Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-26 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 19:24:57 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 04/24/2012
   at 09:06 AM, Joel C. Ewing said:

SMP/E dialogs do not work that way.  Users do not share the same
variables directly, they share the same list of named maintenance

Is that a new function? I don't recall ever seeing named projects in
the dialogs.

Joel is referring to is the Run comment.

Yes, you can deduce most of the state information from the CSI,
possibly  with help from the SMP/E log datasets; but it takes much
more work and  adds unnecessary opportunity for human error.

Isn't it the other way around? The state information in the ISPF
variables may be stale if you RECEIVE updated HOLDDATA, while the
state information in the CSI is current.

The state information that is stored in SMPTABL is not the state of 
SYSMODs.  It is the state of the Sysmod Management dialog.

For example, someone could start a SYSMOD Management dialog 
process to install RSU maintenance and select the APPLY/ACCEPT 
path.  It might take several iterations of APPLY CHECK, reading 
HOLDDATA, adding or excluding SYSMODs, etc. before being ready 
to do the APPLY.  That might include receiving additional HOLDDATA 
or SYSMODs.  If you take over a dialog that someone else started, 
you can you don't necessarily have to go through all of the 
iterations that they did.

Tom Marchant

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-26 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on
   at 07:10 AM, Tom Marchant said:

The state information that is stored in SMPTABL is not the state of 
SYSMODs.  It is the state of the Sysmod Management dialog.

I understand that; it is precisely the reason that I don't see the
need to share those data.

For example, someone could start a SYSMOD Management dialog  process
to install RSU maintenance and select the APPLY/ACCEPT  path.  It
might take several iterations of APPLY CHECK, reading  HOLDDATA,
adding or excluding SYSMODs, etc. before being ready  to do the
APPLY.  That might include receiving additional HOLDDATA  or
SYSMODs.  If you take over a dialog that someone else started, you
can you don't necessarily have to go through all of the iterations
that they did.

If I take over an RSU process that somebody else started, then I will
almost certainly download and RECEIVE new HOLDDATA. At that point I
wiould want to redo the APPLY CHECK. If they did a RECEIVE of selected
corrected service, that service will still be in the PTS so I don't
need to go through that iteration even if I don't use their SMPTABL.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-25 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 04/24/2012
   at 09:06 AM, Joel C. Ewing said:

SMP/E dialogs do not work that way.  Users do not share the same 
variables directly, they share the same list of named maintenance 

Is that a new function? I don't recall ever seeing named projects in
the dialogs.

Yes, you can deduce most of the state information from the CSI,
possibly  with help from the SMP/E log datasets; but it takes much
more work and  adds unnecessary opportunity for human error.

Isn't it the other way around? The state information in the ISPF
variables may be stale if you RECEIVE updated HOLDDATA, while the
state information in the CSI is current.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-24 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 04/20/2012
   at 08:20 AM, Kurt Quackenbush said:

The intent is to allow users to share workload and pickup an 
install process from a coworker as Joel clearly explained.

Actually, it wasn't clear. If I have to pick up an install process
from a colleague, the CSI contains the data I need if you're referring
to service, and the CPAC data sets contain the data I need if you're
referring one of the customized product offerings.

I'm curious, what problems have you run into caused by sharing

As I recall, it was installing selective service concurrently for
multiple products, but it's been a few years since I last went through
it and I no longer recall the details.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
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(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-24 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 04/20/2012
   at 08:34 AM, Mark Zelden said:

What problems have you run into when sharing?

It's been a few years, but I vaguely recall issues when two people
were concurrently installing service to the same targets, for
different components. I've never seen a case where I needed data from
SMPTABL in order to pick up somebody else's work.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-24 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 04/19/2012
   at 10:05 PM, Joel C. Ewing said:

If you have multiple people who might have to back each other up and
be able to take over and eventually complete a maintenance project
started by another using SMP/E ISPF dialogs, then they had better
share the same SMPTABL dataset.  Otherwise, the only way to continue
their maintenance would be to manually start a new project,
determine what SYSMODS should be selected, determine the last step
done by the prior person, and spin through the already-done dialog
steps without actually submitting jobs in order to get to the right
starting step.

The flip side of that is that if you have multiple people working
concurrently the variables tracking the work of one are highly
inappropriate for the work of another. If I have to back up somebody
who has started to install service, the CSI will tell me what I need
to know. Chances are that I will receive updated HOLDDATA before doing
anything else, so I may not care what he had previously selected.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-24 Thread Joel C. Ewing

On 04/23/2012 04:35 PM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:, on 04/19/2012
at 10:05 PM, Joel C.  said:

If you have multiple people who might have to back each other up and
be able to take over and eventually complete a maintenance project
started by another using SMP/E ISPF dialogs, then they had better
share the same SMPTABL dataset.  Otherwise, the only way to continue
their maintenance would be to manually start a new project,
determine what SYSMODS should be selected, determine the last step
done by the prior person, and spin through the already-done dialog
steps without actually submitting jobs in order to get to the right
starting step.

The flip side of that is that if you have multiple people working
concurrently the variables tracking the work of one are highly
inappropriate for the work of another. If I have to back up somebody
who has started to install service, the CSI will tell me what I need
to know. Chances are that I will receive updated HOLDDATA before doing
anything else, so I may not care what he had previously selected.

SMP/E dialogs do not work that way.  Users do not share the same 
variables directly, they share the same list of named maintenance 
projects within each distinct target zone name, and variable values are 
associated with a specific maintenance project, not with a user 
(internally, SMP/E dialogs generate unique project ISPF table names in 
SMPTABL as needed for storing the variables).  If you want a new 
independent project, you start a new project and give it a name to 
distinguish it and it has its own set of variables.  If you want to 
resume/continue a previously started project (yours or someone else's), 
you instead select an existing project from the list and the dialog 
automatically picks up all the saved variables appropriate to the 
options and state of that project.  When projects are completed either 
by advancing to the final step or by an explicit CANCEL, the project 
variables and corresponding ISPF table members are discarded.

It works quite well for tracking the state of multiple projects to 
multiple zones from one maintainer or multiple maintainers, and I have 
also used it to pick up and resume maintenance started by another when 
the other went on vacation and priority of the project was raised in 
their absence.  It is especially useful when there is a relatively long 
lag between APPLY and ACCEPT and you want to be sure to ACCEPT the same 
SYSMOD set as in APPLY, because a maintenance configuration has proven 
to be a stable one and you want it as a potential RESTORE point.

There is nothing to prevent SMP/E ISPF dialogs with a shared SMPTABL DS 
from correctly tracking the distinct variables of two different SysProgs 
that are concurrently working in ISPF on two independent projects.  This 
is true even if both projects are within the same TZONE/DZONE; although, 
I wouldn't recommend that last level of concurrency as a standard 
practice as it complicates the issue of when affected libraries should 
be backed up, and potentially their batch jobs would waste initiator 
time with enqueue delays waiting for exclusive access to the same CSI 

Yes, you can deduce most of the state information from the CSI, possibly 
with help from the SMP/E log datasets; but it takes much more work and 
adds unnecessary opportunity for human error.

Joel C. Ewing,Bentonville, AR 

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-20 Thread Kurt Quackenbush

The only explanation given for installation-wide is SMP/E uses this
table data set to save process status information for the SYSMOD
management dialogs. What problems occur[1] if you don't use a shared
SMPTABL?I've run into problems when it's shared.

The intent is to allow users to share workload and pickup an install 
process from a coworker as Joel clearly explained.  If you don't want 
this ability, then by all means define a unique SMPTABL per user.  There 
are no problems if you do so, but you won't get the intended benefit.

I'm curious, what problems have you run into caused by sharing SMPTABL?

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-20 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 19 Apr 2012 09:16:51 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 04/18/2012
   at 08:36 AM, Kurt Quackenbush said:

The only explanation given for installation-wide is SMP/E uses this
table data set to save process status information for the SYSMOD
management dialogs. What problems occur[1] if you don't use a shared
SMPTABL? I've run into problems when it's shared.

[1] Assuming that the unshared SMPTABL is in the
ISPTLIB concatenation.

No problems really, just none of the benefits of sharing it. IOW, if 
someone starts an install from the sysmod mgmt dialogs and doesn't
finish it, another person can't pick up from where they left off. 

What problems have you run into when sharing?

BTW, even when I have been at shops that have a shared SMPTABL
allocated via logon clist or logon proc, I usually free it and use my 
own CNTL library instead and concatenate that into a ISPTLIB 
LIBDEF in my CLIST I use that invokes the SMP/E dialogs.   I think I 
started doing that because different shops did it different ways
or just had too much junk in their SMPTABL lib that was never
cleaned up. It really doesn't matter for me these days because
I haven't done an interactive sysmod install in probably 15 years.

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
Mark's MVS Utilities: 
Systems Programming expert at

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-19 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 04/18/2012
   at 08:36 AM, Kurt Quackenbush said:

The only explanation given for installation-wide is SMP/E uses this
table data set to save process status information for the SYSMOD
management dialogs. What problems occur[1] if you don't use a shared
SMPTABL? I've run into problems when it's shared.

[1] Assuming that the unshared SMPTABL is in the
ISPTLIB concatenation.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-19 Thread Joel C. Ewing

On 04/19/2012 08:16 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:, on 04/18/2012
at 08:36 AM, Kurt  said:

The only explanation given for installation-wide is SMP/E uses this
table data set to save process status information for the SYSMOD
management dialogs. What problems occur[1] if you don't use a shared
SMPTABL? I've run into problems when it's shared.

[1] Assuming that the unshared SMPTABL is in the
 ISPTLIB concatenation.

If you have multiple people who might have to back each other up and be 
able to take over and eventually complete a maintenance project started 
by another using SMP/E ISPF dialogs, then they had better share the same 
SMPTABL dataset.  Otherwise, the only way to continue their maintenance 
would be to manually start a new project, determine what SYSMODS 
should be selected, determine the last step done by the prior person, 
and spin through the already-done dialog steps without actually 
submitting jobs in order to get to the right starting step.  Also, if a 
different SMPTABL is used, if the original person were to later use the 
SMP/E dialogs, it would still look like he had an incomplete project and 
he might attempt to complete it and attempt to run maintenance jobs that 
are no longer needed or appropriate.

If you have multiple people applying maintenance to the same 
global/target/dlib zones, sharing SMPTABL may be advisable so you can be 
fully aware of other activity that might affect or have some impact on 
the same zones and libraries you are changing.

If you have other people doing maintenance with the SMP/E dialogs to 
other global zone, if there is any chance there are prereq/coreq 
requirements between those zones and zones of interest to you, a shared 
SMPTABL is occasionally useful to make it easier to check if there is 
maintenance in progress to those zones.

We had a small enough number of System Programmers that used the SMP/E 
dialogs that we just found it simpler to share the same SMPTABL among 
all SysProgs (and there is no reason for anyone other than a SysProg to 
have SMPTABL allocated).  It wasn't that difficult to manually 
coordinate on rare occasions when library compression or expansion was 
required.  YMMV.  Occasionally one may have to clean up abandoned 
maintenance projects and obsolete SMPTABL members associated with 
abandoned target zones, but that can happen whether the SMPTABL dataset 
is shared or not.

Joel C. Ewing,Bentonville, AR 

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-18 Thread Kurt Quackenbush

Presumably an output PDS for file tailoring within the SMP/E dialogs.
You might want to make it a per-user data set.

No no no.  SMPTABL is an ISPF table data set intended to be shared by 
all your SMP/E dialog users. 

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-17 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 04/13/2012
   at 11:46 AM, Dazzo, Matt said:

I have installed Z1.13 and it's up and running in our test lpar.
Seems dsn= SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL is not on the new res volume. I checked
the CPAC alloc and restore jobs and can't find it in there either.
Searched the migration guide and no mention of it there either.
Anyone else run into this or have any ideas why this might be
missing? Thanks Matt

Presumably an output PDS for file tailoring within the SMP/E dialogs.
You might want to make it a per-user data set.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-13 Thread Dazzo, Matt
I have installed Z1.13 and it's up and running in our test lpar. Seems dsn= 
SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL is not on the new res volume. I checked the CPAC alloc and 
restore jobs and can't find it in there either. Searched the migration guide 
and no mention of it there either. Anyone else run into this or have any ideas 
why this might be missing? Thanks Matt

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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-13 Thread McKown, John
I've never heard of that data set. Is it an ISPF table data set? Would 
something like GIM.SGIMTENU / SYS1.GIM.SGIMTENU / SYS1.SGIMTENU be what you 
need? I would guess SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL was created in-house.

John McKown 
Systems Engineer IV

Administrative Services Group


9151 Boulevard 26 * N. Richland Hills * TX 76010
(817) 255-3225 phone * *

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 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [] On Behalf Of Dazzo, Matt
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 10:47 AM
 Subject: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery
 I have installed Z1.13 and it's up and running in our test 
 lpar. Seems dsn= SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL is not on the new res 
 volume. I checked the CPAC alloc and restore jobs and can't 
 find it in there either. Searched the migration guide and no 
 mention of it there either. Anyone else run into this or have 
 any ideas why this might be missing? Thanks Matt
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Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

2012-04-13 Thread Dazzo, Matt
I did the upgrade from z1.9 to z1.11 here and never remember copying that dsn 
from res to res. But John, according to the smpe user guide it is a user 
defined dataset so you are right on. tks  

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
McKown, John
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery

I've never heard of that data set. Is it an ISPF table data set? Would 
something like GIM.SGIMTENU / SYS1.GIM.SGIMTENU / SYS1.SGIMTENU be what you 
need? I would guess SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL was created in-house.

John McKown 
Systems Engineer IV

Administrative Services Group


9151 Boulevard 26 * N. Richland Hills * TX 76010
(817) 255-3225 phone * *

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proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact 
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Company(r), Mid-West National Life Insurance Company of TennesseeSM and The 
MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company.SM


 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [] On Behalf Of Dazzo, Matt
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 10:47 AM
 Subject: ZOS 1.13 SMPTABL Mystery
 I have installed Z1.13 and it's up and running in our test 
 lpar. Seems dsn= SYS1.SMP.SMPTABL is not on the new res 
 volume. I checked the CPAC alloc and restore jobs and can't 
 find it in there either. Searched the migration guide and no 
 mention of it there either. Anyone else run into this or have 
 any ideas why this might be missing? Thanks Matt
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