[HOT] Tasking Manager 3 Coming Soon

2017-08-23 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Dear HOT community,

After many months of hard work and thousands of new lines of code, the new
version of the Tasking Manager is almost ready to launch. For those of you
who haven't followed the technical development, you can check out the TM3
code repository here https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager

We're holding a community chat tomorrow at 17:00 UTC over in the
#tasking_manager_3 channel of HOT's slack (
https://hotosm-slack.herokuapp.com/). If you would like to participate in
the launch, learn more about new exciting features and coordinate for
updating user documentation, please join us!

We outlined details of the launch plan here http://bit.ly/tm3-launch-plan
and welcome your feedback and participation to make this exciting
transition as smooth as possible.


Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Join us at the HOT Summit!
14-15 September, Ottawa
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping with Kids

2017-06-30 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hi Heather and all,

Marco from Politecnico di Milano has been organizing similar events with
even younger kids (fifth-graders!) and the results were impressive. I'm
sure he'd be happy to share his opinions and experience.

Some links:

http://www.geoforall.org/webinars/ (scroll down to the May 5th 2016 webinar)

Happy mapping!


On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 6:35 AM, Steven Johnson <sejohns...@gmail.com>

> Hi Heather & list,
> tl;dr; - Let's chat.
> Since the beginning of the year, TeachOSM has been collaborating with the
> American Geographical Society[1] to host a series of online workshops for
> high school (but also college) instructors. The workshops are designed to
> augment basic mapping training by helping teachers take the next step of
> integrating open mapping to their curricula., The workshops also act as
> an ongoing support service and forum for project development.
> As part of this collaboration, we're pulling together a 4-part Open
> Mapping Summer Camp for teachers. It has not been announced yet as details
> are still pending. But our plan is to introduce and test the modules in the
> TeachOSM for High School curriculum[2]. The curriculum is designed to
> compliment the AP Human Geography curriculum.[3]
> That's the gist of it. Happy to chat with any and all. Cheers,
> [1] http://americangeo.org
> [2] https://github.com/shawnmgoulet/teachosm-for-high-school
> [3] https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-human-geography
> -- SEJ
> -- twitter: @geomantic
> -- skype: sejohnson8
> Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans! - Empedocles, 
> *Fragments,
> 141.*
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Heather Leson <heatherle...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> Many of you have teaching experience and have shared curriculum on
>> TeachOSM. I'd be keen to talk with anyone who has does mapping workshops
>> with high school students.
>> This week I held a session with Ecole Internationale Geneva focused on
>> Missing Maps techniques. The session plan is listed in the blog post.
>> http://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/2017/06/29/data-ifrc-maps-kids-
>> humanitarian-outreach-16/
>> Thanks,
>> Heather
>> Heather Leson
>> heatherle...@gmail.com
>> Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson
>> Blog: textontechs.com
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
>> HOT@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Join us at the HOT Summit!
14-15 September, Ottawa
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Open Data for Resilience Initiative Hiring

2017-06-06 Thread Cristiano Giovando
In addition to the position posted by Robert, we're also looking for an OSM
consultant to deploy in Uganda for the next 8 months:

If you are interested or have questions, please contact me directly at


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 1:45 AM, Robert Banick <rban...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> My Innovation Labs team at the Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and
> Recovery (GFDRR) is hiring for a full-time consultant to work with the Open
> Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). The consultant will work out of
> our Washington D.C. office helping us grow OpenDRI’s impact within the
> World Bank, communicate about it outside the World Bank and generally stay
> on top of the many projects we support.
> If you or someone you know finds this interesting, please apply! The
> official job description and hiring details can be found here
> <https://opendri.org/opendri-is-hiring/>. Please submit your application
> before July 1st, 2017.
> For those who don’t know, the GFDRR works primarily within the World Bank
> Group to improve the way World Bank projects approach disasters, but also
> with partners like HOT where it makes sense. We are greatly inspired by
> open communities and include HOT members like myself, Robert Soden, Vivien
> Deparday and Cristiano Giovando in our team.
> Best,
> Robert
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Mapping Priorities

2016-10-24 Thread Cristiano Giovando
On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Rod Bera <r...@goarem.org> wrote:
> Hi Cristiano,
> I totally agree and didn't suggest we should stop mapping in good
> intelligence until we implement a catalogue tool.
> We all know where priorities are.

Hi Rod,

Maybe not everyone doing humanitarian mapping response to hurricane
Matthew actually knows. And to ensure that, to me it's important that
each team communicates about their ongoing efforts based on priorities
as identified by responding organizations.

We can also set preemptive mapping priorities by analyzing areas with
older data and that appear heavily damaged in post-event imagery.
Unfortunately that is not an easy job, given the multitude of ongoing
tasks and previous mapping using different image or ground sources.

That is why I would suggest we clearly and openly (here, Skype, slack,
etc) discuss priorities so that we are all aware and coordinate,
rather than compete.

The catalog tool/index, as you suggested, should be an easy first step
to improve coordination. Would you mind drafting your proposal in
Github, so that we can keep track and discuss the idea?

Later we could also think of a complementary tool where we aggregate
requests for mapping and priority AOIs, so that it will be easier for
other teams to know where each is focusing and based on what
requesting organization.

Thank you,


Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tasking ManagerS

2016-10-24 Thread Cristiano Giovando
n the HOT Tasking
>> Manager, if you send me your osm username, I can make sure you are as
>> well Rod if you would like to create projects on the HOT install.
> --
> Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
>et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
> Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
> +33 (0) 223 48 5553 - roderic.b...@agrocampus-ouest.fr
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tasking ManagerS (Was: {Re: Map4Haiti} + {[Hot-francophone] Project over Grand'Anse})

2016-10-24 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hi Rod,

As you can read from my email to the francophone list, the only reason
for publishing that project is to be able to coordinate with
ProjetEOF. As I mentioned it is set to low priority so it won't show
up at the top of tasks for people to use until we agree on it.

I also appreciate your proposal for a global indexing of OSM tasking
managers, but until that tool is developed, it would be great to
inform each other and discuss areas that may have potential overlap.
That is the reason why I sent my message to the hot-francophone
mailing list, asking for feedback and to discuss the issue around
imagery recency.

Only one task (for a test) was done in HOT's #2252, and two (at the
time of this writing) in ProjetEOF's #64. Please let's focus the
discussion on what needs to be mapped and with what imagery - that to
me is the most important thing to worry about right now.

Thanks for your understanding and please let me know if you have other
ideas for ensuring coordination in the short term.

Thank you,


On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Rod Bera <r...@goarem.org> wrote:
> now we've got overlapping tasks.
> http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/64
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2252
> where do we go from here?
> This could/should have been anticipated/prevented.
> Now we should consider trans-TM indexing, as these and other TM
> instances are probably here to last.
> On 24/10/16 10:07, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> (s'il vous plaît excuser mon anglais)
>> There are three WorldView 3 images available, captured on October 10
>> over the Grand'Anse and Sud departments. These have limited cloud
>> coverage and show very dramatically the impact of Hurricane Matthew in
>> western Haiti:
> https://beta.openaerialmap.org/#/-74.3994140625,18.521278249360137,10/032210312003?date=month&_k=uvs9ut
>> We, at HOT would like to create three tasks to update all baseline
>> information as shown by those images. I noticed that you guys
>> currently have a task over the same area which is using Bing as
>> default imagery source:
>> http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/64
>> In order to coordinate our efforts, I would like you to consider this
>> project that I just set up and ask you to let me know if you think it
>> would make sense to publish it first, since it has that more recent
>> imagery:
>> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2252
>> Right now it's published with low priority, just for you to be able to
>> see it. For reference, this is the exact extent:
> http://geojson.io/#id=gist:anonymous/5cfec955932472ebd1d23a01421a42c5=11/18.4698/-74.4193
>> Please let me know what you think, also in terms of instructions.
>> Happy to discuss or change anything based on everyone's feedback
>> before publishing it (bumping it up to high priority).
>> Also, we will not be doing any damage assessment (as indicated in the
>> task), so if you guys have any need to do it, feel free to use the TMS
>> services off of OAM. Here's one to browse the same October 10 image:
> http://oam-dynamic-tiler-tmp.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/57fecc6984ae75bb00ec752c/preview/#19/18.57497/-74.38157
>> Looking forward to your feedback.
>> Thank you,
>> Cristiano
> On 24/10/16 11:46, Rod Bera wrote:
>> Hi Mikel,
>>> that's a seperate topic from running an additional unnecessary
>>> tasking manager.
>> to me it's not.
>> As I understand things, the fact that a task needs to be
>> endorsed/supported by HOT if it is to appear on tasks.hotosm.org is a
>> problem. The fact that only co-opted ("trained", "friends") individual
>> can post a task is a problem too.
>> There were discussions on this in the past with people advocating a more
>> open policy for tasks.hotosm.org.
>> This did not happen for some reasons internal to HOT US Inc.
>> Then it appeared as a logical consequence that others would set-up
>> tasking managers fit for their needs.
>> Related to this is last year's discussion on default logos (TM by
>> default had a HOT logo), name (HOT tasking manager formerly incorrectly
>> known as OSM tasking manager). This was settled, more or less.
>> The next logical step (I also mentioned it at that time) was what is
>> happening now: possibly conflicting tasks. Well it is not the case yet:
>> as as far as I can see there is no overlap between tasks from
>> tasks.hotosm.org and tasks from taches.francophon

Re: [HOT] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-08 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Thanks for the comments, Nicolas. If you don't mind, let's try to stay
focused and not digress into polemical arguments, at least during an
active response. Happy to sit down later with you, Fred and others to
discuss how we can better coordinate in general around imagery.

Not sure you understood my point about UAVs, but the recommendation to
coordinate with responding organizations (and gov, and CAA?) was
purely for safety, regulatory issues, and immediate field needs. I
fully agree with you that UAV imagery is no different than
satellite's, they're all useful pixels at the end of the day :)

Looking forward to Fred's and the Haitian community imagery. Happy to
help any way we can... processing, hosting, sharing, mapping, let me

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:30 PM, nicolas chavent
<nicolas.chav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Thanks Blake and Cristiano,
> We do monitor imagery releases and understand imagery management in 
> humanitarian response, Fred and I have been in this field for quite some 
> time...
> When Fred wrote its email to the activation group dated 2-October 2016, the 
> timing was good for a charter activation possible via Fred excellent 
> relations with the Haitian government built over years right after the 2010 
> Quake with IOM. HOT US Inc Activation group decided not to seize that 
> opportunity to be more proactive and handle as upfront as possible the 
> imagery requests and the coverage of AOIs for openstreetmap to be put in the 
> best position unleash its mapping power.
> The same passivity seems to have gone with UAV imagery collection and Fred + 
> Potentiel3.0 offer to help has not been considered.
> Considering that this is the first time in the HOT US Inc history that a 
> member of the organization experienced/equipped/ready is positioned in a 
> country about to be hit by a disaster
> Knowing how vital timely provision of hight resolution imagery for post 
> disaster needs assessments and mapping in OSM is,
> it's puzzling to consider that nothing has been done to harness such a 
> promising situation.
> It seems that nothing has been communicated nor no linkages made with other 
> groups active on this front.
> Policy-wise and procedure wise your point about UAV coordination is debatable:
> coordination for imagery provision via relations with imagery providers and 
> domain actors is at the heart of any OSM crisis response, why would UAV 
> imagery be treated differently ?
> At a time where the tech makes it almost as easy to fly a drone & collect 
> imagery than collecting traces and waypoints with GPS. We are not going to 
> give away our GPS, fieldppers, mobile apps, are not we? Why would we do this 
> for UAV ?
> Historically OSM in crisis response came as an innovation which succeeded and 
> to succeed it had to be agile and sometimes disruptive, this how the HOT 
> Project reached a milestone in the Haiti 2010 Quake response and "changed the 
> course of humanitarian action for ever" (to quote JohnCrowley).
> What happened to the 2010 ethos, agility, pragmatism that lead to the 
> incorporation of HOT US Inc in Aug 2010 and the progresses registered so far? 
> How can HOT US Inc come to this situation ie not using the skills of one of 
> its members to boost the OSM/GIS crisis response by (i) helping to task 
> satellites and (2) fly drones BEFORE any other UAV groups can deploy to the 
> island ?
> It's time to fix this and make sure HOT US Inc acts so that Fred and local 
> Haitian dronists who grew up in the aftermath of the 2010 Quake and 
> incorporate as a Haitiano-swiss association can do well for CycloneMatthew 
> response what they had been doing well since 2012 Hurricane Sandy. It shall 
> not be hard to provide connection and support with partners having logistics 
> in Haiti and working with OSM like IOM, WFP, ARC to name a few to assist 
> moving one or two persons with a drone over the island...
> This means timely collected/processed/produced/released UAV imagery and 
> OSM/GIS opendata
> This also means consideration for local persons who built their capacities 
> with the support of dedicated, skilled persons
> This also means consideration for those who layed the ground for OSM, the HOT 
> project and HOT US Inc in Haiti.
> This also means not treating Cyclone Matthew crisis in Haiti like a country 
> with no local OSM/UAV/opendata capacities.
> Let's work this out and use Haitian home brewed UAV imagery among other UAV 
> imageries hopefully produced in a coordinated manner
> Best,
> Nicolas
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Cristiano Giovando 
> <cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org> wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> Yes Fred's experience 

[HOT] Fwd: Invitation: OSM Analytics Roadmap Chat

2016-08-16 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hey fellow mappers,

Some of you already know and have been using OSM Analytics since its
launch in April [0], but for those who are not familiar with it,
here's the direct link http://osm-analytics.org

This was initially a small prototype project, but given the interest
and feedback by many in the OSM community, we're now thinking how to
scale it and include more functionalities.

To start the discussion around a roadmap, we are holding a public
community chat this Thursday, August 18th, at 17:00UTC [1] on Gitter:

Everyone is welcome to join - I think we will have some more technical
discussions on the infrastructure design, but also less technical ones
about feature requests and ideas for new functions.

All OSMA code is public here [2]. Would be great to also discuss how
to integrate other OSM applications that focus on statistics, quality
assurance, user analytics and validation into OSMA and vice-versa. One
example is this work [3] by Jennings Anderson, built on a similar
processing workflow/stack, that has lots of great insights and
visualizations on OSM contributors and data quality.

If you are around on Thursday, we'd love you to join and share your
ideas. See you then!




[2] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-analytics

[3] http://mapbox.github.io/osm-analysis-collab/osm-quality.html

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WHO reports Polio in Africa again

2016-08-13 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hey John - it looks like this old project for Borno still needs some work

For reference

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 1:23 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any connected mapping projects need any help?
> Thanks John
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
HOT mailing list

[HOT] OSM Analytics - your awesome map stories... visualized!

2016-04-28 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Dear HOTties,

Today we are officially launching OSM Analytics [0], a project built
by Martin Raifer [1], HOT and partners, thanks to a grant that we
received from the Knight Foundation [2].

Here's a blog post that I just published with more details about the project:


Please explore it and start digging into visualizations of OSM data.
You can clearly see the impact of HOT activations, both spatially and
temporally. There are some great mapping stories that you can tell
using OSM Analytics ;-)

We will continue to extend this platform further with more data layers
and tools. If you are a developer and want to join us, we look forward
to your pull requests [3].

If you just like OSM Analytics and want to propose more functions,
ideas, or find any bugs, please submit an issue here [4].

Lastly - as some of you may remember - a few weeks ago I asked the HOT
community for project name ideas [5]. After reviewing all your
creative entries, we decided that OSM Analytics was simple and
straight forward... so the fancy HOT coffee mug prize goes to Marc!

Happy mapping, and we look forward to many OSM / awesome map stories!


[0] http://osm-analytics.org/
[1] https://github.com/tyrasd
[2] http://www.knightfoundation.org/grants/201551652/
[3] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-analytics
[4] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-analytics/issues
[5] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2016-April/011471.html

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Wanna drink your next coffee in a fancy HOT mug?

2016-04-11 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Thank you for all the great name ideas so far, you have until tonight
for more suggestions. As a reminder this is a tool not built just for
HOT and the TM, but for the wider OSM community :)

In fact, you can enter any admin boundary or placename in the search
box and it will return aggregated numbers for just that. Try is at
http://hotosm.github.io/osm-dat-frontend just keep in mind that we're
still optimizing the geocoder and overpass calls, so it may be a bit
slow to zoom to it.

So, for names we have:

OSM-DAT (OSM Data Analysis Tool)
Awesome DAT (a phonetic variation of the above)
OSM Analytics (that's the current name in the demo)
TM Analytics (tasking manager analytics)
TM Dashboard (tasking manager dashboard)
T'Mashboard (same as above ...but from Yorkshire!)
KnOSM (Know your OSM data)
OSMonaut (the OSM data explorer)
HEAT (HOT Extent Analysis Tool)
OSMologist (the expert about OSM data)
OSMetrics (too obvious?)
OSMotron (sounds scary, but in ancient greek -tron means tool)

Please reply to me quoting your favorite or adding your likes/+1 if
you want to participate with choosing the final name.

@Pete - I think your heat sensitive appearing-map HOT mug is genius!
Why on earth doesn't exist yet?!? What do you think will take to make

On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Pete Masters
<pedrito1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Does the mug reveal a change from a sparsely populated OSM map to a fully
> mapped version  when hot water is poured? If not, it should ;)
> How about a contraction of Rod's suggestion of TM Dashboard to The
> Mashboard. Even better if said by someone from Yorkshire (T' Mashboard).
> By the way, if this wins the mug, something is very wrong!
> Pete
> On 9 Apr 2016 20:39, "Rod Bera" <r...@goarem.org> wrote:
>> Cool!
>> Excellent and awaited tool in the making!
>> this tool (or an instance of it) is meant to be linked to  the TM (or an
>> instance of it) as a 1-1 relation, right?
>> then this should be reflected in the name.
>> Why not simply TM-analytics ? (I mean for the tool. And HOT TM-analytics
>> for the HOT instance).
>> or taskview/taskmap or TM-dashboard/TM-dashmap.
>> cheers,
>> Rod
>> On 08/04/16 10:01, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
>> > It's been about a month since we started development of the OSM Data
>> > Analysis Tool [0] and we are getting very close to have a full
>> > pre-processing workflow [1] and a sleek front-end user interface [2].
>> > ...Now we just need a fancy new name for it!
>> >
>> > So, we are asking for your help - witty hotties - and are giving away
>> > one of the hottest HOT gadgets, the HOT mug [3], which will keep
>> > coffee hot (or mojito cool?), to who's going to come up with the
>> > hottest name for the new prototype tool.
>> >
>> > We'll have the polls open until Monday, you can reply with your ideas
>> > directly in this thread. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak preview
>> > of the tool in action [4]. Keep in mind that it's all heavy work in
>> > progress, so expect things not to work as expected, yet.
>> >
>> > Have fun, and mappy Friday!
>> >
>> > Cristiano
>> >
>> >
>> > [0]
>> > https://hotosm.org/updates/2016-03-10_osm_data_analysis_tool_development_kicks_off
>> >
>> > [1] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-dat-backend/
>> >
>> > [2] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-dat-frontend
>> >
>> > [3] https://goo.gl/photos/4DzMZzPZG946jcex8
>> >
>> > [4]
>> > http://hotosm.github.io/osm-dat-frontend/#/show/polygon:xtqxLq%7CfpB_tHlVq~%40_aDx~G_pB/buildings/recency
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
>> HOT@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Wanna drink your next coffee in a fancy HOT mug?

2016-04-08 Thread Cristiano Giovando
It's been about a month since we started development of the OSM Data
Analysis Tool [0] and we are getting very close to have a full
pre-processing workflow [1] and a sleek front-end user interface [2].
...Now we just need a fancy new name for it!

So, we are asking for your help - witty hotties - and are giving away
one of the hottest HOT gadgets, the HOT mug [3], which will keep
coffee hot (or mojito cool?), to who's going to come up with the
hottest name for the new prototype tool.

We'll have the polls open until Monday, you can reply with your ideas
directly in this thread. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak preview
of the tool in action [4]. Keep in mind that it's all heavy work in
progress, so expect things not to work as expected, yet.

Have fun, and mappy Friday!



[1] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-dat-backend/

[2] https://github.com/hotosm/osm-dat-frontend

[3] https://goo.gl/photos/4DzMZzPZG946jcex8


Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] OSM Data Analysis Tool - Opportunity for Web Developers

2016-01-28 Thread Cristiano Giovando
(with apologies for cross-posting)

Hello fellow mappers!

HOT was recently awarded a prototype grant by the Knight Foundation to
build an OSM Data Quality Analysis Tool [0]. We envision this
prototype to help us answering questions about the quality and content
of data we create, as well set the foundation for a framework that
allows development of future tests/functions.

After some initial brainstorming back in December, we identified the
technical stack and requirements for building the prototype. The goal
is to reuse parts of existing open libraries and APIs where possible,
put them together with some javascript magic and build an easy to use
Web interface to run the analyses.

See more details about the call and scope of work here [1].

If you are interested in the job and have strong Web development
skills, please apply! We would love to see someone from the HOT/OSM
community building it. Either ways, please help us spread the word and
forward the link to anyone who might be interested.

Deadline is next Friday, February 5th!



[0] http://www.knightfoundation.org/grants/201551652/

[1] https://hotosm.org/job/osm_data_analysis_tool_call_for_web_developer/2016

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT awarded Knight Foundation Prototype Fund grant

2015-12-08 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hey all,

Quick update to confirm that we started this project and I will be
coordinating it together with Blake. The plan is to have a traditional
HOT Tech Challenge published in a week or so and developer(s) hired by
the end of January.

If anyone is interested to participate in a community design process,
we are having the initial meeting this week to discuss goals and
requirements to be included in the tech challenge.

Proposed dates are Thursday Dec-10 or Friday Dec-11 at 16:00UTC.
Please review this draft document and add your name and availability
in section 7 if you are interested to participate


I look forward to speaking with some of you later this week. Please
let me know if you have questions or feedback in the meantime.



On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 6:42 AM, hyan...@gmail.com <hyan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Because "más vale tarde que nunca", congrats to the project leader Blake
> Girardot and all the team for this new gestating tool!
> Best,
> Humberto
> 2015-11-08 6:25 GMT-05:00 Heather Leson <heatherle...@gmail.com>:
>> Congratulations for all that made this possible. Next up: rocking the
>> delivery
>> heather
>> Heather Leson
>> heatherle...@gmail.com
>> Twitter: HeatherLeson
>> Blog: textontechs.com
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Russell Deffner
>> <russell.deff...@hotosm.org> wrote:
>>> This is excellent Tyler,
>>> Having been part of the brainstorming I can only say that I was beyond
>>> impressed with the quality of ideas presented and now that it will basically
>>> be ‘out of my league’ since I’m not much of a coder or statistician – I
>>> can’t wait to see the prototype!
>>> Congratulations and best wishes for success HOT!
>>> =Russ
>>> From: Tyler Radford [mailto:tyler.radf...@hotosm.org]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:29 AM
>>> To: hot
>>> Subject: [HOT] HOT awarded Knight Foundation Prototype Fund grant
>>> Hi all,
>>> HOT was recently awarded support from the Knight Foundation for an OSM
>>> data quality analysis tool. Thank you to the many HOT folks who worked on
>>> drafting and conceptualizing this idea!
>>> http://www.knightfoundation.org/blogs/knightblog/2015/11/3/20-ideas-receive-support-knight-prototype-fund-media-and-information-projects/
>>> Tyler Radford
>>> Executive Director
>>> email: tyler.radf...@hotosm.org
>>> U.S. mobile: +1 617.285.2009
>>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>>> Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development
>>> web | twitter | facebook | donate
>>> ___
>>> HOT mailing list
>>> HOT@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
>> HOT@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] From osmf-talk: "Balancing the presence of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT US Inc) in the OpenStreetMap Foundation"

2015-12-02 Thread Cristiano Giovando
 copyright front, as was evoked in the
> osmf-talk thread. Or in the field of OSM based services. I don't know. But
> based on what we have seen on the « humanitarian » side, even though OSM
> had, and still has, such a broad and wonderful potential there, many
> unthinkable and not very nice things could happen.
> So, if you care about the future of OSM as a common good for the general
> interest, and if you have the right to do so, please vote wisely.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> France
> (where, particularly since the Charlie Hebdo attack, we are somewhat
> reluctant to submit to pressures to restrict our freedom of expression).
> ___
> talk mailing list
> t...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] MSF Report on How Maps Helped Fight Ebola

2015-11-30 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Not sure if this was already shared, but just in case, from our
colleagues at MSF:


Full report here:

Plenty of references to HOT, OSM and Missing Maps, and how the data
has been used. Another great example of how maps and your work can
make a difference.

Happy monday!

Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Share your HOT stories at Tech4Dev 2016

2015-11-02 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello HOTies,

Blake and I were given the opportunity to organize a breakout session
at the 2016 Tech4Dev Conference, organized by EPFL and Unesco.


The title is "Open Geodata and Imagery for Humanitarian Mapping". We'd
love to hear about your stories, challenges, and ideas. Please submit
an abstract by this Friday, November 6th. More details about the
specific session are found here:


Notice that accepted presenters from certain countries will be
eligible for travel support. See this link for more details:

Let me or Blake know if you have any question and please forward this
message to other colleagues or friends who might be interested.



Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] 2016 Women in Open Source Award

2015-11-02 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello! It's time to nominate our superheroes, those women who put
their heart and skills into open data, software and HOT.

Deadline is November 30th. Submit your nomination today!


Cristiano Giovando
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Nepal After Action Review: Imagery Coordination

2015-06-30 Thread Cristiano Giovando

As part of a series of after action reviews for HOT's recent Nepal
activation, we are starting with an assessment of imagery
coordination. Here's a draft list of items for discussion:


The idea is to have a couple of Skype meetings and then prepare a
short report with a list of lessons learned and recommendations for
future improvements.

Anyone is welcome to join, but I'm obviously seeking active
participation by those who were involved in imagery coordination and
provisioning during the activation.

** When: Friday July 3rd and July 10th, 2015, 18:00 UTC **
Where: Skype (please add me as a contact if you would like to participate)

Let me know if you have conflicts with the proposed dates and we can
consider other options. I am also open to using Mumble if that's
something you prefer, please let me know.



Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] OAM Project Chat and New Summer Job Posted

2015-06-24 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hey HOTties,

Are you interested to learn more about the recent developments in
OpenAerialMap? Join us tomorrow in our weekly meeting over on Gitter.
More details below.

Let me also point out about an exciting summer job opportunity to
contribute to the project. We are looking for a research consultant to
join the team for two months and write about OpenAerialMap:


Please contact me directly with any question and do apply now if interested.



On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Cristiano Giovando
cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org wrote:

 As mentioned last week, I created an agenda for tomorrow's weekly meeting:


 There's already quite a bit to discuss, but feel free to add or
 comment on anything I have listed. We will be on Gitter at the usual
 time, 18:00 UTC (11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT / 20:00 CEST)

 More details and links to previous meeting logs can be found here

 I also want to mention that we just posted an exciting summer job
 opportunity for anyone interested in learning and writing about


 Please distribute widely and let me know if you have any question
 about the position. Deadline to apply is July 3rd.

 See you tomorrow!


 Cristiano Giovando
 Technical Project Manager
 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] DigitalGlobe Imagery for Nepal

2015-04-27 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Awesome Kevin! Would you have a live feed (JSON or KML) with info
about cloud cover (and other metadata) for each scene as it gets
added? Otherwise a daily shapefile could work too. It would help to
prioritize areas and define tasks. Thanks much!

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Kevin Bullock
kbull...@digitalglobe.com wrote:
 Dear HOT, new WorldView-03 imagery has been posted, scanned at better than
 35cm GSD. Available via same account, same license. Weather was much better,
 this was acquired Apr 27th (today) and is fully processed and ready to use.
 I am seeing many damaged areas, I just posted a few to my twitter account:

 This imagery can be accessed via http://services.digitalglobe.com

 Username: nepal
 Password: forcrisis

 From: Heather Leson [mailto:heatherle...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:08 PM
 To: Kevin Bullock
 Cc: hot@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [HOT] DigitalGlobe Imagery for Nepal

 Kevin and Digital Globe team,

 Thank you very much for your continued support of HOT.


 Heather Leson
 Twitter: HeatherLeson
 Blog: textontechs.com

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 6:09 AM, Kevin Bullock kbull...@digitalglobe.com

 DigitalGlobe has open sourced pre and post event imagery for Nepal.
 (Official blog post with license info forthcoming). All imagery is licensed
 for OpenStreetMap usage. Using this portal below, you'll be able to view and
 download imagery, as well as creating OGC endpoints. To download, zoom in
 and click the camera button. To create endpoints, there is a Use With
 button on top.

 Useable imagery is up now, we've been collecting despite cloudy conditions.
 This imagery was collected at a very high off nadir angle so accuracy will
 not be as good as typical DG imagery, and you'll notice increased building
 lean. In the next few hours, we will be making several more attempts with
 the entire constellation. As new imagery is collected, it will be processed
 and added to this service.

 URL: http://services.digitalglobe.com

 Username: nepal

 Password: forcrisis

 Connect ID: 3be28e3d-4e5a-4d61-8d25-51996e44b761

 Sincerely, Kevin Bullock on behalf of DigitalGlobe

 Sent from my mobile

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Activation Need: Imagery Gap Analysis

2015-04-26 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hi Sev - happy to help on this. Let me know when ready and instructions. Thanks!

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Severin Menard
severin.men...@gmail.com wrote:

 I had created a specific TM job to do this in South Sudan with my fellow
 teammates Althio and Blake. I do it for Nepal.



 On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Mikel Maron mikel.ma...@gmail.com wrote:

 Arch, Thanks for reporting imagery gaps.

 All, we need someone to analyse and collect gaps in imagery, in this uMap,
 in order to structure a request to imagery-coord.


 If you can help, get in touch with me or any of the other coordinators.


 * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 On Sunday, April 26, 2015 3:34 AM, arch_a...@t-online.de
 arch_a...@t-online.de wrote:

 Hello Pierre,

 please mention in task #1002 that Bing/Mapbox imagery has huge distortions
 in the area around Manaslu Himal. The best way of mapping in this area is to
 use a mixture of Bing, Mapbox and Landsat imagery, GPS traces and to use
 SRTM data to check if riverbanks fit the topography.

 Here is a example of the mentioned distortions:

 Thanks, Arch

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Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] validating tiles

2015-03-25 Thread Cristiano Giovando
 validating a lot of tiles -- sometimes I seem to be
 doing most of the validations on a project -- and even though seeing
 number by your name increment isn't the biggest thrill in the world, I
 have to admit that I miss it..

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

 Pete Masters
 Missing Maps Project Coordinator
 +44 7921 781 518



 HOT mailing list

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] San Diego + Chicago Mapathon this Saturday

2015-03-24 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello Hotties,

We are having a dual-mapathon this Saturday, March 28th. It will be
hosted at the Red Cross offices of San Diego and Chicago, starting at
9:30AM PDT.

If anyone in either city is interested to join, please get in touch
with me. More details can be found on the event flier posted here:

We will also need some remote assistance from HOT/OSM expert mappers.
Let me know if you would be around IRC or Skype between 16:30-19:00
UTC on Saturday and might be able to help.

Dale and Pete mentioned that they may have some specific tasks for us,
but if you have other priorities you would like us to focus on, please
let me know.



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Summit panel / talk proposal

2015-03-23 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Thank you all for the excellent idea!

Pete - would you mind submitting your proposal through the summit
Website? The CfP is closing tonight and we must have all proposals
submitted in order to start arranging the schedule.


Thanks and please spread this reminder through your channels!

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 9:48 AM, James Conkling
james.lane.conkl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Pete,

 Yes, this exactly something I've been thinking about--specifically along the
 lines of remote mapathons where in-person training is not an option and
 previous exposure to OSM is limited.  The project's not launched yet
 (hopefully we'll be announcing it later this week--will announce here on the
 listserv when we do.  The project is mapping logging roads across the Congo
 Basin),  I'm counting on having some project observations/feedback by the
 end of April to share at the Summit.

 I've already submitted a talk for our project, but would of course be
 willing to share thoughts before or at the conference.

 On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Pete Masters pedrito1...@googlemail.com

 Hi all,

 I'd like to propose a talk or panel for the HOT Summit on the subject of
 large scale, virtual mapathons.

 The way the HOT community responds in waves following a crisis, or a
 request from an NGO, is incredible. Truly impressive.

 The Missing Maps project obviously benefits from this capacity and
 commitment and many of you have contributed to Missing Maps tasks.

 Missing Maps has had considerable success in bringing new people into HOT
 via the tasking manager at mapathons. We think that, at the London Missing
 Mapathons alone, we have had over 500 people attending and contributing and
 the vast majority of these are new to HOT. At a physical event, we are able
 to train and support these new mappers in order to try and maintain high
 quality data.

 This is great, but we are faced with the problem of scaling this model of
 participation. In London, we can't find venues big enough to cope with
 demand (last month, 80 places were booked in less than three hours) and we
 do not have the capacity within MSF, the British Red Cross and the local HOT
 community to significantly increase the number of mapathons we host.

 There are more and more Missing Maps events happening independently of
 (although supported by) the organisations involved, which is hugely welcome.

 But, the fact remains that there is appetite for involvement from many
 more places than there are mapathons. One of the potential ways to feed this
 appetite (and by extension, expand the capacity of HOT) is to organise
 regular, large scale remote mapathons, with training, context, tasking and
 support built in.

 I would love to explore this possibility with you guys and thought the
 summit might be a good place to start the conversation. Is anyone up for
 joining me in presenting this idea for discussion?

 I am not sure yet whether a panel, a talk or a workshop is the most
 appropriate and I don't claim to be an expert (although I would love to
 share our London experiences with you), so it would be great to collaborate
 on this.

 If anyone is interested, please drop me a line.



 Pete Masters
 Missing Maps Project Coordinator
 +44 7921 781 518



 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] HOT Summit Call for Proposals - deadline extended!

2015-03-17 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello Hotties,

As we are organizing the HOTtest event of the year [1], we decided to
give you all a little bit more time to submit your proposals for

The deadline is now extended to next Monday, March 23rd, 2015 [2].
Please send your ideas through the form linked on the CfP page. There
are different formats to choose from, from 5 minute lightning talks,
to 20 minute presentations, to half day workshops.

The summit is a really great opportunity to share your stories with
the HOT community, by presenting you have a chance to inspire many
others like you.

Please forward this notice to anyone who may be interested. We look
forward to seeing many of you in DC in about 6 weeks!


the Summit team

PS: Presenters will also receive a 50% off discount on the registration fee [3]

[1] http://summit.hotosm.org/
[2] http://summit.hotosm.org/talk
[3] https://hotsummit2015.eventbrite.com/

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] What I want from Hot - Response

2015-03-13 Thread Cristiano Giovando
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Mark Cupitt markcup...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is why I suggest that a Presidents report is appropriate, it is
 current, relevant and should cover all the ongoing efforts, what ever they
 are in a one to two page email, once a month. All the other material we
 currently have would support this for the detail.

+1 (this is also what I suggested today as one of the roles for the future ED)

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Updates on GSoC and Outreachy

2015-03-03 Thread Cristiano Giovando

Google announced the list of organizations accepted in this year GSoC,
but unfortunately HOT did not make it. We have such a big and awesome
community of mappers, but we may need more active coding in our
projects to have better chances in these programs.

We are still very excited to see that OSM was accepted and have
discussed listing some of our ideas under their application. I
personally support the idea of developing a portable OSM ToolKit [1]
which can be used for training, demos and field work. I'm recruiting a
couple or mentors and then add the project to the list here [2]. If
you have any other project that you care about and would like to
submit an idea, please let me know.

We are also really happy to participate in the Outreachy program again
[3]. Student applications can be submitted starting today, Mhairi will
follow up with additional information and guidelines.



[1] https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/issues/15
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015/Project_Ideas
[3] https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/wiki/Outreachy-2015

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Submit your ideas for Google Summer of Code now!

2015-02-18 Thread Cristiano Giovando
The application deadline is approaching and we would like to include a
good list of ideas for HOT. This is an excellent opportunity to get
college students involved in our projects and at the same time benefit
from their coding work.

There are currently 8 ideas, with some of them still needing
descriptions and mentors. We would like to add a few more and have the
draft list ready in 2 days (by Friday):


Please keep in mind that GSoC is targeted specifically for coding
projects. If you have other ideas about improving design, engaging
communities or writing documentation, please tag those for inclusion
with the Outreachy program instead.



HOT mailing list

[HOT] Google Summer of Code 2015 Ideas

2015-02-10 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello HOTties!

We are planning to apply for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) [0] as a
mentoring organization and we need your input for ideas to propose.
GSoC is a program that sponsors students to write code for open source
projects. Most college students anywhere in the world are eligible to
participate, they get paid for their work and the time spent on
projects may count as university course credit.

Here are some topics that I thought could be relevant to HOT:

- open source geospatial plugins for humanitarian response
- development of Open Aerial Map [1]
- spatial ETL, improvements to export tools [2]
- mapping coordination platforms [3]
- humanitarian/OSM version of OSGeo Live
- map rendering based on the Humanitarian Data Model
- mobile field mapping applications

We may be collaborating with other organizations like OSGeo or OSM on
some of the projects, but if you specific HOT ideas, please let us

We started the application document here [4] and we are coordinating
over at the Technical Working Group list[5]. If you would like to help
out with the application, please join the TWG.



[0] https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015
[1] https://github.com/hotosm/OpenAerialMap
[2] http://export.hotosm.org
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org
[5] https://groups.google.com/a/hotosm.org/forum/?hl=en#!forum/techwg

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

[HOT] OAM Survey

2015-02-10 Thread Cristiano Giovando

As one of the first steps in the development of OAM, we are publishing
a short user requirement survey to collect feedback and ideas:


If you use aerial or satellite imagery in your humanitarian mapping
projects (e.g. for tracing or visual analysis), we invite you to
complete section 1. If you or your organization also provides aerial
imagery for mapping purposes, then it would be great if you could
answer section 2 as well.

The entire survey should not take more than 10 minutes. Contact me
with any question and please forward the link to anyone who might be

Thank you!


Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] LearnOSM - updates

2015-01-28 Thread Cristiano Giovando
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:21 AM, althio althio.fo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there an export possible of this glossary file from transifex or other
 translation tools?
 Such a file could be maintained and shared for different OSM-HOT projects
 that need translation.
 For consistency and ease of translation of technical terms across wiki,
 software, documentation...

That's actually a really good idea. It could benefit not just HOT, but
the wider OSM community. It looks like Transifex supports multiple
localization formats [1], so it should not be a problem for
interoperability with other projects.

I also noticed that translation methods are not consistent across OSM
[2] anyway, but many of them rely on Transifex. The iD editor for
example is one of them, so we may be able to already use translated
strings from there [3] directly into LearnOSM.

Projects like QGIS rely on Transifex for both software and
documentation localizations [4]. It may be worth asking them how well
it works for that purpose.

Should we continue this discussion over at the LearnOSM-Coord list [5]?

[1] http://docs.transifex.com/developer/formats/
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Translation
[3] https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/id-editor/
[4] https://www.transifex.com/organization/qgis
[5] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/learnosm-coord/

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] LearnOSM - updates

2015-01-27 Thread Cristiano Giovando
I found this [1]...  Transifex comes highly recommended and is free
for open source projects [2]. Is there a reason not to move the
LearnOSM translation there?

[2] https://www.transifex.com/customers/open-source/

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:49 PM, althio althio.fo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Cristiano, Hrvoje, Michael,

 I have been working with Nick on the translation workflow of LearnOSM.

 We are very much aware that it is not easy to find the sections that need
 some work. Even more so when it is only part of an already existing page.
 Of course if you are interested you can contact the LearnOSM team. We might
 have a rough idea of the status for your language and provide assistance.
 learn...@hotosm.org or
 on GitHub at http://github.com/hotosm/learnosm

 We are trying to review the content and the structure to find better ways,
 eg. to handle statuses like untranslated, in progress, outdated, translated.
 You can provide ideas and feedback, just look for our recent activity on
 GitHub or drop an email.

 Unfortunately this is far from done and we still have to review with the
 potential translators what needs to be done case by case. We hope the future
 will be smoother for our translators and us!

 althio - LearnOSM

 HOT mailing list

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Re: LearnOSM - updates

2015-01-27 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the updates. Reading the Contributing.md page [1] I noticed
there are three options for helping with translations, but I did non find a
list of what needs to be translated. Is there a quick way to see what
sections need to be translated and have not been claimed by other
translators, other than comparing each page with the English version? What
if something changes in a page that has already been translated, can we get
an visual diff converted to tasks for translators to take care of?

I see there are labels in GitHub [2] [3] that may help with the process, we
should probably clarify the workflow of claiming/assigning translation
issues, so that work is not accidentally duplicated.



[1] https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md
[2] https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/labels/translation
[3] https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/labels/Awaiting%20translator

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:54 AM, Nick Allen nick.allen...@gmail.com


 The missing link for feedback = https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm



  Forwarded Message   Subject: Re: [HOT] LearnOSM - updates  
 Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:48:57 +0700  From: Alex Rollin alex.rol...@gmail.com
 alex.rol...@gmail.com  Reply-To: alex.rol...@gmail.com  To: Nick Allen
 nick.allen...@gmail.com nick.allen...@gmail.com

 Nick, can you post back with the link to the overview of HOW we can get
 involved in the edit, as in an overview of how to gitthis or pullthat or
 how it all hangs together?


 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Nick Allen nick.allen...@gmail.com


 LearnOSM has been updated recently - in fact its under constant review 

 There are now significant parts of the site available in German, thanks
 to the efforts of Michael63-osm.

 There are also additions to the Remote, Armchair  Mapathon section,
 including sections on (I've listed them this way as validators may find it
 handy to paste these links into feedback when validating squares);








 As usual, any feedback gratefully received.



 Volunteer 'Tallguy' for


 Treasurer, website  Bonus Ball admin for
 http://www.6thswanleyscouts.org.uk/ (treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk)

 HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
HOT mailing list

[HOT] OAM Pre-Project Sprint

2015-01-20 Thread Cristiano Giovando
Hello HOTties and OSMers,

Sorry for cross-posting. I'm writing to let you know about the Open
Aerial Map (OAM) project and inviting anyone who is interested to join
us at the kickoff meeting this Thursday, January 22nd, 18:00UTC on IRC

OAM was conceptualized back in 2007 as a global catalog and repository
of open aerial imagery. Think of OSM but for imagery data. The idea is
to build a system where data can be uploaded in raw georeferenced
format and then made accessible through a tile server layer or OGC
WMS/WCS. The imagery can be contributed by anyone from an individual
drone mapper to a satellite image provider. OAM is then available to
HOT, the OSM community and anyone needing it for tracing or analysis.

Please join us on the OAM list [2] and looking forward to talking to
some of you on Thursday.



[1] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.oftc.net/hot
[2] https://groups.google.com/a/hotosm.org/forum/?hl=en#!forum/openaerialmap

-- Forwarded message --
From: Cristiano Giovando cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org
Date: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [talk-oam] OAM Pre-Project Sprint
To: openaerial...@hotosm.org

After talking to Blake we decided to host this initial brainstorming
session on Thursday, January 22 at 18:00 UTC [1] . It will be on the
HOT IRC channel [2], anyone is welcome to join.

I will send a reminder tomorrow and a list of ideas to start with for
our discussion.

Please forward to anyone who may be interested.



[2] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.oftc.net/hot

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Stephen Mather
step...@smathermather.com wrote:
 Hi Cristiano,

 Definitely interested in the direction and success of OAM.


 On Jan 20, 2015 3:14 PM, Blake Girardot bgirar...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Cristiano,

 Welcome aboard!

 It is really encouraging to have someone with your experience head up this

 I am available anytime this week for the most part except during the
 Communications Working Group meeting, which is at 20:00UTC on Friday.


 On 1/20/2015 1:00 AM, Cristiano Giovando wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I recently joined HOT [1] to lead the efforts of developing Open Aerial
 Map. It is really exciting to see that this project got eventually
 funded [2] and I look forward to working with the community to make it

 Let's start discussing ideas for its development here on this list
 before reaching out to involve other groups that might be interested as
 well. The plan is to make the process as open, collaborative and agile
 as possible, so that anyone who is interested can join and enjoy the
 final product.

 I would like to propose a pre-project brainstorming session to collect
 everyone's ideas and start to identify priority requirements. Anyone
 interested, please reply to the list and let us know your preference in
 UTC time for an IRC session this week.

 As some of you may already know, there have been multiple efforts of
 creating an OAM in the past. Some notes and code from these previous
 projects can be found on GitHub [3], [4] and OSGeo [5]. I believe that
 by 2015, with drones becoming commodity products and aerial imagery
 being always more available, there is greater motivation to make this
 project finally happen.

 The objective is to have a working OAM prototype by mid-year.
 Considering that some code was already developed during previous
 implementation attempts and that similar open source projects already
 exist, every effort should be made to maximize integration of these

 Looking forward to a fruitful discussion!



 [1] http://hot.openstreetmap.org/cristiano_joins_hot
 [2] http://www.humanitarianinnovation.org/large-project/OpenAerialMap
 [3] https://github.com/oam/oam
 [4] https://dodobas.github.io/OpenAerialMap/
 [5] http://oam.osgeo.org/

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Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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