2007-02-24 Thread Chris Mason

 I am trying to setup MVS/APPC for RRSF. Have all the definitions, in
place, but am obviously making some mistake. When I start the APPC address
space I get the following message


I expect you should have said I *think* I have all the definitions in
place g

Incidentally I had no idea what RRSF might be but I Googled it and found
RACF Remote Sharing Facility.

 From what I understand is that this is indicative of a security problem. I
do not see any RACF messages issued on either of the systems. There are also
no VTAM BIND failure messages.

When I first read your post, I thought you were assuming that this was a
security problem because of the presence of the characters RACF in the
name of the logical unit. Now knowing what RRSF means, I see that could be a
reason for having RACF in the name of the LU.

In fact, the ACB error (ACBERFLG) code 24 is a security error specifically
when opening the ACB, which is the control block used by a program in order
for the program to make itself known to VTAM. If this fails there is no
possibility for any attempts to start sessions so there will certainly be no
BIND failure messages.

 So nothing much to go on.

What there is to go on is what the ATB052E message and the code 24 is
telling us.

First the ATB052E message is an error trying to open the ACB. The name of
the APPL statement which corresponds to the ACB is GHT1RACF.

The name of the transaction scheduler is *NONE*. I expect this means that
the corresponding LUADD statement specifies NOSCHED.

Turning to the error code 36 (hexadecimal 24), we find that the cause can be
one of three:

1. The password specified by the ACB did not match the corresponding
password in the APPL entry.

This means that the ACB identified a password which must be matched against
the APPL statement PRTCT operand. The APPL statement PRTCT operand may or
may not have specified a password but, either way, there was no match.

As far as I can see, the LUADD statement does not allow for the
specification of the ACB password. The LUADD statement is where I would
expect such a password to be specified.

2. The ACB did not specify a password and the APPL contains one.

This means that the ACB did not identify a password but the APPL statement
PRTCT operand did.

Thus a way this condition could apply is if you specified a value on the
PRTCT operand. As I just mentioned, I cannot see how a password can be
specified for the APPC/MVS ACB.

3. The security management product determined that the user is not
authorized to open the ACB.

Probably - and ironically, of course, given that the application concerns
RACF -  we have to conclude that the interaction of APPC/MVS and RACF is to
blame. Note that it is *not* at the level of the session, conversation or
transaction, but simply getting the d***ed ACB corresponding to the LUADD
statement open at the time APPC/MVS is started..

Many years ago - 15 or so I guess - someone came into my office asking for
help getting started with APPC/MVS. I had made sure I understood the topic
and so had a nice neat set of definitions suitable for test/education
systems. For the gentleman's benefit, I copied all the relevant definitions
to CMS. When I left the education centre, I copied all these files to a
diskette with the expectation I may need them again elsewhere. Indeed I did.

Because of wanting to get to grips with APPC/MVS, I decided I had to get to
know how RACF was working on my systems which hitherto had just corresponded
to the environment created by the group from whom I pinched my basic
system. This I did, shamefully remembering I was going through the RACF
manual while listening to a New Year's concert.[1]

I created a file with all necessary definitions and any changes were
introduced by simply rebuilding the RACF data base. This is a suitable
approach for a test/education system but not for production of course. I
think I ran the same file for all 8 of my systems. Because that gentleman
came into my office, I still have the file.

Turing to the MVS Planning: APPC/MVS Management manual, I find section
10.4[2], LU Security: Protecting APPC/MVS Logical Units. Here we find the


Controlling the use of VTAM ACBs

You can ensure that an LU is defined to VTAM from the APPC address space
only, using RACF VTAMAPPL profiles.



10.4.3 Controlling the Use of VTAM ACBs


It's encouraging that I find the following in my RACF file:


There are 8 statements for x = 1 to 8, one relating to each system.

You should study section 10.4.3, Controlling the Use of VTAM ACBs in order
to work out how to get round this third condition.

I hope that's it!

Chris Mason

[1] European readers will instantly know to what I refer but those poor folk
on the other side of the pond may need to 

Re: Inquiry Web Services using simple cobol programs

2007-02-24 Thread Don Higgins
Romain, all

There is an assembler demo SOA application that is installed
with z390 which illustrates how a main program calling to service
routines can be run as statically linked program or can automatically
regenerated as an SOA client server application just using
TCP/IP sockets.  The generated client and server programs can
be run on any two processors that share access to a TCP/IP
network and support J2RE Java runtime 1.5.0+.  

Download and install z390 with Installshield for Windows or file
zip for Linux and look in the readme z390\soa directory.
All the sources for the demo application and the macro based 
generator are in the z390\soa demo and maclib directories.  There is a
z390 SOA User Gudie on the website here:

z390 is an open source Java J2RE based tool so you can view
all the Java code that supports the TCPIO svc for TCP/IP client
and server sockets in the z390\src\ support module.

To use such a TCP/IP sockets solution, your COBOL client could call
a z390 assembler client via JNI or other existing interface or it could
use an existing sockets interface following similiar approach.  Note the 
current v1.3.01 version of z390 from only supports single 
connection to z390 server application, but the next release with PTF 554 
will support multiple client connections to z390 server.

Following the recent SHARE session 2845 on z390 portable mainframe 
assembler and emulator, there was interest in running z390 on
Linux/390 for similar purpose of connecting applications in COBOL and 
assembler across different OS's and platforms using open source standard

Don Higgins
Automated Software Tools - home of

Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:03:12 +0100
Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
Sender:   IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
Subject:  Inquiry Web Services using simple cobol programs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello to everyone,

I'm just posting this message in order to know if someone knows a
solution to query a Web Services hosted on a distant open server with
a cobol program running a z/OS LPAR ?

Does we need Websphere softwares or not...

Thanks a lot in advance for your advices,


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Re: Do I need to setup APPC/MVS?

2007-02-24 Thread Johnny Luo


I have sent you a mail offline including a document about my whole
configuration process.

I didn't find any IBM manuals about APPC3270 over EEDLC using PCOMM.

Here you can find the docs about IBM Personal Communications 5.9 but they
only talk about APPC3270 over ANYNET briefly.


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Re: Did schools ever teach systems programming other than NIU was Re: help -- ignorant new boss

2007-02-24 Thread Robert Fake
I attended (now defunct) Computer Learning Center in Northern Virginia in
1978, right out of high school.  Like Eric mentioned, no systems
programming, but mainframe basics (bits, bytes) and Cobol, Assembler and
RPG.  All work was done on a 360/xx and punched cards.  Had to wait
overnight to get your results back (unlike today when you can debug your
syntax with the compiler by running it however many times a day.)

They taught Cobol first, which was easier to understand and code, but hard
to debug.  Then they taught us Assembler.  That's when the light bulb came
on.  It was then that I understood how to debug my Cobol and a love for
reading dumps.

Robert B. Fake
InfoSec, Inc.
703-825-1202 (o)
571-241-5492 (c)
949-203-0406 (efax)
Visit us at
-Original Message-
From: Eric Bielefeld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Did schools ever teach systems programming other than NIU was
Re: help -- ignorant new boss

I went to a technical college starting around 1971 at the Milwaukee Area
Technical College.  I took the Business Data Processing associate degree
program.  They didin't teach systems programming, but they had an excellent
program teaching Cobol, Assembler, RPG, database, PL/1, Utilities and JCL,

Of course now, I don't think they teach anything mainframe, except maybe a
Cobol course.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. Systems Programmer
Lands' End
Dodgeville, Wisconsin

 Clark Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 My only computer course in college was on an IBM 650 with a 2000 word
 drum and vacuum tubes.  Most of my learning was OJT plus being sent to
 some IBM courses. My personal opinion is that the universities have
 bamboozled the business community into believing that they really
 train people for running data centers.
 As Martha Stewart would say; 
 Dinosaur-speed is a GOOD thing.ay there, sonny?!
 Mark Young

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replaceing 3745

2007-02-24 Thread jalili
Hi all,

I know that my question is not completely related to this list,however I hope 
that some one can have advice or comment.
We are using NCP/Token-Ring interconnection physical and logical lines,and 
using automatic LINE and PU 
generation with the AUTOGEN facility in LOGICAL GROUP,and by using VTAM 
switched major node we are connecting more than 2000 branches of a bank to 
M/F(using three 3745).Our manager wants to replace communication 
controller(3745) to OSA-express.
Is it possible this replacement with minimum change in configuration and the 
I would appreciate any insight or help anyone may have.

Thank you in advance

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Re: help -- ignorant new boss

2007-02-24 Thread Rick Fochtman

2) You can blind him with your spare bottle of Grecian Formula 16, beat 
him with your cane, cut his jugular with your plastic pocket protector, 
pull his guts out with a decolator, and hide his body under a large pile 
of 80-column cards...

Let me know when you're sentenced. I'll send you a cake with an IBM 
s/360 hex card ( 
baked inside.

M, hex cake...
Paul Simon said it best, in Keep the Customer Satisfied: You're in 
trouble boy, now you headed in for more. I can contribute a card saw, 
but this old 029 Keypunch will cost you dearly. By all means, be ready 
to Fold, spindle and mutilate.

Seriously, it depends on how receptive the new boss is, and how much he 
trusts your judgement. I had the same situation a few years ago, but the 
new boss was perceptive enough to realize that the mainframe was a whole 
new world. Well reasoned discussions and judgement calls were well 
received, but you had to have all your ducks in a row, both pro and con. 
And snap decisions in times of crisis had to be explained afterwards. 
Start building a good work relationship NOW and don't let the new boss 
know that he/she might be a bumbling idiot at times; never say It'll 
never work; rather, say This might work better. and explain why. You 
know how it is; we have to be diplomats at times. If you can find a 
Concepts and Facilities manual lying around, it might be helpful, even 
though it's probably older than dirt itself.

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Re: The Spanish Computer

2007-02-24 Thread Rick Fochtman

Uh, wouldn't that have been considered Multiple Personality Disorder?
If a person with Multiple Personality Disorder threatens suicide, is it 
considered a Hostage Situation??

(G, D  R)

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Re: replaceing 3745

2007-02-24 Thread Rick Fochtman

I know that my question is not completely related to this list,however I 
hope that some one can have advice or comment. We are using 
NCP/Token-Ring interconnection physical and logical lines,and using 
automatic LINE and PU generation with the AUTOGEN facility in LOGICAL 
GROUP,and by using VTAM switched major node we are connecting more than 
2000 branches of a bank to M/F(using three 3745).Our manager wants to 
replace communication controller(3745) to OSA-express.

Is it possible this replacement with minimum change in configuration and 
the protocol?

I would appreciate any insight or help anyone may have.
Short answer: NO.

Longer answer: maybe; it depends on time frames and costs. To 
effectively use the OSA Express adapter, plan on converting to TCP/IP. 
That's going to add up to some serious cost numbers because of the 
protocol changes, and hardware and software costs. You need to assemble 
a plan for making these changes in a non-disruptive fashion, contact 
vendors of software and hardware for cost numbers, look deeply into 
programming changes, etc. You'll also need to look hard at the various 
network management and performance issues, as well as security-related 

In short, this is NOT a project to be undertaken lightly! Considerable 
research and planning are mandatory to avoid costly mistakes and 
possible security breaches; you might want to start trolling for 
qualified and trustworthy consultants for help on this one.

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Re: replacing 3745

2007-02-24 Thread Doug Fuerst

Try Visara.
They have a 37X5 replacement, I am not familiar with all the details. 
But it may be an option.

Forget OSA Express unless you are looking for a long range project.


At 10:32 AM 2/24/2007, you wrote:

Hi all,

I know that my question is not completely related to this 
list,however I hope that some one can have advice or comment.
We are using NCP/Token-Ring interconnection physical and logical 
lines,and using automatic LINE and PU
generation with the AUTOGEN facility in LOGICAL GROUP,and by using 
VTAM switched major node we are connecting more than 2000 branches 
of a bank to M/F(using three 3745).Our manager wants to replace 
communication controller(3745) to OSA-express.
Is it possible this replacement with minimum change in configuration 
and the protocol?

I would appreciate any insight or help anyone may have.

Thank you in advance

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Doug Fuerst
BK Associates
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 921-2620 (Office)
(718) 921-0952 (Fax)
(917) 572-7364 (Cell)

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NF APAR OA15539 for Health Checker

2007-02-24 Thread Peter Relson
Why not just change the bleepin' default?

Perhaps you would rather we were an operating system that makes you
recompile every line of source with every new release?

We do not change defaults lightly. And try never to do so in the service

Not everyone runs Health Checker

They should.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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2007-02-24 Thread Robert Bell
Went back to the vtam definitions and discovered the PRTCT parameter was
specified. Modified it to match the session key, still get rc24.
Delete the parameter and now at least I get IST messages that I can deal with.

Thanks for all the help


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Re: Do I need to setup APPC/MVS?

2007-02-24 Thread Chris Mason


I have reviewed your files and tried to find something useful in the PCOMM 
manual - also the so-called Quick Beginnings.

I see no reference to APPC3270 in the .acg file. Maybe APPC3270 is tied to 
using AnyNet SNA over IP in some way. If the only way to be able to enter 
the Attachment type APPC3270 is with an AnyNet SNA over IP logical link, 
you might try to define one and never activate it.

Regarding a detail in the .acg file, in general, you do not actually need to 
define any local LUs since you necessarily define a CP and a CP can always 
be used as a local LU.

Otherwise, the .acg file looks unexceptionable.

In a way, APPC3270 is unnecessary since DLUR/DLUS supports the same function 
and is more strategic. Thus it wouldn't surprise me that APPC3270 works 
only in obsolete configurations.


- Original Message - 
From: Johnny Luo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Do I need to setup APPC/MVS?


I have sent you a mail offline including a document about my whole
configuration process.

I didn't find any IBM manuals about APPC3270 over EEDLC using PCOMM.

Here you can find the docs about IBM Personal Communications 5.9 but they
only talk about APPC3270 over ANYNET briefly.


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Re: License keys for ISV products(Cole Software's view)

2007-02-24 Thread Edward Jaffe

Jon Brock wrote:

...  A unified license key scheme could avoid some of the pain associated with 
the subject.

It was called ILM (IBM License Manager). The project crashed and burned.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: IBMers Missing In Action (was RE: NF APAR OA15539 for Health Checker)

2007-02-24 Thread Craddock, Chris
  Haven't heard from Mark Thomen in a while on this list.
 Likewise Greg Dyck.
 Perhaps they retired??

They're both alive and well - and presumably too busy to bother with
ibm-main. I spent some time with Mark at SHARE in Tampa. Greg wasn't


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Re: NF APAR OA15539 for Health Checker

2007-02-24 Thread Mark Zelden
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:42:48 -0500, Peter Relson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why not just change the bleepin' default?

Perhaps you would rather we were an operating system that makes you
recompile every line of source with every new release?

That's a little strong...

We do not change defaults lightly. And try never to do so in the service

Fine, I can understand that.  Then this one could have been 
changed on a release boundary.  But again - if it is recommended
to run with it on, then a poor default was probably chosen to 
begin with.  And I do understand that defaults don't get changed
lightly... especially if they may break something.  I don't see
that being an issue in this particular case. But defaults do get
changed.  Look at BLOCKTOKENSIZE for z/OS 1.7 vs. 1.8.  After
some user experiences I guess IBM realized the 1.7 default 
should be changed.  But the comparison is a little different
here because you could change the default in a parmlib member
as opposed to having to issue an operator command post IPL.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: replaceing 3745

2007-02-24 Thread Maarten Slegtenhorst

'Minimum change in configuration'  will be difficult.
How about Enterprise Extender? ( SNA through TCP/IP )
You would have to change your hosts from subarea to APPN.

How are the branch-offices currently connected?
Using DLSW?

More information is needed about the current network configuration.

Be aware it will not be an easy process and lots of testing is needed.

You might also try the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.

Maarten Slegtenhorst

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-

Hi all,

I know that my question is not completely related to this list,however I
hope that some one can have advice or comment. We are using
NCP/Token-Ring interconnection physical and logical lines,and using
automatic LINE and PU 
generation with the AUTOGEN facility in LOGICAL GROUP,and by using VTAM
switched major node we are connecting more than 2000 branches of a bank
to M/F(using three 3745).Our manager wants to replace communication
controller(3745) to OSA-express. Is it possible this replacement with
minimum change in configuration and the protocol? I would appreciate any
insight or help anyone may have.

Thank you in advance
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Re: Did schools ever teach systems programming other than NIU was Re: help -- ignorant new boss

2007-02-24 Thread Dave Jones
For what it's worth, Houston Community College System, here in Harris
County, TX, offers an IBM Enterprise Server Certificate path:


On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:44:45 -0500, Robert Fake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I attended (now defunct) Computer Learning Center in Northern Virginia in
1978, right out of high school.  Like Eric mentioned, no systems
programming, but mainframe basics (bits, bytes) and Cobol, Assembler and
RPG.  All work was done on a 360/xx and punched cards.  Had to wait
overnight to get your results back (unlike today when you can debug your
syntax with the compiler by running it however many times a day.)

They taught Cobol first, which was easier to understand and code, but hard
to debug.  Then they taught us Assembler.  That's when the light bulb came
on.  It was then that I understood how to debug my Cobol and a love for
reading dumps.

Robert B. Fake
InfoSec, Inc.
703-825-1202 (o)
571-241-5492 (c)
949-203-0406 (efax)
Visit us at

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Re: License keys for ISV products(What alternatives are there?)

2007-02-24 Thread Joel C. Ewing
Since probably the most important function of a System Programmer is to 
provide a stable Operating System platform for production applications 
(typically requiring a number of ISV products), and to do this while 
juggling software release changes, software maintenance, and changes in 
hardware, it is not surprising that system programmers (and enlightened 
managers) would be irked at anything that makes that task more 
difficult, and especially at any product whose license key management 
introduces additional points of failure into the process.

If a hard failure occurs in a critical ISV product because of a bad 
license key, this potentially affects many application, large numbers of 
end users, and costs the company real money.  It makes no difference 
whether the outage is caused by an ISV failure to supply correct keys or 
by some error on our part in the installation process, the effect on the 
end user is equally bad.

Particularly in the case of processor upgrades, or in DR, there is no 
reliable way for us to verify that new keys from the vendors are correct 
and correctly installed until we are running on the new processor.  If 
they aren't and a hard failure results, there is a high likelihood that 
this failure will be seen in some way by the end users, even if the 
vendor key support is 24x7.

While I can understand the vendors concerns, my goal is to focus on our 
own system reliability and the needs of our end users; and any hard 
failures in ISV products are an enemy of that goal.

Eric N. Bielefeld wrote:
I think its interesting that so many sysprogs on the list hate keys so 
much. I think a lot of it is just poor business practices when you can't 
get a key in time.  Yes, there are a few vendors who are only available 
9-5 M-F, which could be a problem in a real disaster, but most of the 
major ones can respond 24 by 7.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Lands End
Dodgeville, Wisconsin


Joel C. Ewing, Fort Smith, AR[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Did schools ever teach systems programming other than NIU was Re: help -- ignorant new boss

2007-02-24 Thread Bill Seubert
In the early 1980s, I got a BS in Comp Sci. at the University of MO -
Columbia.  The Scientific Programming track included IBM Assembler and
PL/I as the main languages, and there were two Systems Programming classes -
a 300 and a 400 (graduate) level class.  I took 'em both - both required the
Assembler class as a prereq.  CS351 was basically an intro to MVS and its
architecture (was vaguely similar to the old MVS Structure and Logic class),
and the CS451 taught some really cool internal stuff.  We used VM as our
development platform.  In 451, we wrote assembler programs to do stuff like
access PDS directories and wrote a channel program.  Ah, those were the days...

Bill Seubert
System z I/T Architect
IBM Corporation

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Re: License keys for ISV products(What alternatives are there?)

2007-02-24 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 20:25:24 -0600 Joel C. Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

:Particularly in the case of processor upgrades, or in DR, there is no 
:reliable way for us to verify that new keys from the vendors are correct 
:and correctly installed until we are running on the new processor.  If 
:they aren't and a hard failure results, there is a high likelihood that 
:this failure will be seen in some way by the end users, even if the 
:vendor key support is 24x7.

In the case of a processor upgrade: if you get a hard error during production
due to a bad ISV key, your testing criteria are way too lax.

In the case of DR: if you do test runs, you will be quite aware of this issue.
If you never do test runs, refer to the processor upgrade above. If you do
not test, this is not likely to be your only problem. Or a major one.

:While I can understand the vendors concerns, my goal is to focus on our 
:own system reliability and the needs of our end users; and any hard 
:failures in ISV products are an enemy of that goal.

First, work on what you can change - get your accounting people up to speed.
Keep track of the ISV products and expirations, and follow up on them.

Improve those test procedures.

Am I a little harsh? Perhaps. 

Yes, you would like to not have to worry about the ISV key, and the ISV would
love not having to worry about collecting.

But you should be aware that there is a bit of a partnership here.

Binyamin Dissen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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