Re: [IAEP] Chess activities

2011-04-30 Thread Kevin Kirton
Thanks Mokurai,

I had no idea chess engines came in such small packages.
Interesting that shogi (Japanese chess) "has a higher branching factor
than other chess variants" because taken pieces can be re-taken and
But if an ordinary chess game can be put on the XO with a small chess
engine, that would be great.

Sounds like a good project to suggest to some of the university
students that are working on activities now (I certainly don't have
the programming skills to do it myself) but, as a teacher, I'm sure
there would be many students who would thrive at learning and playing
chess, first against a chess engine in the XO to learn how to play,
then against other students.

Kevin Kirton

> There are chess engines in a wide range of sizes and competences. The
> gnuchess 6.0 tarball is 561K. It can beat most amateur players handily,
> which is quite sufficient for teaching the rudiments of the game, and
> rather more.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Chess activities

2011-04-28 Thread Kevin Kirton
Would you need a chess engine though? Obviously you would if you
wanted an activity where a player could play against the XO. But a
chess engine would be heavy work for the XO wouldn't it?
Wouldn't a simple on-screen chess board with collaboration enabled be
a good fit for the XOs?

Kevin Kirton

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Sean DALY  wrote:
> I agree, this would make a great Activity in particular using
> collaboration. There are chess clubs everywhere including many schools
> (I had the privilege of being on the winning team of a citywide school
> championship in NYC when I was 12). There is abundant literature
> linking chess activity with school performance [1,2].
> Perhaps we could interest a chess federation in sponsoring
> development? I believe the Gcompris engine is gnuchess.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Experienced U.S. teacher talks about 1 :1 ESPAÑOL

2010-12-27 Thread Kevin Kirton
Glad you liked it Carlos,

What you say about her talking from experience rather than theory is
one of the things I liked too.

About subtitles, there are six languages available for her talk from
the TED site, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and a couple of

Kevin Kirton

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Carlos Rabassa  wrote:
> SPANISH version of this message follows ENGLISH text.
> Kevin,
> thank you so much for sharing this video with us,  it is excellent.
> It is great she doesn´t talk theory or from imagination.
> She is a teacher who talks in everyday language,  from actual teaching 
> experience in real world schools.
> It is a must for everyone to listen, teachers, volunteers, relatives, school 
> authorities.
> Two practical comments from my own experience viewing it:
> - The links to TED videos frequently give me some problem.
>        If anyone experiences problems,  the solution in this case is to go 
> directly to YouTube:
> - Ms. Laufenberg talks very fast.  Fortunately she also speaks very clearly.
>        If anyone still finds it difficult to follow what she says,  look for 
> "CC" under the YouTube screen, white letters on red field.
>        Select "Transcribe Audio"
>        Perfect captions show at the bottom of the screen.
>        They are in English but still,  together with the spoken words it 
> helps a lot.
> Maybe someone knows how to capture and translate these captions or,  maybe 
> the complete script is available somewhere,  where I didn´t see it.
> Kevin,
> muchas gracias por compartir este video con nosotros,  es excelente.
> Muy bueno que no habla teorías o imaginación.
> Es una maestra que habla con palabras simples,  desde su experiencia de 
> enseñar en escuelas del mundo real.
> Todos debemos verlo, maestros, voluntarios, familiares, autoridades escolares.
> Dos comentarios prácticos de mi experiencia al verlo:
> - Frecuentemente tengo problemas con enlaces que recibo a videos de TED.
>        Si alguno tiene problemas, la solución que encontré en este caso es ir 
> directamente a YouTube:
> - La Srta. Laufenberg habla muy rápido.  Por suerte,  también habla con mucha 
> claridad.
>        Si a alguien le cuesta seguir lo que dice,  busquen "CC" debajo de la 
> panatalla de YouTube, letras blancas sobre fondo rojo.
>        Seleccionen "Transcribe Audio"
>        Verán perfectos subtítulos debajo de la pantalla.
>        Están en Inglés pero aún así,  ayudan mucho al verlos mientras 
> escuchamos.
> Tal vez alguien sabe capturar y traducir estos subtítulos o tal vez la 
> transcripción completa está ya disponible en algún lugar donde no la ví.
> Carlos Rabassa
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> On Dec 27, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Kevin Kirton wrote:
>> Some of you have no doubt seen this, but it's a TED video by Diana 
>> Laufenberg.
>> Her views are obviously based on a lot of teaching experience and
>> professional reflection, and although she doesn't talk about Sugar or
>> XO laptops, she does talk about a 1:1 laptop program at her current
>> school. I think it's applicable and inspiring.
>> Seasons greetings to all.
>> Kevin Kirton
>> Australia
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Experienced U.S. teacher talks about 1:1

2010-12-27 Thread Kevin Kirton
Some of you have no doubt seen this, but it's a TED video by Diana Laufenberg.

Her views are obviously based on a lot of teaching experience and
professional reflection, and although she doesn't talk about Sugar or
XO laptops, she does talk about a 1:1 laptop program at her current
school. I think it's applicable and inspiring.

Seasons greetings to all.

Kevin Kirton
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Link for Maple Syrup?

2010-11-01 Thread Kevin Kirton
Hi Caryl,

You'll see some links to Maple Syrup iso downloads on this page:

Not sure if any of these is a "Maine" one though. One seems to be
related to Haiti.

I see what you mean about the difficulty of searching for Maine and
Maple Syrup. Definitely hungry now.

Kevin Kirton

> I have a copy of Maine 1 to 1's Maple Syrup that I run in a Virtual Box on
> my MacBook.  I need to share the link on the olpc-socal list, but Google
> isn't very helpful this morning. Can someone send me the link for the
> download?
> Caryl
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Looking for suggestions

2010-08-01 Thread Kevin Kirton
Hi Brett,

I had a quick look at your Project coEL site and your vision is
certainly ambitious. And I mean that as a compliment, don't give too
much attention to naysayers.

I'm not sure what (if any) advice I could give you, except perhaps
just become involved in OLPC, IAEP, or your own coEL projects in any
way you find enjoyable. When I was a teenager I really enjoyed school
and studying (still do), but if you don't, perhaps you could test
drive some of the high school activities in Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)
and write about the things you like or don't like there.

Hope this helps,

Kevin Kirton

> More specifically, I want to start a grassroots effort, but I'm not quite
> sure where to go from here.  Should I apply to the contributors program?
> Start a regional group? How? Participate in the IRC chatrooms? Edit the
> wiki? Any other suggestions/advice?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] FW: Feedback request for my Python tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Kevin Kirton
Thanks for that Caryl. I'm using Gmail and it seems I have to click
"Reply to all" instead of "Reply," which I keep forgetting. But even
now, the IAEP address only comes up as CC. Hmmm

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Caryl Bigenho  wrote:
> Hi All..
> I think Kevin meant for this to go to the entire list.
> Caryl

>> Hi Dinko and all,
>> I did download the files but haven't had a chance to go over them.
>> Just wanted to say that I really like this introduction and Caryl's
>> suggestions for it.
>> > "Hello there, and welcome to . I'm Pippy Man (or what
>> > ever
>> > you pick for a name) and I will be your guide to this adventure in
>> > programming.  I "speak" Python so we will need an interpreter for you to
>> > be
>> > able to give me commands (tell me what to do).
>> > An interpreter is a special computer program that changes your commands
>> > from
>> > Python to a language I can understand so that I can do what you tell me
>> > to
>> > do. And, by the way, I always do exactly what you tell me to do... which
>> > may
>> > not always be what you thought you told me to do.  Programming is full
>> > of
>> > lots of surprises!
>> > Now, before we continue, please tell me your name etc>"
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] maintenance

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin Kirton

Just to make a comment about maintenance of software modules.
I think people do care about it, but it's mainly a problem of
organization. And that's OK.
Proprietary software is based on equations relating to the ratio of
$in to $out. It's really easy for people to relate to that.
Open source software is based on a more complex set of motivations,
some of which involve $, but some that don't even see $ on the radar,
which is so foreign to everything proprietary software stands for.

When $ stop for proprietary software, that software stops (or it
becomes Fedora or something).
But the good thing is this.
The momentum for open source is so much wider and unpredictable, it's
an awesome thing to watch.
I think, as a basic principle, we should just decide which software we
want to give our time to, and accept whatever happens, and make
readjustments as required.
But consider this for a comparison. If you were a red hot programmer
back in the 70s or 80s or even early 90s, you could make educational
software that mattered basically for only two operating systems, Mac
and Windows.
But now, in the early 2k-tens, any motivated teacher can make software
that can be make available around the world tomorrow.

Just a thought.

Kevin Kirton
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SoaS] Reformat USB stick, How?

2010-04-26 Thread Kevin Kirton
> Now, since no one has answered my concerns about using a direct download
> from Fedora's Live USB creator for windows using my cute little mauve
> colored eeePC I'm going to give it a try anyway.

If by "direct download" you mean the option in Live USB creator to
choose an OS to download before creating a USB stick with it, I have
tried it and it does work, but I think it's just automating one of the
steps you need to do before making a live USB, that is, it goes to the
Net and downloads the OS for you. But you wouldn't want to use this if
you were planning to make multiple copies of the same OS on multiple
USB sticks, because it would probably (I haven't checked) be
downloading the file of the OS multiple times too. That would take a
lot of time. I think it's easier to download once the file you're
going to use, and if this is SoaS, this would be here:
then just browse to it in Fedora's Live USB Creator.

By the way, I've noticed lots of new instructions on the SoaS site
since I last visited there, so it seems lots is happening there. I'm
sure it's getting easier all the time.

Kevin Kirton
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] dual boot W7 - maybe OT

2010-04-25 Thread Kevin Kirton
Just an extra point on the graph:

I'm using an emachines laptop that came preinstalled with Windows 7
(64-bit). I now have it dual-booting with Ubuntu 9.10 and I haven't
had any trouble with the GRUB that was installed with Ubuntu. I've
also been able to use the Fedora liveusbcreator 3.8.6 in Windows with
soas-2-blueberry to make about a dozen SoaS usb sticks without too
much trouble so far (couldn't work with one stick that had been
formatted on a Mac).

Kevin Kirton

> Tom, or other W 7 victims, Mario Cesar from Ubuntu Bolivia list is
> trying to help  a friend whose dual-boot system gets mangled everytime
> she uses W 7.

> He needs to figure out how to stop W 7 from destroying the GRUB
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] SoaS on eeePC900... change boot order in BIOS... not working.

2010-04-20 Thread Kevin Kirton
This is a hint that you've probably already got covered, but just in
the off chance that it helps...

I've come across a case where having the SoaS USB stick inserted into
the computer before and while changing the boot order in the
computer's BIOS seemed to affect how the stick is later recognized
(though I'm not sure about this).


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Caryl Bigenho  wrote:
> HI Friends,
> I am now struggling with several new SoaS issues.  Let's solve them one at a
> time.
> If you have an eeePC900 can you tell me how to get it to boot first from a
> USB stick?
> It keeps going directly to Windows.  I have managed to enter the BIOS
> utility and  on the Boot page change the boot order priority to put the USB
> as #1.  I saved and exited.
> But it is still going directly to Windows even though it actively reads the
> USB stick.
> Hints anyone?  Saturday is fast approaching!
> I'll keep trying and report back if I stumble on the answer.
> Caryl
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)