An ooRexx sample for the Java sample program ... (Re: Some UNIX file usage questions

2022-06-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Andrew,

thank you for this Java program. I took the liberty to transform it to ooRexx (untested) which 
should do the same as your Java program:

   /* load the Java class into ooRexx, it will understand ooRexx messages */
   MvsConsole = bsf.loadClass("")
   if MvsConsole~isListening<>1 then  /* same as .true in ooRexx */

   rexxCallBack = .CommandCallback~new    /* create a Rexx value of type 
"CommandCallback" */
   /* wrap/box the Rexx value/object as a Java value/object */
   boxedCallBack = BsfCreateRexxProxy(rexxCallBack, , 

   /* ... do whatever you need to do, if anything ... */

   /* now wait until the stop event gets received in rexxCallBack */
   rexxCallBack~waitForStop   /* invocation will block */

   ::requires "BSF.CLS"   /* get ooRexx-Java bridge */

   /* ooRexx class defines the Java methods it will serve. Invoking these
   Java methods will cause a message of the same name and same arguments
   to be sent to the ooRexx value/object which will search and invoke
   the appropriate ooRexx method here. */
   ::class CommandCallback    /* implements MvsCommandCallback methods  */
   ::method init  /* runs when a value of this type gets created */
  expose startTime /* access object variable (attribute) */
  startTime=.DateTime~new  /* remember current date and time */

   ::method handleModify
  expose startTime /* access object variable (attribute) */
  parse arg arg0
  if arg0="REPORT" then
 say "Runtime:" startTime - .dateTime~new   /* deduct current date and 
time  */
 say arg0 "not recognized. Valid commands: REPORT"

   ::method handleStart   /* do nothing */

   ::method handleStop
  expose lock  /* access object variable (attribute) */
  lock = .false    /* set lock to 0 */
  return .false    /* return 0 */

   ::method waitForStop   /* method to block caller until stop occurs */
  expose lock  /* access object variable (attribute) */
  guard on when lock=.false/* wait until control variable is set to .false 

A few notes:

- it is not necessary to know Java, one just needs to be able to understand the documentation of the 
Java classes that you wish to use from ooRexx, in this case e.g. 
. Anyone on this 
list will be able to read the Java documentation of these Java classes and understand what is 
documented there, I am sure;

- the statements that start with two colons (::) are directives to ooRexx; ooRexx will read a 
program, syntax check it, then carry out each directive one by one and at the end will start to 
execute the program with the statement starting at line 1

- the "::requires BSF.CLS" directive will cause ooRexx to call the ooRexx program BSF.CLS which will 
load the Java bridge and camouflage the strictly typed, case sensitive Java as the dynamically typed 
and caseless ooRexx

- the "::class" directive will cause ooRexx to create a class (synonyms: type, structure) and 
remember its name

- the "::method" directives will cause ooRexx to create methods, remember their names and the Rexx 
code going with them and assign those methods to the previously created class

- any Rexx value (synonyms: object, instance) created from this class will understand all messages 
that are named as the methods therein: conceptually, every Rexx value/object/instance is like a 
living thing and understands messages it receives by searching a method by the name of the received 
message, invoke it (and supply arguments if any) and return any return value, if any

Should there be any questions please do not hesitate and ask them.


On 22.06.2022 07:31, Andrew Rowley wrote:

On 22/06/2022 9:03 am, Charles Mills wrote:
Can one write a Started Task in Java? What would the JCL look like (neglecting 
application-specific items)?

This is a basic Java program that runs and responds to MODIFY and STOP commands:

import java.time.*;

public class JavaStc
    static volatile boolean stopped = false;
    static final Instant startTime =;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
    if (!MvsConsole.isListening())
    MvsConsole.registerMvsCommandCallback(new CommandCallback());

    while (!stopped)

    static class CommandCallback implements MvsCommandCallback
    public void handleModify(String arg0)

Re: An ooRexx sample for the Java sample program ... (Re: Some UNIX file usage questions

2022-06-22 Thread Seymour J Metz
A few quick notes for those not familiar with oorexx:

While in rexx everything is a string, in oorexx everything is an object, even 
strings, and you can invoke any string BIF as a method.

While rexx supports only call by value, oorexx supports both call by value and 
call by reference.

The ~ operator is a method invocation. There are some subtleties that you 
probably won't need for a long while.

Collection classes generally have [] and []= methods; these are implicitly 
invoked by constructs like foo = bar[baz] and foo[bar] = baz.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Rony G. Flatscher []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 7:44 AM
Subject: An ooRexx sample for the Java sample program ... (Re: Some UNIX file 
usage questions

Hi Andrew,

thank you for this Java program. I took the liberty to transform it to ooRexx 
(untested) which
should do the same as your Java program:

/* load the Java class into ooRexx, it will understand ooRexx messages 
MvsConsole = bsf.loadClass("")
if MvsConsole~isListening<>1 then  /* same as .true in ooRexx */

rexxCallBack = .CommandCallback~new/* create a Rexx value of type 
"CommandCallback" */
/* wrap/box the Rexx value/object as a Java value/object */
boxedCallBack = BsfCreateRexxProxy(rexxCallBack, , 

/* ... do whatever you need to do, if anything ... */

/* now wait until the stop event gets received in rexxCallBack */
rexxCallBack~waitForStop   /* invocation will block */

::requires "BSF.CLS"   /* get ooRexx-Java bridge */

/* ooRexx class defines the Java methods it will serve. Invoking these
Java methods will cause a message of the same name and same arguments
to be sent to the ooRexx value/object which will search and invoke
the appropriate ooRexx method here. */
::class CommandCallback/* implements MvsCommandCallback methods  */
::method init  /* runs when a value of this type gets created */
   expose startTime /* access object variable (attribute) */
   startTime=.DateTime~new  /* remember current date and time */

::method handleModify
   expose startTime /* access object variable (attribute) */
   parse arg arg0
   if arg0="REPORT" then
  say "Runtime:" startTime - .dateTime~new   /* deduct current date and 
time  */
  say arg0 "not recognized. Valid commands: REPORT"

::method handleStart   /* do nothing */

::method handleStop
   expose lock  /* access object variable (attribute) */
   lock = .false/* set lock to 0 */
   return .false/* return 0 */

::method waitForStop   /* method to block caller until stop occurs 
   expose lock  /* access object variable (attribute) */
   guard on when lock=.false/* wait until control variable is set to .false 

A few notes:

- it is not necessary to know Java, one just needs to be able to understand the 
documentation of the
Java classes that you wish to use from ooRexx, in this case e.g.
 Anyone on this
list will be able to read the Java documentation of these Java classes and 
understand what is
documented there, I am sure;

- the statements that start with two colons (::) are directives to ooRexx; 
ooRexx will read a
program, syntax check it, then carry out each directive one by one and at the 
end will start to
execute the program with the statement starting at line 1

- the "::requires BSF.CLS" directive will cause ooRexx to call the ooRexx 
program BSF.CLS which will

Re: An ooRexx sample for the Java sample program ... (Re: Some UNIX file usage questions

2022-06-22 Thread Andrew Rowley

On 22/06/2022 9:44 pm, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

   /* ... do whatever you need to do, if anything ... */

       /* now wait until the stop event gets received in rexxCallBack */
   rexxCallBack~waitForStop   /* invocation will block */

I don't know ooRexx so I'm working mainly from your comments, but the 
sample I wrote doesn't do something then block waiting for the stop 
command. It does something (sleep) continually, checking regularly to 
see if the stop command has been received.

Of course, in a real program sleep would be replaced with the actual 
function you wanted to perform.

This is a simple example, there are also more complex ways of 
interrupting/stopping a thread in Java than periodically checking a status.

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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Re: An ooRexx sample for the Java sample program ... (Re: Some UNIX file usage questions

2022-06-23 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Andrew,

On 23.06.2022 01:42, Andrew Rowley wrote:

On 22/06/2022 9:44 pm, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

   /* ... do whatever you need to do, if anything ... */

       /* now wait until the stop event gets received in rexxCallBack */
   rexxCallBack~waitForStop   /* invocation will block */

I don't know ooRexx so I'm working mainly from your comments, but the sample I wrote doesn't do 
something then block waiting for the stop command. It does something (sleep) continually, checking 
regularly to see if the stop command has been received.

Of course, in a real program sleep would be replaced with the actual function 
you wanted to perform.

Ah, I see what you meant!

This is a simple example, there are also more complex ways of interrupting/stopping a thread in 
Java than periodically checking a status.


Maybe a few comments what I intended to show followed by an ooRexx version below that does also a 
loop with sleep to match your Java sample conceptually in all aspects.

ooRexx is a language that is multithreaded and makes it easy to kick off (and synchronize) threads 
if need be. I remember one American software engineer who ran a business creating software 
simulations for robotics about 25 years ago who used OS/2 Warp and its contained Object REXX (IBM's 
product which later turned into today's ooRexx) for that purpose back then; he told me at an 
International RexxLA symposium that the reason for him using Object REXX was an experiment he 
undertook to create a simple simulation of an airport where planes would be landing, taking off and 
taxiing, and all would take him only about 120 lines of code.

By default ooRexx supports inter-object multithreading and intra-object multithreading. In addition 
it allows for fine grained control of multithreading with the GUARD ON/OFF [WHEN test of control 
variable[s]] keyword statement.

In this transcription of your Java program I tried to demonstrate synchronizing the Java thread that 
reports the command events with the main (ooRexx) thread. ooRexx will stop (block) in the main 
thread at the statement


until the method handleStop() gets invoked on the MvsCommandCallback thread which will cause 
waitForStop to gain control and return to allow the main thread to continue (which in this case ends 
the program and thereby Java). One could have any number of commands before and after that 
particular synchronization point.


As your intention was to use a loop to execute code in intervals repeatedly until the 
MvsCommandCallback reports the handleStop() event by invoking that event method which sets the 
'stopped' attribute to .true/1, here a version that uses such a loop in the main (ooRexx) thread 
which executes as long as the MvsCommandCallback event method handleStop was not invoked (which will 
set the value of the attribute 'stopped' to .true) on the MvsCommandCallback (Java) thread.

Here the (untested) ooRexx program:

   /* load the Java class into ooRexx, it will understand ooRexx messages */
   MvsConsole = bsf.loadClass("")
   if \MvsConsole~isListening then    /* if not yet a command listener 
thread   */

   rexxCallBack = .CommandCallback~new    /* create a Rexx value of type 
"CommandCallback" */
   /* wrap/box the Rexx value/object as a Java value/object   */
   boxedCallBack = BsfCreateRexxProxy(rexxCallBack, , 

   /* now loop until the stop event gets received in rexxCallBack */
   do while \rexxCallBack~stopped
   call sysSleep 1 /* sleep a second or do something else */

   ::requires "BSF.CLS"   /* get ooRexx-Java bridge  */

   /* ooRexx class defines the Java methods it will serve. Invoking these
   Java methods will cause a message of the same name and same arguments
   to be sent to the ooRexx value/object which will search and invoke
   the appropriate ooRexx method here. */
   ::class CommandCallback    /* implements MvsCommandCallback methods  */
   ::method init  /* runs when a value of this type gets created */
  expose startTime stopped /* access object variables (attributes)*/
  startTime=.DateTime~new  /* remember current date and time  */
  stopped = .false /* set attribute to 0  */

   ::method handleModify
  expose startTime /* access object variable (attribute)  */
  use arg arg0
  if arg0="REPORT" then
 say "Runtime:" .dateTime~new - startTime   /* deduct current date and 
time  */
 say arg0 "not recognized. Valid commands: REPORT"

   ::method handleStart   /* do nothing */

   ::method handleStop
  expose stopped   /* access object variable (attribute)  */
  stopped = .true  /* set attribute to 1  */