2019-06-20 Thread Holger Noach (UHN)
Hi List

We are to migrate to Z/OS 2.4 in future, and I can see that we are hit by the 
restriction not to be able to modify USERCSA
I have set up a SLIP and GTF trace as indicated in link :

But I am interested in a program to extract from SMF type 30 , which could 
catch users/programs accessing this storage

The flags are :

I can see that it is previously suggested to use SAS/MXG to do this

But customer does not have this installed .

So does anymore have some code extracting SMF type 30 for this purpose which 
could be shared 


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SV: CBT tape file 321 Cobol Analyzer

2018-06-22 Thread Holger Noach (UHN)
I use the latest version downloaded from CBT tape.
Yes , I have rebuild the version on CBT tape myself


On 20 June 2018 at 16:40, Holger Noach (UHN)  wrote:

> I have for several year's used the Cobol Analyzer program from CBT
> tape file 321,<>,
> File # 321 COBOL Analyzer from Roland Schiradin & post processor
> <>
> It has given me very good and useful information about Cobol programs
> Now , after migrating from Cobol Enterprise 4.2 to Cobol 6.1 the program 
> suffers an Abend S0C4 for certain programs.

> I am fully aware, that all programs on CBT tape are open source and
> with absolutely no guarantee of functionality

That doesn't mean that you cannot possibly get help. If you are able to post 
some detailed information about the abend, perhaps one of us will make the time 
to at least look at it and see what can be discovered. As you say, no guaranty. 
It is likely that you will have to include a sample program that provokes the 
problem, and of course you will need to say exactly which version of COBANAL 
you are using.
Did you build it yourself from the CBT source?

> I have tried to write to the author , but has got no response

The last post I have from Roland Schiradin was on 2017-02-25, so well over a 
year ago. So perhaps he has quietly retired...

> Or do anybody use other utilities with same functionality

I would take up Allan Kielstra on his question. Certainly if anyone knows about 
the innards of LE-compliant code, he does.

Tony H.

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SV: CBT tape file 321 Cobol Analyzer

2018-06-22 Thread Holger Noach (UHN)
Analyze Cobol Programs , what Cobol Version used ,  when compiled ,  etc etc
Take a look at
And there you find a lot of open source code , which might help you jn dayli 

Venlig hilsen

Holger Noach , Ekstern konsulent

KMD Ekstern Konsulent - IBM

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-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] På vegne 
af R.S.
Sendt: 22. juni 2018 11:12
Emne: Re: CBT tape file 321 Cobol Analyzer

Just curious: what does COBOL Analyzer do?
What kind of analysis it performs?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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CBT tape file 321 Cobol Analyzer

2018-06-20 Thread Holger Noach (UHN)
Hi List

I have for several year's used the Cobol Analyzer program from CBT tape file 
File # 321 COBOL Analyzer from Roland Schiradin & post processor 

It has given me very good and useful information about Cobol programs
Now , after migrating from Cobol Enterprise 4.2 to Cobol 6.1 the program 
suffers an Abend S0C4 for certain programs.
It is not for all programs compiled with Cobol 6.1.

Have anybody seen the same.

I am fully aware , that all programs on CBT tape are open source and with 
absolutely no guarantee of functionality

I have tried to write to the author , but has got no response

Or do anybody use other utilities with same functionality

Holger Noach,

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