Hi Sergio,

ADRDSSU itself does not do that. To do what you want using ADRDSSU you have to 
a program that calls ADRDSSU, and this program must handle the information. You 
can use
UIM of DFSMSdfp to obtaim the information from ADRDSSU and manipulate some 
control blocks 
to discover the external dataset name. Write these information to a repository 
(VSAM) so
every dataset backed up with your front end ADRDSSU will be stored associated 
with the
external dataset name.

If you want to be fancy, you can create na ISPF interface to restore any 
dataset automatically.

Atenciosamente / Regards / Saludos 

Ituriel do Nascimento Neto 
Banco Bradesco S/A 
4254 - DPCD Engenharia de Software 
Sistemas Operacionais Mainframes 
Tel: 55 11 4197-2021 R: 22021 Fax: 55 11 4197-2814 


|-Mensagem original-
|De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Sergio Lima
|Enviada em: terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008 18:22
|Assunto: ADRDSSU Question
|Hello List,
|We try help a production people here, and wrote a REXX 
|routine, to restore some files, when the user need.
|Here, in out installation, the userid, need know, the volume 
|where the file was when the backup was executed, and, in the 
|dsname of backup, have a variable with volid, and the date 
|where the backup was made.
|So, the REXX routine, display a list of DSNAMES of Backup, 
|using the LMDINIT / LMDLIST, that was a good idea gove by Rob Zenuck.
|After ask here, I heard that a program utility that do a 
|backup (ADRDSSU), don't know what the files that exist on a 
|cartridge backup, and , for this reason, if the userid don't 
|know the volume, is impossible restore a file, at least than 
|read volume by volume .
|Normally, Utilits of IBM, don't have a control of backup from 
|files, I remember, years ago, that worked with DYNAM/T under 
|VSE, and there, We can restore a file, because the Product 
|have a catalog, that manage this.
|I know very little about ADRDSSU, anybody, know any way, that 
|search the cartridge Backup's from locate the files easier ?
|Thanks very much
|Sergio Lima Costa
|System Consultant
|Sao Paulo - Brazil
|Confira vídeos com notícias do NY Times, gols direto do Lance, 
|videocassetadas e muito mais no MSN Video!
|For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access 
|instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the 
|message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at 

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Re: RES: ADRDSSU Question

2008-10-15 Thread Sergio Lima
Hello List,
Jack and Ituriel, 
Thanks very much from your help.
Sergio Lima Costa
 Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 15:21:22 -0300 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RES: 
 ADRDSSU Question To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU  Hi Sergio,  ADRDSSU itself 
 does not do that. To do what you want using ADRDSSU you have to create  a 
 program that calls ADRDSSU, and this program must handle the information. You 
 can use UIM of DFSMSdfp to obtaim the information from ADRDSSU and 
 manipulate some control blocks  to discover the external dataset name. Write 
 these information to a repository (VSAM) so every dataset backed up with 
 your front end ADRDSSU will be stored associated with the external dataset 
 name.  If you want to be fancy, you can create na ISPF interface to restore 
 any dataset automatically.   Atenciosamente / Regards / Saludos   
 Ituriel do Nascimento Neto  Banco Bradesco S/A  4254 - DPCD Engenharia de 
 Software  Sistemas Operacionais Mainframes  Tel: 55 11 4197-2021 R: 22021 
 Fax: 55 11 4197-2814 |-Mensagem original- |De: IBM Mainframe 
 Discussion List  |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Sergio Lima |Enviada 
 em: terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008 18:22 |Para: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU 
 |Assunto: ADRDSSU Question | |Hello List, |  |We try help a production 
 people here, and wrote a REXX  |routine, to restore some files, when the 
 user need. |Here, in out installation, the userid, need know, the volume  
 |where the file was when the backup was executed, and, in the  |dsname of 
 backup, have a variable with volid, and the date  |where the backup was 
 made. |So, the REXX routine, display a list of DSNAMES of Backup,  |using 
 the LMDINIT / LMDLIST, that was a good idea gove by Rob Zenuck. |After ask 
 here, I heard that a program utility that do a  |backup (ADRDSSU), don't 
 know what the files that exist on a  |cartridge backup, and , for this 
 reason, if the userid don't  |know the volume, is impossible restore a file, 
 at least than  |read volume by volume . |Normally, Utilits of IBM, don't 
 have a control of backup from  |files, I remember, years ago, that worked 
 with DYNAM/T under  |VSE, and there, We can restore a file, because the 
 Product  |have a catalog, that manage this. |I know very little about 
 ADRDSSU, anybody, know any way, that  |search the cartridge Backup's from 
 locate the files easier ? |  |Thanks very much |  |Sergio Lima Costa 
 |System Consultant |Sao Paulo - Brazil 
 |_ |Confira 
 vídeos com notícias do NY Times, gols direto do Lance,  |videocassetadas e 
 muito mais no MSN Video! | 
 |-- |For 
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the  |message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives 
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