[Hornlist] Re: Shost. 5

2004-02-02 Thread rettro
Hans wrote: Too much politics in the arts, well, this is of evil. Too much 
implementing politics into the arts or too much interpretation of arts as expression 
of the politics is also of evil  a typical reflection of the poor mind of the 
writers. They better should leave the arts alone.


I would tend to agree with you that the influence of political oppression on the arts 
was and still is unfortunate. However, at the same time, don't you 
think that those same influences yielded some awesome results from those who were 
oppressed? Shostakovich, for example, felt as if his musical expressions were being 
quashed and stifled by the political authorities, yet they were not!! Perhaps it was 
that evil political influence that strengthened his resolve to compose the powerful 
music that he did. Could his music have been 
as great had his inspiration been different? Surebut we will never know. 
I would argue that the evil politics is terrible for the physical and emotional well 
being of the human beings it oppresses, but is, in fact, the catalyst of artistic 
expressions that would never otherwise be known. 


Charles Renfro

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Re:Today in history

2003-12-16 Thread rettro
Mine ,too! However, Ludwig is 192 years my senior


date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 01:13:39 -0500 (EST)
from: David Goldberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
subject: [Hornlist] Today in history
Happy Beethoven's Birthday, all!

{  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
{ Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Your opinions please

2003-12-08 Thread rettro
I've recently listed my Elkhart 8d on Hornplayer.net. This 
morning I received this response: 

I'm interested in making a purchase of your musical 
instrument found on the posted ads on www.hornplayer.net 
.I'm a broker,based in Italy and I have a client 
interested in your musical instrument, please tell me the 
final price you want for it and if it's still 
available.Please let me know if payment by check is ok.
Please reply urgent

They havn't even seen a photo. What are your thoughts?
Are the cultural differences such that this letter only 
seems stupid? Or does this broker think that I'm stupid?

I'm considering telling them I will only accept paypal. 
Please let me know what you think!

Thanks, Charles
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] I'm so tempted....but I won't (Charles Renfro)

2003-11-26 Thread rettro
Regarding the thread Atom-bombing of Japan in 1944 

Ok! Please stop!  As often as I find my world view and political opinions in 
direct opposition to the ones expressed on this list, I'm REALLY very tempted 
to respond in kind to some of the remarks and statements recently made 
regarding the above topic.  But I'm doing my best to refrainI really 

In all honesty, many of the political discussions I read on this list anger 
me to the point that I think of many of you as complete idiots, instead of 
thinking in terms of our like interest (the Horn) and the various talents and 
musical experiences you have. I'm tired of feeling that way. If one day I 
were to meet some of you at a horn conference or some other horn venue, I 
would like to be able to experience a click, as if we've known each other 
beforeas if our shared interest in the horn and participation on this 
list would eliminate the need for formal introductions. Is that too 

I am not a fan of politics, nor am I a fan of war, but I realize that both 
are realities of the world we live in, and necessary components of a world 
full of imperfect people. However, I tend to think and speak passionately on 
these subjects because they are essential not only to our current society, 
but to history as well. But when these topics are inserted into the horn 
list, the magnitude of their importance to society quickly vault them over 
and above any horn topics. I've monitored this list for about three years 
now, and the outcome has nearly always been the samepeople get offended 
and animosity builds. Personally, and unfortunatelly, some of these NHR 
issues have given me impressions of some of you that are not favorableand 
I assume some of you probably feel the same way about me. 

I'm sure that, as usual, some overly articulate person will respond with 
various good sounding reasons why there's really nothing wrong with these 
topics, and how we don't have to read them if we don't want to. These 
statements are probably all true, but they're also crap. We do read them!! We 
don't bypass them! We're all curious! We all want to see who will add fuel to 
the fire! We are all humanI think?  

As Dan Phillips and various others have suggested, lets cut the crap. Lets 
talk about horn stuff!!

If one of you were to start a Yahoo Groups list entitled Political 
discussions for horn enthusiasts, I would probably sign up. 


Charles Renfro
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] The Rite of Spring

2003-11-15 Thread rettro
I'm interested in gathering a list consensus on Stravinski's Rite of 
Springnamely, favorite recording, best performance/interpretation, or 
combination of both. All opinions are welcome!

Thanks,  Charles
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Horn music on PBS

2003-09-15 Thread rettro
Does anyone remember a program on the Public Broadcasting Service back in the 
70's called Previn and the Pittsburg?  The opening music was an orchestral 
piece which featured the full horn sectionthe orchestra was mere back-up! 
It sounded awesome! Does anyone remember this? Does anyone know what music 
this is? I remember being frustrated that the credits never gave any clues.  
If I were to guess, I would say it might have been a Copland piece. 

Charles Renfro
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] 8D serial # ?? (Charles Renfro)

2003-08-22 Thread rettro
Last night I met a fellow who played a fairly new 8D. He said he purchased it 
new about 10 years ago from Brasswind.  But it had a 500,xxx serial 
numberno letters at all.  The bell was stamped Conn USA 8D.  So what's up 
that?? My list of serial numbers doesn't go beyond 1987.

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Accidental Re-post

2003-04-05 Thread rettro
Dear list, 

Please excuse the accidental re-post I just unleashed!!! I just installed a new 
Operating System, and I'm currently shooting myself it the foot!  No offense to 

C Renfro
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Re: Requiem (NHR)....(C Renfro)

2003-04-03 Thread rettro
Prof. Pizka writes:

Have you heard about the new requiem, which is just under way. It is set
for cluster bombs (instead of trombones), stray bombs (replacing the
trumpets), crying small children because of terrible burns (replacing
the usual boys choir), bombardments from the air (some new technique ? I
always thought bombs fall down from the air  have ever seen bombs
jumping up ? Stupid  thoughtless newsmen !), crashes from bombarded
hospitals for newborns replacing percussion, rumsing  bumsing of
tomahawks  other evil instruments (replacing the horn section), woman 
old men singing their pain because being hit in their waist by shrapnels
(replacing the woodwinds), etc. soloists are the wolf faced generals
reporting to the press, female soloist is the also wolf faced nicely
dressed lady assisting Gen.Chystal. Astonishingly, all these folks,
standing in the frontline in front of the audience, like in the concert,
have a very narrow distance between their eyes (physically seen), so
their horizon might be quite narrow. (all seen in the IRIN English news
24 hours program =3D IRIN is TV of IRAN)

Yes I know, I take on to your nerves. But this US-GB initiated War (just
or unjust is not my business to judge) is spoiling our all life, is
spoiling our TV programs, is spoiling all our thinking. So we have to
talk about even here. I do not expect any response..

You know Hans, for a pacifist, you have an uncontrollable desire to start 
trouble, and in this case perpetuate controversy. I never realized that 
pacifists could be such a pain in the ass!!  

I scan through this list every day to see if there might be some useful 
information on horns and horn playing that would benefit mewhich there 
usually isbut then my eyes have to gaze upon your editorial drivel. I think 
it would be much easier on us all if you would just be honest and say what you 
really feel in a straightforward, simplistic way. 

Tell us all how you hate America and how you detest the fact that she is the 
leader of the free world. Tell us how much you hate the fact that her 
leadership has dared to put a stop to the murderous regime in Iraq, and in 
doing so will no doubt make the world a safer place for even YOU to live.  You 
say your philosophy will not allow you to hate, but your statements belie 
this conviction. 

It might also be helpful if you reposition your satelite dish and begin 
watching a more truthful interpretation of news events. It is clear that 
whoever or whatever you are currently watching is further polluting your bias 
(Garbage in, Garbage out).  BTW, pacifists do not choose sidesyou are not a 

I am truly appreciative of most of the knowledge you share with the list 
regarding the horn, but I will shamelessly and without remorse jump down your 
throat if you continue to talk s#*t about the USA!

C Renfro

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Re: Rude comment.........(Charles Renfro)

2003-02-16 Thread rettro
Mr. Philips wrote:  Thank you for that concise (and accurate) comment :-) 
Unfortunately, the person to which you responded probably won't understand 
it. :-(


Yes, he does!  If he could think of a smart-alec response worthy of use in this 
situation, he sincerely doubts that he would write it. There is far too much to 
say that is important.


set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] RE: I remember (NHR)..... (Louttit) (Charles Renfro)

2003-02-13 Thread rettro
Dear Mr. Louttit,

I would like to thank you for clarifying my position for me. By attacking my 
personal life and characterizing me as some misguided dimwit of a citizen, you 
have identified yourself precisely as the type of person I was describing in my 
post.  You are a creature of emotion refusing to use good sensenot 
surprising judging from the political disposition of your area of the country.

Thanks again!

Charles Renfro
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org