Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-18 Thread Timothy Sipples
To oversimplify only slightly, MQ is a transport and Web services is (are)
a protocol. It's quite OK, even common, to run Web services over a JMS/MQ

If you say you want to use Web services instead of MQ, it's a bit like
saying you want to use voicemail instead of a cellular telephone network.
Instead isn't exactly the right word to connect those two concepts. You
could say something like We want to use Web services with a transport
other than JMS or MQ or We want to use Web services with an HTTPS

That might be fine or might not. If the vendor application supports that,
if it works, if it meets the non-functional requirements (reliability,
performance, maintainability, recoverability, etc.), and if the business
case is the strongest, then that's the approach I'd pick. If not, then not.

Does the vendor support Web services for integrating their application?
With what transport(s)? So far we only know about three available choices:
MQ, JMS, and Microsoft Message Queuing.

Are CICS-based application(s) the other party(ies) to the interaction(s)
with this vendor application? Or some other type of application on the

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)
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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-17 Thread Frank Swarbrick
There are alternatives.  As you say, web services is one.  I was just hoping 
for a message queuing alternative to IBM MQ.  Most likely we will go the web 
services path; I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a better alternative 
it it was available and in our price range.



From: Roberts, John J
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: MQ alternatives

There are gateway products that allow MSMQ to interface with IBM MQ.

But I think the OP wants to avoid any configuration requiring any flavor of MQ.

In this case the OP needs to ask the 3rd party vendor what other interfacing 
alternatives exist.  For example, is there a possibility for a web service 
interface?  Or is MSMQ supported w/o any need for any flavor of IBM MQ?

If a Web Service interfacing option is available, then the OP could implement 
CICS Web Services to make the connection.

If MSMQ is supported, then a Windows process to act as a relay between MSMQ 
and CICS Web Services could be developed.


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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-16 Thread Timothy Sipples
That (software licensing aware configurations) is (are) not at all unique
to mainframes. If anything, such configurations are easier to handle with
mainframes if you choose them.

My airline ticket for this coming holiday season is much more contorted,
but by gosh it's cost-optimized. :-)

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)

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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-15 Thread Timothy Sipples
Based on the information before us, I'd vote for MQ for z/OS. The vendor
just might know something here.

Keep in mind that there are never any cost-free options which involve
change. And often inertia is costly, too. Simple is good, and the most
direct (and efficient) JMS connection to z/OS is quite simply via MQ for

To expand on the MQ sub-capacity licensing point, what many shops do is
create (or use) a small(er) LPAR for MQ, then place one or a couple CICS
TORs in that LPAR (if we're talking about CICS here). Then set a softcap
for that MQ LPAR. If you have variable licensing, which you should in this
case, you'll never see an MQ charge exceeding your softcap. The CICS AORs
can be in other LPARs. That works beautifully. If you want to get slightly
more sophisticated and more highly available, you can configure an MQ
shared queue in a coupling facility. That works even more beautifully.

IBM WebSphere MQ is available for many platforms, including Microsoft
Windows. IBM WMQ is not at all the same thing as Microsoft Message Queuing.

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)
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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-15 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2011-10-15 13:29, Timothy Sipples pisze:

To expand on the MQ sub-capacity licensing point, what many shops do is
create (or use) a small(er) LPAR for MQ, then place one or a couple CICS
TORs in that LPAR (if we're talking about CICS here). Then set a softcap
for that MQ LPAR.

(off-topic, but still about mainframes)
That's beautiful example how much work is being done just to do 
technically very same thing and save on licences. Everytime I hear about 
penalty machine or dedicated LPAR I think what a stupid licensing 
terms and conditions we have!.

Just my €0.02
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-15 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Everytime I hear about penalty machine or dedicated LPAR I think what a 
stupid licensing
terms and conditions we have!.

I've been doing capacity planning since before IBM introduced model groups in 
I told anybody who'd listen (not many) that it was going not going to be a good 
After the introduction of MSU pricing  sub-capacity options, I seem to spend 
more time managing the location of workloads and performing unnatural acts than 
actually forecasting.
At one company, we actually created a task force to move things around to 
forestall cost increases. We spent more time and money doing that than we 
'saved' and usually delayed the upgrade(s) to the point that we hurt our 
service to our customers.
All because of IBM (and later ISV) pricing.

I hate it when I'm right about something like this.
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-14 Thread Henke, George
Windows MQ cannot connect to MQ on z/OS.

I don't think so.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Timothy Sipples
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: MQ alternatives

WebSphere MQ is also a (most excellent) Java Message Service provider for
z/OS, which is probably why the vendor recommended it. WebSphere
Application Server for z/OS also provides JMS support, but then you'd have
to figure out how to interface WAS to whatever else you want (i.e. your
mainframe applications). One popular way would be via WebSphere MQ. :-)

Conceivably you could cobble something JMS together and run it on Java on
z/OS, but then you'd be responsible for the stream of costs associated with
creating, maintaining, and managing it, plus you'd have to figure out how
to connect it. (You could write your own operating system, too, if you
really want.) Considering that you're asking about a vendor application
that you're buying instead of building, you've probably already ruled out

Microsoft Message Queuing runs only on Windows (last I checked), so if you
want to connect Windows systems to this vendor application, that's an
option. You can't run it on z/OS (or on several other operating systems),
so you'd need something else to bridge between Microsoft and any other
platform (including z/OS), and that bridge would have to be a Windows
system. And then you'd need to buy, maintain, and manage that, plus figure
out how to connect it. Other bridge approaches are possible, with the same

Note that WebSphere MQ for z/OS is sub-capacity licensed.

Maybe the vendor is correct.

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)
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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-14 Thread R.S.
Windows MQ can connect to z/OS MQ. I use it, it's designed for such 
However Imothy wrote about *another product*, product from Microsoft. 
And it's very likely that M$ did not released version for z/OS.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2011-10-14 16:09, Henke, George pisze:

Windows MQ cannot connect to MQ on z/OS.

I don't think so.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Timothy Sipples
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: MQ alternatives

WebSphere MQ is also a (most excellent) Java Message Service provider for
z/OS, which is probably why the vendor recommended it. WebSphere
Application Server for z/OS also provides JMS support, but then you'd have
to figure out how to interface WAS to whatever else you want (i.e. your
mainframe applications). One popular way would be via WebSphere MQ. :-)

Conceivably you could cobble something JMS together and run it on Java on
z/OS, but then you'd be responsible for the stream of costs associated with
creating, maintaining, and managing it, plus you'd have to figure out how
to connect it. (You could write your own operating system, too, if you
really want.) Considering that you're asking about a vendor application
that you're buying instead of building, you've probably already ruled out

Microsoft Message Queuing runs only on Windows (last I checked), so if you
want to connect Windows systems to this vendor application, that's an
option. You can't run it on z/OS (or on several other operating systems),
so you'd need something else to bridge between Microsoft and any other
platform (including z/OS), and that bridge would have to be a Windows
system. And then you'd need to buy, maintain, and manage that, plus figure
out how to connect it. Other bridge approaches are possible, with the same

Note that WebSphere MQ for z/OS is sub-capacity licensed.

Maybe the vendor is correct.

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)
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send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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adresatowi, informujemy, e jej rozpowszechnianie, kopiowanie, rozprowadzanie 
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BRE Bank SA, 00-950 Warszawa, ul. Senatorska 18, tel. +48 (22) 829 00 00, fax 
+48 (22) 829 00 33, e-mail:
Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237, NIP: 526-021-50-88. 
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2011 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci wpacony) wynosi 168.346.696 zotych.

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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-14 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Henke, George
 Windows MQ cannot connect to MQ on z/OS.

Since when???

We've been running exactly that kind of connection in Production for
over a decade, without significant problems.


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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-14 Thread Roberts, John J
There are gateway products that allow MSMQ to interface with IBM MQ.

But I think the OP wants to avoid any configuration requiring any flavor of MQ.

In this case the OP needs to ask the 3rd party vendor what other interfacing 
alternatives exist.  For example, is there a possibility for a web service 
interface?  Or is MSMQ supported w/o any need for any flavor of IBM MQ?

If a Web Service interfacing option is available, then the OP could implement 
CICS Web Services to make the connection.

If MSMQ is supported, then a Windows process to act as a relay between MSMQ and 
CICS Web Services could be developed.


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MQ alternatives

2011-10-13 Thread Frank Swarbrick
We have a vendor product that would like us to use WebSphere MQ to interface 
with it.  We do not have MQ, and apparently have to intention of getting it any 
time soon (too expensive; too much support required...?).  They also support 
some alternative message queuing products (Java Message Service and Microsoft 
Message Queuing, I believe were mentioned).  Are these alternatives, or any 
others, available to z/OS?


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Re: MQ alternatives

2011-10-13 Thread Timothy Sipples
WebSphere MQ is also a (most excellent) Java Message Service provider for
z/OS, which is probably why the vendor recommended it. WebSphere
Application Server for z/OS also provides JMS support, but then you'd have
to figure out how to interface WAS to whatever else you want (i.e. your
mainframe applications). One popular way would be via WebSphere MQ. :-)

Conceivably you could cobble something JMS together and run it on Java on
z/OS, but then you'd be responsible for the stream of costs associated with
creating, maintaining, and managing it, plus you'd have to figure out how
to connect it. (You could write your own operating system, too, if you
really want.) Considering that you're asking about a vendor application
that you're buying instead of building, you've probably already ruled out

Microsoft Message Queuing runs only on Windows (last I checked), so if you
want to connect Windows systems to this vendor application, that's an
option. You can't run it on z/OS (or on several other operating systems),
so you'd need something else to bridge between Microsoft and any other
platform (including z/OS), and that bridge would have to be a Windows
system. And then you'd need to buy, maintain, and manage that, plus figure
out how to connect it. Other bridge approaches are possible, with the same

Note that WebSphere MQ for z/OS is sub-capacity licensed.

Maybe the vendor is correct.

Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect (Based in Singapore)
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