Re: [HOT] HOT Tech WG Meeting X+5

2014-01-15 Thread Pierre GIRAUD
Hi all,

Sorry I didn't answer to the messages that evoke the tasking manager.
I'm not giving up with its development at all. I'm just having a hard
time finding time and energy to contribute as much as I would like to.
I hope I can get more free time to fix some issues and answer the
pending emails.


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:

 Thanks Drazen for the update, and apologies for missing the meeting. Looking
 at what was discussed, I had few comments .. perhaps we can discuss here.

 First regarding setting priorities, there are actually a couple ways we can
 group issues on github to prioritize. We can either assign labels, and/or
 assign milestones to issues. I think this would be fairly straightforward.

 For LearnOSM, I think it's well overdue to have a discussion group
 specifically of translators and coordinators. If there's been a
 restructuring of the English version, then certainly need to get the word
 out and help transition. Finding a solution for image handling is something
 we can do collectively, and maybe develop a good structured request to devs.

 Finally, OSM Tasking Manager version 2. Would be really good to hear from
 pgiraud about how much work is left. Basically, which of these issues need
 to completed to get functionality up to v1, and retire v1 There's a lot of
 interest in building on OSMTM coming up, and we need to know where and how
 to focus efforts.

 * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 8:51 AM, Dražen Odobašić wrote:

 Tech WG IRC meeting X+5: Summary

   * fixed gray problem with DEM in the HDM style

   * some old postings on the hot.osm don't display the images correctly,
 on that
   * she can spend some time in setting the site up to be multilingual.
 with French, but also allowing other languages in future
   * requires help of a person who will do the translation of the relevant
 of text
   * proposes to update (hot.osm) Get Involved page with more technical
 about each project developed by HOT, so that potential contributors can
 see if they can work with specific technology stack

   * will try to tweek hdm-josm style in the coming weeks,  as there are a
 hanging issues for the HDM-JOSM and HDM-carto, but none of them are

   * Dakar french translation sprint of LearnOsm in november. Intermediate
 advanced sections are now available. See
   * Restructuration of the english version was started but not announced on
   * we are still faced with LearnOsm and Github issues for Translators : No
 progress made and no easy solution to upload images. Neither Github or
 offer to upload images via the web
   * announces that OsmContributorStatistic module is now available on github
 : It provide historic
 for bbox and dates.
   * reports an interesting statistic, comparing Haiti and Haiyan response:
 * Haiti 2010 - first 10 days, 304 contributors, 600k edits
 * Haiyan 2013 - first 11 days, 1200 contributors, 3mil edits

   * would like to see development version of TMv2 back online to test its
   * wonders if TWG is going to help with TMv2 development
   * proposes to somehow prioritize or vote on the projects issues to give
 potential developers a clear goal

   * volunteers to keep TWG wiki page updated
   * reports that at the moment there is no apparent load on amelia, after
 web site migration
   * will try to get TMv2 dev version up an running (best to scrap current
 instance, and start over)
   * concerned about too many active TMs, specifically and
 * can we somehow merge data from tasks2 to tasks... once we migrate
 from Amazon to amelia, or just discard it ?
   * proposes that we should  write better documentation per project, i.e.
 a 'how to help' section for each project that would at least contain links
 the documentation of the modules/libraries that the project is using, and
 prepare coding guidelines
   * proposes to advertise/advocate HOT project in the local Python user
 meetings/Hackathons/... (once we have create 'community participation'

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

  | Pierre GIRAUD

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Validation queries

2014-01-15 Thread Theodin
Hi Severin and all others,

Although I practically stopped working on OSM in CAR, I am still following the 
list and read your
Wiki-page-style how-to with interest (reading it I realised I didnt make any of 
the errors you
mentioned which is nice :) ). I hope to be able to contribute more in the 
coming months. Its nice to
see so many people emergency-map for OSM (Yolanda etc), and I hope some will 
start to work on other
areas as well which are hit badly by crises of a not-so-obvious nature.


Am 14.01.2014 19:24, schrieb Severin MENARD:
 Hi Nick,

 Thank you for your email. My answers inline.

 Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 13:48:00 +
 From: Nick Allen
 Subject: [HOT] Validation queries
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; Format=flowed


 Would you like me to join in with the validation process? I am
 experienced in mapping OSM, but am fairly new to regularly mapping HOT

 Would be great! Thanks for the proposition! Indeed you have contributed a lot 
 in OSM. Mapping HOT
 projects is not very complicated, as you saw with the Highway_Tag_Africa, it is less detailed 
 then in developed
 countries, at least regarding remote mapping. Maybe the difficulty is when 
 you do not know how
 those contexts look like. A goo way to compensate this is to look for videos 
 posted on Youtube
 (examples here, 
 especially the ones
 taken along road or streets. This is how you figure out if properties 
 enclosures are walls, fences
 or hedges, what is often a cultural feature. Ah, just saw you mapped some 
 wall enclosures (eg here They 
 actually are buildings
 (houses) under construction. It is frequent in developing countries that such 
 works last a long
 time or even be abandoned. 

 I'm responsible for some of the mapping in, as well as trying to change some of the
 more obvious 'highway=track to highway=residential or unclassified etc..
 or it may be easier to check what I've done using my OSM profile

 How much validation is actually needed / done? Is it a proportion of the
 whole task, or just until you are confident that, all things considered,
 the task is fulfilled? You're never going to get 100% as some things
 boil down to opinion about what the images actually are of, but the vast
 proportion is pretty obvious.

 This is something that still needs to be settled and documented. I would say 
 a validation is about
 both identifying mistakes/mapping lacks and standarzation/consolidation and 
 has 2 or three steps,
 related to scale:
 1. At neighborhood scale, check notably if:

   * buildings are missing. Sometimes it happens and if actually it represents 
 a consequent number
 of building over a TM task, it can be invalidated
   * buildings are correctly traced. Hopefully it is not frequent, but 
 sometimes mappers made
 really coarse outlines that do not respect either the buildings 
 proportions or angle. More
 frequent are mappers that do not know how to square the buildings. In 
 this case, after having
 checked what is their preferred editor, I generally send a message to 
 their OSM message box to
 give them the tip to do it
   * highway tags are correct. This is what you described. Some mappers put 
 tracks wherever it is
 not a main road considering it is not paved, but this is not a meaningful 
 criteria in these
 developing countries considering 99% of roads are unpaved. 
   * road geometry. Some mappers do not put enough details and other too much 
 (eg a node every 10
 or 20 m even if the road is straight). First case is quickly corrected 
 with the (magical)
 Improve Way Accuracy mode in JOSM; second case requires deleting extra 
 nodes when they
 actually make weave a straight road. 
   * start/end of roads. Some mappers are experts of giant snake roads or loop 
 roads, Requires to
 pass the mouse over the streets to see their extent and cut them where it 
 makes sense. On the
 contrary, some streets or roads are sawed without any reason (same tags 
 for all the sections)
   * general issues of connections between objects. Some that should be 
 connected and those that
 should not. Requires both Validator and also eye control

  2. at the town or city scale, it is quite related to the road network and 
 its main highways.
 Having a larger view  to identify the highways that are not simple 
 residential roads. They are
 often larger and frame a