
Google announced the list of organizations accepted in this year GSoC,
but unfortunately HOT did not make it. We have such a big and awesome
community of mappers, but we may need more active coding in our
projects to have better chances in these programs.

We are still very excited to see that OSM was accepted and have
discussed listing some of our ideas under their application. I
personally support the idea of developing a portable OSM ToolKit [1]
which can be used for training, demos and field work. I'm recruiting a
couple or mentors and then add the project to the list here [2]. If
you have any other project that you care about and would like to
submit an idea, please let me know.

We are also really happy to participate in the Outreachy program again
[3]. Student applications can be submitted starting today, Mhairi will
follow up with additional information and guidelines.



[1] https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/issues/15
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015/Project_Ideas
[3] https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/wiki/Outreachy-2015

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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