Neon's zPrime - IBM response from July 10

2009-07-23 Thread JE Thinnes
If you want IBM's initial response to zPrime, ask your IBM business partner.  
You can get a letter written by Mark Anzani (IBM VP and CTO, System z) 
dated July 10.

Paragraph 4 and 5 lay out their position.

Seems like IBM thinks you might owe them more money not less if you 
implement zPrime.

Not sure if this is just FUD or not, but sounds reasonable.

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Re: Audible alarms on SMCS consoles?

2008-12-17 Thread JE Thinnes
I know this topic is a couple of months old - but - anyone using an ICC master 
console with PCOMM getting audible alarms on nondeletable messages?

If so - did you do anything special? (besides making sure the DISPLAY setting 
for SOUND ALARM was on).

Ours is not working - and the Operators are upset.

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Re: Audible alarms on SMCS consoles?

2008-12-17 Thread JE Thinnes
Yes.  We attached speakers to the PC, turned them all the way up and 
executed several .wav files to verify we could hear them.

Are you saying after you tweaked Windows, you had an ICC master console 
running PCOMM that had an audible alarms on DESC=2 (nondeletable)?

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Re: Audible alarms on SMCS consoles?

2008-12-17 Thread JE Thinnes
Just went into Windows XP Control Panel - Sounds and Audio Devices - 
Sounds tab and gave every entry a valid .wav file.

Went into PCOMM - Appearance - Display Setup - Sound and set the Clicker 
(normal), Alarm (on) and  Update Alarm (on).

When I went back to the console session, each keyboard stroke worked 
(clicker) but the alarm did not make an audible noise.

Any idea what I am missing?

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MVS 4 minute 'outage'

2009-01-07 Thread JE Thinnes
We just experienced a 4 minute 'outage' on our z/OS system.  (single image 
z/OS 1.9 system).

By 'outage', I mean we could not communicate with MVS through TSO or the 
z/OS consoles.  There is a 4 minute gap in SYSLOG.  The same for CICS, IMS 
and DB2 logs.  

There were no system dumps or other indicators.

We reviewed SYSLOG for the 15 minutes that preceeded the 'outage' and did 
not find anything.  TMONMVS had a 4 minute gap in the collector during 
the 'outage'.

Any suggestions how we can determine what happened?

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage'

2009-01-07 Thread JE Thinnes
Thanks Mark.  EREP is running now.  IBM had the same suggestion.

071 indicates Spin Loop action taken.

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage'

2009-01-08 Thread JE Thinnes
Thanks for all the suggestions.

Update.  We experienced another 'hang' lasting 2 minutes.  LOGREC indicated 
SFTABN (S0222) on the same low priority batch job before both hangs.  The 
programmer indicated the job was doing many inserts/updates to various DB2 
tables before it was canceled (this was on a test DB2 system).

We opened an incident with IBM - they indicated a DB2 roll back could not 
have caused the hang of the Console address space.  

We are still persuing with IBM.

Are the any z/OS 1.9 uniprocessor configs out there?  Have any default 
settings changed in 1.9 that I should look at?  I am reviewing a uniprocessor 
white paper from Dec 2006.  Any other ideas??

Answers to questions from other posters questions:

LOGREC did not indicated any ABEND071.

Environment.  2096-R01 (1CP with 1 zIIP and 2 IFL).  4 LPARs (2 z/OS 2 
LINUX).  Only 2 are active (the z/OS 1.9 in question and 1 test LINUX).  z/OS 
does not run under z/VM.

IBM reports no 'phone home' events.  No messages on the HMC. 

Problems happened at 10:47-10:51 and 13:28-13:30.

SMF/RMF INTVAL(30) SYNCVAL(30) at top and bottom of hour.  Nothing of 
consequence ended before the problem (except the DB2 test batch job 
mentioned above).

The highest priority batch job we have is IMP=4.

Not sure about the DASD caching stats in RMF.

The DASD is an EMC DMX4 (new as of Dec 08).  It is shared with the other 
LPARs and some open systems.  The new DASD is connected via 4 FICON.  
This replaced a DMX2 connected by 24 ESCON.  The devices are mirrored to 
an off site device.  However, there were no reported DASD hardware or 
communication problems.

No IPLs during the hangs.

No hit the stop button.

The new DMX4 has a 4 minute MIH setting.  The second problem was 2 
minutes long.

There were TCPIP error messages after the hang - they were attributed to 
being the victim not the cause.


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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage'

2009-01-08 Thread JE Thinnes
Had another hang today - 6 minutes 50 seconds.

HMC SAD indicated 100% utilization in supervisor state.

RMF indicated the DB2xMSTR was the big CPU user.  The DB2 test batch job 
was not canceled this time but rather completed rc=0 - just as the system 
came back.

IBM asked for a dump (which has been sent), suggested an increase to TRACE 
(TRACE ST,3M) and asked for a dump to be taken as close to the next hang 
as possible.  We considered Jim Mulder's suggestion of writing a small stimer 
program or using OPS/MVS - but decided to issue the DUMP command on 
the 'hung' console.  When the system free's up - the dump will be taken.

I've asked the programmer NOT submit the possible causing batch job until I 
can get the system in a more controlled environment this weekend.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage' (update)

2009-01-14 Thread JE Thinnes
We were able to recreate this problem in a controlled environment last night.  
A dump was taken right as the 'hang' ended.  

IBM's first take (more to come today) - WLM SRVCLASS=TESTONL has a 
RESOURCE cap.  The DB2 batch job causes the cap to be reached.  

Because we have so many address spaces in this service class (80+ test 
address spaces (AS)
DB2 - 2 subsystem with 11+ AS
IMS - 6 subsystems with 37 AS which includes MPRs
CICS - 31 regions)
WLM caps all the address spaces, when it gets finished, it is time to uncap 
them all - then it repeats.

When this SRVCLASS was set up there were many fewer address spaces using 

Time for a review.

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage' (update)

2009-01-14 Thread JE Thinnes
IBM is still digesting the dump.

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage' (final update)

2009-01-21 Thread JE Thinnes
IBM DB2 support determined the 'hang' problem was caused by a DB2 
application program.  Without getting into details, DB2 does a 'suspend for 
commit' that can take 7+ CPU minutes to complete.

DB2 support suggests we fix our application (which I agree we should).  
However, it seems like the DB2 code should not be able to cause a 7+ minute 
MVS 'outage'. 

Am I wrong to think the DB2 code should be fixed too?

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Re: MVS 4 minute 'outage' (final update)

2009-01-22 Thread JE Thinnes

you are correct - no commit.  Thanks for the input.

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Re: CA to IBM product swap

2007-09-17 Thread JE Thinnes
Thank you for?the responses so far (via list and private email).

For clarification, this proposal was made to management.? There is a pile of $$ 
on one side saying make the swap.? I am?trying to validate the 
proposal?technically (functionality, ease of use, performace, resource 

The CA products work fine at this shop.? I am being given a brief amount of 
time to raise technical issues with the replacement products.? The learning 
curve and cultural issues have already been raised.

Right now I am looking at product web sites and talking to references.? Are 
there other resources I should be reviewing?!

BTW - we are a small shop z9 (O02) with relatively small technical and 
operational staffs.? GDPS is probably not in our future.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 3:24 pm
Subject: CA to IBM product swap

It looks like we my be swapping out some CA products and replacing them 
with IBM 'equivalents' to save big $$.  I know the success of replacing a 
product has much to do with how it is used.  Having said that  - let me know 
your experience with any of the following swaps and IBM's SMPO.  Any info 
would be appreciated, including product features or comparisons.  I'm 
currently reviewing the product websites.  Any other good sites? Any cautions?

ACF2  ===> RACF 
CA1===> RMM 
CA7===> Tivoli TWS 
CA11  ===> Tivoli TWS 
AutoSys  ===> Tivoli TWS 
SmartCon===> Tivoli TWS 
OPS/MVS===> AF/Operator 
Allocate  ===> DFSMS 
MIM   ===> GRS  

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

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Re: z9 Crypto Express2 usage

2008-06-25 Thread JE Thinnes

higher level of tape encryption to start.  I have not seen regulatory 
requirements.  Not sure about the TKE.  Like I said, we are at the very 
beginning and I know next to nothing.

I saw several of your posts from earlier this year.  (were you at 5/3 in 
Cincinnati?)  If you are now a gun for hire - we might be interested in some 
guidance, if the price is right.

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