Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2009-03-24 Thread Herbert Foster
I often wonder what the audience thinks of my white beard and hair when I fill 
in the horn section in the mostly Chinese youth orchestra.

Herb Foster

From: David Laraway
To: The Horn List
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:30:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

Oh Cruciferous One,
You come to my home town and are NOT performing on natural horn. Could that 
possibly mean you are performing on an unnatural horn (maybe even a GMO horn?)
I'm amazed that I hadn't heard about you coming here since I play in 2 local 
symphonies and I hadn't heard about this. What will be your venue and time?
Just now looking at the newmediatoolkit site I see it is a Playing with Ideas 
conference, again, something I hadn't heard about.

(I also fill in the brass section in the local youth symphony, but considering 
my age, that would cause me to sign myself as..)
Well Aged Kimchee
(Usually known as David Laraway) wrote:
 During the next two weeks, list members will enjoy two opportunities to miss 
 Professor Cabbage deliver his overly familiar talk on the physics of brass 
 musical instruments.   The first will be this Wednesday evening,
 March 25, in San Marcos, California, wherever that is.   Then on Friday,
 April 3, the Cruciferous One will bring his road show to Shasta College in 
 Redding, California, wherever that is.   If, by some unlucky chance, you are
 only able to miss one of these talks, then the one in San Marcos would
 be a good choice, since the Peripatetic One will not be performing
 on natural horn at Shasta College.
 Details, including escape maps and lists of excuses, may be found
 at the following sites:;
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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2009-03-23 Thread HornCabbage
During the next two weeks, list members will enjoy two opportunities to 
miss Professor Cabbage deliver his overly familiar talk on the physics of 
brass musical instruments.   The first will be this Wednesday evening,
March 25, in San Marcos, California, wherever that is.   Then on Friday,
April 3, the Cruciferous One will bring his road show to Shasta College in 
Redding, California, wherever that is.   If, by some unlucky chance, you are
only able to miss one of these talks, then the one in San Marcos would
be a good choice, since the Peripatetic One will not be performing
on natural horn at Shasta College.

Details, including escape maps and lists of excuses, may be found
at the following sites:;

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Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2009-03-23 Thread David Laraway

Oh Cruciferous One,
You come to my home town and are NOT performing on natural horn. Could 
that possibly mean you are performing on an unnatural horn (maybe even a 
GMO horn?)
I'm amazed that I hadn't heard about you coming here since I play in 2 
local symphonies and I hadn't heard about this. What will be your venue 
and time?
Just now looking at the newmediatoolkit site I see it is a Playing with 
Ideas conference, again, something I hadn't heard about.

(I also fill in the brass section in the local youth symphony, but 
considering my age, that would cause me to sign myself as..)

Well Aged Kimchee
(Usually known as David Laraway) wrote:
During the next two weeks, list members will enjoy two opportunities to 
miss Professor Cabbage deliver his overly familiar talk on the physics of 
brass musical instruments.   The first will be this Wednesday evening,

March 25, in San Marcos, California, wherever that is.   Then on Friday,
April 3, the Cruciferous One will bring his road show to Shasta College in 
Redding, California, wherever that is.   If, by some unlucky chance, you are

only able to miss one of these talks, then the one in San Marcos would
be a good choice, since the Peripatetic One will not be performing
on natural horn at Shasta College.

Details, including escape maps and lists of excuses, may be found
at the following sites:;

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road - Southern California

2008-04-28 Thread HornCabbage
Professor Cabbage will once again take his show on the road,
sharing with the general populace his expertise on the 
physics of brass musical instruments.   The talk is at
4PM Friday, May 2.   The place is the Department
of Physics at Cal Poly Pomona.   There are a couple of
effective ways to miss this talk.   The first would be to appear
at the wrong time, say next Fall.   The second would be to show up 
at the Physics Department at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo instead.
Various combinations of these two methods should also prove

Those who find it impossible to miss the talk will be relieved 
to learn that the Professor has agreed not to perform
any musical selections on natural horn.   Whether he will
also agree not to perform any unmusical selections is 
somewhat uncertain.

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2008-02-17 Thread HornCabbage
The peripatetic Professor took his road show to a local
middle school last week, where he gave six sessions on
the physics of brass instruments to all the science
classes.   He performed the first movement of
Beethoven's Sontata Op. 17 on natural horn; it
is possible that this was not the most fascinating
choice of selections for this group.   But they seemed
particularly keen to learn why I kept twirling my horn 
during the rests.   To get rid of the condensation, I asserted. 
Ehew, gross.   But what if you didn't, they
wondered.   So I poured some water down the leadpipe
to let them know why.   Driven mad by scientific curiosity, one
of them wanted to know what would happen if I 
poured the water into the bell instead.   So I emptied
a bottle of water into the bell, and invited him to put his
ear close by so that he could hear the difference.   The
ensuing geyser was considered highly satisfactory by
all who witnessed it.   Another student wanted to know
what it was like playing with my mustache.   I told her that
I really enjoyed playing with my mustache.   It was only
late that I realized that she wanted to know what it was
like playing horn while sporting a mustache.   Alas, she will
never know.

Those who wish to avoid future road show appearances
(in which I play with my mustache on my Paxman Cor d'Orchestra, 
which has a Geyser wrap), should stay away from Stanford this 
Wednesday and the Naval Postgraduate school (in Monterrey, CA) 
next Friday.

Gotta go,

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the road

2007-10-30 Thread HornCabbage
Hornlisters living in the SF Bay area have an opportunity
to miss two events of cruciferous significance.

The first event is the premier of the Professor's 
latest composition, Death's Jest-Book Overture, commissioned 
by the Mission Chamber Orchestra.   This will be 
performed in San Jose on Nov. 3, St Hubert's Day, 
just a day after Dia de los Muertos. For more details, avoid:
To learn more about St. Hubert, visit

Once you have missed the Overture, you will
enjoy staying home while Prof. Cabbage takes 
his act on the road.   In this case, the road is HWY 17 from
San Jose to Santa Cruz.   He will visit the
physics dept of UC Santa Cruz at 4PM Thursday,
Nov. 8.   For more information, visit
To learn more about UCSC, visit

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2007-04-02 Thread HornCabbage
Der Fliegende Kohl will be transported next
week to New Jersey.After making the obligatory 
pilgrimage to Exit 2, to light a candle and prostrate 
himself at the birth shrine of I. M. Gestopfmitscheisst, 
he will visit Hampton NJ to give his usual talk blah blah
blah on the physics of brass instruments blah blah blah
at the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse on Thursday evening
April 12.   Those who wish to attend should contact
the Cruciferous One; if anyone wants to bring their 
horn for me to use (gently) during the talk, let me
know, and I will get you admitted gratis to the banquet. 
(Unless, of course, you are allergic to gratis.)
Those who wish to attend the banquet, but miss the
talk, or miss the banquet and attend the talk,
should also contact me.   Those who wish to 
miss both the banquet and the talk must wait 
until April 29 for further further instructions.

gotta go,

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RE: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2007-04-02 Thread Steve Freides
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 3:42 PM
 Subject: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road
 Der Fliegende Kohl will be transported next
 week to New Jersey.After making the obligatory 
 pilgrimage to Exit 2, to light a candle and prostrate himself 
 at the birth shrine of I. M. Gestopfmitscheisst, he will 
 visit Hampton NJ to give his usual talk blah blah blah on the 
 physics of brass instruments blah blah blah at the Hunterdon 
 Hills Playhouse on Thursday evening
 April 12.   Those who wish to attend should contact
 the Cruciferous One; if anyone wants to bring their horn for 
 me to use (gently) during the talk, let me know, and I will 
 get you admitted gratis to the banquet. 
 (Unless, of course, you are allergic to gratis.) Those who 
 wish to attend the banquet, but miss the talk, or miss the 
 banquet and attend the talk,
 should also contact me.   Those who wish to 
 miss both the banquet and the talk must wait until April 29 
 for further further instructions.
 gotta go,

From their web site: 

The Hunterdon Hills Playhouse is conveniently located three miles west of
Clinton, New Jersey, just off Interstate 78.

This brings to mind that Cat Stevens song, Miles From Nowhere.  No offense
intended to anyone who lives around there - it's lovely country which I
drive through on a semi-regular basis, although just off an interestate
highway isn't my favorite part of the area.

Herr Cabbage, your engagement is conspicuously absent from said web site -
perhaps they have discovered who you are?


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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2006-03-26 Thread HornCabbage
Professor Cabbage takes his show on the road to
Texas, speaking at Trinity University (San
Antonio) Tuesday, April 4; and at Rice University
(Houston) Wednsday, April 5.  Both talks
are in the afternoon, hosted by the
Physics departments of those schools.

Oops!  I need to find a copy of the piano accompaniment
for the Tuckwell edition of the Mozart concerti -
I intend to perform the d major rondeau (the one
on which Mozart wrote remarks to Leutgeb).  If you
have a copy  to loan me - especially if you live in the SF Bay
area, or near San Antonio, please contact me ASAP.

Contact me off-list if you are interested in learning how
to avoid the talks, or if you can loan a copy of the
Mozart/Tuckwell.  Many thanks.

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Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road and other NHR stuff

2005-01-21 Thread Bill Tyler
Dang. Gonna miss another one. Let me know if you  have an East Coast Tour 
coming up.
We need to get together, hc ... I have some ideas on the best string for rotary 
valves, and would like to get your ideas, and maybe formulate an updated 
string theory. 
And I can't help it ... check out , click on the Huygens Art 
contest. That's my daughter. Really.
Bill Tyler

Once again the Peripatetic One will take
to the road to bring his message of physics
and music to the huddled, inertial masses.
This time it's in the Physics Department of
Cal State Los Angeles at 3PM on Thursday, 
February 3. As a special treat, those who 
accidently attend this talk will not be subjected
to his usual rendition of Beethoven Op. 17.
The Cruciferous one hopes some generous
hornlister will be able to loan him a natural
horn (preferably a classical instrument with a
bunch of crooks) for him to tootle on during
this talk. 

Those requiring more information should contact
me off list. Those requiring less information
should stop reading this message long before 
they reach this sentence.

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2005-01-20 Thread HornCabbage
Once again the Peripatetic One will take
to the road to bring his message of physics
and music to the huddled, inertial masses.
This time it's in the Physics Department of
Cal State Los Angeles at 3PM on Thursday, 
February 3.   As a special treat, those who 
accidently attend this talk will not be subjected
to his usual rendition of Beethoven Op. 17.
The Cruciferous one hopes some generous
hornlister will be able to loan him a natural
horn (preferably a classical instrument with a
bunch of crooks) for him to tootle on during
this talk.   

Those requiring more information should contact
me off list.   Those requiring less information
should stop reading this message long before 
they reach this sentence.

gotta go,


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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2004-10-01 Thread HornCabbage
Prof. Cabbage will once again hit the road, this time
bringing his thoughts, such as they are, on the physics
of brass instruments to Fermilab in Illinois.  The
talk will be 4 PM Wednesday, October 6.  Since the
presentation will conclude with his interpretation of 
Beethoven's Op. 17 on natural horn, residents of Chicago 
and its environs will be anxious to book trips to distant 
places in order to minimize personal discomfort.
Additional misinformation is available at the following:

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the road

2004-04-29 Thread HornCabbage
Prof Cabbage will once again take his portable 
act on the road, spreading physics and cheer 
to grateful multitudes along the way.
Ingrates wishing to miss the
physics and/or the cheer are advised
to avoid Amherst MA next week; on
Wednesday, May 5 he will address the
Physics Department of the University
of Massachusetts, and the next day he
will speak to the Music Department.
Those who have failed to miss one of his
talks in the past will be delighted to learn
that he has graciously consented to a
request that he not perform the Beethoven
Horn Sonata on either of these occasions.

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Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2004-03-04 Thread Fred Baucom
I think the good professor's frequent trips around the country have perhaps a 
secondary purposea news headline from today:
Bush-Kerry-Cabbage Fight Off to Quick Start
The president hits L.A. for more fundraising as his ad blitz begins. The Democratic 
challenger heads right to the 2000 epicenter of Florida.  The Horn-party candidate 
looks for support in Indiana.
By Mark Z. Barabak and Maria L. La Ganga, Times Staff Writers

For the second time in less than a year,
Prof. Cabbage will visit Indiana. Those who
missed his presentation at Indiana University 
last summer are sure to welcome this additional
opportunity to avoid it at Butler University this
weekend. For details, check out

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the road

2004-02-15 Thread HornCabbage
Prof Cabbage will take his esteemed
Road Show to New England this week, 
giving talks in Watertown MA and
at Osmun's shop on the 20th and 21st.
Those who require specific instructions
for missing these talks are encouraged
to contact the Prof. off list.

I hope to borrow a natural horn so that
I don't have to travel with mine.  If any
list members in the Boston area can locate,
loan, or lease a Paxman Cor d'Orchestre 
(my first choice) for me, I would be quite grateful.  
Whether the citizens of Watertown will be equally 
grateful when they hear my performance of the 
Mozart Horn Quintet is somewhat dubious.

Many thanks.

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2003-11-06 Thread HornCabbage
Professor Cabbage will bring his celebrated
Road show (in which he offers his so-called
explanation of the Physics of brass musical 
instruments before taking up the natural horn
to commit serious injury to Beethoven Op. 17) 
to southern California, enlarging the swath of 
destruction in a region already devastated by forest fires.

Local emergency coordinators have promised to
cordon off the UC Irvine Physics Department on
Thursday afternoon, November 13 and the Music 
Department of Pomona College the following 
afternoon.  Those wishing to avoid the worst effects 
of this road show are encouraged to contact representatives 
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency well in advance.

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Re: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2003-11-06 Thread Fred Baucom
Was wonderingwill this physics discussion include a explanation of
string theory?  Though I missed the PBS Nova episodes of the past two
weeks, I have been told that this esoteric theory maintains that all matter,
at the sub-atomic level, is made up of discarded horn valve strings.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: [Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

 Professor Cabbage will bring his celebrated
 Road show (in which he offers his so-called
 explanation of the Physics of brass musical
 instruments before taking up the natural horn
 to commit serious injury to Beethoven Op. 17)
 to southern California, enlarging the swath of
 destruction in a region already devastated by forest fires.

 Local emergency coordinators have promised to
 cordon off the UC Irvine Physics Department on
 Thursday afternoon, November 13 and the Music
 Department of Pomona College the following
 afternoon.  Those wishing to avoid the worst effects
 of this road show are encouraged to contact representatives
 of the Federal Emergency Management Agency well in advance.

 Gotta go,
 set your options at

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road

2003-02-14 Thread HornCabbage
The Cabbage is about to hit the road.  Luckily,
he will not be delivering his usual lecture
on the physics of music instruments.  Even
so, list members may want to avoid the following
venues and dates, for which the Department of Homeland
Insecurity has announced a special green alert.

8PM Feb 15, Half-Moon Bay, CA
Mozart Concerto No. 3 (on natural horn)
Coastside Community Orchestra
Community Methodist Church
777 Miramontes St.

Feb 28-March 2 UCLA
March 6 Scripps College
Death's Jest-Book by Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Professor Cabbage has written a musical 
score (16 songs and choruses) for this play.
He has graciously agreed to play his valve horn
loud enough to drown out the vocalists.
For details, plus a charming portrait of the
composer, visit the following web site:

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[Hornlist] Cabbage on the Road/LA

2002-11-14 Thread Cabbage
If you are a horn player at UCLA, and
if you would care to peform in a play with
music composed by the Cabbage, to
be produced at UCLA next Feb/March
(only 4 players, so lots of solos),
contact me off-list.

Gotta go,

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