Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-16 Thread Paul Nieman
Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINTThere is actually a tool that does a fair 
job of recreating the source directory from the object directory.  It actually 
won't put PROFILEs back in, or INCLUDEs, or comments, but can put all object 
parts back to their source equivalents.  The DIRENT tool (in the VM download 
packages) does this, though when I last looked, it wasn't up to date.  I 
maintained it locally to provide what was missing.  Alas, I no longer have 

The nice thing about this tool for me was for viewing of several reference 
systems (and for disaster recovery and a few other cases).  A frontend exec 
took a parameter for which system I was curious about, linked to the disk with 
the desired DRCT space, and displayed in XEDIT whatever source I wanted.  
DIRENT was most often used on a particular USER, but it had the option to 
view/rebuild the entire DRCT.  Reading the object directory was fast and there 
was no need to wait for a maybe busy DIRMAINT to return a GET, no spool space 
taken up, no temporary clutter in my reader, especially, no need to even bring 
up the second level system;  just show me what I want.  It is possible to see 
the first level from the second level, given a RR link back upward.  Or 

Security and outdatedness (though not sure where it stands now) aside, a nice 

I agree about no purpose for comments in the object directory.  The audience 
for querying the directory seems small, just system programmers, who can get to 
comment/informational references some other way.  General users on our system 
never needed to see comments.  Oh, well, we had an elaborate frontend to 
DIRMAINT that provided users the same thing, as part of billing information 
that they entered when they requested their own minidisks!  But this data 
wasn't stored in the source directory, and querying was built into that 
frontend.  And system disks were never considered or treated like user 
minidisks.  Two tools for two audiences is OK.

Now, if IBM were to add a versatile frontend to DIRMAINT, that could be useful. 
 All kinds of metadata COULD be useful for different sites.  But I imagine that 
SFS features and declining use of VM by end-users would reduce the market for 
such a tool.  (Actually, the billing-oriented tool was built before the DIRM 
SAPI interface, which would have made it easier.)  I imagine that an ESM could 
be a good place to store metadata (some is already).  And maybe Accounting 
packages could be integrated with the ESM to use the metadata.  So maybe a 
vendor could run with this, and IBM can develop what they see as more strategic 
to VM.

On 2/11, RPN01 said...
Second, someone mentioned comments taking space in the object directory... My 
impression / hope would be that comments would be stripped from the information 
before building the object directory, since there is no actual purpose for them 
there, and there isn't a convenient tool to take an object directory and turn 
it into a source directory. Are the comments actually left in the object 
directory? If so, MAINT is one of the worst offenders, leaving in the hundreds 
of links that it uses during the installation as comments.

Re: VM/370 Release 6 Waterloo tape (CIA MODS)

2008-02-16 Thread Thomas Kern
The copy on the Hercules groups is not from the correct year to have 
these mods on it.

/Tom Kern

Berry van Sleeuwen wrote:

Hello Mark,

In the Hercules comunity this tape is available in AWS format.

On it can be found in the vm/370-r6 page.

Regards, Berry.

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-16 Thread Mark Post
 On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at  9:11 AM, in message
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Huegel, Thomas
 I thought of this thread last night while watching 'Deal or No Deal' (yes I
 do have a social life) 

Hmm.  Since when did sitting at home watching TV become considered as having a 
social life?  Maybe I'm not such a hermit after all.

Mark Post

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-16 Thread phillip
Hmm.  Since when did sitting at home watching TV become considered as 
having a social life?

i thought the same thing, but then it occurred to me that
there could be a LOT of people sitting around that same TV ... 
err, uhmm - socializing! throw in the odd dog and a couple of 
cats and there could be lots and lots of socializing going on. 
Or... neighbors, the pizza delivery man, a couple of cell phone 
conversations on the side - you can do a LOT of socializing 
while sitting at home watching TV.


Phillip Gramly
Systems Programmer
Communications Data Group
Champaign, IL

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-16 Thread Gregg C Levine
I see your point, sir. 

But how does one go about requesting an invitation? Even though I now have
the bandwidth to do webcasts, I do not. They do not excite me as much as
being physically present.

I should also mention that currently I am gathering research data to make a
point concerning the prospects of teaching people the wonders of the
mainframe, and that would certainly include z/VM and everything else

The Force will be with you always. Obi-Wan Kenobi

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Jim Elliott
 Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 2:32 AM
 Subject: Re: Any Rumors?
  ...  Besides my only complaint concerning the road show
  discussions that came up earlier is that NYC wasn't selected as
  a host city for one of the events. ...
 Actually there is an event in NYC on 2/26, but it by invitation
 There is a webcast on 2/26 for which a separate invite was sent
 out. Go to to register.

Re: z/OS 1.7 under VM 4.4

2008-02-16 Thread Luis Ordonez

1) z/OS 1.7 runs as VM guest machine under z/VM 4.4.
2) 2066 does not support ZAAP procesors (the processors for Java code).
3) So, z/VM 4.4 does not emulate ZAAP processors.
4) z/OS 1.7 comes with HCD version that does not support 2066. So, be 
sure to maintain IOCDS with HCD from z/OS 1.5 or lower.

Hope this help.

Luis Ordonez

At 03:25 PM 2/15/2008, you wrote:
Could someone tell me if z/OS 1.7 will run under z/VM 4.4 on a 
2066?  I know it is unsupported, but one step at a time.

Thank you,
Scott R Wandschneider
Senior Systems Programmer
Infocrossing, a WIPRO Company
11707 Miracle Hills Dr.
Omaha, NE 68154
Office 402.963.8905

Re: Installation Verification Procedures

2008-02-16 Thread Alan Ackerman
That’s a good list. Here are some more ideas from our shop:

I'd first want to make sure that VM:Secure works. Trying to log on is a 

good test. New functions will already have been tested second level.

Then I'd want to make sure that we can IPL z/OS and z/Linux guests.

Then the rest of the VM:Manager suite.

Our current management asks us to test ALL our program products, using th
IVP or whatever other test we can come up with for each one. That 
exercises CMS. I don't thing that's really necessary, as CMS hasn't 
changed in a long time and problems with program products are now 
extremely rare.

We also have to test our CP exits and the two mods VMSI VPARS and VTAPE. 

We test those all second level before we ever get into production, though
We have a couple of times been bitten by something that worked differentl
at first level than second level. 

In general, I think you should concentrate on whatever is most important 

to your shop - your bread and butter. So an IBM IVP would probably be of 

limited use.

In our shop, most of the important things, like z/OS guests on some 
systems, and VM:Sched jobs on others, get run automatically when we bring
the systems up, so all we really have to do is watch for a few hours on 

Sunday. (We IPL very early on Sunday.)

We have had a number of problems with DB2 Private Data Spaces in z/VM 
5.2.0 and 5.3.0, so that also we test at second level, then again first 

level. (We still have 5.2.0 running on one last system, due to a problem 

in this area that we discovered second level. It took us 2 months to 
reproduce it.)

I guess the general principle is that if you have had a problem in some 

area in the recent past, it’s important to put that on your test list. 

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:49:56 -0500, Doug Breneman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Hi All,
Many years ago there was an Installation Verification Procedure for VM.
This was mostly directed toward CMS tasks.  We found that this was not 

useful and removed it from our product documentation.  We have a list of

some items that we use as an IVP when we get a new release of VM.  This 
not an official IBM IVP.  This include things like:

CP IPL (MP) - stop if you cannot do this :-)
CMS IPL (190 and Segment) - needed to do many other things.  190 is need
if the segment fails
GCS IPL  - needed for RSCS and other applications
RSCS Initializes - needed for sending/receiving files
PVM Initializes  - remote system access
SFS Initializes - file storage
TCP/IP Initializes
Able to logon to the system via telnet - remote system access
Able to FTP to and from VM - needed for sending/receiving files
NETSTAT command functions - needed for our environment
Run test workloads to reach 50-70% CPU load for 4 hours. - load that is
reasonable for us to ensure some stability.  The test workloads vary.
Linux and z/OS each IPL second level. - needed for our environment
 Workloads must run on both of these guest operating systems.

These are some of the things that we do to initially verify the installe
VM.  If all of these work, then we have a good chance that we can contin
to use the new release.  The items that are important to you might vary
from this list. I hope this list might act as one example.

Doug Breneman  z/VM Development  IBM  Endicott, NY

 Adam Thornton

 z/VM Operating 
 ARK.EDU  Re: Installation Verification  

 02/15/2008 10:22   


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