Re: [HOT] Mapping buildings something to think about

2017-04-11 Thread majka
I have to admit, I couldn't use iD for "bulk" mapping for the life of me. I
find it suitable for the one-off mapping / for doing corrections only. But
some mappers do and do well with this. You can find haphazardly mapped
buildings and untagged ways and nodes using JOSM for mapping as well, just
not as often.
A better "building tool" for iD would help some but not for all of it.

The fundamental problem is that some mappers fail to understand mapping
isn't a race. Somehow, the number of edits / added buildings /
changes became more important than precision. We are partly promoting this
by looking at the number of edits to declare a mapper as experienced.

I try to explain to the mappers that sometimes the work is done so badly
that it would be better to do only one tenth of it but to do so correctly.
As English is my third or fourth language, I struggle with the correct way
to explain this, to get the right mix of being diplomatic and to get
through - above all when I am shouting and swearing in my head at the
person who has done the mapping.

If I could wish for one thing only to start every new mapper with, it would
be this: Exact and precise mapping is more important than anything else. Do
not map for quantity but for quality. And if unsure about tagging, look for
help. In HOT tasks, read what is expected from you and do exactly so.

Here comes the importance of earliest possible validation - to stop the bad
habit from forming. New mappers (and old ones as well) would still make
mistakes but we shouldn't ignore the systematic ones just because it is a
new mapper and we don't want to be too hard on them.

Everything else comes with experience, the speed of work as well. It is not
a problem of HOT alone - locally, a new mapper without any experience has
uploaded more than 100 changesets within the first 24 hours after his
registration. Every single one of it has to be corrected somehow. Leave it
long enough uncorrected and the map quality will degrade with tons of
useless data obscuring the correct ones.

We should somehow try to promote the idea that mapping isn't a speed race.
There are not that many tasks really time critical and even then the real
usefulness of tasks mapped just for speed is somewhat suspect. I would say,
as there are more mappers available than validators, I cannot see any
reason for "wasting" validator's time on remapping tasks. And remapping is
what happens often when validation isn't done as soon as possible and
fundamental mistakes are not caught early. I am often commenting on half
finished tasks for this reason as well - no reason to leave the problems
untouched until validation.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Re: landuse=residential within landuse=residential

2017-03-29 Thread majka
First, overlapping landuse areas (even different ones) should *always* be
corrected. It brings problems with the map data, I have seen and corrected
areas where the overlapping did hide ponds from the rendered map. The *same*
overlapping area masks some of the problems but should be corrected as well
- either by deleting of one of the areas or by merging both together.

The next question is the landuse *size* in the mapped area.

>From the view of the mapper in Europe, the landuse=residential in HOT is
problematic. The residential area should be only where the region is
used *above
all* for housing people. The HOT use is to mark areas where there are *some*
houses, depending on the project instructions. This ends with a very
problematic rendering of some areas. Visually, you get one big blob of
something most people understand as a town, not the reality of fields and
farms. The very loose residential areas shouldn’t be there at all, IMHO.
Villages/towns boundaries have their own tag, *boundary*. Usually, this is
paired with boundary=administrative which is mostly unusable for HOT
distance mapping because the information isn't available to the mapper. But
nothing speaks against own tag - see here

IMHO, the ideal solution would be to change the HOT practice of mapping
residential areas. Leave landuse=residential only to the areas, where the
buildings are densely packed together (even in a village, where there is
*real* street there might be a residential area) - keeping the common
interpretation. Give the residential area a lower importance than it has
now, and start using the boundary instead, for example boundary=residential
to mark the areas with buildings. A later mapping on the ground or use of
governmental data if available could then change this in real
administrative areas marking the hamlets, villages, and towns where
appropriate and leaving the *residential* boundaries to the rural farm

Ideally, such change would be preceded by discussing on the HOT and tagging
list and followed by updating the wiki definition of a boundary, and by
updating the HOT materials for users. It would need a slight change in JOSM
HOT presets and in the iD editor as well, probably. However, it shouldn’t
be very difficult to do so.

I understand the residential areas are used for getting population density
in the HOT projects. The use of both tags together would be a better
choice, getting the information about sparsely and densely populated areas
at the same time.


On 29 March 2017 at 08:10, Vao Matua
<> wrote:

Nick & John,

Determining where to draw the edge of landuse=residential can be difficult.
Here in Ethiopia most of the population lives in a rural setting where they
farm areas of 1 to 10 hectares in size.
There are places where people live in villages, but often dwellings are
quite dispersed.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] What is practical when mapping using smartphones?

2017-02-22 Thread Majka
The only editor I know for this is Vespucci for android, allowing full edits, 
including use of JOSM presets. Everything else allows easy edits of nodes (my 
preference is Osmand) but not of ways.
Vespucci isn't perfect, but for tag edits such as mentioned would work. It can 
work offline the same way as JOSM - load an area online and edit offline.___
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] A project that needs validators and very experienced mappers

2016-11-26 Thread majka
The same. Got the JSON through api, tried to get gpx but probably wrong
Task manager throws error.

Going now with brute force - downloaded the area, validating and checking
errors. Starting from west, will upload almost constantly.

On 27 November 2016 at 07:38, Enock Seth Nyamador 

> Thanks Blake.
> Trying to work with this task and run into [1].
> 1.
> view?usp=sharing
> Best,
> - Enock
> 2016-11-27 4:58 GMT+00:00 Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <
>> After thinking this over a bit more, I changed the instructions.
>> This should only be to run existing data through josm validation and
>> then fix the road related errors and warnings that are ease.
>> It looks like Mapbox has most of the imagery things were mapped from
>> so far so be sure to consult mapbox.
>> So far it goes fast in the more rural areas, map in a few bridges, a
>> few fords, fix some overlapping roadway and done.
>> Just the jsom validation would have a noticeable impact on the road
>> network with the benefit of being pretty quick and easy for validators
>> and very experienced road mappers.
>> Regards,
>> Blake
>> Blake Girardot
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> HOT Core Team Contact:
>> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -
>> On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Clifford Snow 
>> wrote:
>> > I passed the request along to a local Costa Rica Mapper. Sure be nice
>> if we
>> > could get some cloud free imagery. I've drive some of the area in the
>> task
>> > area, but not that familiar.
>> >
>> > Clifford
>> >
>> > On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Blake Girardot 
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I created a project that is all about validation.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> It is for the road network of the most affected areas from Tropical
>> Storm
>> >> Otto.
>> >>
>> >> The local osm community has asked us to help in some way to improve
>> >> their map data as soon as possible. They are GIS skilled folks who
>> >> know how to use osm data in real life.
>> >>
>> >> We need validators to basically do road network validation + some
>> >> major road (tertiary and above) filling in.
>> >>
>> >> Disaster response folks are using another source for their geographic
>> >> data in that area. But as I said, there is an experienced, skilled osm
>> >> community in Costa Rica that are working to get OSM data wider
>> >> exposure so said it is worth it to them to still do a project like
>> >> this to improve the OSM data in the most affected region..
>> >>
>> >> This sort of project is also one that goes well with routing
>> >> applications, fixing the low hanging fruit or really easy road fixes
>> >> has a great impact on the usability of OSM routing in disaster areas.
>> >> We have talked about seeing how we might make projects like this more
>> >> standard pre-disaster phase for weather related disasters.
>> >>
>> >> It also gives validators a great over view of an area that might be
>> >> coming up more as other building-only type projects so can identify
>> >> issues the project creator missed early, if any.
>> >>
>> >> Please, if you are a validtor, let us see what we can do with this
>> >> project and your feedback is encouraged.
>> >>
>> >> So lets see what validators, experienced josm users and the road
>> >> mapping enthusiasts can do here!
>> >>
>> >> Validators: I know this takes away from validating new users mapping,
>> >> which is a critical part of your work, but if you could find a few
>> >> minutes to just validate the road data in one task square (they are
>> >> big) I think it would really help Costa Rica OSM and OSM in general.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Validators can get support for this project in HOT IRC or the HOT
>> >> Slack linked below.
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Blake
>> >> --
>> >> 
>> >> Blake Girardot
>> >> OSM Wiki -
>> >> HOTOSM Member -
>> >> skype: jblakegirardot
>> >> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -
>> >> Next best OSM support -
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> HOT mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > @osm_seattle
>> >
>> > OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
>> >
>> > ___
>> > HOT mailing list
>> >
>> > https://lists.openstreetmap.o

Re: [HOT] Anybody has time to handhold me through untangling a task?

2016-11-22 Thread majka
Thank you all for your answers.

I have read everything I could find before postin, including all the posted
links. The problem is that I have experience with mapping in Europe, and I
am quite new to mapping in Africa. I have read all I could before I started
mapping and then more before I started validating and still have trouble to
interpret the imagery correctly. And yes, I am trying to validate from the
last finished tasks. I have invalidated some tasks - mostly when I haven't
time to correct / add everything. And often came later back to it and
finished it myself.

It seems the best way is simply to try to do my best and anything I am
unsure about to elevate higher and to cry for help :)

Thanks again.

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Anybody has time to handhold me through untangling a task?

2016-11-22 Thread majka
Hello all. Not sure if this is the right place, but let's try it anyway.

Could anybody find time to look at task and perhaps few tiles around
it and guide me through sorting it out?

I tried to validate it, but unlocked it again after correcting obvious
errors. Furthermore, I don't expect newbies to untangle it.

I think I see clearly water streams crisscrossing here, mapped as highways.

What I see what should be corrected
NE corner: highway:residential, streams as highway:path or
SE corner: disconnected stream, should be continued from the east tile to
the south one
few paths probably mapped too enthusiastically, almost non-existent in the
disconnect in the highway classification but first has to be the
waterway/highway debate cleared
residential areas: IMHO, too many. I would map probably 3 or 4 at all -
small area NW, bigger area N to NE and one or two in the middle to the
Anything else?

Any tips how to map this part?

There seems to be one way how to untangle the waterways - the stream in the
NW corner (id:450387995) should be split in the south, and both parts are
flowing to this point to the south there. And from there, it is one big

In this project, there are several similar tasks. Till now, I have
chickened out every time, but it might be time to find my big girl breeches.

HOT mailing list