Re: [i3] [i3status] Update interval alignment glitch

2014-03-24 Thread Gereon Kremer

Marco Hunsicker wrote:
 It's a pity that Gereon did not comment any further.
Sorry for that, but I have been on vacation for the last 12 days or
so... :-)

Marco Hunsicker wrote:
 The alignment is there purely for aesthetic reasons, right? That the
 clock displays the seconds in a predictable way? 
Yes, just as you describe a few mails later: 00 - 05 - 10 - ...

Anyhow, I don't have a strong opinion about this. I just consider
refreshs that are due to a USR1 exceptional and deem the default case
to be more important.
Ultimately, both problems are only aesthetical: ugly numbers vs.
refreshs earlier than interval


Re: [i3] [i3lock] blur effect

2014-03-24 Thread Karl Tarbe


Now I have had time to test and develop more. Initial bugs are fixed.

The repo address is

I also made a release

For archlinux users as myself I also made an AUR package called i3lock-blur.

Now i3lock-blur is easier for you to test and see if you like it.

Best wishes,