Re: Happy birthday IBM Research

2005-10-16 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 10/16/2005 2:34:10 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

it to  death on butter."  She lived in the mountains of western  North  
where there are many such quaint sayings, and, as far as I  know,  she never 
sucked eggs.

Too busy running from the ferocious hoop  snakes

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Re: Read French? What do you make of ?

2005-10-16 Thread john gilmore
Bruno is quite right.  These fora, those that I examined anyway, are, 
however, puerile in content, so elementary as to be of little value.

A francophone forum for job seekers, 'consultants' (or, in franglais, 
'freelancers'), and recruiters may well be useful.  The technical 
discussions are more problematic: Most francophone SYSPROGS read and write 
English well enough to participate in IBM-MAIN technical exchanges.

John Gilmore
Ashland, MA 01721-1817

From: Bruno Sugliani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
Subject: Re: Read French? What do you make of ?

Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 16:59:30 -0500

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 14:32:13 EDT, Bill Fairchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The website listed above is a service to match mainframe job hunters with
>mainframe recruiters.  I saw nothing on the first page having to do with
>or zSeries, but "mainframe" was mentioned.  It is a free service  from 15 

>to 30 NOV.  After that date I don't know what happens.

Not quite
The part that is free for 6 weeks seems to be the job matching part.
I had a further look :
There is a forum where questions about rexx ,clist, assembler , OPC , Vsam
,cobol etc are asked and sometimes answered . and this is free

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Re: Read French? What do you make of ?

2005-10-16 Thread Bruno Sugliani
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 14:32:13 EDT, Bill Fairchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The website listed above is a service to match mainframe job hunters with
>mainframe recruiters.  I saw nothing on the first page having to do with
>or zSeries, but "mainframe" was mentioned.  It is a free service  from 15 OCT
>to 30 NOV.  After that date I don't know what happens.

Not quite
The part that is free for 6 weeks seems to be the job matching part.
I had a further look :
There is a forum where questions about rexx ,clist, assembler , OPC , Vsam
,cobol etc are asked and sometimes answered . and this is free

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Re: Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?

2005-10-16 Thread Bill Fairchild
In a message dated 10/16/2005 4:14:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

when i  was an
undergraudate ... i got involved in project to reverse engineer the  ibm
channel interface and build our own controller ... someplace there was  a
write-up blaiming us for inception of clone controller  business

Reminds me of this oft-encountered sequence:
The  six phases of a project:
1.  Initial excitement
2.  Confusion
3.  Disillusionment
4.  Search for the guilty
5.  Punishment for the innocent
6.  Praise and honor for the  non-participants
Bill  Fairchild

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Re: Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?

2005-10-16 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
> This project paid for a large number of full-time IBM programmers
> under their Federal Systems Division who were working at this
> facility near Houston, among whom were the two original developers
> of HASP, Tom Simpson and Bob Crabtree.  HASP evolved into JES2,
> recently discussed in another thread.
> I don't think it is conspiratorial if you try accurately to predict
> the national economy 6 to 12 months into the future.  I think it is
> better referred to as realism.  If your predictions happen to be
> based on real facts that are unknown to or disbelieved by the
> masses, then so be it.

my wife did a stint in jes group reporting to crabtree ... working on
architecture ... took a look at how to merge jes3 mutli-system operation
with jes2 multi-access spool (there was even a period where executive
direction that there would be no new jes2 development ... it would all
go into jes3). this was before she got con'ed into going to be pok to be
in charge of loosely-coupled architecture.

some past collected hasp-related postings

there was a thread in a totally different n.g. in the mid-90s that was
looking at doing economic predictions for 2020 (25 years out). a shorter
term item looked at as part of this was that y2k remediation work was
looming with requirements for significant additional resources. however,
it happened to correspond to the internet bubble ... which was
siphoning off all available resources into high flying internet jobs.
not a lot of people were paying attention that somewhat as a result, a
lot of legacy bread & butter work was going offshore (at least not until
much later after it was already a fait accompli).

i had the misfortune to predict that the company would go into the red
... about the time the corporate committee was predicting world-wide
revenues were going to double from $60b to $120b ... and were spending
enormous amounts on adding additional manufacturing capacity. i don't
think they really understood the shift going on in computing processing
to open & commodity priced hardware.

the scenario was somewhat a continuation of the economic analysis that
had been behind some of the justification for future system ... some
collected fs postings

... note, i hadn't faired much better with FS ... at the time, i would
periodically draw analogies between the FS project and a cult film that
had been playing continuously for several years down in central sq
(which didn't exactly make friends with enormous number of people
backing FS).

one reference mentioning FS

from above:

IBM tried to react by launching a major project called the 'Future
System' (FS) in the early 1970's. The idea was to get so far ahead
that the competition would never be able to keep up, and to have such
a high level of integration that it would be impossible for
competitors to follow a compatible niche strategy. However, the
project failed because the objectives were too ambitious for the
available technology.  Many of the ideas that were developed were
nevertheless adapted for later generations. Once IBM had acknowledged
this failure, it launched its 'box strategy', which called for
competitiveness with all the different types of compatible
sub-systems. But this proved to be difficult because of IBM's cost
structure and its R&D spending, and the strategy only resulted in a
partial narrowing of the price gap between IBM and its rivals.

... snip ...

part of the subject was the advent of clone controllers. when i was an
undergraudate ... i got involved in project to reverse engineer the ibm
channel interface and build our own controller ... someplace there was a
write-up blaiming us for inception of clone controller business

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Re: Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?

2005-10-16 Thread Bill Fairchild
In a message dated 10/2/2005 1:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>how many people know where the spring '68 SHARE meeting was  held?
I do for one.  Headquarters hotel was the Shamrock Hilton in  downtown 
>How many attended?
I did, for one.
>Did you get to have a tour of the local large  installation?
Yes.  I think it was on Friday, which is typically a slow day at  SHARE.  A 
large bunch of us SHARE attendees were bused to the Manned  Spacecraft Center 
near Houston, where we saw a roomful of IBM 360/75s churning  out work and 
crunching numbers, all paid for by FEDS (also known as NASA)  under the Project 
Apollo program which was implementing the following  statement by the then late 
President JFK:  “I  believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the 
goal, before this  decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning 
him safely to  Earth.  ... in a very real sense,  it will not be one man going 
the moon ... it will be an entire nation.” [25  MAY 1961; speech to a special 
joint session of Congress]
This  project paid for a large number of full-time IBM programmers under 
their  Federal Systems Division who were working at this facility near Houston, 
among  whom were the two original developers of HASP, Tom Simpson and Bob  
Crabtree.  HASP evolved into JES2, recently discussed in another  thread.
I  don't think it is conspiratorial if you try accurately to predict the 
national  economy 6 to 12 months into the future.  I think it is better 
to  as realism.  If your predictions happen to be based on real facts  that are 
unknown to or disbelieved by the masses, then so be  it.
Real  fact:  almost all large American businesses are now the recipients  of 
large funding by various U.S. government programs as well as supported  
indirectly by special tax breaks.  I have no knowledge that IBM is  receiving 
special treatment in this regard, but they have had a large  Federal Systems 
Division for many decades that does work under contracts that  are publicly and 
competitively bid on, just as many other large companies  do.
I  have read alternative news items discussing the [conspiratorial] idea that 
the  U.S. Federal Reserve System is intervening to support the U.S. stock 
markets,  but I have never read anything that claims the U.S. is supporting IBM 
disproportionally more than it supports all other big businesses, either  
directly through contracted work or indirectly through tax breaks or possible  
stock market manipulation.
Competitively  achieved contract awards are publicly documented (I think in 
Commerce  Business Daily).  Tax breaks are publicly documented in the 
Congressional  Record.  Stock market manipulation is a matter of  opinion.
Bill  Fairchild

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Re: Dynamic change LOGCLS from IEASYSXX?

2005-10-16 Thread Ed Gould

On Oct 16, 2005, at 8:34 AM, Knutson, Sam wrote:


While there are some advantages to OPERLOG I don't see IBM getting rid
of SYSLOG support anytime soon.  We use $AVRS to archive SYSLOG and 

have OPS/MVS OPSLOG for recent past debugging and research.  OPSLOG is
very powerful with the ability to examine any system in the Sysplex
remotely and apply filtering to what you are looking at.  OPERLOG would
not buy us much we don't already have and would be another change at a
time when we are struggling to manage the changes we HAVE to make 

the end of the year, before we get R6 installed, before we get the next
CEC installed, etc.

I think if I did not have OPSLOG I would probably be more interested in
activating OPERLOG for use in problem determination.  Consolidated logs
without filtering would not be much help since the message volume on
some LPARs is already too much to see anything meaningful in without a
good front end like OPSLOG Browse.  I don't think IOF or SDSF provide
useful filtering.  Getting insight on problems by reviewing message 

from large z/OS systems is like drinking from a fire hose:-)

Which brings up a question, which has something to do with 

Just curious as to which installations give full viewing of 
syslog/operlog to *ALL* individuals?


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Re: Happy birthday IBM Research

2005-10-16 Thread Bill Fairchild
In a message dated 10/15/2005 3:57:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>If  memory serves me, they (IBM) try and patent a lot of stuff that 
>really  has not real technical value. Sounds like a numbers game to  me.

Yes, IBM does innovate.  And some of their patents are filed not for  
innovation purposes but rather for obfuscation.  E.g., if you have invented  X 
are about to implement it in your new line of  processors/DASD/whatevers, you 
file a dozen patent applications claiming that U,  V, W, X, Y, Z, et al., are 
new ways to do your new innovative thing in your  processors/DASD/whatevers.  
This greatly slows down the reverse engineering  done by your competitors which 
frantically begins when you first start shipping  your new line of 
There is more than one reason to file a patent application.  Or,  as my late 
grandmother used to say, "there are more ways to kill a dog than by  choking 
it to death on butter."  She lived in the mountains of western  North Carolina 
where there are many such quaint sayings, and, as far as I know,  she never 
sucked eggs.
Bill Fairchild

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Re: Read French? What do you make of ?

2005-10-16 Thread Bill Fairchild
In a message dated 10/16/2005 10:11:59 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>A new web ring submission for Dino's is in French.  If you  speak both
>French and zSeries take a look and let me know what you make  of it.  It
>doesn't seem very robust from what I can see.   Anyone setting up a
>dedicated forum folder for GDG may not really have  much to offer but I
>could be  wrong...

The website listed above is a service to match mainframe job hunters with  
mainframe recruiters.  I saw nothing on the first page having to do with  
or zSeries, but "mainframe" was mentioned.  It is a free service  from 15 OCT 
to 30 NOV.  After that date I don't know what happens.
Bill Fairchild


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Re: Eliminating HSC with CA-1?

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Zelden
On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 22:07:23 -0400, Thomas Conley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>One of my current clients is telling me that they were told by CA that the
>new releases of CA-1 allow you to run an STK robotic library without HSC.  I
>can't seem to find any hard doc on this.  Does anybody know if this can be
>done and how?
>Tom Conley

Just think about that and you know it can't be true.  How could CA
software work to control the robotics (proprietary hardware)?  I
could see ExLM not being needed. ExLM is used to sync the scratch
status of tape volumes in the HSC Contol Data Set with the tape
management software.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America and Farmers Insurance Group
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Read French? What do you make of ?

2005-10-16 Thread Knutson, Sam

A new web ring submission for Dino's is in French.  If you speak both
French and zSeries take a look and let me know what you make of it.  It
doesn't seem very robust from what I can see.  Anyone setting up a
dedicated forum folder for GDG may not really have much to offer but I
could be wrong...

Helpful comments OFF-LIST please would be appreciated.

Best Regards,

Sam Knutson, GEICO
Performance and Availability Management
(office)  301.986.3574

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."


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Re: Eliminating HSC with CA-1?

2005-10-16 Thread Russell Witt

NO, CA-1 does not allow you to run any robotic library directly. Even with
the new Distributed Tape Support that was added (so that Tivoli, Arcserve,
Legato and Veritas can be tracked directly within CA-1's database) there is
still a need for robotic software to interface between the mid-range backup
product and the robot itself.

We do have a "real-time scratch" interface to STK now, so that we can notify
HSC in real-time as a tape goes scratch (no more post-processing a
scratch-list report). But that is a long way from running the robot without

Russell Witt
CA-1 Level-2 Support Manager

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Thomas Conley
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:07 PM
Subject: Eliminating HSC with CA-1?

One of my current clients is telling me that they were told by CA that the
new releases of CA-1 allow you to run an STK robotic library without HSC.  I
can't seem to find any hard doc on this.  Does anybody know if this can be
done and how?

Tom Conley

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Re: Eliminating HSC with CA-1?

2005-10-16 Thread Ambat Ravi Nair

wow! CA-1 can now manage the Powderhorns via LMU ?
another case of "Software superior by Design" ... ?

- ravi.

Thomas Conley wrote:

One of my current clients is telling me that they were told by CA that the
new releases of CA-1 allow you to run an STK robotic library without 

can't seem to find any hard doc on this.  Does anybody know if this can be
done and how?

Tom Conley

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Re: Dynamic change LOGCLS from IEASYSXX?

2005-10-16 Thread Knutson, Sam

While there are some advantages to OPERLOG I don't see IBM getting rid
of SYSLOG support anytime soon.  We use $AVRS to archive SYSLOG and also
have OPS/MVS OPSLOG for recent past debugging and research.  OPSLOG is
very powerful with the ability to examine any system in the Sysplex
remotely and apply filtering to what you are looking at.  OPERLOG would
not buy us much we don't already have and would be another change at a
time when we are struggling to manage the changes we HAVE to make before
the end of the year, before we get R6 installed, before we get the next
CEC installed, etc. 

I think if I did not have OPSLOG I would probably be more interested in
activating OPERLOG for use in problem determination.  Consolidated logs
without filtering would not be much help since the message volume on
some LPARs is already too much to see anything meaningful in without a
good front end like OPSLOG Browse.  I don't think IOF or SDSF provide
useful filtering.  Getting insight on problems by reviewing message logs
from large z/OS systems is like drinking from a fire hose:-)

Best Regards,

Sam Knutson, GEICO
Performance and Availability Management
(office)  301.986.3574

The best packed information most resembles random noise.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: Dynamic change LOGCLS from IEASYSXX?

Only as a suggestion.. why not moving to logger/operlog and
get rid off syslog?

It was introduced ten years ago and in any moment IBM could
force us to change.

If you want, take a look at 513 CBT file.

angel luis dominguez
bbva - spain

PD: From "The speed of dark" by Elizabeth Moon (sorry for possible bad

Fear change and it will destroy you. Join it and shall
grow up.


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Things that need work on the CBT Tape

2005-10-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   Every once in a while, if there is some program on the CBT Tape that 
needs fixing, and I don't have time to do it, I'll put out a request for 
someone to fix it, on [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  If there are any 
takers (or "attempters"), they should write back to me, or to the list, 
that they are going to try to fix Program X from File nnn.  Then I'll 
communicate with them, and we'll monitor how the progress is going.

   Since we want to maintain quality control, and we don't want a bunch 
of slightly different versions of the same program floating around, but 
we'd rather combine the advantages of ALL versions into one program if 
possible, I reserve the right to supervise the proceedings and decide 
which fixes actually go onto the CBT Tape.  (Of course, I'll try to be 

   If you have any suggestions to make this process better, please post 
a message and we'll have a discussion.  A lot of times, only one person 
might actually attempt to do a fix, so a question of "multiple fixes to 
the same program" might not actually come up. 

   In any case, it is easy to "check out" an existing version of a 
given program, so you can work on it.  Just download it from the CBT 
Tape site, - CBT, or (preferably) from Updates, if the 
file is there.  Since everything is public, of course I can't control 
who "checks out" what program (nor do I want to).  But the hope is that 
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] group can become a vehicle to encourage 
quality control and enhancements to the many tools on the CBT Tape(s).

   We can even take "change requests" like IBM does.  If you have any, 
send them to me, and I can post the current change request list in 
"Files" at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  Please list "File number" and 
"program name" in your request, so we can keep them in some order.

   I think, over time, that everyone who joins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
will somehow participate in this "fun", and learn and benefit from it.   
What do you think?

   All the best

Sam Golob

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