[iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-30 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin

Sudah 25 peserta terdaftar dalam program ini. Ayo, 
segera daftarkan nama Anda untuk mengikuti world-class course yang langka 
Dear Colleagues,HAGI will host the 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished 
Instructor Short Course (DISC) presentation :Course Title : 
Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in Earth ModelInstructor : Dr. 
Olivier DubruleDate/Time : Friday April 25th, 2003 / 
08.00am-17.00pmVenue : Saragosa Room - Sheraton Hotel, BandungCost 
:- HAGI & SEG member = USD65- SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI 
membership fee)- Non HAGI & SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership 
fee and freeGlobal SEG membership fee)Registration form is enclosed. 
Abstract of presentation and biography of theinstructor is summarized 
below.Register you name at your earliest convenience as the participant 
numberwill be limited only to 50 attendes.Please kindly circulate 
this invitation to your colleagues who may getbenefit of this 
program.Best regards,HAGI Proffesional Division,Sigit 
SukmonoLab.of Reservoir GeophysicsDept. of Geophysical 
EngineeringInstitute of Technology BandungBasic Science Center B, 2nd 
FloorJl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIAPh/Fax.(+62) 
INTEGRATION IN EARTH MODELS”AbstractIn  recent years, the 
use of geostatistics has spread from the world ofreservoir characterisation 
to that of  velocity analysis, time-to-depthconversion, seismic 
inversion,  uncertainty quantification, and moregenerally to that of 
seismic data integration in earth models. Nevertheless,many geoscientists 
still regard geostatistics as little more than astatistical black-box. By 
explaining the concepts and applications, the goalof this course is to 
clarify the benefits of geostatistics and help spreadits 
use.The course will cover the use of geostatistics for 
interpolation (kriging…),heterogeneity modelling, uncertainty quantification 
(simulation…), and dataintegration (cokriging, external drift, 
geostatistical inversion…). Avariety of applications and examples will be 
presented, including velocitymapping, time-to-depth conversion, 
heterogeneity modelling, and seismic dataintegration in stochastic earth 
models.  The relationships betweengeostatistics and approaches more 
familiar to geophysicists, such asfiltering or bayesian methods, will also 
be discussed, without entering intomathematical details.  A number of 
case studies will be presented, coveringexamples from various parts of the 
world.  This will be a lively course,illustrated by examples, exercises 
and discussion sessions.The short-course presentation, limited 
to one-day, will provide an overviewof basic concepts and applications. The 
course document will provide asupport to the course, and further extend some 
of the more technicalconsiderations.As a result of following 
this course, geoscientists, and more specificallygeophysicists will better 
understand how geostatistics fits into theirworkflow, what tools and 
techniques they should use depending on the problemat hand, and what 
added-value may result from its use.O. Dubrule has significant 
teaching experience, through his AAPG sponsoredcourse « Geostatistics in 
Petroleum Geology » and through courses he hasgiven internally at 
TotalFinaElf, at the Geological Society (through Japec)and at academic 
institutions such as Imperial College (London) and Ecole desMines 
(France).This course comes at a time when the use of 
geostatistics is spreading ingeophysics, as shown by the increase in the 
number of geostatistics paperssubmitted to Geophysics or Geophysical 
Prospecting. It should raisesignificant interest among both SEG and EAGE 
members.WHO SHOULD ATTEND ?This is a great 
opportunity for those interested in solving practicalproblems involving data 
interpolation, earth modelling, multidisciplinarydata integration or 
uncertainty quantificationBIOGRAPHYDr. Dubrule 
obtained a PhD Degree in Petroleum Geostatistics at Ecole desMines de Paris 
in 1981. He then worked for Sohio Petroleum Company in theUSA (1982-1986), 
Shell International in The Netherlands (1986-1991) and,since 1991, he has 
been with Elf and TotalFinaElf, working in France and inthe UK. During his 
career, he has held a variety of staff and managementpositions where he 
developed and applied new techniques for reservoircharacterisation, earth 
modelling, risk analysis and uncertaintyquantification. After leading the « 
Earth Modelling and UncertaintyQuantification » group at TotalFinaElf, Dr. 
Dubrule recently became managerof Geoscience Training and 
Communication.Dr. Dubrule has authored more than twenty papers 
in the field ofgeostatistics and earth modelling. In 1991, he received the 
President'sprize of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, 
for"Outstanding Contribution to Mathematical Geology by an individual 35 

[iagi-net-l] Re: [fogri] Kursus Seismic Reservoir 21-25 April 2003

2003-03-23 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Sebagai informasi, sampai saat ini 23 seats DISC program ini telah dibooking
dengan komposisi sebagai berikut :
- 5 peserta dari ITB
- 5 peserta dari Pertamina Jakarta
- 4 peserta dari CPI
- 2 peserta dari Kondur
- 1 peserta dari Elnusa
- 1 peserta dari Jason
- 1 peserta dari Westerngeco
- 1 peserta dari Pertamina Sumbagsel
- 1 peserta dari Pertamina NAD-Sumbagut
- 1 peserta dari Conocophillips
- 1 peserta dari Tallisman

Ayo..ayo siapa lagi mau ikut ? Kalau pesertanya banyak akan saya usulkan ke
HAGI agar ada door-prizes yg menarik.


- Original Message -
From: "Franciscus B Sinartio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [fogri] Kursus Seismic Reservoir 21-25 April 2003

> wah ... kalau begini caranya,  mesti buru2 daftar
> sebagai peserta kursus DISC nya dong.
> Kursus reservoir characterization nya Pak Sigit kan
> selalu banyak peminatnya.
> fbs
> --- Sigit Sukmono-centrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Rekan-rekan,
> >
> > Bersama ini saya sampaikan agenda detil Program
> > Kursus Seismic Reservoar 2003 yang diadakan oleh
> > Unit Jasa Kepakaran (UJK) Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan
> > Teknologi Mineral bekerja sama dengan Lab. Geofisika
> > Reservoar-Dept. Teknik Geofisika, Institut Teknologi
> > Bandung :
> >
> > Judul Kursus : Seismic Reservoir Characterization,
> > Hydrocarbon Detection & Production Monitoring
> > Tanggal : 21-25 April 2003
> > Tempat : Sheraton Hotel - Bandung
> >
> > Agenda detil kursus terlampir dibawah. Pada hari
> > terakhir (25 April), peserta bisa memilih program
> > regular atau mengikuti (tanpa biaya tambahan)
> > program 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Short Course
> > dengan topik "Geostatistics for Seismic Data
> > Integration in Earth Models" dengan pengajar Dr.
> > Olivier Dubrule.
> >
> > Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi saya
> > di alamat dibawah ini.
> >
> > Semoga bermanfaat.
> >
> > Terima kasih & Salam,
> > Sigit Sukmono
> > Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
> > Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
> > Institute of Technology Bandung
> > Basic Science Center, 2nd Floor
> > Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
> > Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167
> > Mobile (+62) (0)811220756
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > DAY-1
> >
> > Reservoir delineation and description using Seismic
> > Inversion (AI)
> >
> > Theory : definition, convolutional model & seismic
> > wavelet processing, recursive inversion, building
> > geological model, model-based and sparse-spike
> > inversion, using AI to derive reservoir properties
> > (porosity, lithology, sand/shale ratio, etc),
> > integrating AI with geological and engineering data
> >
> > Problem-set 1.1. Performing simple seismic inversion
> > using handy-calculator
> >
> > Problem-set 1.2. Clastics reservoir delineation and
> > description using seismic inversion
> >
> > Problem-set 1.3. Carbonate reservoir delineation and
> > description using seismic inversion
> >
> > Problem-set 1.4. Thin reservoir delineation using
> > seismic inversion
> >
> > Problem-set 1.5. Well delineation using integrated
> > analysis of AI, geological and engineering data
> >
> >
> >
> > DAY-2
> >
> > Reservoir delineation and gas/fluid detection using
> > Amplitude Attributes
> >
> > Theory on post stack amplitude-based attributes and
> > their  uses :  reflection amplitude, composite
> > amplitude, amplitude   ratio, RMS amplitude, skew in
> > amplitude, kurtosis in amplitude,  etc.
> >
> > Problem-set 2.1. Amplitude attributes for
> > stratigraphic analysis and development well
> > delineation
> >
> > Problem-set 2.2. Amplitude attributes for thin
> > facies mapping in a compartmentalized reservoir
> >
> > Problem-set 2.3. Amplitude attributes for
> > delineating the DHI and development well -
> > siliciclastic case Problem-set 2.4.  Amplitude
> > attributes for delineating the DHI and development
> > well - carbonate case
> >
> >
> >
> > DAY-3
> >
> > Reservoir delineation and gas/fluid detection using
> > Complex Attributes
> >
> > Theory on complex attributes and their potential
> > uses : reflection strength, instantaneous phase,
> > in

[iagi-net-l] Kursus Seismic Reservoir 21-25 April 2003

2003-03-23 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin


Bersama ini saya sampaikan agenda detil Program Kursus Seismic Reservoar 2003 yang 
diadakan oleh Unit Jasa Kepakaran (UJK) Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan
Teknologi Mineral bekerja sama dengan Lab. Geofisika Reservoar-Dept. Teknik Geofisika, 
Institut Teknologi Bandung :

Judul Kursus : Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Hydrocarbon Detection & Production 
Tanggal : 21-25 April 2003
Tempat : Sheraton Hotel - Bandung

Agenda detil kursus terlampir dibawah. Pada hari terakhir (25 April), peserta bisa 
memilih program regular atau mengikuti (tanpa biaya tambahan) program 2003 SEG/EAGE 
Distinguished Short Course dengan topik "Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in 
Earth Models" dengan pengajar Dr. Olivier Dubrule.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi saya di alamat dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Terima kasih & Salam,
Sigit Sukmono
Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Basic Science Center, 2nd Floor
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167
Mobile (+62) (0)811220756



Reservoir delineation and description using Seismic Inversion (AI)

Theory : definition, convolutional model & seismic wavelet processing, recursive 
inversion, building geological model, model-based and sparse-spike inversion, using AI 
to derive reservoir properties (porosity, lithology, sand/shale ratio, etc), 
integrating AI with geological and engineering data

Problem-set 1.1. Performing simple seismic inversion using handy-calculator

Problem-set 1.2. Clastics reservoir delineation and description using seismic inversion

Problem-set 1.3. Carbonate reservoir delineation and description using seismic 

Problem-set 1.4. Thin reservoir delineation using seismic inversion

Problem-set 1.5. Well delineation using integrated analysis of AI, geological and 
engineering data



Reservoir delineation and gas/fluid detection using Amplitude Attributes

Theory on post stack amplitude-based attributes and their  uses :  reflection 
amplitude, composite amplitude, amplitude   ratio, RMS amplitude, skew in amplitude, 
kurtosis in amplitude,  etc.

Problem-set 2.1. Amplitude attributes for stratigraphic analysis and development well 

Problem-set 2.2. Amplitude attributes for thin facies mapping in a compartmentalized 

Problem-set 2.3. Amplitude attributes for delineating the DHI and development well - 
siliciclastic case Problem-set 2.4.  Amplitude attributes for delineating the DHI and 
development well - carbonate case



Reservoir delineation and gas/fluid detection using Complex Attributes

Theory on complex attributes and their potential uses : reflection strength, 
instantaneous phase, instantaneous frequency, apparent polarity, response phase, 
response frequency, cos. of phase, etc.

Problem-set 3.1 - 3.3. Integrated complex attributes for stratigraphic and DHI 
analysis (3 cases)

Problem-set 3.4. Integrated complex attributes for thin sand reservoir delineation 

Problem-set 3.5. Integrated complex attributes for DHI and facies mapping  




Gas/fluid detection and seismic lithologies analysis using AVO Attributes

Theory : definition of AVO/AVA analysis, rock physics basis, Zoeppritz equation and 
approximation, AVO modeling, AVO classification, non-bright spot AVO anomaly, AVO 
gradient and intercept, AVO cross-plots, AVO attributes, factors affecting AVO analysis

Problem-set 4.1. Estimating AVO anomaly type using well data

Problem-set 4.2. Delineating gas sand class I and III using CDP gathers

Problem-set 4.3. Delineating gas-sands using P-G crossplot and PxG display

Problem-set 4.4. Delineating gas-sands class III using AVO, AI and complex attributes

Problem-set 4.5. Development well delineation using isopach and fluid-factor map

Problem-set 4.6. Gas/fluid detection using integrated analysis of complex and AVO 
attributes (2 cases)



Option 1 : Regular Program

Time-Lapse (4-D) Seismic for Reservoir Management and Recovery Monitoring

Theory on the uses of time-lapse seismic monitoring, the time-change of reservoir 
properties and related seismic observable, rock physics basis in 4-D seismic analysis, 
repeatibility requirements of seismic data

and processing for time-lapse seismic

Problem-set 5.1. Amplitude attributes for mapping by-passed oils and monitoring 
reservoir production

Problem-set 5.2. Time-attributes for monitoring steam-front movements

Problem-set 5.3. Interpretation of the seismic changes as a function of pressure and 

Problem-set 5.4. Time-attributes for mapping injected-steam thickness

Problem-set 5.5. 4-D seismic for monitoring in-situ combustion propagation

Problem-set 5.6. 4-D seismic monitoring for enhancing thermal recovery


Option 2 : Special Program

Joint the 2003 SEG/EAEG Distinguish Instructor Short Cour

[iagi-net-l] Re: [fogri] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-19 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Jadwalnya fix hari Jum'at, sampai sekarang sudah terdaftar tentatif 18 orang
(termasuk P. Witan). Account saya USD, jadi mestinya nggak masalah.


- Original Message -
From: "Franciscus B Sinartio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:37 AM
Subject: RE: [fogri] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

> Vick,
> email nya Pak Sigit lagi ngadat,
> jadi coba saya jawab.
> kelihatannya jadwal nya fix hari jumat, soalnya
> pengajarnya sudah fix juga jadwalnya.
> kalau accountnya nanti tak sms pak Sigit nya.  tetapi
> kemungkinan besar dollar.
> fbs
> --- PUTROHARI Rovicky
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Soalnya BCA accountnya Pak Sigit apa juga yg dollar
> > ?
> > aku takut malah kena selisih kurs beberapa kali.
> > Pak Sigit ... Aku juga mau ikutan kalo digeser Sabtu
> > (seperti usulan Kang
> > Sunu)... kalo Jumat wah ga janji bisa ikutan 
> > Lam salam
> >
> > RDP
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "Witan O.A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Vick, pak Sigit akan sulit jawab soalnya kurs rupiah
> > vs dollar karena
> > akan tergantung seberapa besar akibat serangan
> > Amerika ke Irak nantinya,
> >
> > Pak Sigit saya berminat juga tapi konfirmasinya
> > tunggu sampai formnya
> > saya kirim balik.
> >
> > Wass
> > Witan
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: PUTROHARI Rovicky
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > What is the fee (rates) in Rups ?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > RDP
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Visit FOGRI Website: http://fogri.or.id
> > FOGRI Archive:
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/fogri%40iagi.or.id/
> >
> -
> >
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!
> http://platinum.yahoo.com
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Visit FOGRI Website: http://fogri.or.id
> FOGRI Archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/fogri%40iagi.or.id/
> -

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi

Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-18 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Wah susah njawabnya nih Pak Vicky, apalagi dolarnya lagi nggak stabil
begini. Sebaiknya pakai USD saja pak, karena HAGI harus bayar ke SEGnya juga
pakai USD.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 2:54 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

> What is the fee (rates) in Rups ?
> Thanks
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
> IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
> IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi
> Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan
Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
> Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau
> Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi

Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[iagi-net-l] revised : 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-17 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin

Enclosed is a more compact version of the 
registration form.
Colleagues,HAGI will host the 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor 
Short Course(DISC) presentation :Course Title : Geostatistics for 
Seismic Data Integration in Earth ModelInstructor : Dr. Olivier 
DubruleDate/Time : Friday April 25th, 2003 / 08.00am-17.00pmVenue : 
Saragosa Room - Sheraton Hotel, BandungCost :- HAGI & SEG member 
= USD65- SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee)- Non HAGI 
& SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee and freeGlobal SEG 
membership fee)Registration form is enclosed. Abstract of presentation 
and biography of theinstructor is summarized below.Register you name 
at your earliest convenience as the participant numberwill be limited only 
to 50 attendes.Please kindly circulate this invitation to your 
colleagues who may getbenefit of this program.Best 
regards,HAGI Proffesional Division,Sigit SukmonoLab.of Reservoir 
GeophysicsDept. of Geophysical EngineeringInstitute of Technology 
BandungBasic Science Center B, 2nd FloorJl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, 
INDONESIAPh/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167Email :[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
INTEGRATION IN EARTH MODELS”AbstractIn  recent years, the 
use of geostatistics has spread from the world ofreservoir characterisation 
to that of  velocity analysis, time-to-depthconversion, seismic 
inversion,  uncertainty quantification, and moregenerally to that of 
seismic data integration in earth models. Nevertheless,many geoscientists 
still regard geostatistics as little more than astatistical black-box. By 
explaining the concepts and applications, the goalof this course is to 
clarify the benefits of geostatistics and help spreadits 
use.The course will cover the use of geostatistics for 
interpolation (kriging…),heterogeneity modelling, uncertainty quantification 
(simulation…), and dataintegration (cokriging, external drift, 
geostatistical inversion…). Avariety of applications and examples will be 
presented, including velocitymapping, time-to-depth conversion, 
heterogeneity modelling, and seismic dataintegration in stochastic earth 
models.  The relationships betweengeostatistics and approaches more 
familiar to geophysicists, such asfiltering or bayesian methods, will also 
be discussed, without entering intomathematical details.  A number of 
case studies will be presented, coveringexamples from various parts of the 
world.  This will be a lively course,illustrated by examples, exercises 
and discussion sessions.The short-course presentation, limited 
to one-day, will provide an overviewof basic concepts and applications. The 
course document will provide asupport to the course, and further extend some 
of the more technicalconsiderations.As a result of following 
this course, geoscientists, and more specificallygeophysicists will better 
understand how geostatistics fits into theirworkflow, what tools and 
techniques they should use depending on the problemat hand, and what 
added-value may result from its use.O. Dubrule has significant 
teaching experience, through his AAPG sponsoredcourse « Geostatistics in 
Petroleum Geology » and through courses he hasgiven internally at 
TotalFinaElf, at the Geological Society (through Japec)and at academic 
institutions such as Imperial College (London) and Ecole desMines 
(France).This course comes at a time when the use of 
geostatistics is spreading ingeophysics, as shown by the increase in the 
number of geostatistics paperssubmitted to Geophysics or Geophysical 
Prospecting. It should raisesignificant interest among both SEG and EAGE 
members.WHO SHOULD ATTEND ?This is a great 
opportunity for those interested in solving practicalproblems involving data 
interpolation, earth modelling, multidisciplinarydata integration or 
uncertainty quantificationBIOGRAPHYDr. Dubrule 
obtained a PhD Degree in Petroleum Geostatistics at Ecole desMines de Paris 
in 1981. He then worked for Sohio Petroleum Company in theUSA (1982-1986), 
Shell International in The Netherlands (1986-1991) and,since 1991, he has 
been with Elf and TotalFinaElf, working in France and inthe UK. During his 
career, he has held a variety of staff and managementpositions where he 
developed and applied new techniques for reservoircharacterisation, earth 
modelling, risk analysis and uncertaintyquantification. After leading the « 
Earth Modelling and UncertaintyQuantification » group at TotalFinaElf, Dr. 
Dubrule recently became managerof Geoscience Training and 
Communication.Dr. Dubrule has authored more than twenty papers 
in the field ofgeostatistics and earth modelling. In 1991, he received the 
President'sprize of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, 
for"Outstanding Contribution to Mathematical Geology by an individual 35 
yearsor younger”.  In the last decade, he organised and chaired a 
number ofevents organised by SPE, EAGE, SEG 

Re: [iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-17 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Thanks Pak Sunu untuk masukkannya. Maksudnya biar bisa sekalian long
week-end. Tentunya akan ada break untuk jumatan.

Langsung tak daftar namanya Pak Sunu?


- Original Message -
From: "Sunu Hadi Praptono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

> Kok harinya Jumat, rek ?
> Apa gak sebaiknya diundur/majuken sehari biar tidak kepotong jumatan bagi
> yang muslim ?
> Thanks atas pemberitahuan disc menarik ini.
> Soenoe.
> -----Original Message-
> From: Sigit Sukmono-centrin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 1:37 PM
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung
> Dear Colleagues,
> HAGI will host the 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short
> Course
> (DISC) presentation :
> Course Title : Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in Earth
> Model
> Instructor : Dr. Olivier Dubrule
> Date/Time : Friday April 25th, 2003 / 08.00am-17.00pm
> Venue : Saragosa Room - Sheraton Hotel, Bandung
> Cost :
> - HAGI & SEG member = USD65
> - SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee)
> - Non HAGI & SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee and
> free Global SEG membership fee)
> Registration form is enclosed. Abstract of presentation and
> biography of the instructor is summarized below.
> Register you name at your earliest convenience as the participant
> number will be limited only to 50 attendes.
> Please kindly circulate this invitation to your colleagues who may
> get benefit of this program.
> Best regards,
> HAGI Proffesional Division,
> Sigit Sukmono
> Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
> Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
> Institute of Technology Bandung
> Basic Science Center B, 2nd Floor
> Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
> Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167
> Abstract
> In  recent years, the use of geostatistics has spread from the world
> of reservoir characterisation to that of  velocity analysis, time-to-depth
> conversion, seismic inversion,  uncertainty quantification, and more
> generally to that of seismic data integration in earth models.
> many geoscientists still regard geostatistics as little more than a
> statistical black-box. By explaining the concepts and applications, the
> of this course is to clarify the benefits of geostatistics and help
> spread its use.
> The course will cover the use of geostatistics for interpolation
> (kriging...), heterogeneity modelling, uncertainty quantification
> (simulation...), and data integration (cokriging, external drift,
> geostatistical inversion...). A variety of applications and examples will
> presented, including velocity mapping, time-to-depth conversion,
> heterogeneity modelling, and seismic data integration in stochastic earth
> models.  The relationships between geostatistics and approaches more
> familiar to geophysicists, such as filtering or bayesian methods, will
> be discussed, without entering into mathematical details.  A number of
> studies will be presented, covering examples from various parts of the
> world.  This will be a lively course, illustrated by examples, exercises
> discussion sessions.
> The short-course presentation, limited to one-day, will provide an
> overview of basic concepts and applications. The course document will
> provide a support to the course, and further extend some of the more
> technical considerations.
> As a result of following this course, geoscientists, and more
> specifically geophysicists will better understand how geostatistics fits
> into their workflow, what tools and techniques they should use depending
> the problem at hand, and what added-value may result from its use.
> O. Dubrule has significant teaching experience, through his AAPG
> sponsored course « Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology » and through
> he has
> given internally at TotalFinaElf, at the Geological Society (through
> Japec) and at academic institutions such as Imperial College (London) and
> Ecole des
> Mines (France).
> This course comes at a time when the use of geostatistics is
> spreading in geophysics, as shown by the increase in the number of
> geostatistics papers
> submitted to Geophysics or Geophysical Prospecting. It should raise
> significant interest among both SEG and EAGE members.

[iagi-net-l] 2003 SEG/EAGE DISC in Bandung

2003-03-17 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Dear Colleagues,

HAGI will host the 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course
(DISC) presentation :

Course Title : Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in Earth Model
Instructor : Dr. Olivier Dubrule
Date/Time : Friday April 25th, 2003 / 08.00am-17.00pm
Venue : Saragosa Room - Sheraton Hotel, Bandung

Cost :
- HAGI & SEG member = USD65
- SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee)
- Non HAGI & SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee and free
Global SEG membership fee)

Registration form is enclosed. Abstract of presentation and biography of the
instructor is summarized below.

Register you name at your earliest convenience as the participant number
will be limited only to 50 attendes.

Please kindly circulate this invitation to your colleagues who may get
benefit of this program.

Best regards,
HAGI Proffesional Division,

Sigit Sukmono
Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Basic Science Center B, 2nd Floor
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167



In  recent years, the use of geostatistics has spread from the world of
reservoir characterisation to that of  velocity analysis, time-to-depth
conversion, seismic inversion,  uncertainty quantification, and more
generally to that of seismic data integration in earth models. Nevertheless,
many geoscientists still regard geostatistics as little more than a
statistical black-box. By explaining the concepts and applications, the goal
of this course is to clarify the benefits of geostatistics and help spread
its use.

The course will cover the use of geostatistics for interpolation (kriging…),
heterogeneity modelling, uncertainty quantification (simulation…), and data
integration (cokriging, external drift, geostatistical inversion…). A
variety of applications and examples will be presented, including velocity
mapping, time-to-depth conversion, heterogeneity modelling, and seismic data
integration in stochastic earth models.  The relationships between
geostatistics and approaches more familiar to geophysicists, such as
filtering or bayesian methods, will also be discussed, without entering into
mathematical details.  A number of case studies will be presented, covering
examples from various parts of the world.  This will be a lively course,
illustrated by examples, exercises and discussion sessions.

The short-course presentation, limited to one-day, will provide an overview
of basic concepts and applications. The course document will provide a
support to the course, and further extend some of the more technical

As a result of following this course, geoscientists, and more specifically
geophysicists will better understand how geostatistics fits into their
workflow, what tools and techniques they should use depending on the problem
at hand, and what added-value may result from its use.

O. Dubrule has significant teaching experience, through his AAPG sponsored
course « Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology » and through courses he has
given internally at TotalFinaElf, at the Geological Society (through Japec)
and at academic institutions such as Imperial College (London) and Ecole des
Mines (France).

This course comes at a time when the use of geostatistics is spreading in
geophysics, as shown by the increase in the number of geostatistics papers
submitted to Geophysics or Geophysical Prospecting. It should raise
significant interest among both SEG and EAGE members.


This is a great opportunity for those interested in solving practical
problems involving data interpolation, earth modelling, multidisciplinary
data integration or uncertainty quantification


Dr. Dubrule obtained a PhD Degree in Petroleum Geostatistics at Ecole des
Mines de Paris in 1981. He then worked for Sohio Petroleum Company in the
USA (1982-1986), Shell International in The Netherlands (1986-1991) and,
since 1991, he has been with Elf and TotalFinaElf, working in France and in
the UK. During his career, he has held a variety of staff and management
positions where he developed and applied new techniques for reservoir
characterisation, earth modelling, risk analysis and uncertainty
quantification. After leading the « Earth Modelling and Uncertainty
Quantification » group at TotalFinaElf, Dr. Dubrule recently became manager
of Geoscience Training and Communication.

Dr. Dubrule has authored more than twenty papers in the field of
geostatistics and earth modelling. In 1991, he received the President's
prize of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, for
"Outstanding Contribution to Mathematical Geology by an individual 35 years
or younger”.  In the last decade, he organised and chaired a number of
events organised by SPE, EAGE, SEG or AAPG. Dr. Dubrule is the aut

[iagi-net-l] Kursus Seismic Fundamentals for Exploration & Development

2003-02-17 Terurut Topik Sigit Sukmono-centrin
Rekan-rekan Iagi-net,

Bersama ini saya sampaikan agenda detil Program Kursus Seismic Reservoar
2003 yang diadakan oleh Unit Jasa Kepakaran (UJK) Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan
Teknologi Mineral bekerja sama dengan Lab. Geofisika Reservoar-Dept. Teknik
Geofisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung :

Judul Kursus : Seismic Fundamentals for Exploration & Development"
Tanggal : 24-28 Maret 2003
Tempat : Hotel Holiday Inn - Bandung

Agenda detil kursus terlampir. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat
menghubungi saya di alamat dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Terima kasih & Salam,
Sigit Sukmono
Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Basic Science Center, 2nd Floor
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167
Mobile (+62) (0)811220756


Detail Course Agenda

Day-1. Wave Propagation and Data Acquisition Concepts

Theory : introduction, wave propagation, reflection-refraction and
diffraction, signal processing, field procedures, signal and noise, common
midpoint method, noise analysis, arrays.

Problem-set 1.1. Measuring the seismic dominant frequency, velocity and

Problem-set 1.2. Estimating the bulk density and velocity of a layer and it’
s reflected seismic amplitude

Problem-set 1.3. Identification of the direct arrival, critical refractions
and reflection waves in field record

Problem-set 1.4. Computing the reflection-coefficient and its correlated
seismic amplitude

Problem-set 1.5. Convolution, Fourier transforms and resolution estimation

Day-2. Practical Seismic Data Processing Concepts

Theory : introduction, gain adjustment, normal moveout correction, stacking
velocity analysis, datum correction, residual statics, filtering (bandpass),
K-F filtering, deconvolution, migration, pitfall in seismic interpretation
(multiple, diffraction and reflected refraction, effect of velocity

Problem-set 2.1. Arrays and related CMP coverage determination

Problem-set 2.2. NMO and velocity analysis

Day-3. Basic Seismic Interpretation Concepts

Theory : objective, procedure, vertical and horizontal resolution,
well-seismic tie, parameters of individual reflection, geology of seismic
section, seismic lithology signature, seismic hydrocarbon indicator,
Structure interpretation : folds, normal fault, reverse and thrust fault,
strike-slip fault, fault reactivation, 2-D vs 3-D interpretation

Problem-set 3.1. Well seismic tie and best wavelet determination using
synthetic and VSP.

Problem-set 3.2. Seismic lithology determination : clastics, carbonate,
salt-shale diapir, DHI, etc.

Problem-set 3.3. Interpreting the faults : normal, reverse, wrench and
thrust faults

Problem-set 3.4. Fault and horizon mapping on time section of 3-D seismic

Problem-set 3.5. Using 3-D seismic for characterizing the combined
structural and stratigraphic trap

Problem-set 2.3. Datum correction and residual static analysis

Problem-set 2.4. Deconvolution and migration techniques

Problem-set 2.5. Pitfall analysis and noise recognition in migrated section

Day-4. Basic Concepts of Seismic Stratigraphy and System-Tract Analysis

Theory : Relative sea level changes and seismic sequences, sequence
boundaries : types and their seismic  characteristic, seismic facies and
depositional sequences : types and their seismic characteristics, cycle and
paracycles in the system-tract,  interpretation of system tract in seismic
section, system tracts and hydrocarbon play

Problem-set 4.1. Sequence boundary and related sea-level changes
determination in seismic section

Problem-set 4.2. Seismic facies and depositional sequences determination in
seismic section

Problem-set 4.3. Deltaic seismic facies mapping and its hydrocarbon play

Problem-set 4.4. System-tract and hydrocarbon play determination in seismic

Day-5. Overview on Seismic Attributes Reservoir Characterization Techniques

Theory : definition, overview of seismic inversion, amplitude & complex
attributes and AVO methods

Problem-Set 5.1. Clastics and carbonate reservoir characterization using
seismic inversion

Problem Set 5.2. Integrated complex attributes for stratigraphic and DHI
analysis (3 cases)

Problem-Set 5.3. Amplitude attributes for thin facies mapping in a
compartmentalized reservoir

Problem-Set 5.4. Amplitude attributes for mapping by-passed oils and
monitoring reservoir production

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IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi

Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [iagi-net-l] ITB 2003 Seismic Reservoir Course program

2003-01-28 Terurut Topik sigit sukmono - centrin
Sudah pak lewat japri Pak Edy.


- Original Message -
From: "Edy Gaffar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] ITB 2003 Seismic Reservoir Course program

> pak Sigit, mohon kami dikirimkan brosur lengkapnya plus biayanya
> terima kasih
> edi gafar
> > Rekan2 IAGI-NET ysh,
> > seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, dalam tahun 2003 ini, Lab. Geofisika
> > Dept. Teknik Geofisika - ITB dibawah koordinasi Unit Jasa Kepakaran
> > (Expertise Service Unit) - Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi
Mineral -
> > ITB, menyelenggarakan program seismic courses yang terdiri atas rangkain
> > buah kursus. Kata pengantar dari Ketua Unit Jasa Kepakaran bersama2
> > jadwal kursus saya lampirkan dibawah.
> >
> > Kami berharap program ini bisa bermanfaat buat anda dan partisipasi anda
> > dalam program ini kami tunggu.
> >
> > Untuk brosur lengkap kursus dapat menghubungi saya dialamat dibawah ini.
> >
> > Salam dan terima kasih,
> > Sigit Sukmono
> > Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
> > Institute of Technology Bandung
> > Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
> > Indonesia 40132
> > Tel/Fax.(62-22) 2509167, 2509168
> > Mobile.0811220756
> > e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > =
> >
> >
> >
> > In the Year 2003, under the coordination of Expertise Service unit,
> > of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, Institute of Technology
> > the Laboratory of Reservoir Geophysics - Department of Geophysical
> > Engineering offers ten seismic reservoir courses as follows:
> >
> >
> >
> > Foundation Level:
> >
> >   1.. Seismic Fundamentals for Exploration and Development, 24-28 March
> >
> >   2.. Seismic Stratigraphy for Exploration and Development, 19-23 May
> >
> >
> > Intermediate Level:
> >
> >   1.. Pre and Post-Stack Seismic Inversion for Plays and Prospects
> > Evaluation, 20-24 October 2003
> >   1.. Seismic Multiattributes Analysis for Plays and Prospects
> > 15-19 Sept. 2003
> >   2.. Integrated Reservoir Characterization Techniques, 11-15 August
> >   3.. Seismic Evaluation of Reservoir for Geologists and Engineers,
> > June 2003
> >
> >
> > Advanced Level:
> >
> >   1.. Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Hydrocarbon Detection &
> > Monitoring, 21-25 April 2003
> >   2.. Advance Geophysics for Field Development, 21-25 July 2003
> >   3.. Advance Seismic Reservoir Characterization Techniques, 29 Sept. -
> > Oct. 2003
> >   4.. AVO and Multicomponents Seismic for Field Exploration and
> > Development,1-5 September 2003
> >
> >
> > Course content is based on detailed skill and competency map. It is
> > to ensure that skills learned in the classroom are relevant to current
> > business and technology processes. Course matrix have been designed to
> > provide a systematic foundation for structuring professional learning
> > programs. The matrix show how courses relate to each other and provide
> > easy way to help you select the right course or construct a logical
> > of courses.
> >
> > The complete course brochure is attached and you are kindly requested to
> > distribute it to your colleagues who (geologists, geophysicists,
petroleum /
> > reservoir Engineers, managers, etc.) may get benefit from it. I hope
> > this course program can be helpful to build the skills you need to
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Prof. Dr. Pudji Permadi
> >
> > Head of Expertise Service Unit
> >
> > Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology
> >
> > Institute of Technology Bandung
> >
> >
> ---
> This mail sent through: http://webmail.lipi.go.id/
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
> IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
> IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi
> Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan
Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
> Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau
> Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi

Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-http://fosi.iagi.or.id
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunard

[iagi-net-l] ITB 2003 Seismic Reservoir Course program

2003-01-25 Terurut Topik sigit sukmono - centrin
Rekan2 IAGI-NET ysh,
seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, dalam tahun 2003 ini, Lab. Geofisika Reservoar, Dept. 
Teknik Geofisika - ITB dibawah koordinasi Unit Jasa Kepakaran (Expertise Service Unit) 
- Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral - ITB, menyelenggarakan program seismic 
courses yang terdiri atas rangkain 10 buah kursus. Kata pengantar dari Ketua Unit Jasa 
Kepakaran bersama2 dengan jadwal kursus saya lampirkan dibawah.

Kami berharap program ini bisa bermanfaat buat anda dan partisipasi anda dalam program 
ini kami tunggu.

Untuk brosur lengkap kursus dapat menghubungi saya dialamat dibawah ini.

Salam dan terima kasih,
Sigit Sukmono
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Indonesia 40132
Tel/Fax.(62-22) 2509167, 2509168



In the Year 2003, under the coordination of Expertise Service unit, Faculty of Earth 
Sciences and Mineral Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, the Laboratory of 
Reservoir Geophysics - Department of Geophysical Engineering offers ten seismic 
reservoir courses as follows:


Foundation Level:

  1.. Seismic Fundamentals for Exploration and Development, 24-28 March 2003 
  2.. Seismic Stratigraphy for Exploration and Development, 19-23 May 2003

Intermediate Level:

  1.. Pre and Post-Stack Seismic Inversion for Plays and Prospects Evaluation, 20-24 
October 2003
  1.. Seismic Multiattributes Analysis for Plays and Prospects Evaluation, 15-19 Sept. 
  2.. Integrated Reservoir Characterization Techniques, 11-15 August 2003 
  3.. Seismic Evaluation of Reservoir for Geologists and Engineers, 23-27 June 2003

Advanced Level:

  1.. Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Hydrocarbon Detection & Production 
Monitoring, 21-25 April 2003 
  2.. Advance Geophysics for Field Development, 21-25 July 2003 
  3.. Advance Seismic Reservoir Characterization Techniques, 29 Sept. - 03 Oct. 2003 
  4.. AVO and Multicomponents Seismic for Field Exploration and Development,1-5 
September 2003 

Course content is based on detailed skill and competency map. It is designed to ensure 
that skills learned in the classroom are relevant to current business and technology 
processes. Course matrix have been designed to provide a systematic foundation for 
structuring professional learning programs. The matrix show how courses relate to each 
other and provide an easy way to help you select the right course or construct a 
logical sequence of courses. 

The complete course brochure is attached and you are kindly requested to distribute it 
to your colleagues who (geologists, geophysicists, petroleum / reservoir Engineers, 
managers, etc.) may get benefit from it. I hope that this course program can be 
helpful to build the skills you need to succeed. 



Prof. Dr. Pudji Permadi

Head of Expertise Service Unit

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology

Institute of Technology Bandung

[iagi-net-l] Kursus "Advance Seismic Methods for Reservoir Characterization"

2002-09-23 Terurut Topik sigit sukmono - centrin

Rekan2 bersama ini saya sampaikan agenda Kursus "Advance Seismic Methods for
Reservoir Characterization" yang akan diadakan oleh Dept. Teknik
Geofisika-ITB di Hotel Holiday Inn Bandung tgl. 28 Oktober - 01 November

Agenda detil kursus terlampir dibawah. Bagi yang berminat untuk mendapatkan
brosur lebih rinci dapat menghubungi saya di alamat dibawah ini.

Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.

Sigit Sukmono
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Indonesia 40132
Tel/Fax.(62-22) 2509167, 2509168



  Day-1. Gas/fluid detection and seismic lithologies analysis using AVO

  Theory : definition of AVO/AVA analysis, rock physics basis, Zoeppritz
equation and approximation, AVO modeling, AVO classification, non-bright
spot AVO anomaly, AVO gradient and intercept, AVO cross-plots, AVO
attributes, factors affecting AVO analysis

  Problem-set 1.1. Estimating AVO anomaly type using well data

  Problem-set 1.2. Delineating gas sand class I and III using CDP

  Problem-set 1.3. Delineating gas-sands using P-G crossplot and PxG

  Problem-set 1.4. Delineating gas-sands class III using AVO, AI and
complex attributes

  Problem-set 1.5. Development well delineation using isopach and
fluid-factor map

  Problem-set 1.6. Gas/fluid detection using integrated analysis of
complex and AVO attributes (2 cases)

  Day-2. Reservoir delineation and description using multi-component

  Theory on S-wave characteristics, S-wave acquisition and processing,
3C-3D seismic imaging, multicomponent well logs, multicomponent seismic

  Problem Set 2.1. Integration of 3C-3D seismic and well log for rock
property estimation

  Problem-Set 2.2. Reservoir delineation from Vp/Vs ratio map

  Problem-Set 2.3. Multicomponent seismic for lithological prediction

  Problem-Set 2.4.  Structural and DHI interpretation from 3C-3D data

  Problem-Set 2.5. Multicomponent-4D for steam monitoring

  Problem-Set 2.6. Time-lapse multicomponent 3D seismic data for CO2
injection monitoring

 Day-3. Reservoir characterization using VSP

  Theory on equipment and physical environment (energy sources,
geophone: vertical component, three components), survey geometries
(walk-away, walk-above, 3-D survey, etc), field procedures, data processing
(three component data, wave-field analysis, rock property determination,
trace inversion and porosity estimation, analysis of anisotropy),
applications (reservoir description, thin-bed stratigraphy, rock physical
properties determination, development drilling and reservoir monitoring).

  Problem-set 3.1. Identification of waves and noise in VSP data
  Problem-set 3.2. Time picking and velocity determination
  Problem-set 3.3. Time-depth correlation with surface seismic data
  Problem-set 3.4. Determination of acoustic impedance, attenuation and
the Vp/Vs ratio
  Problem-set 3.5. Estimation of the dip of reflectors

  Day-4. Time-Lapse (4-D) Seismic for Reservoir Management and Recovery

  Theory on the uses of time-lapse seismic monitoring, the time-change
of reservoir properties and related seismic observable, rock physics basis
in 4-D seismic analysis, repeatibility requirements of seismic data and
processing for time-lapse seismic

  Problem-set 4.1. Amplitude attributes for mapping by-passed oils and
monitoring reservoir production

  Problem-set 4.2. Time-attributes for monitoring steam-front movements

  Problem-set 4.3. Interpretation of the seismic changes as a function
of pressure and temperature

  Problem-set 4.4. Time-attributes for mapping injected-steam thickness

  Problem-set 4.5. 4-D seismic for monitoring in-situ combustion

  Problem-set 4.6. 4-D seismic monitoring for enhancing thermal recovery

  Day-5. Pre and Post Stack Depth Migration for Reservoir

  Theory on migration and depth conversion, migration methods, 2-D pre
and post-stack depth migration, 3-D pre and post-stack depth migration,

  Problem-Set 5.1. Inclined-plane migration

  Problem-Set 5.2. Anticlinal-structure migration

  Problem-Set 5.3. Curved-plane migration

  Problem-Set 5.4. Complex structure migration

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit IAGI Website: http://iagi.or.id
IAGI-net Archive 1: http://www.mail-archive.com/iagi-net%40iagi.or.id/
IAGI-net Archive 2: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iagi
Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention
September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA

[iagi-net-l] Kursus "AVO&Multicomponents" 23-27 Sept.2002

2002-09-08 Terurut Topik sigit sukmono - centrin

Rekan2 bersama ini saya sampaikan agenda Kursus "AVO & Multicomponent for
Seismic Reservoir Characterization" yang akan diadakan oleh Dept. Teknik
Geofisika-ITB di Hotel Holiday Inn Bandung tgl. 23-27 September 2002

Agenda detil kursus terlampir dibawah. Bagi yang berminat untuk mendapatkan
informasi lebih rinci dapat menghubungi saya di alamat
dibawah ini.

Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.

Sigit Sukmono
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Indonesia 40132
Tel/Fax.(62-22) 2509167, 2509168

DAY-1 : 23 September 2002
Fundamental of AVO Analysis

Theory : Rock physics basis, Zoeppritz equation, approximation to Zoeppritz
equation, AVO modeling, AVO classification, AVO gradient and intercept,
practical concern in AVO analysis
Problem-Set 1.1. Rock properties analysis from cross-plot of Poisson ratio
vs P-wave velocity
Problem-Set 1.2. Calculation of reflection amplitude and Zoeppritz equation
Problem-Set 1.3. AVO forward modeling based on dipole-sonic and density log
data Problem-Set 1.4. Calculation of reflection amplitude vs offset-length
Problem-Set 1.5. Gas sand reservoir delineation from CDP gather

DAY-2 : 24 September 2002
AVO for DHI Identification and Reservoir Characterization

Theory : AVO cross-plots, the calibration of AVO cross-plotting to rock
properties, AVO attributes, AVO inversion, 3-D AVO modeling and analysis
Problem-Set 2.1. Gas sand anomaly classification from AVO cross-plots and
seismic attributes
Problem-Set 2.2. Far and near offset for DHI identification
Problem-Set 2.3. Fluid-factor and isopach map analysis
Problem-Set 2.4. Gas sand delineation from intercept x gradient attributes
Problem-Set 2.5. Coal and no coal AVO modeling
Problem-Set 2.6. 3D AVO interpretation

DAY-3 : 25 September 2002
Multicomponent Seismic from Acquisition to Inversion

Theory on elastic wave propagation in porous media, S-wave characteristics,
S-wave acquisition and processing, 3C-3D seismic imaging, multicomponent
seismic inversion.
Problem Set 3.1. Lithological discrimination from Vp and Vs information
Problem Set 3.2. Integration of 3C-3D seismic and well log for rock property
Problem Set 3.3. S-wave VSP tie with migrated S-wave surface seismic data
Problem-Set 3.4. Reservoir delineation from Vp/Vs ratio map
Problem-Set 3.5. Multicomponent seismic for lithological prediction
Problem-Set 3.6. Multicomponent seismic inversion for reservoir

DAY-4 : 26 September 2002
Shear Wave for Reservoir Characterization

Theory on multicomponent well logs, multicomponent seismic interpretation,
multicomponent VSP, multicomponent AVO

Problem-Set 4.1.  Multicomponent well log interpretation
Problem-Set 4.2.  Structural and DHI interpretation from 3C-3D data
Problem-Set 4.3. Multicomponent-4D for steam monitoring
Problem-Set 4.4. Time-lapse multicomponent 3D seismic data for CO2 injection
Problem-Set 4.5. Channel sands interpretation with 3C-3D seismic data
Problem-Set 4.6. Structural mapping from multicomponent seismic data
Problem-Set 4.7. Multicomponent AVO application
Problem-Set 4.8. Reservoir delineation from multicomponent VSP offsets
Problem-Set 4.9. Multi-component VSP for steam injection monitoring

DAY-5 : 27 September 2002
Laboratory workshop on the use of AVO software for reservoir