Re: [HOT] Questionnaire

2019-03-21 Thread Pat Tressel
6. What do you think about your professionalism in terms of skills needed
> for OSM?

Without having seen the survey, I'd say that means:

How do you rate your skill level in OSM mapping?

That is, sounds like it is asking you to self-evaluate.  E.g.:  I'm just
starting out.  I've been around a while and have done multiple types of
mapping.  All the way to...  I can answer any how-to question and have
memorized all the tagging conventions for Africa.  :D  :D  :D
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Slack closing "suspect" accounts with connections to certain countries.

2018-12-27 Thread Pat Tressel
Would it be useful to look into using Gitter ( or
Discord (
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] We need your aid crowdsourcing GIS data in Puerto Rico

2018-11-12 Thread Pat Tressel
Yosem --

What type of GIS data do they need to collect?  Will this be points, with
additional information, such as observations of needs by citizen
reporters?  Or datasets (i.e. tables) containing fields with location
information, e.g. provided by local organizations?  Do you just need a way
for people to upload the information, or do you also want a display?

If this is for citizen reports of observations, with single point
locations, consider Ushahidi (Crowdmap).  Note although they emphasize
their paid service to set up sites, this is open-source, and in the past,
most sites were put up by the end users.

Also for citizen reporting:  If you don't need a map display, and it's ok
for information to just go into a file, then there are a large number of
survey / form tools, and some support entering the user's current location,
or selecting a location on a map.  Most of these are paid services -- most
have a free option that's limited, and more for trying out the service than
for practical use.  A brief search turned up this example (not open-source)
-- I have not used this, so I'm just using it to show this is probably

If you need a site that allows people to upload datasets, you might look at
CKAN.  This is open-source.

I should also mention one more open-source option, Sahana EDEN.  This is
mainly used for emergency management, especially logistics, but is very
general, and allows creating elaborate forms with tabs for entering
multiple records related to a main record (e.g. an organization with
branches, and personnel at the branches).  One can have more complex
location data than points.  However, this will be more complicated to set
up, precisely because it's more flexible.  (There's a very indirect
connection:  A friend of mine, who is a graduate of Hunter College, used to
volunteer on this project.  Full disclosure:  I used to work on it as well.)

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Feedback on I think mapswipe

2017-12-16 Thread Pat Tressel
> I think the mapswipe overlay has now been removed but what I have noticed
> is a number of highways in a straight line are not connected up.  You get a
> stretch of highway then nothing other than a faint mark on the imagery
> followed by another stretch of highway.

What that pattern immediately makes me think of is that people were working
within a grid cell, and just mapped the part of the highway within their
cell, and that the intervening cells have not yet been mapped.  If the
spacing isn't the same as the TM grid, perhaps some folks are using a
different grid, perhaps something self-imposed.  For instance, they might
map the area that shows in one screen at whatever zoom level they're using,
save their work, go off to dinner...

Is the faint mark on the imagery a mapped way of some sort, or is it the
actual highway image?

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Fwd: [opensource-107] OSM State of the Map Conference

2016-04-09 Thread Pat Tressel
I don't recall seeing a post about SOTM-US here.  I'm pushing for a lot of
HOT-related activity at the hackathon, and it would be fantastic to have
HOT-related presentations.  Cheap early-bird registration ends tomorrow,
but the cost isn't that high afterward.

-- Pat

-- Forwarded message --
From: Clifford Snow 
Date: Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 3:14 PM
Subject: [opensource-107] OSM State of the Map Conference

Just a reminder that SOTM US  early bird
registration closes April 10th. It your chance to get a $150 regularly
priced ticket for only $90.

The deadline for presentation proposal is April 17th. You only need a 200
word summary of your proposed talk to submit. For more information, check
out the blog  post.

If you would like to volunteer to help, please email


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Missing Maps User Stats

2016-03-02 Thread Pat Tressel
Dale --

For right now the Missing Maps site is only tracking users that make an OSM
> commit using the #missingmaps hashtag. If you use other hashtags at the
> same time those edits will be tracked as well.
> In the future we hope to allow tracking of all users and all hashtags.

Are you working on the site, or know where to report bugs?  The page JS is
getting an error when I click the search icon:

TypeError: user is undefined

this.props.history.push('/' +;

That's reported by Firebug.  Says that's in bundle.js line 62541.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Digital Humanitarian Network partner Humanity Road situation reports on Typhoon Koppu (Lando)

2015-10-18 Thread Pat Tressel
More reports on typhoons Koppu (Lando) and Champi:
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [30 years Mexico City earthquakes conmemoration] Simulation event

2015-09-10 Thread Pat Tressel
Hi, Miriam!
I wonder if anything from Exercise 24, Shakeout, or Formidable Footprint
would be useful.

Exercise 24 (x24) is a disaster simulation event, mainly aimed at getting
organizations working with each other before a real event.  It also has
some focus on use of social media.  There was a 2012 x24 simulation based
in Mexico that involved an earthquake.  Here's a report after that event,
delivered at the 2012 ISCRAM by George Bressler.  IIRC he was involved in
organizing the event, so may be useful to contact.
The San Diego State VisCenter is typically involved in facilitating these
events, so may have more info:

Shakeout and Formidable Footprint are more citizen preparedness and
training exercises.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Presentation_Mapanauta_OpenStreetMapMX

2015-08-15 Thread Pat Tressel
There is also a Spanish translation of LearnOSM:
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] QGIS and OSM and..

2015-05-09 Thread Pat Tressel
John --

Well, I've come to believe you are right, the other editors are better
 suited for editing data into OSM. I'd probably be using JOSM already if I
 hadn't run into the memory issue that I'm still not sure I've corrected,

Apologies -- this is OT for this topic, so just slipping it in...  I've had
to give JOSM roughly 1.5GB of heap space, else it would run out of memory
when I used user-defined imagery.  The java option for that is -Xmx1500M.
As an example (which will be different on other machines) the full command
I use is:

C:\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\jre\bin\javaw.exe -jar -Xmx1500M

On Linux / Unix, the command would be something like

javaw -jar -Xmx1500M /usr/local/bin/josm-tested.jar

(with /usr/local/bin replaced by the actual path of josm-tested.jar).

If there's use in continuing a discussion of java memory options for JOSM,
we should take it to a separate thread.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery

2015-05-05 Thread Pat Tressel
Don't want to let this thread fade away...

I would like to adjust the changesets I did in the Borang area using the
HIU DG imagery, now that I've seen areas along the margins where both Bing
and HIU DG imagery exist, and so can get a reasonable net shift (up to
local variations).  I haven't found the right search terms to turn up
relevant info in the wiki.  Happy to be a guinea pig for this, and then if
it works, we can contact the other mappers using the same imagery in the
same area, or adjust their work ourselves.  Also happy to re-check the work
following the shift.  But, as I say, I haven't found relevant info, so
would appreciate some guidance.  Thanks!
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Imagery alignment

2015-05-04 Thread Pat Tressel
I finally found a place where both the Digital Globe imagery for the Borang
are that is hosted on HIU:
and Bing imagery are both available, and there is a significant difference
in alignment, which you can see if you open this location:

There are several mappers using this.  Don't know about them, but I would
prefer not to revert the work done from the Digital Globe imagery, because
it's most of the buildings in the Borang area, but rather shift the entire
changesets that were made using it.  I recognize that there may be local
differences in alignment, but this applies to areas with no Bing imagery at
all.  If we can get an average shift based on the areas where there is
overlap, that should get us a lot closer.

What is the usual procedure in such a case?  If it is revert it and start
over, can we come up with something less drastic?

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery

2015-05-04 Thread Pat Tressel
Please also see the email thread from Helen Tait with subject Imagery
alignment, sent at about the same moment as Joshua's message.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] What's water?

2015-05-04 Thread Pat Tressel

 I'm seeing some rivers mapped in areas that didn't have high-res imagery,
 that (in the DG imagery) cross over dry land, or through areas were tree
 tops are visible against a dark background that could be either water or
 shadow -- it's a dark gray-purple.  What I'm interpreting as the actual
 river channel is more turquoise and has (what look like) white rapids.  The
 imagery has no clouds, and land looks fairly dry, so this imagery may,
 perhaps, be dry season.

 Note the previously mapped rivers in this area are very rough -- points
 are far apart -- which implies they were mapped from low-res imagery.

 Some questions:

 Is there a large change in water volume in rivers during the dry season?
 I'm wondering if water recedes to the deepest channel, and does show more
 whitewater then.

 Yes, changes in water volumes between wet and dry season can be immense in
 Nepal. Some stream beds may also go dry in the dry season.
 I would guess that some mountain streams may behave as you suggested, but
 generally, my expectation would be for more whitewater in the wet season.

Disclaimer:  Hydrology is not my field, so this is an amateur
description...  Whether there's whitewater may depend on the shape of the
riverbed and the depth.  If the river is shallow, then whitewater can be
caused by flowing over boulders or other irregularites -- if it's deep,
those boulders might be covered, so the surface would be more smooth.  If
the river has a U-shaped channel, i.e. it's constrained in a narrow channel
even as there is more water flowing, then there might be whitewater near
the edges or around bends.  If the channel is narrow at the deepest part,
and curves out, so that it floods out onto a much wider area as volume
increases, then the flow may slow down.

 Do trees grow in standing water (deep enough to appear dark) in Nepal?
 That's not unheard of -- it's true in the Everglades in Florida.  Or is an
 area with treetops and dark between more likely dry but shadowed?

 Generally, most of the water in Nepal flows fast (we have lots of
 elevation changes), and there are very rarely trees growing in
 standing/moving water as in Florida.

Ok, thanks!

 I don't understand your second question.

Is that this question? Or is an area with treetops and dark between more
likely dry but shadowed?  I see rivers mapped through areas with trees and
dark grayish-purple between.  (This is in an area where there is no Bing
imagery, so the river may have been just roughly mapped from low-res
imagery.)  In other areas that are clearly dry, that dark grayish-purple
seems to be shadow under the trees.  The imagery has long shadows, so the
sun is at a low angle, so wouldn't shine straight down between the trees.

Let me find a good example, in case you'd like to take a look...

The imagery is:
Right here:
28.149462, 85.0427058
is a river showing the turquoise and white color, then the trees and dark
grayish-purple beside it.  It's possible that whole area is flooded, but
there are a lot of dry streambeds elsewhere, which seems wrong for
monsoon.  So I'm wondering if some of that dark area is just shadow.  It
could be that some is water and some land -- that the shadow leads to both
having the same lack of color.  In areas with more widely separated trees,
one can see that the sun is low and in the south-south-east.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] What's water?

2015-05-04 Thread Pat Tressel
Hi, Suzan!

  I mapped dry streams. Can someone experienced check my work yesterday? I
 also saw waterways in areas where no water could run, as in forests or over
 land without any waterway. I also questioned some paths could be wsterways.
 Good to check Newbie work!

It could also be that they were using different imagery that is
misaligned.  There are two email threads about alignment right now...  The
imagery I'm using is definitely not correctly aligned :-( though that's not
the concern here, which is more about how to interpret what I'm seeing.
Your question about distinguishing a path from a streambed is similar, and
I've been wondering about that too.  Maybe we should find and post some

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

[HOT] What's water?

2015-05-03 Thread Pat Tressel

I'm seeing some rivers mapped in areas that didn't have high-res imagery,
that (in the DG imagery) cross over dry land, or through areas were tree
tops are visible against a dark background that could be either water or
shadow -- it's a dark gray-purple.  What I'm interpreting as the actual
river channel is more turquoise and has (what look like) white rapids.  The
imagery has no clouds, and land looks fairly dry, so this imagery may,
perhaps, be dry season.

Note the previously mapped rivers in this area are very rough -- points are
far apart -- which implies they were mapped from low-res imagery.

Some questions:

Is there a large change in water volume in rivers during the dry season?
I'm wondering if water recedes to the deepest channel, and does show more
whitewater then.

Do trees grow in standing water (deep enough to appear dark) in Nepal?
That's not unheard of -- it's true in the Everglades in Florida.  Or is an
area with treetops and dark between more likely dry but shadowed?


-- Pat
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Revisiting task tiles marked done.

2015-05-03 Thread Pat Tressel
What's the proper way to peek into, and maybe update, a task tile that is
marked done?  Folks who found only low res imagery for a tile were
instructed to note that and mark it done.  I've been using DG imagery for
task #1018 in the Borang area, and would like to look at the adjacent tiles
where that imagery might be useful.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Path mapping restrictions in tasks

2015-05-03 Thread Pat Tressel
The instructions for (e.g.) task #1018 say to map only paths that connect
to major road networks.  I'm mapping in the Borang area from Digital
Globe imagery (not the imagery listed for this task -- there is no Bing
imagery here and the MapBox imagery is low-resolution).  There *are* no
roads, let alone road networks, in this area.  If we don't map foot paths
that don't connect to road networks, there won't be any travel routes
marked at all.  Prior mappers in this are have started to map paths
(including some well-known paths, such as the Ganesh Himal trek).

Note these areas also do not appear to have good helicopter or small plane
landing sites -- they are terraced and steep.

So...can the restriction be relaxed in these remote areas that do not have
roads?  If the restriction is relaxed, what should the criterion be?

Also, regarding paths:  In some places, paths that are well-defined for
part of their length will disappear under trees, or will be hard to
distinguish when they run along a terrace, or split into multiple
less-distinct paths.  I'm wondering if there are other sources of
information about paths to and between remote villages.  Perhaps trek guide
companies?  Old maps that could be rectified using Mapwarper?  Anyone
familiar with those areas who could have a look at the imagery, and advise
on where an indistinct path most likely runs?

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Path mapping restrictions in tasks

2015-05-03 Thread Pat Tressel
Dan, Pierre --

Ok, thanks!

What do you think about the possibility of getting other information about
major paths in remote areas, e.g. from guide companies, old / paper maps,
or informants with local knowledge?

I saw mention of new high-res imagery (from Bing?) and wonder if that's in
the Borang area -- could compare with what's visible in the Digital Globe
imagery.  Different season, or different sun angle, might pick out other
parts of the paths.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Date of a mapped feature?

2015-05-02 Thread Pat Tressel
Nicholas and Andre --

Chris is asking about the date of the *imagery* used for tracing, not the
date of the traced elements.

All --

He makes an excellent point.  If imagery is several years old, then
features being traced may well have changed, with the likelihood being
higher for more ephemeral human-made structures.  For this purpose, would
be nice if imagery sets had metadata that included a creation date, but I'm
looking at the TMS spec, and don't see it, or any field that could be used
for it:

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal Data Quality and strange key:name like : name=building=yes ( count=341 )

2015-05-02 Thread Pat Tressel
Imre has cleared up my confusion, so I want to make sure no-one was
confused by my confusion.  ;-)

The bad tag is the one with the equals sign in the value:
As Pierre says, good catch!

The table of other tags is from taginfo, and is just there for comparison
of the above strange tag, with tags that are already in use.


-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] SPAM? MALWARE? Fwd: Survey Goethe-University Frankfurt a. M. Department of Human Geography

2015-04-13 Thread Pat Tressel
John --

This could be excellent feedback for their survey design.  Especially
important are the questions that do not have a way to enter the real
answer or that suggest a category of answer, e.g. where do you map?,
where my answer is similar to yours -- wherever the requests come in from
-or- what event is in the news (and I go looking for a corresponding HOT
task).  I was also thinking, as you did, that it would be an advantage to
them to try out mapping first -- get on the mailing list, see how tasks are
announced and pitched, talk to people...and *then* compose the survey
questions.  It is probably not too late now to improve the questions, since
they are just starting.

-- Pat

One of the problems with surveys is selection criteria of the sample and
 having picked your sample the response rate.  Working for a few years at
 Statistics Canada you get indoctrinated with this stuff.  I think it was
 something they slipped into the coffee.

 Looking at the questions they are coming from a particular angle and it
 shows.  One question is what do you map.  The answer is basically whatever
 is requested in the HOT project.  One question they didn't ask is why do
 you choose to map a particular project?  They seem to be hung up on which
 part of the world you are mapping which to be honest I've not much idea.  I
 even looked at the list of HOT projects I'd mapped and tried to correlate
 them to the names in the survey.  I don't think I got a good match.  Some
 projects where probably in areas that they were after but I didn't
 recognise them as such.  There is such a thing as respondent burden and
 asking people to say if they have mapped in an area without giving the
 project numbers is asking for trouble.  If I look at my HOT mapping there
 are basically two types, one I dig into a project and do 50-250 tiles and
 others where I might do one or two tiles.  Do they give equal weight to an
 area that I've mapped 250 tiles in to one I've mapped one tile in?  I just
 either respond to an urgent priority request, or curiosity, or I have a
 small collection of projects that I'm slowly mapping in slow time that have
 good imagery to map from and project instructions that I think I can
 manage.  I'm still hopeless at deciding what purpose a building is from a
 satellite image unless the natives have been out with a paint brush on the
 roof and painted what it is before the satellite flies by.

 The other thing that might be interesting to know is which projects have
 people on the ground to do a better job of tagging.  Street names aren't
 visible from on high but that's another survey.

 I wonder how much information they could have got straight from HOT
 without asking the questions?  HOT gives you the list of projects and the
 number of tiles which roughly corresponds to how much mapping you do. The
 OSM profile gives more information.  You might not get all the information
 requested but the response rate would be much better which means the
 quality of the data would be higher.

 It's not a bad survey but I get the impression that if they had done some
 HOT mapping first they might have a better understanding of how the system
 works and they would have got more meaningful data.  For example we know
 that in some areas there is an educated population that we can tap into.
 Bangladesh, the Philippines  etc. and often the local mappers are heavily
 involved in the HOT mapping in some case providing as much as 75% of the
 mapping.  In other areas such as Africa there is less Internet
 availability, computer knowledge and fewer people who are familiar with
 computers and JOSM so in those cases we can expect that most mapping will
 be done remotely with local tagging hopefully later on.

 Cheerio John

 On 12 April 2015 at 17:19, Charlotte Wolter wrote:


 I'm sure the universsity of legit. I'm just not sure about these
 I'd feel better if they had a university URL. In fact, I think
 basic, if the survey is what they claim.


 At 11:58 AM 4/12/2015, you wrote:

 I opened the link and did the survey. Looks legitimate.
 I have various bits of software that check for things.
 It would probably be more secure if it didn't ask for
 javascript to be enabled, and I'd be happier with a
 https connection.

 On 12 April 2015 at 14:27, Charlotte Wolter
  Dear folks,

 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I just received this. Because there was no advance notice
 of any kind,
 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I'm inclined to think that it is malware. I certainly do
 not intend to open
 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â the link to their survey.
 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Does anyone know if this is legit?


 Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 11:49:49 +0200
 From: Simon Köbel

Re: [HOT] Skybox for Good imagery

2014-11-21 Thread Pat Tressel
Josh --

As some of you may be aware, we recently announced the Skybox for Good program.

 We know that some of this imagery can be especially useful in Crisis
 Response situations, and therefore we are explicitly authorizing usage of
 Skybox for Good imagery in any current HOT Activation, under the condition
 that changesets and/or features that are derived from Skybox for Good
 imagery and committed to OSM are attributed to Skybox.

That's fantastic news!!

Ok, folks, who gets to send the formal Thank You?  I bet that's the
communications working group.  And I also bet it's safe to infer a whole
bunch of individual thank-yous.  ;-)

 This could, for example, include the method of attributing Skybox as the
 source, or a similar method deemed appropriate by HOT.

We had that older thread about imagery tagging, where it came down to
source (used since forever) and the new, automatically-added
imagery_used tag in iD, which, it was pointed out, might not be accurate
if the user switches imagery temporarily -- would have to see what iD does
in that case.  One thought -- maybe it would be good to add imagery_used
in JOSM with the same behavior as iD, just so they're consistent.  We'd
keep adding source, but imagery_used would be there as a fallback.  Task
validators can also check for a source tag, since a task usually specifies
a set of imagery.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tile Navigation Suggestion

2014-11-20 Thread Pat Tressel
 I pitched exactly the same thing a while back, as a JOSM plugin, and then
 got sidetracked.  Are you interested in working on it?  Anyone else?  Maybe
 if we egg each other on, it will get done.

 -- Pat

 I should try to find the previous discussion, as there were some useful
 suggestions there...

Sorry about the delay -- turns out the previous discussion was in IRC and
Google Docs, not the mailing list.  Here is the GDoc:

(Let me know if you want to edit it.  Have found out the hard what that
putting an edit link somewhere it will get indexed by search engines can
lead to disappearance / defacement of documents...)

I've got just a few things to get out of the way, and then can start on
this.  I'll likely be pestering Andrew with questions since he's written a
plugin already.  ;-)  Anyone else interested...?  Noah?

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] bother adding source=Whatever to each object?

2014-11-03 Thread Pat Tressel
There was another thread relating to this a short while ago, so there's
more relevant discussion there.

Two notes:

The source tag can hold other info besides imagery, e.g. it could tell who
or what agency provided some item of information.  The iD imagery_used tag
is more specific.  But historically, source has been used for imagery too.

With respect to whether the source / imagery_used tag should go on features
or changeset:  I raised this question at the end of the previous thread on
this subject.  We don't want to lose the fact that something was traced
with use of a particular set of imagery if someone edits a feature.  Let's
take one specific case:  Say that someone enters a feature (say it's one
point, just to be clear) using one set of imagery, and the imagery_used tag
gets assigned to the changeset.  If someone later shifts that point, while
using a different set of imagery, is it still possible to get back to the
original changeset from the modified point?

-- Pat

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Ray Kiddy wrote:

 On Mon, 3 Nov 2014 19:51:52 +0100
 Sander Deryckere wrote:

  It's more logical to put it on the changeset.
  Like when you draw a building, and add source=bing. But then someone
  who lives there gives it a name, and forgets to alter the source, the
  object has data that can't be derived from the source. So it's in
  fact your edit operation that has a source, not the object itself.

 I had wondered about this when I saw multiple source values on an
 object. I mean, which other attributes came from which source?
 Technically the source should map to the subset of the attributes that
 were observed from that source, but in real life, I would have no idea
 how that could be presented in a way anyone would understand.

  As such, source=Bing is by many mappers preferred on the changeset
  (also because it keeps the database a bit smaller).

  When you edit with JOSM, you can add the source manually as a tag to
  the changeset (which is handy if your source is a survey or offline
  source). In iD, it automatically logs the imagery used in the
  changeset, but you don't get an option to give other sources (which
  is why many people still put a source on the objects).

 So I understand this to mean that if you are putting in an object from
 the imagery in front of you, you do not need to do anything else. I am
 not seeing that iD is attaching this anywhere but I may not be looking
 in the right place. But as long as the database sees it, I do not need

 Take away point, I do not need to set the source 100 times and I am
 good with that.

 cheers - ray

  2014-11-03 19:41 GMT+01:00 Ray Kiddy
   Hello -
   This is probably a somewhat basic question about editing for HOT
   As I have been editing in various HOT tasks, I have been adding
   something like source=Bing (where that is the imagery) onto every
   road, every building, every ... everything that I create. Need I
   bother with this?
   I have seen in (perhaps just some tasks') instructions that I could
   also just put this on the changeset comment. So I can just add it
   to the changeset once instead of adding it to the object 100 times?
   If it could be put on the changeset comment and not on every object,
   that would be convenient. It would also explain why, when I look at
   all of the objects others have created, I hardly ever see a source
   So, am I doing too much work by re-entering the source value every
   time? What is the level of diligence expected here?
   thanx - ray
   HOT mailing list

 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] GIS Meetup

2014-11-03 Thread Pat Tressel
Warren --

I am exploring some ideas for a meetup on our campus here in Los Angeles.
 Considering a meetup on working with OSM on some urgent needs that I can
 find posted at the tasking manager.  Any suggestions?  We have a variety of
 students in the graduate and undergraduate program in information
 technology, many with GIS and some with programming experience.

Once suggestion is to connect with an existing Meetup group, if there is
one -- it gets you a pool of already-interested people.  A search on did not find an OpenStreetMap Meetup group in LA, but there is a group:
I was unfamiliar with this organization -- it intends to be a more
inclusive / diverse gateway to the mapping community.  They do use OSM.

Since you have actual GIS folks, and programmers, you might look at things
other than the actual mapping tasks.  I'm on a couple of the GIS
coordination chats for ebola response, and there may be some useful work
around uploading treatment center data (and verifying that it is
license-compatible...), and also querying and extracting data.  There are a
couple of discussions on the HOT list about imagery tags and about
subtasks of tasking manager squares.  OTOH, if these folks have never
used OSM, it might be worth a first session just to get set up and start
mapping.  Writing a JOSM plugin or iD feature would likely go better after
having used JOSM or iD.  ;-)

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] introduction

2014-11-03 Thread Pat Tressel
Hi, Theresa!

If you're still in Seattle on Saturday, let me invite you to our Saturday
Mapternoon ;-) meetup

where, coincidentally, we'll be doing HOT training (mixed in with other
things).  (Or maybe not coincidentally, given the ebola mapping needs.)

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] a few editing questions

2014-10-28 Thread Pat Tressel
Blake --

One thing to note is that iD automatically adds a tag called
 imagery_used= instead of source to the changeset.

Nice!  That's more precise, as source could also be used for other data
being entered.

 I do not know how it determines what imagery was used, my guess is the
 background layer that was selected at the time the changes were saved.

We could check that in the code.  For changes that involve drawing
features, it's probably a reasonable assumption.

 I opened a ticket asking JOSM to return that field as well in the ctl-h
 history dialog a while back.

Hmm...could go look at that too...

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] a few editing questions

2014-10-28 Thread Pat Tressel
Blake --

 I opened a ticket asking JOSM to return that field as well in the
 ctl-h history dialog a while back.

 Hmm...could go look at that too...

 This is the ticket url:

 I use the ctl-h feature very often in JOSM to see what people used for
 their mapping so for me at least it would be a good addition.

Sounds like we also want to have JOSM automatically add that tag.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] a few editing questions

2014-10-28 Thread Pat Tressel
Pierre --

One thing to note is that iD automatically adds a tag called
 imagery_used= instead of source to the changeset.

 Nice!  That's more precise, as source could also be used for other
 data being entered.

 This imagery_used tag clearly states that we talk about imagery. But there
 is a problem with this option when you work simultaneously with various
 image layers opened, moving from one to the other.

Yes, I deleted a comment about that from my post, as it seems to be an
implementation issue.  Since it's been raised, then a very brief comment:
At the time any feature is traced, some imagery is open.  Features could be
tagged with imagery_used.  If the user changes imagery, then traces more
features, those get the new imagery.  But that could be a lot of tags.  One
option would be, at the time of changeset submission, if only one set of
imagery was used, tags could be removed from the features and applied to
the changeset.  Or, don't tag features, but rather include all sets of
imagery used on the changeset tag.  Need to consider what to do when
someone edits an existing feature.  The goal is to make it easy to query
the imagery used given an area.

In such a context, I think that the software could complete the info with
 the active layer. The contributor should have the option to correct the
 source if necessary.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tasking Manager V2 launch

2014-07-17 Thread Pat Tressel
 Dear all, tasking manager users, mappers and project managers,

 We're happy to announce that the Tasking Manager has been updated.
 A few minutes ago, a new version of the Tasking Manager took place at

\o/  Congratulations, Pierre!!!  \o/

 If you get an error while loading for the first time, please go to (or manually remove the cookies).

I couldn't log in at first, but the fixup was a little different -- I
logged in at first, then went back to
and poked log in, at which point it asked for authorization to use my account.

 Please report any issue preferably using github [1].

 A more detailed message explaining what's new will follow.

 ** Important note for project managers (people who were admins on
 previous version):
 Please contact me off list. The projects description and instruction
 sometimes need to be modified a bit. I'll be happy to give you a hand.

 Kind regards,


 On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Pierre GIRAUD
  The migration is currently in progress.
  Tasking Manager is down.
  It will be back soon with a brand new interface.
  Kind regards,
  On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Pierre GIRAUD
  Dear all,
  The tech team at Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team is proud to announce
  that we will launch a new version of the Tasking Manager soon.
  During the migration from the current version to the new one, the
  Tasking Manager will not be available. The downtime is supposed to
  last only few minutes.
  The migration is scheduled on Thursday 17th of July at 08:00 UTC.
  Sorry for the inconvenience.
  We'll send a message for the official launch once ready.
| Pierre GIRAUD
| Pierre GIRAUD

   | Pierre GIRAUD

 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Tech WG Meeting X+11

2014-05-05 Thread Pat Tressel
 A short reminder that the next Tech WG meeting is scheduled on #hot IRC at
 17:00 UTC, next Monday (5.5.2014.) [0]

 If you have any questions, raise them on this thread, or during check-ins
 on IRC.

Two questions:

1) Will the working group deal with other tools beside those listed in the
wiki?  In particular, JOSM?  (I'm interested in adding support, e.g. via a
plugin, for systematically covering the area one is working on as a HOT
task.  Also possibly something for warning about the possibility of,
avoiding, or dealing with merge conflicts due to ways that cross the
boundary of one's HOT task.  Also a polygon select tool, but that's not
related to HOT.)

2) I see Sahana Eden in the table of HOT tools with several ??? in its
entry.  :-)  Wondering what that is being considered for.  (I help out with
support for Eden.  I can think of several possible uses, but want to know
what uses others had in mind.  Maybe Fran knows...?)


-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Malaysia Airlines MH370

2014-03-10 Thread Pat Tressel
Thank you, Kevin!

 I'm not sure what the HOT/OSM reaction will be to this, but thought
 I'd pass it along. Humanitarian in nature in that 239 people are missing,
 but yet no land based features to map at this time. I know many of you
 support Crisis Mapping so I thought it would be of interest. Regards, Kevin

Reaction will be to go repost the into on various crisismapping Skype chats
and mailing lists, then get to work...

I've been watching for email from TomNod but hadn't seen any.  Do you know
if it's been announced?

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Malaysia Airlines MH370

2014-03-10 Thread Pat Tressel

  I'm not sure what the HOT/OSM reaction will be to this, but thought
 I'd pass it along. Humanitarian in nature in that 239 people are missing,
 but yet no land based features to map at this time. I know many of you
 support Crisis Mapping so I thought it would be of interest. Regards, Kevin

 Reaction will be to go repost the into on various crisismapping Skype
 chats and mailing lists, then get to work...

 I've been watching for email from TomNod but hadn't seen any.  Do you know
 if it's been announced?

Check your spam folders!  That's where I found the announcement.  It went
out about 3.5 hours ago.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Resume the Night of the living maps

2014-01-30 Thread Pat Tressel
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Jaakko wrote:

 I'm interested and will definitely join the #notlm! I am passing this
 forward to my fellow HOTties and Nicaragua mappers to see who else from
 these (sub)communities would be interested to join.

 As for the Nicaragua mapping party that was mentioned in the email to
 talk-es, it seems that we're having the mapping party on February 22.
 However, I've checked that it's ok that we can use our regular base for OSM
 activities here in Managua also for #notlm.

Feb 22 is appropriate as it is also the day of the International Open Data

It also coincides with CodeAcross (which is not a US-specific event --
there are associated groups in other countries participating -- but this is
the link I have for it):

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task Manager ability to pre-fill changeset source= comment= etc

2013-12-01 Thread Pat Tressel
Hi, Dan!

We're talking through some ideas here (at OSM London hack weekend). It
 would be nice if the Tasking Manager could pre-fill changeset tags in
 JOSM. This would mean our jobs don't need to say Please use the
 following changeset comment: '...', it could be automatic for users.
 (It would also enable some other stuff like making sure it's possible
 to jump from a changeset back to a task by url.)

When I was using JOSM with Tasking Manager yesterday, it did prefill the
changeset comment with the task URL.  I'm using JOSM v6383 (one version
behind the latest release, I believe).

One little change to Tasking Manager that could be useful would be to have
it include the bounding box lat lon limits on the page for a selected task,
in case it is unable to contact JOSM, e.g. due to firewall restrictions.
That would allow the user to enter the download limits by hand, if
necessary.  (This happened yesterday to someone using a Mac.  We're only
speculating that it was a firewall on his machine -- I had no problem on

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task Manager ability to pre-fill changeset source= comment= etc

2013-12-01 Thread Pat Tressel

 One little change to Tasking Manager that could be useful would be to have
 it include the bounding box lat lon limits on the page for a selected task,
 in case it is unable to contact JOSM, e.g. due to firewall restrictions.
 That would allow the user to enter the download limits by hand, if
 necessary.  (This happened yesterday to someone using a Mac.  We're only
 speculating that it was a firewall on his machine -- I had no problem on

Hmm, I think we're wrong about a firewall being involved.  The way my
Mac-using friend was able to get the bounds of his task region was to
capture the URL of the request done by Tasking Manager when it appeared
briefly in a new browser tab.  (Fast reflexes...)  The URL was localhost,
which implies the request was launched locally, from the task web page.  So
the firewall would not see it at all, or, if some security software is
intercepting all HTTP, would  The Mac user had the latest JOSM.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Typhoon Haiyan Tracing -- Please Assist

2013-11-30 Thread Pat Tressel
Robert, Tim --

Thanks! Will get cracking. If people were looking for it I think the
 relevant task is

Thanks for the link! -- I was just about to ask...

I'll be at a CrisisCamp later today, at the Filipino Community Center in
Seattle, where I expect to be teaching JOSM.  I was hesitant to ask people
to work on post-disaster imagery, so this looks like a good task.  I don't
yet know how many people will be there.

-- Pat
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [CrisisCommons] Verification Handbook

2013-11-05 Thread Pat Tressel
 Just saw this on Twitter, which may be interesting to some of you (to be
 published Jan 2014):

Thanks for sharing that -- looks like it could be very useful!

I'll be very interested to see how they suggest using crowdsourcing, to see
if it is primarily based on human intelligence task processing (like
Amazon's Mechanical Turk), or relies on trained volunteers (e.g. member
organizations of the Digital Humanitarian Network).

But more interesting may be the parts that journalists may encounter more
regularly, and so have established techniques for detection, like
plagiarism and manipulated images.  Hurricane Sandy (for instance) got its
share of fakes...

-- Pat
HOT mailing list