Blame COBOL (manual)

2013-07-25 Thread R.S.

I just found in COBOL manual a chapter about support for VSAM passwords.
(See chapter Protecting VSAM files with a password in Programming Guide)
Well, I can understand the PASSWORD clause is still syntax checked, but 
I was told that VSAM do dropped support for the password. Was it in the 
90's? At DFSMS v1.5? (OS/390 2.7)?
There are also some references to ISAM datasets, fortunately most of 
them contains information it's no longer supported.

Is COBOL language for the future?

BTW: Horror story: 10+ years ago I've got some IDC message, an error 
was occured. I took (R)TFM and read message explanation. One of the 
possibilities was you have problem with OS CVOL. Note, it was in late 
90's, OS/390 v2.
My doubts: Is my CVOL failing? How to check it? And what the hell is 
CVOL? I had never heard about it!
It was hard way to learn there WAS such dodo bird like CVOL and like 
dodo bird it's no longer here.

BTW2, quiz: do you still use HIS on the mainframe? Is it something new 
or it's as obsolete as CVOL? ;-)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: Blame COBOL (manual)

2013-07-25 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
R. Skorupka wrote:

I just found in COBOL manual a chapter about support for VSAM passwords.

As always, yes, it is still there since my glorious MVS/XA days when I started. 

Well, I can understand the PASSWORD clause is still syntax checked, but  I was 
told that VSAM do dropped support for the password. 

Indeed. I see this remark too in DFSMS Using Data Sets:

Recommendation: Do not use VSAM password protection.  Instead, use RACF or an 
equivalent product. 

Why recommendation?

I think it is something to do with 'user-security-verification routine' for 
VSAM, if you *still* choose to use it instead of RACF or ESM.

Is COBOL language for the future?

Perhaps not. ;-)

I think this is backward compatibility to the absolute extreme... Your ancient 
COBOL full of Egypt hieroglyphs may or may not run on the latest super z toys. 

I really wish that for all products, the vendor (IBM for example) says 
something like this:

We plan to drop feature X in release 5 while we introduce replacement feature 
Z in release 2 (so you can gradually move from X to Z and get PTFs if you get 
any nasty surprises while using X as a workaround.)

I also really wish that those COBOL developers can write something like this:

Old compiled modules with PASSWORD will still be running fine (backward 
compatibility blah blah blah), but all new compile attempts with PASSWORD 
should fail with RC  4 with some meaningless IGYxxx messages.

Same with ISAM, etc.

Ok, enough ranting -)

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Blame COBOL (manual)

2013-07-25 Thread David Andrews
On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 06:13 -0500, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:
 Old compiled modules with PASSWORD will still be running fine
 (backward compatibility blah blah blah), but all new compile attempts
 with PASSWORD should fail with RC  4 with some meaningless IGYxxx

I'm sure that you meant ... with some *self-documenting* IGYxxx

(Dave pokes the wasp nest and runs.)

David Andrews
A. Duda  Sons, Inc.

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Re: Blame COBOL (manual)

2013-07-25 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
David Andrews wrote:

On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 06:13 -0500, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:
 with some meaningless IGYxxx messages.

I'm sure that you meant ... with some *self-documenting* IGYxxx messages.

Yeah, you're correct of course! I should wrote that ...

(Dave pokes the wasp nest and runs.)

Don't leave me, I'm running with you!!! [1]

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

[1] - About those wasps, here in South Africa, if you slap a nest off 
where-ever it is hanging, then as soon as those wasps (some species) see the 
nest is down, they stop stinging you. Until then they're after you for about 20 
meters or so. Here in the bushveld, we sometimes made bets to see who can slap 
(with your bare hands of course!) the most nests down when it is really hot in 
the day and run away in half an hour without getting stung... ;-D Now, I'm 
older I'm leaving these stunts to younger guys... ;-)

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