Re: [iagi-net-l] :: 43 Th Suskes Bersama IAGI ::

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Nur Darodjat
Selamat juga ya 

IAGI Pusat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:07 Oktober 1961 - 07 Oktober 2004 = 43 Th

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Re: [iagi-net-l] :: 43 Th Suskes Bersama IAGI ::

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Minarwan

Untuk ultah Pak Andang,
Untuk Presiden baru,
Untuk Ketua MPR baru,
Dan Ketua DPR baru


 Selamat juga ya 
 IAGI Pusat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:07 Oktober 1961 - 07 Oktober
 2004 = 43 Th
 Kami mewakili Pengurus Pusat dan Staff Sekretariat IAGI
 Hanya Dapat Mengucapkan :
 Kepada :
 DR. Andang Bachtiar 
 Semoga Sukses Selalu

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2004-10-07 Terurut Topik IAGI Pusat
Dear Professionals,
IAGI will conduct Pre-Convention Courses, The 33rd IAGI Annual Convention in
Bandung, West java. All professionals, geologist and others who want to know
geological knowledge invited to joint for these courses. It is only for 20
participants. These courses will presented by the expert. Please see this
advertisement below.

Date : November 28 - 29, 2004 (Sunday - Monday)

Overview :
The development in mapping technology has helped geologist to conduct survey
and mapping in remote sensing or inaccessible regions. One of these
technologies is remote sensing technology. The recent development of remote
sensing technology is moving toward higher resolutions, in terms of spatial
resolution, and spectral resolution. Spatial resolution is the capability of
the sensor to differentiate objects base on their size. This resolution
increases from several meters to tens of centimeters. Spectral resolution is
the capability of sensor to map object base on the wavelength reflected by
the object.
The above advancement improves the usefulness of remote sensing technology
in geologic applications, including mapping of geologic resources, geologic
hazards, as well as regional development. This course will discuss the
recent development of remote sensing technology (particularly Hyperspectral
Remote Sensing), its applications in geology, and practical exercise with
some typical examples (1 PC for 2 Participants).

Course Content :
Day 1
Overview and Advancement of Remote Sensing Technology | Characteristics of
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing | Hyperspectral Image Processing
Day 2
Applications of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Geology | Practical exercise
on Hyperspectral Image Processing and Interpretation (1 PC + software for 2

Venue : Horizon Hotel, Bandung

Instructors :
Ridwan Djamaluddin, Ph.D (BPPT)
Hartanto Anjaya, Ir, Msc (BPPT)
Marina Frederik, Msc (BPPT)

Participant : Min  6, Max 20 persons

Cost : Rp. 2.500.000,-
include: course material, meal and certificate

Registration Date line : November 1, 2004 !!!

For further information please contact :

Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
Gd. Mineral dan Batubara Lt. 6
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH, No.10, Jakarta 12870
Phone/fax 021  8370 2848 / 8370 2577

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Re: [iagi-net-l] Sulawesi : Sedikit Saja dari Tempat di Bumi

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Awang Satyana

Pak Daru,


Sorry, baru buka e-mail nih, komentarnya jadi terlambat. 

Volkanik di Banggai Sula jauh lebih tua dari Kapur, Mangole Volcanics umurnya sampai 
330 Ma (Karbon) walau sebaran radiometric dating lebih banyak ke 210 Ma (Trias).

Kelihatannya rock assemblages volkanik Obi memang subduction related bukan detached 
from somewhere walaupun hal ini bisa juga (kalau ini benar, curigailah Tamrau 
Mountains di utara Platform Ayamaru di utara Kepala Burung). Radiometric dating 
volkanik dari Obi ke Halmahera menunjukkan umur semakin muda, dari 11.5 Ma di Obi ke 
sekitar 8.2 Ma di Halmahera. Hubungannya dengan Sorong Fault yang banyak disebut aktif 
bergerak di sekitar Late Miocene sampai Mio-Pliocene, maka bisa saja kan kalau 
volkanisme yang subduction related terjadi dulu di Obi di sekitar 11.5 Ma baru Obi 
terpisah oleh splay Sorong Fault dari Halmahera Arc di sekitar 7-5 Ma (Late Miocene – 
Mio/Pliosen). Sedangkan volkanisme di Bacan-Halmahera-Morotai terjadi sesudah splay 
Sorong Fault merancah bagian selatan Halmahera. 

Ofiolit bertengger di Lengan TL dan Tenggara Halmahera hanya sebagai obducted 
ophiolite Philippine Sea Plate, obducted against Halmahera Arc di sebelah barat. Maka 
umur bertenggernya (emplacement-nya) mestinya post 11.5 Ma. Tentu mode of emplacement 
ini berbeda dengan ofiolit di Sulawesi Timur yang lebih sebagai trapped oceanic crust 
di antara dua fragmen kontinen (Sundaland-West Sulawesi dan Banggai-Sula). Dan tentu 
ini berbeda juga dengan ofiolit di Obi dan Bacan yang lebih mungkin sebagai produk 
scrapping off Molluca Sea Plate saat subduction terjadi.



Sukmandaru Prihatmoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Pak Awang,

Menarik memang membandingkan Obi dan Banggai - Sula, saya tidak ikutkan
Bacan karena sepertinya perbedannya cukup signifikan dengan Obi (agak
melebar nih.). Persamaannya mereka sama-sama dijalur (ditransfer oleh)
Sorong Fault, cuma Banggai-Sula berada didepan dan menghajar Sulawesi
duluan sedangkan Obi berada diurutan belakangnya. Perbedaanya yang cukup
signifikan adalah volcanic (dan intrusives?) rocks di Obi berumur Miosen
sedangkan di Banggai-Sula lebih tua lagi (Cretaceous... kalau gak salah).

Saya pernah nulis ttg volcanic rocks di Obi untuk PIT IAGI 1998. Data whole
rock analysis menunjukkan kalau volkanik-nya adalah calc-akaline (andesitik
to basaltik). Lava bantal, hyaloclastite, dan peperite banyak sekali
dijumpai disamping sheeted lava dan pyroclastics. Kesimpulan saya waktu itu
volcanic rocks ini adalah produk busur magmatik (subduction zone). Tapi
subduction yang mana? Soalnya subduction zone yang di Halmahera (umurnya
Miosen juga??) seharusnya berhenti di selatan Bacan terpotong oleh Sorong
Fault. Yang paling logic, volcanic rock di Obi merupakan produk busur
magmatik entah darimana yang tertransfer oleh Sorong Fault. Entah
darimana ini kemungkinan adalah di sekitar Kepala Burung Irian atau bahkan
Yapen. Menariknya lagi, pulau ini disusun oleh segala jenis batuan
(metamorf, beku termasuk ofiolit, dan sedimen), cocok sekali untuk kuliah
lapangan, sayang pencapaiannya super susah (sekitar 1995-an).

Untuk Bacan agak lain, karena kemungkinan volcanic disana masih merupakan
produk dari Halmahera Arc.

Pertanyaan yang tersisa untuk Halmahera (pertanyaan Pak Gumilar juga) adalah
bagaimana ceriteranya ofiolit bertengger di lengan NE dan SE Halmahera.

Salam - Daru

- Original Message - 
From: Awang Satyana 
To: ; 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Sulawesi : Sedikit Saja dari Tempat di Bumi

 Pak Gumilar,

 Jadi ingat Kongsi Dagang Belanda (VOC -) he2...

 Halmahera boleh sama dengan Sulawesi, tapi tak ada polarity reversal di
sini. Yang unik di Halmahera adalah bahwa ada double subduction dengan
Sangihe di mana kerak samudra Laut Maluku menunjam ke kedua arah ke barat
membentuk Sangihe volcanic arc dan ke timur membentuk Halmahera volcanic
arc. Maka di tengah Laut Maluku ada jalur tinggian utara-selatan yang
dikenal sebagai Talaud-Mayu Ridge, itu uplifted Molucca Sea Plate yang
melengkung akibat double subduction ke Sangihe dan Halmahera. Maka tak heran
kalau Jailolo, Gamalama, Makian, Gamkonora, Ibu, Dukono adalah andesitik.
Tapi coba lihat jalur subduksinya dan busur Halmahera barat tetap cembung ke
Laut Maluku kan, maka ia bukan reversed island arc.

 Di sini sistem yang mirip2 Banggai-Sula adalah Obi Bacan, tapi tak
sekontinental Banggai Sula, dan tak ada escape tectonics di sini sebab tak
ada benturan indentasi oleh massa benua apa pun. Sebuah company pernah
menganggap Halmahera Basin (Weda Basin) adalah foreland basin, ha..mana
landmass- nya. Kepala Burung ? Tentu ini bukan sistem Halmahera lagi.

 Jadi bentuk pulau boleh sama, tapi punya cerita tektonik yang lain.


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[iagi-net-l] Re: [geounpad] RE: [iagi-net-l] Sulawesi : Sedikit Saja dari Tempat di Bumi

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Awang Satyana


Terima kasih input-inputnya. Ya saya pernah membaca publikasi2 keluaran SE Asia 
Research Group (Hall, Nichols, Malaihollo, dkk.) untuk Halmahera juga unpublished 
reports dari oil companies yang pernah mengevaluasi Weda Basin (a.l. Enterprise, 
Premier, Santa Fe) juga operatornya sekarang. Berikut beberapa komentar saya.

1,3,4  Tidak semua setuju bahwa Obi dan Bacan adalah detached micro-continents dari 
Australia atau katakanlah Kepala Burung yang di-emplacement ke tempatnya yang sekarang 
oleh Sorong Fault. Batuan2 granitik seperti di Obi-Bacan bisa dibentuk lokal dalam 
sistem island-arc. Misalnya assemblage plagiogranit yang secara petrokimia dan 
mineralogi berbeda dengan batuan2 leucocratic yang terbentuk di lingkungan benua. 
Bacan lebih lagi menunjukkan karakter batuan yang subduction-related. Sibela 
continental suite-nya harus jelas dulu dating absolutnya (belum ada data sampai saat 
ini, baru sekedar interpretasi di Malaihollo dan Hall, 1996 itu) dan apakah 
Australian-related (bisa dilihat dari crossplot isotop Pb dan Nd, data yang ada dari 
Vroon et al. 1996 terkontaminasi volkanik jadi tidak valid). Hanya posisi Obi-Bacan 
saja yang terletak di antara splay Sorong Fault sehingga sangat menggiring ke 
interpretasi bahwa ini detached continental crust dari Australia, tetapi dimensinya 
bisa m

2  Banggai Sula kelihatannya tidak diragukan bahwa ini detached continental crust yang 
di-docking ke Sulawesi Timur oleh Sorong Fault. Tomori Basins di depannya bisa saja 
merupakan kembaran dari Salawati yang pernah ditulis Charlton (1996). Dan sekuen benua 
di sini memang sangat lengkap dan sangat mirip dengan sekuen benua di utara Australia 
continent termasuk sedimen Tersiernya. Plotting data isotop Pb dan Nd-nya pun decisive 
bahwa ini Australian-origin.

5  Ofiolit di Lengan TL dan Tenggara terimbrikasi dengan sedimen laut dalam berumur 
Mesozoikum, ini akan berimplikasi kepada umur emplacement ofiolit dan keberadaan 
“landmass” yang selama ini diduga ada oleh oil companies yang pernah mengevaluasi 
daerah ini.

6,7,8,9   “Landmass” sangat disukai keberadaannya oleh oil companies yang pernah 
mengevaluasi dan bekerja di sini. Kenapa, tentu saja mereka membayangkan seperti 
Sundaland yang dikelilingi oleh prolific basins dari NSB, CSB, SSB, Sunda, NW Jawa, NE 
Jawa, Barito, dan Kutei. Apa landmass di Indonesia Timur ? Tentu saja Sahul land yang 
ujung utaranya mendasari Salawati Basin (karena itu Salawati Basin layak saja kita 
sebut foreland basin). Mari kita lihat apakah ada Landmass di sekitar Weda Basin. 
Ophiolite province menyusun busur timur Halmahera termasuk Gebe, Gag, dan Waigeo ke 
tenggaranya. Tidak ada continental crust di utara Sorong Fault pada saat ini (kecuali 
Bacan bisa juga kalau semua data yang diperlukan seperti di atas confirmed). Dulu ada, 
yaitu massa Banggai Sula yang telah tertransfer sekarang ke timur Sulawesi. 
Sedimentasi Kais secara regional di Salawati Basin memang mengharuskan ada massa 
daratan di utara Sorong Fault pada Paleogen-Miosen Tengah. Sejak tertransfer
 barat, tak ada lagi landmass di utara Sorong Fault. Ophiolite province di timur 
Halmahera adalah massa obducted dari  Phillipine Sea Plate terhadap island arc 
Halmahera Arc yang terbentuk sejak 11.5 Ma. Artinya, umur emplacement ofiolit post 
11.5 Ma. Berarti pula, kalau gerak utama Sorong Fault di batas Mio-Plio (6-5 Ma), maka 
di sekitar Weda Basin sudah oceanic crust yang obducted. Tak ada landmass. Ada 
landmass Banggai-Sula, tetapi ia sudah bergerak ke barat.

Yang penting sekarang, adalah mencermati rekonstruksi tektonik palinspastic 
mengembalikan Banggai-Sula ke tempat di utara Salawati dan bagaimana posisi relatif 
Weda Basin saat itu.



mrobby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Pak Awang,

saya pernah membaca juga laporan sebuah company perihal 
kondisi Halmahera Basin (dan weda basin) dan sekitarnya 
(mungkin bapak juga pernah membacanya), berikut beberapa 
point yang saya anggap cukup penting:

1.  Beberapa kerak yang terpisah dari Lempeng Australia 
akibat terjadinya sesar Sorong adalah : Banggai Sula 
(termasuk Basin Tomri),  dan Obi. Sedangkan menurut 
Malaihollo dan Hall (1996), Bacan juga merupakan bagian 
dari Lempeng Australia.

2.  Pada Banggai Sula, memiliki rentang sekuen stratigrafi 
pada umur Paleozoikum hingga kuarter. Terdapat kemiripan 
deskripsi pada litologi basement di kepala burung (Garrard 
et al, 1988), yang berumur sekitar Trias.

3.  Namun pada pulau Obi, ciri yang terlihat sebagian besar 
menunjukkan ciri bahwa pulau tersebut tersusun atas batuan 
lempeng Samudra, walaupun di selatannya juga terdapat 
endapan  dari kerak benua. Tetapi di Utaranya terdapat 
Pulau tapas yang tersusun atas batuan metamorf  yang 
identik dengan kerak Benua Australia. Sehingga dapat 
diasumsikan bahwa dasar Pulau Obi merupakan basement Kerak 
benua Australia yang telah di obduksi atau dapat pula 
terintrusi secara tektonik oleh batuan serpentinit 

[iagi-net-l] Blok East Ambalat di Wilayah Republik Indonesia - was Sengketa di Laut Sulawesi

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2004 - 13:33 WIB
Blok East Ambalat di Wilayah Republik Indonesia
Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sebagaimana telah 
ditetapkan kembali pada Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 38 tahun 2002 
bahwa batas-batas wilayah Republik Indonesia untuk daerah laut 
Sulawesi Selatan yang berbatasan dengan Malaysia setelah perundingan 
Sipadan dan Ligitan adalah :

1. 04° 10'00LU - 118°53'50BT Titik dasar P. Ligitan TD 36C
2. 04° 08'03LU - 118°53'01BT Titik dasar P. Ligitan TD 36B
3. 04° 06'12LU - 118°38'02BT Titik dasar P. Ligitan TD 36A

Kegiatan Perminyakan Indonesia di daerah laut Sulawesi yang 
berbatasan dengan Malaysia telah dilaksanakan semenjak tahun 1967 
dengan dibukanya wilayah kerja Total Indonesie PSC untuk Blok Bunyu. 
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan beberapa kontrak wilayah kerja :

BP-British Petroleum pada tahun 1970 mendapatkan Kontrak Wilayah 
Kerja Blok North East Kalimantan Offshore; Hadson Bunyu BV 
mendapatkan area Blok Bunyu pada tahun 1985; Eni Bukat Ltd. 
mendapatkan Blok Bukat pada tahun 1988; Eni Ambalat Ltd. mendapatkan 
Blok Ambalat pada tahun 1999.

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa garis lintang 04° 10'00LU merupakan garis 
batas NKRI dengan Malaysia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, maka 
penawaran wilayah kerja Blok East Ambalat masih berada di wilayah 
Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan garis batas Negara 
baik lama maupun setelah diundangkannya PP No. 38 tahun 2002. 
--- End forwarded message ---

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[iagi-net-l] BP, Rosneft Strike Oil Off Sakhalin

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Thursday, October 7, 2004. Page 7.

BP, Rosneft Strike Oil Off Sakhalin

By Valeria Korchagina 
Staff Writer BP has struck significant volumes of oil and gas on the
first exploration well of its Sakhalin-5 project, the oil major said
in a statement Wednesday.

Exploration drilling is being conducted on the Kaigansky-Vasukansky
block of Sakhalin-5 as part of an alliance between state-owned Rosneft
and BP.

The block contains about 600 million tons of oil reserves and 500
billion cubic meters of natural gas, according to Rosneft estimates.

[The discovery] is obviously good news, said Valery Nesterov, oil
and gas analyst with Troika Dialog.

Striking reserves at the first drilling attempt is a relatively lucky
find, he said, given the industry's average of one out of six or seven
exploration drillings being successful.

Nevertheless, it is too early to provide estimates for reserves, BP
officials said Wednesday.

Exploration drilling started on July 19 on the Kaigansky-Vasukansky
block, located 49 kilometers from the coast in an area where the sea
is 114 meters deep. BP plans to drill an additional four exploration
wells and one testing well by 2007 but will not continue work until
next spring, as freezing, stormy conditions permit neither exploration
nor production during the winter months.

Sakhalin-5 is one of half a dozen projects off the island in various
stages of development.

BP and Rosneft officials said Wednesday that it was still too early to
speculate on when Sakhalin-5 might deliver commercial oil or how much
it would cost to develop.

The exploration is being conducted jointly by BP and Rosneft under a
July agreement, which gives Rosneft 51 percent control over the
project and BP 49 percent.

BP spent some $70 million on exploration and social projects in
coastal areas before drilling even began, BP said. No figures were
available on the cost of drilling or future exploration work.

Nesterov said the positive drilling results are likely to be welcome
news for Rosneft, which is probably eager to raise its profile before
undergoing a merger with Gazprom in the coming months.

But once the merger is completed, the appearance of Gazprom in the
region as a parent company of Rosneft is likely to speed up the
development of the vast and barely tapped reserves on the Sakhalin

Sakhalin-5 is lagging Royal Dutch/Shell-led Sakhalin-2, which has been
producing oil since 1999. ExxonMobil-led Sakhalin-1 is due to start up
next year.

Sakhalin-5 is to be developed under a standard domestic tax regime, as
opposed to the terms of a production-sharing agreement enjoyed by both
Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2.

The license to explore potentially huge reserves in the Sakhalin-6
project is held by TNK, now part of TNK-BP. The drilling of two
exploration wells on that project is scheduled for next year.

Parts of Sakhalin-4, which is also controlled by Rosneft, are being
redistributed between Sakhalin-5 and Sakhalin-3 due to the geological
structure of the reservoirs.

The exploration license for Sakhalin-3 is to be auctioned in 2005
after it was withdrawn from ExxonMobil earlier this year.

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[iagi-net-l] Why are oil prices so high?

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Hari kemaren minyak tercatat hingga 53$/bbl ... 

Versi Reuter, 
Ada bebrapa point kenapa harga minyak naik drastis kali ini :
- Rising demand
- Need for investment
- Lack of spare supply
- Political tensions in oil-producing nations
- Refinery bottlenecks -- The United States accounts for about 45
percent of world gasoline consumption

Lihat saja siapa yg paliing boros !
Aku rasa US sudah memperkirakannya, namun karena di Iraq masih
berkepanjangan, sepertinya krisis ini masih bisa menjadi
berkepanjangan juga ...

Nah sekarang lihat fact box ini :
(millions of barrels per day, 2003) 
1. Saudi Arabia 8.38 
2. Russia 5.81 
3. Norway 3.02 
4. Iran 2.48 
5. UAE 2.29 
6. Venezuela 2.23 
Source: U.S. Department of Energy June 2004

Ditemukannya Giant Field di Shakhalin, mungkin menjadikan Rusia
menggeliat lagi  howgh !

Why are oil prices so high?
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 Posted: 0925 GMT (1725 HKT) 

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Following are some of the factors behind
oil's price surge.

Rising demand
World oil demand is growing at the fastest pace in 24 years. China's
economic expansion has fueled dramatic gains in fuel consumption,
drawing in crude and refined products from all around the world.

Chinese crude imports are up 40 percent so far this year and show no
sign of slowing despite government efforts to calm economic growth.

Chinese demand is forecast to keep rising next year as car ownership
surges and power generation needs grow. The prospect of sustained
growth has encouraged big-money speculative hedge funds to bet that
high oil prices are here to stay.

Indian consumption is growing fast too. And solid growth in the U.S.
economy, which devours a quarter or all world oil, is driving
competition between Asia and the United States for supplies.

Need for investment
Big oil reservoirs are becoming harder to find and more expensive to
develop. Many of the oil provinces outside OPEC are mature, which
means that finds are now smaller, need more costly technology to
develop and fall faster from peak production.

In OPEC, which holds around two-thirds of the world's oil reserves,
many of the bigger nations either do not allow foreign investment in
oil, or have unattractive investment and legal terms.

This has slowed down production capacity growth in OPEC nations,
meaning that most are already producing flat out to meet demand.

Oil companies have also been cautious on spending since the '97-'98
price crash slashed their share prices and triggered a spate of
mergers. Many now see more value in buying back their own shares than
plowing money into developing oil supplies.

They have focused on large-scale projects, which will give them good
margins. Many new ventures are in remote areas, which demand expensive
equipment and are more susceptible to delays.

Forecasts of non-OPEC supply growth, especially when the rebound in
Russian production is stripped out, have consistently been overstated.
Non-OPEC supply growth outside Russia before the price crash averaged
more than one million bpd. Since then it has been negligible.

The increased cost of finding and developing non-OPEC oil has fueled
speculators convictions that oil markets are a good long-term bet.

Lack of spare supply
The OPEC producer cartel has pushed its production to the highest
level in 25 years in an effort to keep prices under control. This has
left little spare capacity outside top world exporter Saudi Arabia.

The strain on the world supply system has left it more vulnerable to
supply disruptions and increased the likelihood of price spikes. This
has attracted further buying interest from hedge funds betting that
prices could go even higher.

At the same time, the oil industry's stock cushion against sudden
supply disruptions has eroded. Oil companies have sought to become
more efficient and free up capital by holding lower stocks. A wave of
mergers following 1998-1999's price crash also reduced the number of
companies holding inventory.

Commercial crude inventories in the United States have fallen for the
last eight weeks, in part due to disruption to oil operations from the
spate of storms in the U.S. Gulf.

The inventory drawdown has fueled concern that refiners may struggle
to build supplies of distillate fuel, including heating oil, for peak
winter demand.

OPEC, which controls around half the world's exports, has in recent
years worked hard to stop stocks building, especially in the United
States, during periods of seasonally weak demand.

Ministers have announced plans to cut production before prices start
to weaken, helping to create the conditions for a sustained price
backwardation, pricing physical oil at a premium to future supplies.

This pricing structure gives refiners no chance to replenish stocks
with lower-priced crude or products and forces them to buy at the last

Political tensions in oil-producing nations
Political tensions in the Middle East and 

Re: [iagi-net-l] Why are oil prices so high?

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Djoko . RUSDIANTO
Pak Rovicky,
Just one comment :

The refinery bottlenecks (whether they exist or not) should have no impact 
on the price of crude oil. The extent of refinery bottlenecks should show up in 
refinery margins 
(high margins if lack of capacity) which are measured as the difference 
between the product prices and the crude price minus the cost of refining, 
and not in the crude price. In a true market with perfect information the 
price is only a factor of supply and demand or in our case supply of crude 
oil and demand for refined products translated back to demand for crude to 
feed refineries. As the oil market is far from perfect many other factors 
play a large role. However, if you look back at the two previous oil 
shocks (1973 and 1979-1080) as well as the counter shock in 1985 then 
clearly large increases in price happen when there is very little spare 
capacity and decreases happen when there is an excess of capacity. At 
present the margin of capacity is extremely small given the large growth 
in demand in the past few years (due to world economic growth (forecast at 
nearly 5% this year ) as much as Chinese demand) and the increasing 
difficulty we all face to combat decline with new reserves. What 
happened in previous shocks to help us was a combination of whole new oil 
provinces brought onstream (e.g. North sea), new energies substituting for 
oil (gas and nuclear) and world recession to dampen increases in demand. 
Now the options in any of these areas are much more limited !!! 

The clear message here is there is no time like the present to be finding 
new hydrocarbon deposits 


D. Rusdianto

Rovicky Dwi Putrohari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/10/2004 07:44 AM
Please respond to iagi-net

Subject:[iagi-net-l] Why are oil prices so high?

Hari kemaren minyak tercatat hingga 53$/bbl ... 

Versi Reuter, 
Ada bebrapa point kenapa harga minyak naik drastis kali ini :
- Rising demand
- Need for investment
- Lack of spare supply
- Political tensions in oil-producing nations
- Refinery bottlenecks -- The United States accounts for about 45
percent of world gasoline consumption

Lihat saja siapa yg paliing boros !
Aku rasa US sudah memperkirakannya, namun karena di Iraq masih
berkepanjangan, sepertinya krisis ini masih bisa menjadi
berkepanjangan juga ...

Nah sekarang lihat fact box ini :
(millions of barrels per day, 2003) 
1. Saudi Arabia 8.38 
2. Russia 5.81 
3. Norway 3.02 
4. Iran 2.48 
5. UAE 2.29 
6. Venezuela 2.23 
Source: U.S. Department of Energy June 2004

Ditemukannya Giant Field di Shakhalin, mungkin menjadikan Rusia
menggeliat lagi  howgh !

Why are oil prices so high?
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 Posted: 0925 GMT (1725 HKT) 

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Following are some of the factors behind
oil's price surge.

Rising demand
World oil demand is growing at the fastest pace in 24 years. China's
economic expansion has fueled dramatic gains in fuel consumption,
drawing in crude and refined products from all around the world.

Chinese crude imports are up 40 percent so far this year and show no
sign of slowing despite government efforts to calm economic growth.

Chinese demand is forecast to keep rising next year as car ownership
surges and power generation needs grow. The prospect of sustained
growth has encouraged big-money speculative hedge funds to bet that
high oil prices are here to stay.

Indian consumption is growing fast too. And solid growth in the U.S.
economy, which devours a quarter or all world oil, is driving
competition between Asia and the United States for supplies.

Need for investment
Big oil reservoirs are becoming harder to find and more expensive to
develop. Many of the oil provinces outside OPEC are mature, which
means that finds are now smaller, need more costly technology to
develop and fall faster from peak production.

In OPEC, which holds around two-thirds of the world's oil reserves,
many of the bigger nations either do not allow foreign investment in
oil, or have unattractive investment and legal terms.

This has slowed down production capacity growth in OPEC nations,
meaning that most are already producing flat out to meet demand.

Oil companies have also been cautious on spending since the '97-'98
price crash slashed their share prices and triggered a spate of
mergers. Many now see more value in buying back their own shares than
plowing money into developing oil supplies.

They have focused on large-scale projects, which will give them good
margins. Many new ventures are in remote areas, which demand expensive
equipment and are more susceptible to delays.

Forecasts of non-OPEC supply growth, especially when the rebound in
Russian production is stripped out, have consistently been overstated.
Non-OPEC supply growth outside Russia before the price crash averaged
more than one million bpd. Since then it has been negligible.

[iagi-net-l] Selamat HUT IAGI, HAGI dan Rencana Kedepan

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Taufik Manan
Buat Seluruh Pengurus IAGI Pak Andang Bachtiar dkk
dan seluruh anggotanya,

Selamat HUT pada tanggal 7 Oktober yll.
Semoga IAGI semakin berperan dan memberikan kontribusi
positif bagi kesejahteraan bangsa kita.

Juga buat Pengurus HAGI 
periode (2002-2004) Pak Adriansyah dkk serta
pengurus baru periode (2004-2006) Pak Wawan dkk.
serta seluruh anggotanya

Yang besok pada tanggal 9 Oktober
akan merayakan Hari Ulang Tahunnya.
Besar harapan agar peran HAGI sesuai PIT yll di Yogya
dapat mencapai target dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai,
khususnya Peranan Geofisikawan dalam Era Otonomi
Daerah dapat lebih ditingkatkan.

Untuk menatap ke depan dengan semakin banyak
tantangan, diharapkan para Geosaintis (sesuai yang
disampaikan Pak Andang Bachtiar dalam Diskusi Panel
PIT HAGI yll) dapat bersinergi yang baik dalam
mengembangkan ilmu dan berkarya yang terbaik bagi
masyarakat dan negara yang kita cintai ini. Amien.

Dirgahayu IAGI dan HAGI.


Taufik Manan

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Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[iagi-net-l] Selamat HUT IAGI, HAGI dan Rencana Kedepan

2004-10-07 Terurut Topik Taufik Manan
Buat Seluruh Pengurus IAGI Pak Andang Bachtiar dkk
dan seluruh anggotanya,

Selamat HUT pada tanggal 7 Oktober yll.
Semoga IAGI semakin berperan dan memberikan kontribusi
positif bagi kesejahteraan bangsa kita.

Juga buat Pengurus HAGI
periode (2002-2004) Pak Adriansyah dkk serta
pengurus baru periode (2004-2006) Pak Wawan dkk.
serta seluruh anggotanya

Yang besok pada tanggal 9 Oktober
akan merayakan Hari Ulang Tahunnya.
Besar harapan agar peran HAGI sesuai PIT yll di Yogya
dapat mencapai target dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai,
khususnya Peranan Geofisikawan dalam Era Otonomi
Daerah dapat lebih ditingkatkan.

Untuk menatap ke depan dengan semakin banyak
tantangan, diharapkan para Geosaintis (sesuai yang
disampaikan Pak Andang Bachtiar dalam Diskusi Panel
PIT HAGI yll) dapat bersinergi yang baik dalam
mengembangkan ilmu dan berkarya yang terbaik bagi
masyarakat dan negara yang kita cintai ini. Amien.

Dirgahayu IAGI dan HAGI.


Taufik Manan

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Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])


2004-10-07 Terurut Topik IAGI Pusat
Dear Professionals,
IAGI will conduct Pre-Convention Courses, The 33rd IAGI Annual Convention in
Bandung, West java. All professionals, geologist and others who want to know
geological knowledge invited to joint for these courses. It is only for 20
participants. These courses will presented by the expert. Please see this
advertisement below.

Date : November 27 - 29, 2004 (Saturday - Monday)

Overview :
Knowledge on hydrogeology is very important in many fields, such as water
resource, construction work, mining, and environment (for example,
groundwater contamination in oil field). The basic question that must be
answered in the above applications is whether groundwater, in an aquifer, is
present in an area. To be able to answer this question, one must be equipped
with knowledge on groundwater exploration. In this short course, basic
principles of hydrogeology and groundwater exploration techniques will be
thought and discussed. By the end of the course, the participants will be
asked to do exercises on groundwater exploration for water resource,
construction work, mining, and groundwater contamination in oil field, by
using real data.

The Following Subject are covered :
DAY 1 : Introduction to Hydrogeology, Physical and Chemical Properties |
Exercise | Groundwater Geology | Exercise
DAY 2 : Introduction to Groundwater Exploration Method | Exercise | Surface
and Subsurface Geological Method | Exercise
DAY 3 : Geo-electric Exploration | Exercise | Case Study : Groundwater
Exploration for Water Resource and Contamination in Oil Field | Case Study :
Groundwater Exploration for Mining and Construction Work

Venue : Horizon Hotel, Bandung

Instructors :
Lambok M. Hutasoit, Ir, PhD  (ITB)
Wahyudi W. Parnadi, Ir, Dr (ITB)

Who Should Attend:
Government Officers (Mine Department) of Regencial and Provincial Levels,
Mine Engineer, Geotecnical Engineer, Geoscientists who work at oil company
and mining company.

Participant : Min 12, Max 20 persons

Cost : Rp. 1.750.000,-
include: course material, meal and Certificate

Registration Date line : November 1, 2004 !!!

For further information please contact :

Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
Gd. Mineral dan Batubara Lt. 6
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH, No.10, Jakarta 12870
Phone/fax 021  8370 2848 / 8370 2577

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Visit IAGI Website:
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IAGI-net Archive 2:
Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])