[humanrights-movement:4325] Action Alert:: Golibar Slum Dwellers face illegal demolition, Kindly call Maharashtar CM Office to protest.

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan gbgbando...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Action Alert:: Golibar Slum Dwellers face illegal demolition,
Kindly call Maharashtar CM Office to protest.

19  May  2011
The bulldozers at Golibar a 50 year old slum are once again out to demolish
and evict the slum dwellers who have been fighting the corruption and land
grab by Shivalik Ventures in which the 2G Spectrum scam ridden Unitech has a
stake. In the past the slum dwellers have repeatedly opposed and exposed the
illegal acts of the private developers who are all out to grab the land. It
was only after the expose that the Chief Minister of Maharashtra scrapped
the two 3K projects. This has been welcomed by us but we also await the
scrapping of the Golibar Project. Yesterday when the slum dwellers opposed
the eviction drive 12 slum dwellers including 6 women were arrested and
today will be produced before the Magistrate.

Yesterday it was a familiar scene. A hundred policemen crowded the narrow
corridor that is the entry to our homes. The Collector’s men raised their
mobile loudspeakers and read out a ‘33/38’ eviction notice, asking us to
co-operate in their efforts to break their houses. It’s besides the point
that in no language, legal or otherwise, does ‘eviction’ mean ‘demolition’.
It’s also besides the point that the so-called notice was dated from more 90
days earlier, making it redundant as a legal order. Nor does it matter,
perhaps, that the High Court has ruled in our favour in a (criminal) case of
fraud and forgery against Shivalik builders – the very builders that the
police and collector’s office came to serve today.

We all request you to kindly call the Chief Minister, Maharashtra-Office and
request them to stop the forcible eviction of slum dwellers.

In Solidarity,
Medha Patkar,  Santosh Daonkar, Simpreet  Singh, Prerna Gaikwad, Ajit
Chief Minister, Maharashtra office-022 22025151
Fax No 022-22817068


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4326] Gorakhpur Update - 20.5.11 : Condition of three workers worsens on the fifth day of fast-unto-death

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani
*English and Hindi*

*Second phase of ‘Mazdoor Satyagrah’ continues in Gorakhpur*

*Condition of three workers worsens on the fifth day of fast-unto-death
on the gate of the locked-out factories *

   - *Hundreds of workers stage dharna in support of the hunger strike in
   protest against the lock-out in two factories and dismissal of 18 workers
   and to demand action against the culprits of incident of firing on workers
   - *Administration totally in support of factory owners – No talks on the
   demands, all efforts to disperse the protestors*
   - *An investigation team of journalists and social activists reaches

 Gorakhpur, 20 May. The condition of three workers has worsened on the fifth
day of fast-unto-death by workers in front of the gates of two factories of
V.N. Dyers Ltd. in Bargadwa area as part of the second phase of ‘Mazdoor
Satyagrah’ which was started on 16 May. However the workers are unyielding
and are preparing to heat up the agitation.

The hunger strike was initiated since the morning of 16th May on the demands
of the arrest of the accused of the firing incident on 3rd May, action
against the guilty officers, judicial enquiry of firing and repression,
compensation to the injured workers and ending the lock out in the two
factories of V.N. Dyers and reinstatement of all the 18 dismissed workers.
Suheela Devi, mother of a worker, three workers - Bindweshwar Rai, Susheel
Srivastava and Mahesh Pathak and women activist Shweta are sitting on hunger
strike and among them the condition of Susheela, Shweta and Mahesh Pathak
has worsened. On the night of 18 May the administration forcibly took away
Mahesh Pathak and admitted him to the district hospital but he continued his
fast even there and on the morning of 19th May he again came back and joined
the hunger strike.

Hundreds of workers of the area also have been present day and night on the
spot. Meanwhile the administration is acting in favour of the factory owners
and is hell bent on ending the hunger strike and dharna and is not paying
any attention to the demands of workers. Two rounds of unsuccessful talks
were held on the first day in which the owners were adamant on not taking
back the dismissed workers. After that the administration did not make any
attempt for dialogue. Even last night, police force in the leadership of the
top officials of police and administration was prepared to remove the
workers from the spot. Sensing this, huge number of workers sitting on
dharna tied each other through big ropes. When police saw that the workers
could not be removed from the spot without the use of heavy force, it

After the firing incident in Gorakhpur on 3rd May and the subsequent brutal
repression of workers, the district administration and the owners of Ankur
Udyog had to relent owing to the resolute resistance and heavy public
pressure and thus the workers had achieved a partial victory. 18 workers of
Ankur Udyog who were dismissed on account of taking part in the May Day
Rally were taken back to the work and the factory started operating from 11
May. But the owners of V.N. Dyers are adamant on the issue of ending the
lockout and reinstatement of 18 dismissed workers.

The workers staged a bicycle rally in the Gorakhpur city today to gather
popular support in favour of the workers’ agitation. Even the workers of
GIDA industrial area staged a demonstration in their area in support of the
agitation. The workers of various factories of Bargadwa are planning to
stage a huge demonstration.

Meanwhile an investigation team of journalists and social activists reached
Gorakhpur to investigate the incident of firing on workers, their repression
and the accusations of violation of labour laws. The members of the
investigation team also went to the spot and talked to the workers.

The strong condemnation of the continued repressive attitude of
administration towards the workers agitation going on for more than two
weeks and its neglect by Uttar Pradesh government is building momemtum once

*गोरखपुर में मज़दूर सत्‍याग्रह का दूसरा चरण जारी ***

*तालाबंद कारखानों के गेट पर आमरण अनशन के पाँचवे दिन तीन मज़दूरों की हालत

   - *दो कारखानों में तालाबंदी और 18 मज़दूरों के निष्‍कासन के विरोध में तथा
   मज़दूरों पर फायरिंग के दोषियों के विरुद्ध कार्रवाई की मांग पर भूख हड़ताल के
   समर्थन में सैकड़ों मज़दूर धरने पर बैठे*
   - *प्रशासन पूरी तरह मालिकान के पक्ष में - मांगों पर कोई बातचीत
नहीं**,भूख हड़तालियों को हटाने
   हरचंद को‍शिशें जारी*
   - *पत्रकारों व सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं की जांच टीम गोरखपुर पहुंची*

 गोरखपुर, 20 मई

गोरखपुर में 16 मई से शुरू हुए मज़दूर सत्‍याग्रह के दूसरे चरण के तहत बरगदवा
इलाके में वी.एन. डायर्स लि. के दो कारखानों के गेट के सामने जारी 'आमरण
अनशन'के पांचवे दिन तीन भूख हड़ताली मज़दूरों की हालत बिगड़ गई है लेकिन
मज़दूर डटे
हुए हैं और आंदोलन को गरमाने में जुट गए हैं।

3 मई के गोलीकांड के अभियुक्‍तों की गिरफ़्तारी, दोषी अफसरों पर
कार्रवाई,गोलीकांड और दमन की घटनाओं की न्‍यायिक जांच
, घायल 

[humanrights-movement:4327] Fwd: Medha Patkar and others start INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE in custody protesting against ongoing Golibar Slum demolitions in Mumbai

2011-05-20 Thread Madhuresh Kumar

 Original Message 
Subject: 	Medha Patkar and others start INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE in 
custody protesting against ongoing Golibar Slum demolitions in Mumbai

Date:   Fri, 20 May 2011 15:49:52 +0530
From:   NAPM India napmin...@napm-india.org
Reply-To:   action-2...@googlegroups.com

Dear All,
Today the Bulldozers of Shivalik Ventures continue to demolish the 
houses of the Golibar slum are, yesterday 11 houses were broken and 
nearly 12 people were arrested who will be produced infront of the 
Magistrate today.

Medha Patkar and nearly 50 people from other bastis were on their way to 
the Golibar area that they were detained and put in Kheruvadi police 
Station. Frustrated with the constant violation of the laws and open 
support to the Shivalik Ventures which has been riddled with corruption, 
as mentioned in the letter written to CM Prithviraj Chauhan yesterday 
Medha Patkar and others have started INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE in the 
police custody itself.

Write to CM and fax it to them asking for immediate stopping of the 
demolitions and release people who have been arrested yesterday and 
detained today.

For details call Prerna Gaikawad 9221958763 in Golibar or Dinesh Shinde 
in Kheruvadi Police Station with Medha Patkar 9221001717.


More details on the Khar / Golibar struggle 


*  A Wing First Floor, Haji Habib Building, Naigaon Cross Road*
*Dadar (E), Mumbai-400 014 Ph. No - 9969363065; Delhi Contact: 09818905316*

*E-mail:*napmin...@gmail.com mailto:napmin...@gmail.om*| Web 
:*www.napm-india.org http://www.napm-india.org/**

*19^th May, 2011*


Shri Prithviraj Chavan,

Hon’ble Chief Minister,

Government of Maharashtra,

Mantralaya, Mumbai

Dear Shri Prithviraj Chavanji,

I have been reading about the good decisions of yours to review the 3-K 
schemes, rather scams and we welcome this courageous decision. While two 
of these are cancelled, enquiry of Shivalik Ventures is apparently, on. 
It is already an established fact that the builder, with the name 
changed many times and so was the enterprise (SVI Realties, Shivalik 
Ventures, Shi. Ventures Private Ltd., Lifestyle Realty) has committed 
serious criminal offences in the process of seeking approval. The Slum 
Rehabilitation Authority, to the Mantralaya, all have favoured the builder.

Its also seen and exposed from the letter of the Directorate of Income 
Tax that UNITECH has made 50% of the investment, that too by collecting 
advances through Neera Radia! It thus can be covered in the enquiry on 
the 2 G spectrum scam.

Another level of fraudulent sanctions is of the co-operatives in the 
Golibar region. Preparing fake documents of General Body meetings with 
false signatures, cheating the private owners and co-operatives 
member's, putting thousands of people in the transit camps, violating 
the rules, but also constructed on the land belonging to the Defence 
Ministry (Air Force) or the Railway Ministry etc..are also 
thoroughly assessed and exposed by us as well as the concerned 
authorities. FIRs filed are being investigated into, based on the High 
Court orders in certain cases.

In this context, while the Project deserves cancellation and legal 
action, its shocking that the Additional Collector, Mr. Rokhade is again 
issuing notices for demolition and tomorrow morning again the massive 
police force is to be deployed for the same. These colonies of families 
settled 70-100 years ago, are not encroacher's slums, but pucca houses 
erected out of sweat and blood of toiling people.

The land grabbers, eyeing on this land, just 3 kms away from the 
airport, are up with all political pressures and interests, to not just 
evict, but destroy the lives of thousands of families. This must be 
stopped and questioned. While we are to fight the battle tooth and nail, 
as we did in January last, we expect you to issue immediate orders to 
stop the demolition during the inquiry and further take appropriate 
steps to cancel the Shivalik project at Golibar, to save life and 
shelter of the thousands of families from the jaws of land sharks. This 
battle, would otherwise catch fire with all the builders and all the 
affected shall join the people of Golibar with women at the forefront.

With Regards,

Medha Patkar*Ph:*09423965153 / 09969363065 / 09179148973

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan* gbgbando...@gmail.com 

Date: Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Action Alert:: Golibar Slum Dwellers face illegal demolition, 
Kindly call Maharashtar CM Office to protest.
To: GBGB-Andolan gbgb-ando...@googlegroups.com 
mailto:gbgb-ando...@googlegroups.com, gb-gb-andolan1 

[humanrights-movement:4330] Fwd: Press Release: 25 Workers injured in Lathicharge, leader of Gorakhpur Workers Movement Arrested - Taken to undisclosed location. 75 other workers arrested

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani

Workers* *lathi charged in Gorakhpur, 25 workers badly injured, 73 workers
arrested along with their leader Tapish whose whereabouts are still unknown

The administration is blatantly supporting the factory owners – has not
shown any inclination to dialogue, administration adamant on suppressing the
movement and disbanding the striking activists

An independent team of journalists and social workers reaches Gorakhpur to
carry out an investigation

*Gorakhpur, 20 May.* The Workers' Satyagraha which started in Gorakhpur from
May 16 was dealt with lathi charge today by a heavy police force in the
presence of the DIG. Police arrested 73 workers and one of their leaders
Tapish Maindola but there is still no official word about their arrest.
Tapish has been arrested on the basis of a concocted FIR lodged by factory
owner Ashok Jalan in relation to the incident of firing by his hired goons
in which 19 workers were injured. Serious charges under different sections
of IPC have been pressed on him including attempt to murder, rioteering etc.
The administration is unabashedly siding with the factory owners. The
workers had submitted a complaint to the police naming the factory owner
Ashok Jalan, history-sheeter Pradeep Singh and others as responsible for the
incident of firing but the police have taken no action on their complaint
instead they have arrested workers' leader Tapish Maindola on the false FIR
of the factory owner Ashok Jalan. Ashok Jalan had stated that Tapish and
other workers themselves were involved in the firing on the workers,
however, news reports from media clearly say that the firing was done from
inside the factory, and it was a well planned attack. The workers' union has
expressed concern for the life of their leader Tapish.

In the meanwhile 50 workers who had gone to protest against the arrest of
workers at the DM office were heavily lathi charged and 25 workers sustained

 In the afternoon today about 500 workers taking part in a peaceful
demonstration for their legal rights were detained near Gorakhnath Temple
here. All 500 workers had tied themselves with a long rope and they sat at
the same spot in protest where a heavy police force in the leadership of the
DIG had stopped them. According to latest updates, the police resorted
to  lathi
charge and dispersed the workers arresting 73 of them. But the police did
not officially record the arrest of 30 of them and their leader Tapsih.
Despite this about 250 workers are still sitting on a dharna at the townhall
near Gandhi statue.

It is noteworthy that Tapish was arrested from some other place as he was
not a part of the procession. He has been taken to some undisclosed location
and the workers fear for his life and safety. It should be known that some
police and administrative officials had been continuously warning the
workers' leaders of 'dire consequences'. They had been particularly
targeting Tapish, Pramod Kumar and Prashant and branding them as
'moists-terrorists'. Even two years ago these leaders had been dealt brutal
physical attack by the administration and it is said that the police were
planning to kill them in false encounters. However they had to retreat after
severe condemnation from all over the country gained momentum and the
officers came under huge public pressure. But the administration seems
hell-bent on suppressing this movement this time. Under such circumstances
there is clear danger to the life and security of Tapish.

The hunger strike was initiated since the morning of 16th May on the demands
of the arrest of the accused of the firing incident on 3rd May, action
against the guilty officers, judicial enquiry of firing and repression,
compensation to the injured workers and ending the lock out in the two
factories of V.N. Dyers and reinstatement of all the 18 dismissed workers.
Suheela Devi, mother of a worker, three workers - Bindweshwar Rai, Susheel
Srivastava and Mahesh Pathak and women activist Shweta are sitting on hunger
strike and among them the condition of Susheela, Shweta and Mahesh Pathak
has worsened. On the night of 18 May the administration forcibly took away
Mahesh Pathak and admitted him to the district hospital but he continued his
fast even there and on the morning of 19thMay he again came back and joined
the hunger strike.

Hundreds of workers of the area also have been present day and night on the
spot. Meanwhile the administration is acting in favour of the factory owners
and is hell bent on ending the hunger strike and dharna and is not paying
any attention to the demands of workers. Two rounds of unsuccessful talks
were held on the first day in which the owners were adamant on not taking
back the dismissed workers. After that the administration did not make any
attempt for dialogue. Even last night, police force in the leadership of the
top officials of police and administration was prepared to remove the
workers from the spot. Sensing this, huge number of