Whenever possible, you should speak to the
> > audience between pieces.  This personalizes the performance and also
> > makes the recital more interesting for the listeners.  You can talk
> > about the composers, the repertoire, yourself, the horn, or anything
> > else that might enhance the experience for everyone.  This is also the
> > perfect opportunity to educate people about horn playing.  Answer all
> > those questions that everyone always asks, such as: "why do you put
> > your hand in the bell?" or "why is it called a French horn?"  I've had
> > people approach me after recitals and comment on how much they
> > appreciated that I spoke during the recital and how it became more
> > enjoyable than other performances they had attended where the
> > performers didn't do any speaking.
> >
> > -David
> >
> > +-- v -- .__. - .  [EMAIL PROTECTED] --+
> > |\   \  /\   /|   .::  David Goldklang\
> > \ \   \| D?k |,' | .  New World Symphony  \
> >   \ \   \  D4  /_. |  ':::  Miami Beach, Florida USA \
> >\ +-- `' - \| -- ':  http://www.davegk.com +
> > \||
> >
> > On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 06:55  AM, Lanetra Carther wrote:
> >
> > > I am not sure if anyone recieved my email about recital suggestions
> > > for my senior recital that I will be putting on late in the fall.  I
> > > had a junior recital last year and it was excellent, acco

Re: [Hornlist] horn tattoos?

2003-08-12 Thread Karen McGale Fiehler
When I was a junior in college, I got the IHS symbol tattoo'd on my upper 
left arm.  (Four other horn playing friends got the same design.)  A couple 
of years later, I made up a ying-yang horn design and got it planted on my 
upper right arm.

I have two other musical tattoos on top of my right foot, but they aren't 
horn related.


Dr. Karen McGale Fiehler

Reply-To: The Horn List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Hornlist] horn tattoos?
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 02:31:26 -0400
 Does anyone have any photos of horn tattoos? It sounds crazy, but I 
promised a friend I would ask for her because she hasn't found anything 
online so far, and she really wants a tattoo of a horn before classes start 
back. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Erin C.
St. Louis, MO
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set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

Re: [Hornlist] Rednecks...in Germany!

2003-08-12 Thread Leigh Alexander
And if  you had put in the powdered grape seeds and skins you would 
have had a spa experience some people pay hundreds of euros/bucks for!

Sounds like a fabulous day, good for you:-} (see, I'm not envious or 


On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 04:04  AM, Scott Bacon Dürkhorns wrote:

This past week was extremely hot.  45° c in the sun.  So after working 
some horns, and calling it a day, we had a few beers, listened to 
9, and decided it was just a little too hot to do anything.  But we 
chose to
make our own outdoor whirlpool.  We used a neighbors big plastic grape
storage bin.  In this region of Germany you have a plethora of German
Redneck Winemakers to borrow tractors, tools, big plastic grape storage
bins Etc.  Well anyway in a slow and easy going manner, we 
borrowed the
tractor and rode through town drinkin our beers in the wagon while 
holdin on
to the big plastic grape storage bin...  Where I live in town happens 
to be
owned by a famous schnapps maker.  (anyone out there heard of Williams
Schnapps?) ... anyway he always has this big white water tank nearly 
and the problem is always where to get rid of the water  So we 
this big plastic grape storage bin with water, drank a beer, put on 
the rest
of Bruckner 9, and had a sit down in the big plastic grape storage 
bin.  Not
long into the 2nd movement, our buddy came up with the idea to snag 
whirlpool bath thing from his mother-in-law.  He snagged this 
whirlpool bath
thing and put it in the big plastic grape storage bin.  Within minutes 
had an outdoor whirlpool with a shade umbrella decorated with xmas 
Bruckner 9 finishing up his ideas, beer, bikinis, and a real hoot of a
party.  And yes all who went in the big plastic grape storage bin came 
smelling like grapes!!
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org