Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Bill Richter
It appears that Google architecture is the antithesis of conventional 
mainframe application achitecture in all aspects.

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Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread Phil Payne
Just a shame it doesn't actually work.  Ask any webmaster.  Or check out the 
discussion groups
on WebMasterWorld.

Start at and read.  Disaster after 
disaster - no search
integrity at all. too - "Big Daddy" is a disaster 
that Google is
desperately trying to out from under.

Simple test - do a search on Google.  Any search.  Let it default to 10 hits 
per page, and
collect all the pages.

Then repeat the search, asking for 100 hits per page.

Compare the results.  They will be different.  What they don't tell you is that 
each of your
10-per-page searches might be served by a different data center, using 
different indices and
different databases.

Google is a sham, as perusal of the sources above will rapidly show.  It 
succeeds because the
mass of people trust what computers produce and there are no checks or 
balances.  Internet
search engines are the largest unregulated aspect of human activity.

And Google's database(s) are also hopelessly out of date.  I have logs from my 
web site that
show Google (despite its "sitemaps" programme) simply hasn't spidered changed 
pages for weeks.
MSN, Yahoo, Ask (and even IBM Almaden) visit much more frequently.

If any serious CMG-type person did a rigorous analysis of Google and published 
it, the stock
price would crater.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread Phil Payne
Google's solution is simply not scaling.  Period.  Check out the complaints of 
massive page
loss both on 28th March and 26th April.

A lot of people have been suggesting that Google might move to "mainframes" - 
although they
don't seem to mean zSeries.  Perhaps a POWER or BladeServer solution.  Perhaps 
Someone from IBM should be talking to these people.  And probably is.

As for the currency of Google's results - they're ordure (avoiding too many 
netnanny bounces).
I can prove it - I have the logs and I've posted details in many of the 
webmaster forums.

The most intensive spiderer (?) at present is Yahoo, by a country mile.  The 
most up to date
index is MSN - no doubt whatsoever about it.  Ask is pretty well up there too.  
Google is
MILES behind on both currency and content.

Search Usenet for "the Google dance".  Check out 
every now and

(P.S.  Object REXX is just GREAT for web server log analysis.  Perhaps SAS 
would be better,
but .)

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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Google Architecture

2006-06-30 Thread Phil Payne
I tend to retain my effusive moments for things that work.

The latest of many "Google Datacenter" threads.  I don't care about Google's 
p/r spin and the amount of mutual back-slapping they go in for - their system 
just doesn't

You can read in the cited thread, in the rest of that forum, or all over Usenet 
about the
"Google dance" - a generic term   Check out the site - 
which compares
the indices in 39 disparate
Google data centers.  It stabilised sometime this morning - but you will 
sometimes see
three-to-one discrepancies across the system.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Steve Flynn

On 01/06/06, Bill Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears that Google architecture is the antithesis of conventional
mainframe application achitecture in all aspects.

You may find this an interesting readd too...
Despair - It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black...

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Craddock, Chris
> It appears that Google architecture is the antithesis of conventional
> mainframe application achitecture in all aspects.

Yup. That's what I've been telling you guys for the last couple of
years. There are other approaches out there that are becoming pretty
successful. I would not want to build a banking application that way,
but for "drive-by" browsing where the integrity/reproducibility of the
results isn't so important, theirs is the way to go.


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Kirk Talman
Acutally financial query might use this architecture, except that the 
significant difference between this workload and "typical commercial" 
workloads -- they do no updates.  Therefore no data integrity issues.

Even a bankcard authorization requires the recording in a reliable way of 
the details of the query.  And if the transaction completes, the further 
recording of the details attendant to the completion.

Another bonus Google has is that they say they write all their own 
software.  If that includes a modifed or proprietary opsys, no need to 
wory about virues, etc.

Reminds me of the tradeoffs that used to tilt the balance between 
off-the-shelf electronics and ASICs.

There is a subtext here.  If their business is so unique, new entrants 
have a significant barrier to entry.  New entrants will either have a 
significant upfront development cost prior to initiation of the revenue 
stream or will have to develop on off-the-shelf hardware/software and 
migrate to specialization.

What I would like to see is the paper where Google talks about how to beat 
the "garbage-in/garbage-out" syndrome that generates a million hits on a 
query, most of which are commercial sites, most of which are porn sites.

IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote on 06/01/2006 
11:36:43 AM:

> > It appears that Google architecture is the antithesis of conventional
> > mainframe application achitecture in all aspects.

> >

> Yup. That's what I've been telling you guys for the last couple of
> years. There are other approaches out there that are becoming pretty
> successful. I would not want to build a banking application that way,
> but for "drive-by" browsing where the integrity/reproducibility of the
> results isn't so important, theirs is the way to go.

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Bill Richter wrote:
It appears that Google architecture is the antithesis of conventional 
mainframe application achitecture in all aspects.

and the difference between that and loosely-coupled or parallel sysplex?

long ago and far away, my wife was con'ed to going to POK to be in 
charge of loosely-coupled architecture ... she was in the same 
organization with the guy in charge of tightly-coupled architecture. 
while she had come up with peer-coupled shared data architecture

it was tough slogging because all the attention was focused on 
tightly-coupled architecture at the time. also she had battles with the 
sna forces ... who wanted control of all communication that left the 
processor complex (i.e. outside of direct disk i/o, etc).

part of the problem was that in the early days of SNA ... she had 
co-authored a "peer-to-peer" network architecture with Bert Moldow ... 
AWP39 (somewhat viewed in competition with sna). while SNA was tailored 
for centralized control of a large number of dumb terminals ... it was 
decidedly lacking in doing peer-to-peer operations with large numbers of 
intelligent peers.

a trivial example was sjr had done cluster 4341 implementation used 
highly optimized peer-to-peer protocols running over a slightly modified 
trotter/3088 (i.e. eventually came out as conventional ctca ... but with 
interconnection for eight processors/channels). peer-to-peer, 
asynchronous could achieve cluster synchronization in under a second 
elapsed time (for eight processors). doing the same thing with SNA 
increased the elapsed time to approx. a minute. the group was forced to 
only release the SNA-based implementation to customers ... which 
obviously had severe scaling properties as the numbers in a cluster 

the communication division did help with significant uptake of PCs in 
the commercial environment. a customer could replace a dumb 327x with a 
PC for approx. the same price, get datacenter terminal emulation 
connectivity and in the same desktop footprint also have some local 
computing capability. as a result, you also found the communication 
group with a large install base of products in the terminal emulation 
market segment (with tens of millions of emulated dumb terminals)

in the late 80s, we had come up with 3-tier architecture (as an 
extension to 2-tier, client/server) and were out pitching it to customer 
executives. however, the communication group had come up with SAA which 
was oriented trying to stem the tide moving to peer-to-peer networking, 
client/server, and away from dumb terminals. as a result, we tended to 
take a lot of heat from the SAA forces.

in the same time frame, a senior engineer from the disk group in san 
jose managed to sneek a talk into the internal, annual world-wide 
communication conference. he began his talk with the statement that the 
communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the 
disk division. basically the disk division had been coming up with all 
sorts of high-thruput, peer-to-peer network capability for PCs and 
workstations to access the datacenter mainframe disk farms. the 
communication was constantly opposing the efforts, protecting the 
installed base of terminal emulation products. recent reference to

that talk: Can anythink kill x86-64?

i had started the high-speed data transport project in the early 80s ... 

and had a number of T1 (1.5mbit) and higher speed links for various 
high-speed backbone applications. one friday, somebody in the 
communication group started an internal discussion on high-speed 
communication with some definitions ... recent posting referencing this

  low-speed   <9.6kbits
  high-speed  56kbits
  very high-speed 1.5mbits

the following monday, i was in the far-east talking about purchasing 
some hardware and they had the following definitions on their conference 
room wall

  low-speed   >20mbits
  high-speed  200-300mbits
  very high-speed >600mbits

part of this was the communication division 37xx product line only 
supported up to 56kbit links. They had recently done a study to 
determine if T1 support was required ... which concluded that in 8-10 
years there would only be 200 mainframe customers requiring T1 
communication support. The issue could have been that the people doing 
the study were suppose to come up with the results supporting the 
current product line ... or maybe they didn't understand the evolving 

Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-01 Thread Craddock, Chris
Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> >
> and the difference between that and loosely-coupled or parallel

GOOGLE is certainly a loosely coupled architecture, but as you of all
people would know, there are significant differences between that and a
parallel sysplex. The main feature they (and Amazon as well btw) focus
on is the full burdened price of their computational units including
power, cooling, footprint etc. and that makes economic sense for them
given the nature of their business application.

In sysplex the computational unit is an LPAR and even with the most
wildly optimistic assumptions, any LPAR in a parallel sysplex is orders
of magnitude more expensive than any commodity PC. Totaling up the full
burden for an LPAR only puts that comparison further out of the park.

The economics of system design changes in fundamental ways when the
computational units approach a throw-away price level. LPAR, z/OS and
sysplex have extremely clever and successful, but complex processing for
RAS. z/OS has a healthy fraction of its code devoted to isolating and
recovering from failures at every level from an individual task all the
way up to sparing an LPAR out of the plex and driving recovery on other

The GOOGLE folks just accept that many things are going to be broken a
lot of the time, so a throw-away mentality is not so whacky in their
world. It really is possible to build highly reliable systems from
commodity parts if you're prepared to write a lot of smart software.
What has not happened (yet) is productization of that stuff. When that
does come, "look out!"


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craddock, Chris) writes:

GOOGLE is certainly a loosely coupled architecture, but as you of all
people would know, there are significant differences between that and a
parallel sysplex. The main feature they (and Amazon as well btw) focus
on is the full burdened price of their computational units including
power, cooling, footprint etc. and that makes economic sense for them
given the nature of their business application.

so the issue is effectively how fast fault isolation/recovery/tolerant
technology becomes commodized. this is somewhat the scenario that
happened with RAID ... when they first appeared, they were frequently
depreciated compared to "mainframe" DASD ... but since then, they've
effectively turned into the standard.

for a little drift, i've repeated several times before what I did for
i/o supervisor for the dasd engineering and product test labs
(bldg. 14 & bldg 15)

they had "testcells" ... basically hardware under development ...  the
term testcells somewhat come from the security provisions ...  the
test hardware were in individual heavy steel mesh "cages" (testing
cells) ... inside a secured machine room.

they had tried doing testing in an operating system environment
... but at the time, MVS had a MTBF of 15 mins operating with a single
testcell. i undertook to rewrite the i/o supervisor so that it would
never fail ... even when operating half-dozen to a dozen testcells
concurrently  allowing the processor complex then to also be used
for some number of other tasks concurrently.

bldg 14/15 tended to get early engineering models of processors ...
also as part of disk testing. however, in the "stand-alone" mode of
operation ... the processors were dedicated to scheduled i/o testing
(which tended to be less than one percent cpu utilization).

with the bullet proof i/o supervisor ... the idle cpu could be put to
other tasks. at one point, bldg. 15 got the first engineering 3033
(outside of POK) dedicated for disk i/o testing. however, once we had
testing going on in an operating system environment, we could take
advantage of essentially, an otherwise idle processor.

one of the applications that we moved onto the machine was the air
bearing modeling that was going on as part of the development of the
3380 floating heads. SJR had a 370/195 that was being operated as an
internal service ... and the air bearing modeling might get an hour or
so a couple times a month. however, with essentially an idle 3033
sitting across the street ... we could drastically improve that (the
370/195 was peak rated around 10mips ... but most codes ran in the
5mip range ... and the 3033 was in the 4.5mip range ... but
essentially unlimited amounts of 3033 time was still better than a
couple hrs of 370/195 time a couple times a month).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Acutally financial query might use this architecture, except that the 
significant difference between this workload and "typical commercial" 
workloads -- they do no updates.  Therefore no data integrity issues.

re: Google Architecture Google Architecture

we took some amount of heat in the 80s from the communication group
working on high-speed data transport
and 3-tier architecture (as extension of 2-tier, client/server)

then in the early 90s ... when we were working on scaling
non-mainframe loosely-coupled for the commercial market

we got hit and told we couldn't work on anything involving
more than four processors ... minor reference:

however, the cluster scaling has evolved in a number of ways.
high-energy physics picked it up and evolved it as something called
GRID. a number of vendors also contributed a lot of work on GRID
technology and since are out pushing it in various commercial market
segments ... including financial. some of the early financial adopters
are using GRID for doing complex financial analysis in real-time.

some topic drift ... i gave a talk a couple years ago at the
global grid forum

 select "GGF11-desing-security-nakedkey" in the above.

misc. GRID related news article in the commercial market

Investment Banks Using Grid Computing Models
ASPEED Taking Financial Grids to the Next Level
Wachovia uses grid technology to speed up transaction apps
Grid Computing That Heals Itself
GRID WORLD 2006: New IBM software brings autonomic computing to Grids

as somewhat referenced in a couple of the above ("batch processing
going back 50 years")... bringing "batch" to GRID can be somewhat
viewed as JES3 on steroids. before getting con'ed into going to pok to
be in charge of loosely coupled architecture

my wife had been in the JES group in g'burg. She had been one of the
catchers for ASP ... as part of its transformation into JES3. She had
also done a business analysis of the major JES2 and JES3 features as
part of proposal for creating a merged product.  however, that never
made it very far ... in part because of a lot of internal politics.

random past posts mentioning jes3: Computer of the century Mainframe operating systems Mainframe operating systems OT? OT? 7090 vs. 7094 etc. Wheeler and Wheeler The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid OCO Crazy idea: has it been done? MVS 3.8J and NJE via CTC IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033 Collating on the S/360-2540 
card reader? HASP: origin of the UNIX dd command If the x86 ISA could be redone Infiniband - practicalities 
for small clusters spool What system Release do you 
use... OS390? z/os? I'm a Vendor S JES unification project hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3

Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

however, the cluster scaling has evolved in a number of ways.
high-energy physics picked it up and evolved it as something called
GRID. a number of vendors also contributed a lot of work on GRID
technology and since are out pushing it in various commercial market
segments ... including financial. some of the early financial adopters
are using GRID for doing complex financial analysis in real-time.

re: Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture

recent news article from yesterday

Cern seeks to tighten security for data grid

from above:

Although large data grids are only starting to be used in business, Cern 
is seeing a lot of interest from industry. The lab is developing grids 
that will reach across organisational boundaries, allowing multiple 
institutions to share resources.

‘Businesses are now becoming interested in this kind of grid,’ said 
Grey. ‘Its use could enable suppliers and companies to share resources 
and large corporations to share information between business units. Grid 
technology will only be adopted if the right type of security solutions 
are available.’

... snip ...

other references:

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-02 Thread Timothy Sipples
Google's CEO has made some interesting comments recently about their
current IT architecture, its viability, and its costs:

Here's the section of particular relevance:

Google continued to make substantial capital investments, mainly in
computer servers, networking equipment and its data centers. It spent $345
million on such items in the first quarter, more than double the level of
last year. Yahoo, its closest rival, spent $142 million on capital expenses
in the first quarter.

Referring to the sheer volume of Web site information, video and e-mail
that Google's servers hold, Schmidt said: "Those machines are full. We have
a huge machine crisis."

Jordan Rohan of RBC Capital Markets called Google's capital spending
"unfathomably high," noting that it spent the same percentage of its
revenue on equipment as a wire-line phone company.

"If Google's market share continues to increase, and its position as the
central hub of the Internet is reinforced, an extra $1 billion is a
worthwhile investment," Rohan said. "The day market share peaks, we have a

- - - - -

$345 million in capital expenses alone (excluding the tall operating
expenses for that pile). In one quarter. Good grief. Those cheap servers
aren't so cheap. Also, Google's service availability is bad and seems to be
getting worse. (Blogger is a mess.) Google's CEO sounds like he's starting
to understand that something has to change, to his credit.

There are some alternative architectures out there. For example, how does
Lexis-Nexis do their work? What's their service availability?

[ Speaking for myself. ]

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect, z9/zSeries
IBM Japan, Ltd.
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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-04 Thread Craddock, Chris
Lynn Wheeler wrote: 
> so the issue is effectively how fast fault isolation/recovery/tolerant
> technology becomes commodized. this is somewhat the scenario that
> happened with RAID ... when they first appeared, they were frequently
> depreciated compared to "mainframe" DASD ... but since then, they've
> effectively turned into the standard.

I believe so. The parallel with the RAID experience is pretty striking
and ought to be sobering. GOOGLE, Yahoo, Amazon and others of their ilk
are really pushing the envelope with their focus on low-cost. That
approach has taken them in some surprising directions in terms of their
use of (data/function) duplication and redundancy and the associated
impacts on traditional OLTP thinking. 

Of course, if you're indexing the entire internet those low-cost
thingies can still add up to big numbers, but it would be a mistake
(IMO) to assume we could to it any cheaper/more efficiently with a
traditional mainframe-based system design. It might be possible, but
there are reasons to think it might not go well for the traditionalists.

Pat Helland (formerly with Tandem and MS, now with Amazon) has written
some very lucid and entertaining discussions about how economics are
changing their system design points. He was one of the originators of
the Tandem Non-Stop transaction system and a life-long transaction
processing bigot. Now he's talking openly about his ACID apostasy. If
Pat is ready to cast that aside, I think everyone else ought to at least
take it seriously.

At present the big 3 online companies are big enough and cash rich
enough that they can afford a lot of awfully smart people developing
these things for their own internal use in their online stores and
search engines. I am wondering what will happen if/when they decide to
commoditize and sell their technology on the open market. Although I
know Pat pretty well, I have zero inside knowledge on whether such a
thing is even being contemplated. It is just my own idle speculation
based on observation of the potential market upside. 


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-05 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Craddock, Chris wrote:

Pat Helland (formerly with Tandem and MS, now with Amazon) has written
some very lucid and entertaining discussions about how economics are
changing their system design points. He was one of the originators of
the Tandem Non-Stop transaction system and a life-long transaction
processing bigot. Now he's talking openly about his ACID apostasy. If
Pat is ready to cast that aside, I think everyone else ought to at least
take it seriously.

a lot of the ACID (and TPC) stuff originated with Jim. When Jim left 
system/r group (original relational/sql implementation):

and went to tandem, we would frequently drop by and visit him. In fact, 
I got blaimed for something called tandem memos ... couple posts with 
minor refs:

Later when we were doing ha/cmp (on non-mainframe platform)

and out preaching availability and scale-up on commodity priced hardware

Jim and I had some disagreements ... of course he was with DEC at the 
time, and they were pitching vax/clusters.

Of course, later he was up on the stage announcing commodity priced 
clusters for scale-up and availability.

for other drift ... a recent thread discussing some vax/vms and 
mid-range mainframe market somewhat from late 70s through later 80s.

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread R.S.
The only thing I can complement is there is not better engine than 
Google, is there ?
So, I'm going to keep using google, until find something better. Can be 
mainframe based if you want. Or audi (car) based, I don't care.

BTW: outdated pages are quite useful somtimes. I found the information 
which was already deleted from original page. I can use oudated copy.

I like it. Usually such pages are far from first three hits.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread Gilbert Saint-Flour
On Tuesday 06 June 2006 08:56, Phil Payne wrote:

> ... The most intensive spiderer (?) at present is Yahoo, ...

Perhaps, but quantity isn't synonym with quality.  From what I see in my 
Web server's logs, Yahoo! "stutters" a lot, i.e. it reads the same page 
two, three or four times a day.  And it takes weeks to update its 
index, at least for pages on my site.

> The most up to date index is MSN - no doubt whatsoever about it.  

True, but you have to put things in perspective.  MSN Search has only 
been in business for a little over a year, and they don't have to carry 
ten years of baggage like Google and Yahoo.  Furthermore, MSN Search 
very often produces a lot fewer hits than Google or Yahoo.  
As MSN Search matures, expect them to have the same performance, 
accuracy and reliability problems as Yahoo and Google have today.


 Gilbert Saint-Flour
 GSF Software

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread Charles Mills
I think you're applying the wrong criteria. If I go to my bank's Web site
and ask to see all of my accounts, I want consistent (and consistently
correct) results. But when I do a Web search, I just want relevant results -
in fact there is no "correct" so why should I care about consistent? Why
should I care if I do the same Google search twice and the number eight and
nine results are different? Or even if the first and second hits are
different? I care that the top ten or so pages are "good" results. It would
be nice to think that they are the best of all possible results, but that's
impossible - the "best" page may have been published fifteen minutes ago.

You're looking at a race car and complaining that it wouldn't be very good
at pulling a plow. Google is not a financial tool that has to balance at the
end of the day. It's a search tool. If you search for something twice (in
your sock drawer, your bookshelf, your physical desktop, or on Google)
you're likely to get different results. If you find what you're looking for,
you're still going to be happy.

Google-bashing is the new Microsoft-bashing (which in turn was the new


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Phil Payne
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 2:04 AM
Subject: Google Architecture

Just a shame it doesn't actually work.  Ask any webmaster.  Or check out the
discussion groups
on WebMasterWorld.

Start at and read.  Disaster after
disaster - no search
integrity at all. too - "Big Daddy" is a
disaster that Google is
desperately trying to out from under.

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-06 Thread Skip Robinson
A slightly different spin. Perhaps the model for Google and the other 
mega-search engines actually represents a niche market: the gleaning and 
somewhat orderly presentation of random atoms of the world wide web. 
That's a gargantuan 'niche' in topographic scope, but narrow in this 
respect: a query only needs to get back an answer that satisfies the asker 
within the first few dozen guesses. I'm always amazed when Google 
satisfies me within the first handful of guesses, but I don't demand 
instant gratification. I'll browse through a screen or two, then try to 
reformulate the query. I can quickly skip over most off-base guesses, and 
I tolerate repetitive guesses that show up along the way. But since each 
query costs me nothing but time, I can afford to circle the wagons and 
chip away at the chaos until some semblance of intelligence appears. 
Furthermore, my motivation for asking is often recreational: scratching 
the curiosity itch or settling a friendly dispute. I don't gamble, so 
front line profit/loss is seldom a factor. 

Meanwhile, Google makes money not from the answers they shovel my way but 
from the advertizers who pay to peddle their wares on page displays. The 
more times I reformulate an unsatisfied question, the more hits Google 
racks up. This is not a conspiracy, just the way it works. I keep at it 
because Google usually delivers. Eventually. I'm induced to persevere 
because every query costs me the same: nothing. 

Contrast this model to a traditional business enterprise I once worked at. 
(Then) TRW Business Credit service collected accounts receivable data from 
all manner of suppliers large and small. A potential creditor would query 
the financial soundness a new customer by pulling a report of how well the 
buyer was paying bills to other suppliers. Standard inquiry stuff, but the 
wrinkle was the complexity of matching queries with account records in the 
data base. ABC Pipe Fitters of Duluth may sound like simple look-up, but 
subtle variations in name, address, and even supposedly unique entity 
numbers made gathering up the 'guesses' a dicey proposition. At stake here 
was not cocktail party one-upmanship but serious matters of money and 
reputation. If a report listed erroneous matches, the fallout could be 
severe: failure to note payment problems or successes could cause nasty 
results either way. Same for failure to list true matches: news too rosy 
or unfairly bad. On top of all this uncertainly, the report was paid for 
by the requestor. Two reports cost twice as much as one. And two reports 
on the same business had better be identical or the requestor would be 
hopping unhappy. We employed several folks not then prominent in the IT 
industry to exercise and hone the search mechanism. It was a serious foray 
into fuzzy logic before I first read that term in print. And it all ran on 

Would the Google model have worked in that business environment? Not with 
the flaws pointed out in this thread. How about querying your bank or 
credit card online? Your utility usage? Your school records or the 
maintenance history of your car? In such environments, what you demand is 
a few good answers. 

So, other than the 'niche' market of roaming the web in search of stems 
and pieces of information ranging from titillating to useless, what real 
business would put up with Google's imprecision? Who could afford to?

"Craddock, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
06/04/2006 01:47 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


Re: Google Architecture

Of course, if you're indexing the entire internet those low-cost
thingies can still add up to big numbers, but it would be a mistake
(IMO) to assume we could to it any cheaper/more efficiently with a
traditional mainframe-based system design. It might be possible, but
there are reasons to think it might not go well for the traditionalists.



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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-07 Thread Phil Smith III
Phil Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Simple test - do a search on Google.  Any search.  Let it default to 10 hits 
>per page, and
>collect all the pages.

>Then repeat the search, asking for 100 hits per page.

>Compare the results.  They will be different.  What they don't tell you is 
>that each of your
>10-per-page searches might be served by a different data center, using 
>different indices and
>different databases.

>Google is a sham, as perusal of the sources above will rapidly show.  It 
>succeeds because the
>mass of people trust what computers produce and there are no checks or 
>balances.  Internet
>search engines are the largest unregulated aspect of human activity.

No, Google succeeds because "Good enough is good enough" (SM, me).  It works 
well enough to satisfy end-users, so they use it.  Yes, Big Daddy is a problem; 
yes, many webmasters are unhappy; but Google continues to work well enough to 
power the Internet economy (high-falutin' words, but, in my experience, NOT 

The complaints about varied results, stale pages, intermittent spidering, etc. 
go back to ... Well, forever.  They're evidence of suboptimal-ness, not 
"failure" or "a sham".

I'm not in love with Google, have no stake in them (wish I did!), but the 
vitriol heaped upon them is unreasonable.  Google works, period.  10**n 
successful searches per day prove that empirically.


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-07 Thread Aaron Walker
Perhaps a lot of the enmity (especially in this community) toward Google is 
their success and public perception (and possible IT perception) that they 
provide the ideal IT environment - they "prove" that the cheap, distributed 
server setup is viable, even though all they really provide is rather high 
availability.  Since a lot of us have to provide similiar availability, 
with a lot better/more timely services, yes, I guess that can burn a bit 
(especially with all the crap that mainframes have to take about being 


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-07 Thread Jon Brock
I will be interested in seeing whether Google can reproduce their search-engine 
success with gmail.  When your selling point is that people can retain and 
search gigabytes of email, you can't get away with some of the things you can 
as a simple search-engine.  

As a new gmail user, I am so far underwhelmed.  It is still a work in progress, 
though, so it should be interesting times (hopefully in a good way).


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-07 Thread Timothy Sipples

Google is entering many more information service businesses than just their
popular Internet search engine.  Many of those other businesses do require
consistency in results.  Also, as Internet search matures, I think people
will expect more consistency and currency.

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect, z9/zSeries
IBM Japan, Ltd.
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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-07 Thread jim harrison
I doubt it.  All the major players in the webmail market have expanded their 
storage to match Gmail's.  And Yahoo just blew the doors off nearly everyone 
with their new beta web client.  It looks like Outlook webmail, but it's better 
and faster.  The best web app I've ever used, and I"ve hated plenty.  No - 
Gmail did not impress here either.

"Jon Brock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

> I will be interested in seeing whether Google can reproduce their 
> search-engine success with gmail. When your selling point is that people can 
> retain and search gigabytes of email, you can't get away with some of the 
> things you can as a simple search-engine. 


> As a new gmail user, I am so far underwhelmed. It is still a work in 
> progress, though, so it should be interesting times (hopefully in a good way).


> Jon

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-09 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

oh and late breaking topic drift:

Bank admits flaws in chip and PIN security
Millions at risk from chip and Pin
Millions in danger from chip and pin fraudsters
UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards

and some comments: UK Detects Chip-And-PIN 
Security Flaw UK Banks Expected To Move To 

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-13 Thread Charles Mills
"The best guess is that Google now has more than 450,000 servers spread over
at least 25 locations around the world."

en=25cfc1be85c1d603&ei=5094 watch the wrap


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-13 Thread Doc Farmer
And now they're planning a super-duper-supercomputer site as well...

- Original Message 
From: Charles Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:31:02 PM
Subject: Re: Google Architecture

"The best guess is that Google now has more than 450,000 servers spread over
at least 25 locations around the world."

en=25cfc1be85c1d603&ei=5094 watch the wrap


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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-30 Thread Bill Richter
100,000 foot view of GFS 
"GFS is not the future. But it shows us what the future can be."

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-30 Thread Bill Richter
"with the advent of Google Checkout, a heavy-duty TP application, the 
company must have one."

"What architecture is Google using to provide high-performance, large-scale 
transaction processing?"

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-10 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Inside the Google-Plex,1540,1985040,00.asp

from above:

Google runs on hundreds of thousands of servers—by one estimate, in
excess of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data
centers around the world.

... snip ...

also ..

How Google Works,1895,1985576,00.asp

past refs: Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture Google Architecture

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/10/2006 11:39:32 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

excess  of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data
centers  around the world.

>> in, google out! Guess the amazing thing is they keep all the  

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-30 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

Google runs on hundreds of thousands of servers—by one estimate, in
excess of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data
centers around the world.

re: Google Architecture

... in somewhat similar vein

Grid Is 'It' at eBay,1895,1995124,00.asp

The dramatic growth and high exposure of eBay's Web presence make it a 
rare example of a grid computing platform and application portfolio that 
are well past the pilot-project stage.

... snip ...

and for a little drift

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Homoeoteleutera / Google Architecture / sequence numbers (or whatever)

2006-07-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, john gilmore said:

> Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 13:12:44 +
> My favorite---storm warning of a big word to come---is their notional
> usefulness in avoiding homoeoteleutera; but others may well have their own,
> different favorites.

homoeoteleutera - Google Search

   homoeoteleutera__ Search   Advanced Search

   Did you mean: homoioteleuton

   No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.
   Your search - homoeoteleutera - did not match any documents.

   ©2006 Google

I'm trying to parse it as same/early/distant/good/??? with
little success.  "Homoioteleuton" could be somewhat relevant
in that sequence numbers distinguish the endings of lines.

-- gil

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Re: Homoeoteleutera / Google Architecture / sequence numbers (or whatever)

2006-07-30 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/30/2006 10:04:58 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Did you  mean: homoioteleuton

More likely homoimaginus. Has anybody written a SHARE requirement for  
SEQ/NOSEQ in IEASYS? It would probably be on the order of Y2K  compliance.

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Re: Homoeoteleutera / Google Architecture / sequence numbers (or whatever)

2006-07-31 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/30/2006 10:04:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>homoeoteleutera - Google  Search

>homoeoteleutera__ SearchAdvanced Search

>Did you mean: homoioteleuton
I did the same, clicked on Google's suggested alternate spelling, and was  
taken to a Wikipedia page on which the word was spelled "homo-" in the link  
address but consistently misspelled "home-" all through the article.  I  wonder 
now if there is a Greek-based word meaning "consistently misspelling a  word 
everywhere but in the metadata that points to it."  :-)
The "-utera" change from "-uton" that Mr. Gilmore used is clearly nothing  
more than pluralizing the Greek neuter singular noun ending of "-on" into  
although I don't understand the insertion of the "-er".  I  guess.  :-)  But 
the other discrepancies may be a genuine  misspelling.  For shame!  I wish Mr. 
Gilmore would pepper his  erudite postings with obscure Latin-based words 
rather than Greek-based, as I  studied Latin a lot more (4 years) than I did 
Greek (6 weeks).  :-)
Bottom line:  I believe the Wikipedia article explains Mr. Gilmore's  word, 
although its orthography is still uncertain.
Bill  Fairchild

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