[IAEP] SLOBs weekly update, 2010-07-11

2010-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
As promised, I kicked our agenda items forward. Turns out you can do a 
lot without needing to vote. :)

Our meetbot does some truly awful meeting minutes formatting, but here's 
the summary of 

* Local Labs TM applications can't be found, so we'll drop this topic 
until a Local Lab is indeed blocked by lack of TM permission, at which 
point they should ping SLOBs (via emailing the slobs and iaep lists with 
their request - doesn't have to be formal, just needs to be publicly 
documented somewhere) so we can +1 them. DONE!

* Oo4Kids logo display request got 4 +1s from SLOBs, granted. Added to 
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trademark_permissions_granted. APPROVED!

* F11+0.88+XO-1.* got permission to use SL infrastructure and get listed 
on the sidebar. UNBLOCKED!

* Broader question: "What are the rights and responsibilities of a SL 
project?" (Simple answer, but we need to agree on the same simple 
answer.) NEXT WEEK! (and hitting the list shortly as a separate thread).

* Question from Kevin Mark: "Who should be the deciding organization for 
who determines what version of sugar is used in the field?" (Hitting the 
list shortly as a separate discussion thread, but no action really 
needed - just a good point to bring up.)

What else do people consider the most pressing topics to the future of 
SL? How are we doing? Are we reaching our goals? (What are they?) These 
should be the agenda items we discuss.



04:56:33Topic: Trademark applications from Local Labs
04:56:54INFOmchua   We have trademark usage applications from the 
following places:
04:57:02INFOmchua   * Colombia * Paraguay Educa * Argentina * Chile 
Peru * DC
04:57:14INFOmchua   We have been blocked by lack of links to the 
actual applications.
04:58:29INFOmchua   Walter says the words "TM REQUEST" should be in 
the subject lines for this, and that they should have been sent to list, 
but there are no emails from these countries with that subject on a 
public list (that I could find).
05:36:54INFOmchua   Mel can't find subject lines with "TM REQUEST" 
them in either iaep or slobs archives
05:37:42AGREED  mchua   This agenda item is being dropped, but people 
are encouraged (very very encouraged!) to resend their local labs' TM 
applications to SLOBs and cc iaep, and we'll get to them then. So if 
this is blocking you, please pipe up with a quick email!


05:37:55Topic: Ooo4Kids logo display request
06:21:10INFOmchua   Main Oo4Kids contact is Eric Bachard, 
eric.bachard at free.fr
06:21:21INFOmchua   Oo4kids requests permission to place our logo 
their "partners" page
06:21:56AGREED  mchua   YES (motion passes, Bernie, Walter, Adam and 
Mel +1, no -1)
06:22:11INFOmchua   Added to "trademark permissions granted" list


06:23:24Topic: F11+0.88+XO-1.* as a SL project
06:23:47INFOmchua   The broader topic under discussion here is 
is a SL project?" (as in, what does it entail, what does it mean for a 
project to be a SL project - rights and responsibilities)?
06:23:58INFOmchua   This is a simple question, but we need to 
actually agree on the answer.
06:29:04INFOmchua   It was agreed last week that Paraguay Educa 
should list the F11+0.88+Xo-1.* project on the wiki sidebar.
06:37:31INFOmchua   It was also agreed that the project should have 
full use of SL Infrastructure resources.
06:39:55INFOmchua   So I'm going to make it a quick agenda item, 
draft a motion and see if we can get discussion/consensus/approval 
around it.
06:41:36INFOmchua   the current page asays projects start as SIGs, 
then apply to SLOBs for project status.
06:42:39ACTION  mchua   mchua to shoot this page out to the iaep list 
and ask if anyone thinks it needs more - if it's not blocking anything, 
we can skip it for now, I think.


06:42:58Topic: Other business
06:47:34INFOmchua   We have a 

[IAEP] Who determines what version of Sugar is used in the field?

2010-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
(from the last SLOBs agenda-kickin', 

Question from Kevin Mark: Who should be the deciding organization for 
who determines what version of sugar is used in the field?

"I was confused about the hierarchy of who should be the deciding 
organization for who determines what version of sugar is used in the 
field. There are more than 500,000 users and many people outside of OLPC 
and Sugar Labs that will have to support that choice (of using 0.88) as 
well as the support that OLPC and Sugar Labs in Boston and elsewhere 
will have to provide. I dont know how a new 3rd party like Activity 
Central is involved in this and what role they should be taking as they 
are untested and lacking the kind of resouces that OLPC and Sugar Labs 
have at the moment."

Mel's response: To me, this is very clear - SL decides what version(s) 
of Sugar it will support, and deployments will decide what version(s) of 
Sugar they will use. Deployments don't have to use the supported version 
of Sugar, they just won't get support from SL if they do. :) And others 
(deployments or third-party entities) may step up to offer support for 
versions SL itself does not support.

Your thoughts?

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] [SLOBs] What are the rights and responsibilities of a SL project?

2010-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
 From the last SLOBs agenda-kicking, 

What are the rights and responsibilities of a SL project?" (This should 
be a simple answer, but we need to agree on the same simple answer.)

Right now, we have 
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Project_Guidelines. The current 
page says projects start as SIGs, then apply to SLOBs for project 
status. It's not clear what that project status grants them (there's 
pretty much nothing on this except for "name/logo usage" - no mention 
of, for instance, infrastructure privileges or being listed on the 
sidebar) and also not clear what responsibilities projects have

Is this topic actually blocking anyone? I'd like to propose a motion 
(throwing out a strawman here, with the intent that folks will make it 

-- MOTION ---

First, the short version:

1. If your project helps SL, is all freely licensed, and has a wiki page 
with certain info on it, you can apply for project status by emailing 
slobs/iaep your wiki page URL and saying "here's our project page, 
please raise a motion to make us a project."

2. If SLOBs passes the motion (4 votes of +1), you are a project. This 
gets you a sidebar listing, do-it-yourself infrastructure access, and 
permission to call yourselves a SL project.

3. Projects are obligated to update their project page and email that 
project page URL to the list during the last month of each Sugar release 
cycle. That's it.

4. If a project doesn't do this (SLOBs will check), its project status 
is revoked, and it loses the sidebar listing and the ability to call 
itself a SL project. Projects who have their status revoked may reapply, 
see (1).

Now, the fine print:

Being a SL project means you get (1) listed in the sidebar, (2) full use 
of SL infrastructure's resources (though projects must do the 
administrative work themselves, they'll get machine access) if the 
project isn't already using them, and (3) permission to refer to 
yourselves as a SL project (you can request TM usage separately).

Being a SL project does NOT mean that (1) SL teams are obligated to 
fulfil all your requests, or that (2) SLOBs or SL teams can tell you 
what to do, or that (3) anyone else will step up and make your project 
happen - people working on a project still need to step up and drive and 
do all the work.

The only thing SLOBs can do is remove "SL Project" status, which (1) 
removes a project from the sidebar and (2) the project not being able to 
refer to itself as a "SL project" any more. (Infrastructure privileges 
shouldn't be removed except in cases of gross misconduct.)

SL projects must:
* work towards the mission of SL in some way, 
* contain only code and content released under approved licenses, 

To request status as a SL project, create a project wiki page that 
contains (at minimum) the following information, and submit it to SLOBs 
as an agenda item ("here is our project wiki page, can we be a project?")

(these are directly from the version of 
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Project_Guidelines as of this 

* Who the new project would serve and who will lead the project
* What the goals and scope of the new project would be
* When the project can be considered a success
* Where the project will lead and where it will fit into Sugar Labs
* Why the idea warrants the creation of a new project within Sugar Labs
* How the project will benefit Sugar Labs and the Sugar ecosystem
* The number of active contributors
* The state of the project compared to its goals
* Documentation of how the project is working for the community
* The current method of governing the project
* A schedule and plan to achieve remaining goals and milestones

This then becomes a motion that needs 4 SLOBs +1s to pass, just like any 
other motion.

The only obligation of a project is to submit a status report, in the 
form of emailing iaep a link toan updated project wiki page with 
up-to-date answers to all the same above questions, during the last 
month of each sugar release cycle. One week after each Sugar release 
cycle, SLOBs will check which projects have fulfilled that obligation, 
renew the project status of all projects that have, and revoke project 
status of all projects that haven't. Projects that haven't can simply 

How reasonable does this sound to everyone? Amendments? Changes? If you 
want to make substantial edits, please throw this on a wiki page and 
send us all the link. ;)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Who determines what version of Sugar is used in the field?

2010-07-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Mel Chua  wrote:
> Mel's response: To me, this is very clear - SL decides what version(s)
> of Sugar it will support, and deployments will decide what version(s) of
> Sugar they will use.

Exactly. That's a huge part of the Free in FOSS.

We can all stand on top of a mountain and declare that people should
run X, Y or Z software. But deployments take their own decisions.


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] IAEP Digest, Vol 28, Issue 18 Consider the SugarCreationKit DVD a Project?

2010-07-11 Thread Thomas C Gilliard
> -- MOTION ---
> First, the short version:
> 1. If your project helps SL, is all freely licensed, and has a wiki page 
> with certain info on it, you can apply for project status by emailing 
> slobs/iaep your wiki page URL and saying "here's our project page, 
> please raise a motion to make us a project."
Question re Sugar Creation Kit DVD:

-This is really a compilation of SL Content on a DVD
where does such a project fit in this spectrum of Projects?
It probably would have qualified under the previous Project Category:
"wiki pages bearing the [[Category:Project]] tag predating this proposal."

It would be nice to get a left sidebar listing for the DVD.iso  and move 
it's location to Downloads from Tgillard

Tom Gilliard

A related situation exists for the ASLOxo.iso with .xo files for Drag 
Drop Installs:
(This may depend on the .xo file format remaining one of the ways 
Activities are distributed)

> 2. If SLOBs passes the motion (4 votes of +1), you are a project. This 
> gets you a sidebar listing, do-it-yourself infrastructure access, and 
> permission to call yourselves a SL project.
> 3. Projects are obligated to update their project page and email that 
> project page URL to the list during the last month of each Sugar release 
> cycle. That's it.
> 4. If a project doesn't do this (SLOBs will check), its project status 
> is revoked, and it loses the sidebar listing and the ability to call 
> itself a SL project. Projects who have their status revoked may reapply, 
> see (1).
> Now, the fine print:
> Being a SL project means you get (1) listed in the sidebar, (2) full use 
> of SL infrastructure's resources (though projects must do the 
> administrative work themselves, they'll get machine access) if the 
> project isn't already using them, and (3) permission to refer to 
> yourselves as a SL project (you can request TM usage separately).
> Being a SL project does NOT mean that (1) SL teams are obligated to 
> fulfil all your requests, or that (2) SLOBs or SL teams can tell you 
> what to do, or that (3) anyone else will step up and make your project 
> happen - people working on a project still need to step up and drive and 
> do all the work.
> The only thing SLOBs can do is remove "SL Project" status, which (1) 
> removes a project from the sidebar and (2) the project not being able to 
> refer to itself as a "SL project" any more. (Infrastructure privileges 
> shouldn't be removed except in cases of gross misconduct.)
> SL projects must:
> * work towards the mission of SL in some way, 
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs#Mission
> * contain only code and content released under approved licenses, 
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trademark#Approved_licenses
> To request status as a SL project, create a project wiki page that 
> contains (at minimum) the following information, and submit it to SLOBs 
> as an agenda item ("here is our project wiki page, can we be a project?")
> (these are directly from the version of 
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Project_Guidelines as of this 
> writing)
> * Who the new project would serve and who will lead the project
> * What the goals and scope of the new project would be
> * When the project can be considered a success
> * Where the project will lead and where it will fit into Sugar Labs
> * Why the idea warrants the creation of a new project within Sugar Labs
> * How the project will benefit Sugar Labs and the Sugar ecosystem
> * The number of active contributors
> * The state of the project compared to its goals
> * Documentation of how the project is working for the community
> * The current method of governing the project
> * A schedule and plan to achieve remaining goals and milestones
> This then becomes a motion that needs 4 SLOBs +1s to pass, just like any 
> other motion.
> The only obligation of a project is to submit a status report, in the 
> form of emailing iaep a link toan updated project wiki page with 
> up-to-date answers to all the same above questions, during the last 
> month of each sugar release cycle. One week after each Sugar release 
> cycle, SLOBs will check which projects have fulfilled that obligation, 
> renew the project status of all projects that have, and revoke project 
> status of all projects that haven't. Projects that haven't can simply 
> reapply.
> How reasonable does this sound to everyone? Amendments? Changes? If you 
> want to make substantial edits, please throw this on a wiki page and 
> send us all the link. ;)
> --Mel
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] In 2 Hrs! "Virtual Field Trip Realness (Classrooms ain't in Kansas Nomore)"

2010-07-11 Thread Holt

Speaker's PDF slides:


Please join us in 2 hrs (4PM Sunday, Eastern Time in Boston/NYC) by calling:

   +1 (712) 432-3030
   Conference Code: 637497

Live Chat Backchannel:

   http://forum.laptop.org/chat (that's *#olpc-help* on irc.freenode.net)

   *Sunday July 11 - Virtual Field Trip Realness (Classrooms ain't in
   Kansas Nomore)*
   By Laura Susan Bell, Virtual Field Trip Facilitator & OLPC Support

   Laura will explain how she administers classrooms in Upper NY State,
   taking her students on virtual field trips will real-live NASA
   engineers etc,
   who ship her in-classroom supplies in-advance to dramatically
   liven the
   experience for all kids.

   *Sunday July 18 - Eleven Years Deploying Computers in South African
   By Alan Field & Donna Wainwright, in person at OLPC in Cambridge, MA.

   Alan will discuss the many deep lessons he's learned along the
   way, over
   the 11 years he and his wife Donna have spent teaching &
   training using
   Macs across 30 schools 300KM SE of Johannesburg.  Towards both
   "Creative Learning" and "Drill and K^hThrill" -- come learn some
   and vital lessons on where Mandela's post-World Cup nation is

   *Sunday July 25 NOON - East Africa and West Africa OLPC Community
   Public Brunch*
   NYC/Bronx Location announced hereunder -- plz RSVP now to holt @
   laptop dot org, thx!


   *Sunday Aug 1 - From Viet Cong to Venture Capital to Vietnam
   Community (TENTATIVE)*
   Location/Parti-Pants to be announced.

   How has OLPC's Vietnam Community progressed so far, so fast, in
   just 1 year?
   Sunday Aug 8 - What's Really Happening in India, at the Grassroots
   Level? (TENTATIVE)
   *Locations to be announced.

   The astonishing number of volunteers and informal community projects
   in India makes it hard to keep track of them all.  Professor
   Sameer Verma
   in San Francisco will explain how these amazing community volunteers
   and corporate professionals scattered across the Indian subcontinent
   can now take their contributions to the next level.

/REMINDER: while meetings are generally for OLPC volunteers/staff only, 
accompanying friends are welcome if personally introduce, and are 
willing to help Make S---^h^h^hUPPORT Happen!!/
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOBs] What are the rights and responsibilities of a SL project?

2010-07-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
El Sun, 11-07-2010 a las 07:24 -0400, Mel Chua escribió:

> [...]

> How reasonable does this sound to everyone? Amendments? Changes? If you 
> want to make substantial edits, please throw this on a wiki page and 
> send us all the link. ;)

Thanks for taking the time to write this, Mel. I have no changes to
propose. To me, it sounds perfect as it is now.

If it wasn't clear enough: +1 from me :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs   - http://sugarlabs.org/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Suggestions for 4.0 (raw_input)

2010-07-11 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Hi Again, Dinko,
Well, here goes on the big lesson 4.0. I finished checking it just as the World 
Cup match was about to start so, I will write this during the dull moments... 
if there are any!
This time... I'll do suggestions in red italics and additions in plain red.
far, we have written programs which write to the screen, but don't get any data 
from the user. The communication was only one way: from the program to the 
user. How do we write a program which gets data from the user and does 
something with it? Here's one simple example. Let's just have the user type in 
something and print it back to him.
Example 1
# example startname = raw_input("Please enter your name: ")print "Hello,", 
name# example end
The raw_input function is what we need for that. When that function is 
executed, the program pauses and waits for the user to write something. When 
the user presses enter, the raw_input function returns to the program whatever 
the user wrote. We stored the result of the raw_input function in the variable 
"name". Also, notice the text we entered in the parentheses. What happens with 
that text can better be seen in the following example:
Example 2
# example startprint "Please enter your name: "name = raw_input()print 
"Hello,", name# example end
So, , notice the two ways you can tell the user of your program that you 
expect him to type in something. You can either make a print before raw_input 
(example 1), or you can just make a raw_input and write your text in the 
parentheses (example 2).
The text that was entered got stored in the variable. So far, we have only 
stored numbers and True/False in variables. However, there are many different 
things we can store in variables, not only numbers. I'll now show you a few 
things you can do with text in Python. The reason why we're doing this now is 
because raw_input stores anything you enter as text, even if you type in a 
number (and a bit later we'll see what that means). Just one thing before we go 
on: a sequence of characters is called a "string" in Python and many other 
programming languages. In fact, it can even be a single character (so "asd" is 
a string, and "a" is a string also) or an empty string (just "" - a string with 
no characters).
Example 3
# example startvar = "Hello"var2 = "world"print var + var2# example end
Here we have two string variables. In Python, we can add strings together. That 
gives us a new string which is created by simply putting the strings together, 
the second one after the first. In Example 3, the two words are stuck to each 
other when we print. How could we modify the strings to get a nice print?
Example 4
# example startvar1 = "Hello"var2 = " world"var3 = "!"var4 = var1 + var2 + 
var3print var4# example end
Example 5
# example startprint "What happens when we multiply a string with a 
number?"var1 = 10var2 = "spam"print var1 * var2# example end
OK, enough about strings for now, let's go back to inputting things from the 
keyboard. You've already seen that we can add two numbers together and that we 
can add two strings together. In Python, we can even multiply a string with a 
number (remember, multiplying is just repeated adding). However, you can't add 
or subtract a number and a string. What would that even mean? What is 2 + 
"apple"? If you run the following code, you will get an error:
Example 6
# example startvar = "a string" + 5# example end
You should always carefully read the errors you get. They contain the reason 
why the error happened, and you can easily find the part of code you should fix 
if you understand the error. If you haven't already, run example 6 and read the 
error you get. It will tell you that you cannot add an "int" (integer, or whole 
number) and a "str" (string). **restart the tutorial or something after the 
error? Or something else?*Perhaps you expected that the addition in Example 6 
would result in the string "a string5". Well, we would get that if we had tried 
to add "a string" (which is a string) and "5" (a one character string!), 
because that's how we add two strings. However, written without the quotation 
marks, 5 is a number, not a string. There's an easy way to turn numbers into 
strings in Python.
Example 7
# example startvar = "a string" + str(5)print var# example end
Example 8
# example startvar = 10var2 = "a string" + str(var) + "another string"# example 
There is a function called "str" which converts the value you give it into a 
string, and we've used it here to convert 5, which is a number, into "5", which 
is a string.There is also a way to do the opposite: convert a string into a 
number. Look at the following example:
Example 9
# example startvar = "50"var2 = int(var)print var * 3print var2 * 3# example end
As you can see, "var" remained a string. The result of int(var) was a number, 
and that number got stored in "var2".There's an easy way to check the types of

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SLOBs weekly update, 2010-07-11

2010-07-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
El Sun, 11-07-2010 a las 06:54 -0400, Mel Chua escribió:

> Our meetbot does some truly awful meeting minutes formatting, but here's 
> the summary of 
> http://me.etin.gs/sugar-meeting/sugar-meeting.minutes.20100711_0446.html:

It was a wonderful SLOBs un-meeting, we should have more of these!

> * Local Labs TM applications can't be found, so we'll drop this topic 
> until a Local Lab is indeed blocked by lack of TM permission, at which 
> point they should ping SLOBs (via emailing the slobs and iaep lists with 
> their request - doesn't have to be formal, just needs to be publicly 
> documented somewhere) so we can +1 them. DONE!

To minimize the overhead of funding future Local Labs, we may want to
implicitly grant TM usage consistently with the approval of the lab

> * Question from Kevin Mark: "Who should be the deciding organization for 
> who determines what version of sugar is used in the field?" (Hitting the 
> list shortly as a separate discussion thread, but no action really 
> needed - just a good point to bring up.)

My viewpoint is that Sugar Labs as a whole shouldn't officially endorse,
recommend or support anything at all. The decision to take such
commitment is up to the individuals (or teams, or companies) who are
willing to put the weight of their professional expertise behind the
projects they're interested in.

In other words, we as a community-driven organization shall not
interfere as long as the laws of self-organization are doing their job
right :-)

This reflects Mel's projects proposal and Tomeu's view that Sugar Labs
is a place to work together, not one of the players itself.

> What else do people consider the most pressing topics to the future of 
> SL? How are we doing? Are we reaching our goals? (What are they?) These 
> should be the agenda items we discuss.

Didn't we set goals for 2010 a while ago? It would be nice to review
them now. In my mind, this year we're seing a huge leap forward in the
Sugar Labs community. Relationships with OLPC have enormously improved
and deployments are starting to get engaged in development. The
relationship with Fedora is as strong as ever and Debian/Ubuntu are
coming along. 

My #1 priority for this year was to close the gap between what our
development team releases and what OLPC deployments are rolling out,
which seems to be happening now.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs   - http://sugarlabs.org/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] New version of "Reading And Leading With Sugar" awaits your review

2010-07-11 Thread James Simmons
I've done quite a bit more work on the book and as always I'm looking
for feedback.  The book is about all aspects of using e-books with the
Sugar platform: finding them, reading them, creating them, making
e-books from bound and printed books, and publishing them, either on
your own server or by donating them to the Internet Archive or Project

This project has involved much more research than I had anticipated.
I designed and built my own book scanner, scanned and converted four
books, donated three of them to the Internet Archive, donated one of
them to Distributed Proofreaders (which will finish preparing them for
Project Gutenberg), learned how to research copyright status on books,
and lately have been investigating Sayamindu's Pathagar Book Server
project.  All that is in the book.  Not only that, but I have been
working with the Rural Design Collective in Oregon, and among other
things they have a young artist who will create a book cover so
beautiful that women will read my book by accident, believing it to be
the latest Nicholas Sparks novel.

I think that when all the pieces are in place (Pathagar, Get Books,
Library Activity, wider use of versions of Sugar > .82) we're going to
have a really terrific e-book story to tell.  Consider my book the
first draft.  You can read it here:



James Simmons
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SLOBs weekly update, 2010-07-11

2010-07-11 Thread Walter Bender
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti  wrote:
> El Sun, 11-07-2010 a las 06:54 -0400, Mel Chua escribió:
>> Our meetbot does some truly awful meeting minutes formatting, but here's
>> the summary of
>> http://me.etin.gs/sugar-meeting/sugar-meeting.minutes.20100711_0446.html:
> It was a wonderful SLOBs un-meeting, we should have more of these!
>> * Local Labs TM applications can't be found, so we'll drop this topic
>> until a Local Lab is indeed blocked by lack of TM permission, at which
>> point they should ping SLOBs (via emailing the slobs and iaep lists with
>> their request - doesn't have to be formal, just needs to be publicly
>> documented somewhere) so we can +1 them. DONE!
> To minimize the overhead of funding future Local Labs, we may want to
> implicitly grant TM usage consistently with the approval of the lab
> itself.

This is fine with me, but we never formally approved the earlier
requests due to a lack of policy at the time. I had forwarded three
requests (Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay) to the list with the subject
[TM REQUEST]. Not sure why these requests are considered "lost". I'd
like to formally approve Sugar Labs Chile, Sugar Labs Argentina, and
the use of the Sugar Labs trademark by Paraguay Educa. Slobs members,
please respond +1 or -1. I'll ask DC, Colombia, and Peru to resubmit
their requests so as to formalize them as well.

>> * Question from Kevin Mark: "Who should be the deciding organization for
>> who determines what version of sugar is used in the field?" (Hitting the
>> list shortly as a separate discussion thread, but no action really
>> needed - just a good point to bring up.)
> My viewpoint is that Sugar Labs as a whole shouldn't officially endorse,
> recommend or support anything at all. The decision to take such
> commitment is up to the individuals (or teams, or companies) who are
> willing to put the weight of their professional expertise behind the
> projects they're interested in.
> In other words, we as a community-driven organization shall not
> interfere as long as the laws of self-organization are doing their job
> right :-)
> This reflects Mel's projects proposal and Tomeu's view that Sugar Labs
> is a place to work together, not one of the players itself.

OLPC and other downstreams should be deciding this for themselves. We
can offer opinions of course, but the most important thing is to help
downstream organize support and to continue to evolve the platform to
meet the needs of learners.

>> What else do people consider the most pressing topics to the future of
>> SL? How are we doing? Are we reaching our goals? (What are they?) These
>> should be the agenda items we discuss.
> Didn't we set goals for 2010 a while ago? It would be nice to review
> them now. In my mind, this year we're seing a huge leap forward in the
> Sugar Labs community. Relationships with OLPC have enormously improved
> and deployments are starting to get engaged in development. The
> relationship with Fedora is as strong as ever and Debian/Ubuntu are
> coming along.
> My #1 priority for this year was to close the gap between what our
> development team releases and what OLPC deployments are rolling out,
> which seems to be happening now.




> --
>   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
>  \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SLOBs weekly update, 2010-07-11

2010-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
> This is fine with me, but we never formally approved the earlier
> requests due to a lack of policy at the time. I had forwarded three
> requests (Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay) to the list with the subject
> [TM REQUEST]. Not sure why these requests are considered "lost". I'd
> like to formally approve Sugar Labs Chile, Sugar Labs Argentina, and
> the use of the Sugar Labs trademark by Paraguay Educa. Slobs members,
> please respond +1 or -1. I'll ask DC, Colombia, and Peru to resubmit
> their requests so as to formalize them as well.

Walter, can you send links to the Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay apps to 
these lists?

(I'm really not trying to nitpick or block these applications, I just 
could not for the life of me find them while searching SLOBs and IAEP 
mail archives last night... it is entirely possible I missed them in 
plain sight, or they're somewhere I haven't looked. I would be 
super-thrilled to +1 them when we see the apps we are approving...)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)