[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2011.2.0_rc2 released

2011-07-22 Thread JeCh
On 22 čnc, 06:05, Yuval Levy  wrote:
> Technically these two bugs could not be more different, e.g. the FPW bug is
> spurious while the OSX is consistently reproducible.  From a release
> management point of view they share some similarities:
> - they affect a small but important number of users.  too small to stop the
> release, but too important to simply live with a "known quirk".

I might just have a very bad luck, but I experienced the FPW bug on
all 4 computers I used Hugin on. One has a very old ATI grpahics,
another has a new nVidia, the 3rd has an Intel and the last one SGX
(branded by Intel). So I'm afraid this bug might affect all Windows
users and that certainly isn't a small number of people.

On the first computer (Notebook with ATI grpahics) I also had FPW
crash in Linux, but it might be because of the opensource driver and
the fact that it misses support for some features.

I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it is possible: What about running
the FPW in a separate thread and when it deadlocks or crashes, destroy
the thread and open normal PW as a backup? Just an idea, I'm not sure
how difficult it would be or if it is possible at all.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: HuginSetup_2011.2.0-beta1 Windows exe - initial tests

2011-07-03 Thread JeCh

I finally got to test this release. I instantly run into two big

When I run the assistant, it hangs with process make.exe using all CPU
power. What might be causing this? What is the process "make.exe"
supposed to do?

If I align images manually, then there is no problem. But as soon as I
display quick preview window, it opens to small (preview size is just
about 20x20px) and Hugin either crashes or hangs with 100% CPU usage.

Am I the only one having these crashes and hangups? Thanks.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2011.0.0 released

2011-06-12 Thread JeCh
I think you have the same problem which is described here:

On 12 čvn, 01:15, Directrix  wrote:
> Thanks Matt.
> Installed the window 64 bit version.
> Opening the GL preview causes a freeze which leads to the Hugin instance
> needing to be closed.
> This happens for any existing project that I open.
> My bugtacker account is locked out right now, so haven't yet reported it
> there.
> Rich

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[hugin-ptx] Accented characters in path

2011-06-04 Thread JeCh

I'd like to point out the very old bug ( 
), when Hugin won't work with files which have non-ASCII characters in
path. The problesm still exists in 2011.0.

I know this problem affects quite a lot of people. People, who do not
know about the problem, will get disappointed by Hugin, because it
simply fails with no meaningful error message.

I think the Hugin should either warn users about the problem if they
try to open such files, or the problesm should be fixed. I think the
solution I suggested (to use short path) should pretty easy to
implement. It is not ideal but it should do the job.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Just tried out 2011.0.0, but the fast panorama preview screen is "Not Responding" (ie. hangs)

2011-06-04 Thread JeCh
I can confirm this bug on win32. It happens if I use the asistant on
the first tab. Steps to reproduce:

1) On the asistent tab open a few images
2) Click align

Everything works fine until the fast preview window is opened. After
opening it, Hugin freezes and uses full power of one CPU core. You
have to kill Hugin.

Everything works fine if I do the steps manually (not use asistent) -
open images -> create control points -> align images -> fast preview
opens fine.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: glpano 0.1beta2 is out

2011-03-28 Thread JeCh

I'm wondering if this can be ported to a web browser using WebGL. It
would be nice to have a HTML5 panorama viewer. What do you think?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Windows hugin-2010.2.0_rc1 Build

2010-10-17 Thread JeCh
I tried Hugin 2010.3 Windows build from this thread:

Unfortunately the problem with non-ASCII characters is still there.
Are the changes in the system for running external programs, you were
talking about, already implemented in this version? Thank you.


On 5 říj, 00:36, Bruno Postle  wrote:
> On Mon 04-Oct-2010 at 02:39 -0700, JeCh wrote:
> >3) Hugin can't process images stored in path with non ASCII
> >characters. Usually the problem appears when running Nona. First I
> >thought it can be fixed by using a different encoding of .tmp files.
> >But that didn't help. So I tried to convert the path to the short
> >(DOS) names and that fixed the problem. The same problem appears if I
> >try to use Autopano-SIFT-C multirow.
> I'm guessing you are using Windows with a Russian codepage?  Hugin
> works fine with non-ascii characters on OS X, Windows and Linux, but
> apparently not on Windows with Russian/Czech character sets.  This
> has been a known problem for a long time, but is impossible to fix
> without a developer who has this particular combination.
> The entire system for running external programs has been rewritten
> in the current trunk/default branch.  So hopefully this problem is
> already fixed there, but it won't be possible to backport these
> major changes to the 2010.2 branch (we would very much like you to
> test this new code if you can).
> Bruno

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Windows hugin-2010.2.0_rc1 Build

2010-10-04 Thread JeCh
On 5 říj, 00:36, Bruno Postle  wrote:
> autopano-sift-c isn't part of Hugin.  It sounds like you have a
> snapshot of autopano-sift-c, the only version we can recommend is
> the 2.5.1 release.

OK, so maybe the installer should link to this older version, because
the linked 2.5.2 doesn't work. thePanz, could you fix this, please?

> >   a) The images get incorrectly aligned (although the control points
> >are OK).
> I'm not sure, can you provide an example project?

As I said, it's hard to reproduce, but I'll try to get some useful
information if it happens to me again.

> Yes the straighten function has always failed with non-panoramic
> scenes (i.e. it doesn't work unless there is a spread of yaw
> values).  This has been the same for the last few releases, it isn't
> going to change soon unless somebody gets annoyed enough to fix it.

OK, so could it be at least disabled in these situations when using
the assistant mode?

> >   c) The problem mentioned here:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/browse_thread/thread/43c002b...
> I tried your test photos, but they are 5EV apart.  There is
> basically no exposure overlap between the photos, I don't see how
> you could construct usable HDR data from this (exposure fusion is ok
> though).

So I should have taken one more photo with no exposure correction,
right? I took a +2 EV and -3 EV photos. I'm quite new to HDR, so the
problem might be very likely at my side. But I got some quite good
results from Luminance HDR. It's pretty far from perfect, but it shows
it should be possible to make a HDR out of the images:
http://img338.imageshack.us/f/pokusg.jpg/ (tonemapped version).

> I'm guessing you are using Windows with a Russian codepage?  Hugin
> works fine with non-ascii characters on OS X, Windows and Linux, but
> apparently not on Windows with Russian/Czech character sets.  This
> has been a known problem for a long time, but is impossible to fix
> without a developer who has this particular combination.
> The entire system for running external programs has been rewritten
> in the current trunk/default branch.  So hopefully this problem is
> already fixed there, but it won't be possible to backport these
> major changes to the 2010.2 branch (we would very much like you to
> test this new code if you can).

Czech Republic is in Central Europe, so we don't use Russian character
set. We use CP-1250 or ISO-8859-2, these are standard letters with
some added like ěščřžýáíé. The same letters are used in Poland,
Sovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and other countries. My idea for a quick
fix is to use short path (like C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/)
for image files. This should fix the problem at least for CE

If you have some other solution in the current trunk, I will be happy
to test it if somebody can provide me a compiled binary. I did some
PHP, PyQt and PyGTK coding, but I never programmed anything in C/C++.
I have absolutely no experience with compiling SW on Windows.

Thanks a lot for your replies.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Windows hugin-2010.2.0_rc1 Build

2010-10-04 Thread JeCh
Since we are already in RC state, there are some things which should
be fixed IMHO before releasing the final version. I believe those only
concern the Windows version.

1) Autopano-SIFT-C (not the multirow/stacked version) doesn't work. It
creates only a few control points and those are completely wrong. Can
someone else confirm this? If it works for you, what is your command
line in settings?

2) Many problems with HDR (not panoramic) images.
   a) The images get incorrectly aligned (although the control points
are OK).
   b) Strong distortion of images when using the "straighten" function
in preview.
   c) The problem mentioned here:

3) Hugin can't process images stored in path with non ASCII
characters. Usually the problem appears when running Nona. First I
thought it can be fixed by using a different encoding of .tmp files.
But that didn't help. So I tried to convert the path to the short
(DOS) names and that fixed the problem. The same problem appears if I
try to use Autopano-SIFT-C multirow. I believe that these problems
would be fixed by using short path names (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
us/library/aa364989%28VS.85%29.aspx). They are already used in .bat
files for user profile directory.

I hope the problems 1 and 3 could be fixed quite easily (and should be
fixed before releasing the final version IMHO). The problems in 2) are
quite difficult to describe and reproduce. But I would assist as much
as I can if somebody wants to look into it.

Many thanks for all of your ward work.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Strange boxes in HDR panorama output

2010-08-13 Thread JeCh
I think I have the same problem with Hugin build 5161 on Windows (the
latest I could find).

I'm experiencing this with just 2 images taken with different
exposures. You can get them here: http://www.mediafire.com/?75iqb3493hh5y15

I'm not sure if I'm not doing something wrong, but with other sets I
have good results and my workflow is the same.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Moral questions

2009-12-18 Thread JeCh
I would ask a different question. Is it moral to patent a mathematical
algorithm? A don't think it should be patentable and so does the rest
of the world except of USA and maybe Japan. Imagine someone patented
Fourrier transformation...

If I use Hugin and SIFT based control point generators, I'm not
breaking any law and I don't do anything immoral.

In fact the patent law is mainly used to slow down invention and
evolution. Except of making less things patentable and for shorter
time, some countries are going the other way we may see soon someone
who will receive a patent for air breathing.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: No Hugin 0.8 for Windows?

2009-08-12 Thread JeCh

On Aug 12, 2:32 am, Yuval Levy  wrote:
> Flo wrote:
> > @Yuval Levy
> > Don't you think you are a little bit arrogant
> I had a one liner interaction with *you*:
> Flo> So why don't they just put that one on the homepage?
> Yuv> Test it, compare it to 0.7.0, and you will find out.
> and this was *after* the location of the 0.8 snapshots had been
> published in the thread, so I felt no need to repeat the obvious.
> It's OK for me if you don't know or if you don't have the need to find
> out. I don't care what you think of me. I'm sorry for you if you take
> offense at my (admittedly short and dry) answer.
> Yuv

Hi Yuv,

I use Hugin for a long time and I know and appreciate your work on
this project. But I think your answer to Flo wasn't quite right. I
tested Hugin 0.8 on win32 and except of the problem I mentioned at
I didn't run into any problems.

So I think the short and right answer should have been "There are some
3rd party dependencies broken on Windows." I think it would be a good
idea to post this somewhere on the homepage, because it is really
confusing. The homepage says that 0.8 has been released, I go to
"Download" and I get 0.7 without any explanation. I think it is good
idea to point to 0.7 until all dependencies for 0.8 are fixed, but it
should be said and explained somewhere on the Hugin site.

Best regards,
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