Since we are already in RC state, there are some things which should
be fixed IMHO before releasing the final version. I believe those only
concern the Windows version.

1) Autopano-SIFT-C (not the multirow/stacked version) doesn't work. It
creates only a few control points and those are completely wrong. Can
someone else confirm this? If it works for you, what is your command
line in settings?

2) Many problems with HDR (not panoramic) images.
   a) The images get incorrectly aligned (although the control points
are OK).
   b) Strong distortion of images when using the "straighten" function
in preview.
   c) The problem mentioned here:

3) Hugin can't process images stored in path with non ASCII
characters. Usually the problem appears when running Nona. First I
thought it can be fixed by using a different encoding of .tmp files.
But that didn't help. So I tried to convert the path to the short
(DOS) names and that fixed the problem. The same problem appears if I
try to use Autopano-SIFT-C multirow. I believe that these problems
would be fixed by using short path names (
us/library/aa364989%28VS.85%29.aspx). They are already used in .bat
files for user profile directory.

I hope the problems 1 and 3 could be fixed quite easily (and should be
fixed before releasing the final version IMHO). The problems in 2) are
quite difficult to describe and reproduce. But I would assist as much
as I can if somebody wants to look into it.

Many thanks for all of your ward work.

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