Re: [IceHorses] OT - Amazing Animal Story

2007-07-14 Thread Lorraine
> Tomorrow is Sunday and all the pleasure boaters are
> out.  But my dad is 
> going back to the hole on Monday with a stack of $1
> bills and some shrimp...
> (to be continued :-) )
> Trish
> That is wild.  How cool of a story.  I love it.

 Happy Trails from Lori


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Re: [IceHorses] OT - Amazing Animal Story

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
HA! What a story! Raven<;]

Re: [IceHorses] OT - Amazing Animal Story

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258
Bia wrote:
> that is the craziest story I've heard in quiet awhile! LOL!
Isn't it bizarro?!  My dad has some amazing tales from all his years of 
diving but he said he was glad he had a witness or he never could have 
told this story.  They would have taken away his diving license and 
carted him off to the "funny farm".


Re: [IceHorses] OT - Amazing Animal Story

2007-07-14 Thread Bia
that is the craziest story I've heard in quiet awhile! LOL!

Re: [IceHorses] western saddles

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
>>Why did Huggin not like the saddle?

huginn had a bad left shoulder and a dippy back. a treeless really
does not work well for him
that it why after a year of saddle hunting..i went with the reactor
panel saddle. raven

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
>> there are implants of all kinds for (probably) all the bones in the
hand/wrist. I believe that they are plastic, not metal

i need to metal plate to stablize my hand/wrist.

>>Go to a good hand surgeon for that, not a regular orthopedic one

i have one of the top hand surgeons in the midwest, Dr. David
Falconer. <;] raven

[IceHorses] Beautiful Wild Horses

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
Wow..what beautiful horses!!   Look at the palomino in the front,
is that a pleasure gait?

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Beautiful Wild Horses

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
 Boy, you've got good eyes!   What gait?

to looks like a rack/tolt. it's lateral. but then...what the
heck do i know.   i would love to own that horse. raven <;]

Re: [IceHorses] Beautiful Wild Horses

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258
Raven wrote:
> Wow..what beautiful horses!!   Look at the palomino in the front,
> is that a pleasure gait?
Gorgeous!  That grey and bay behind the palomino look drafty...are those 
feathers on the bay's legs?!

Would love to hear what the animal communicator said about Huggin...


[IceHorses] OT - Amazing Animal Story

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258
I just got off the phone with my dad who had the most amazing animal 
story to tell me.  He has been skin diving/ spear fishing all his life 
(he's 74 now) and still going strong.  He doesn't use tanks but free 
dives.  It's lobster season in Florida so he was out diving with a 
friend.  He went down while his friend was still in the boat.  He saw a 
likely lobster hole and checked it out but didn't see any lobster.  He 
went up for a breath and back down to the same hole.  Right in front of 
the hole was a ledge and laid on the ledge were 3 $5 bills neatly 
stacked on one another.  He couldn't believe he had missed it the first 
time and briefly thought if he missed those on his first dive down, then 
he would probably not see the lobsters either!  He took the $15 up to 
the boat and handed it over to his friend and went back down. 

There on the ledge was a $20 in the same exact spot!  He couldn't 
believe it and took it up to the boat.  Down he went again.  There was 
another $20 bill laid on the ledge!  He took that up to the boat.  At 
this point, his friend asked him what on earth was going on down there 
and he jumped in and went down with my dad.  There was another $20 bill 
on the ledge!  They went up for a breath and back down.  Another $20 
bill on the ledge!  This went on for a few minutes.  Every time they 
went back down, there was another $20 bill.  They surfaced again and his 
friend decided to put his scuba gear on to see what was going on. 

While his friend was gearing up in the boat, my dad went back down.   
There was no $20 bill.  At a right angle to the hole was a crack in the 
rock and as my dad was down there, a $20 bill started emerging from the 
crack as if from an ATM machine!  He pulled it out.  Another $20 bill 
started to emerge.  He pulled it out.  Then another.  He took out his 
diving knife to see if he could wedge the crack open wider but could 
not.  He put his hand in through the large hole and an octopus grabbed 
both his hand and the knife...and immediately let go as my dad keeps his 
diving knives very sharp.  But my dad being my dad, he put his hand in 
there without the knife (but gloved) and the octopus bit him but didn't 
break the skin of the glove so it was more like a warning bite.  And 
that was the end of the money activity for the day.  They collected a 
total of $171!

The next day my dad went out in the boat alone (I know, it's crazy, but 
he's been doing it since he was 13!).  Down to the hole and there was a 
fat wallet laid on the ledge.  The bill pocket was empty but it was 
stuffed with credit cards and a driver's license.  My dad called the guy 
today and it turned out to be a 62 year old jet skier who hit a wave a 
little too hard and his belongings compartment flew open and there went 
his wallet.  Turned out the man had cashed a $500 check and was just 
dumbfounded that my dad had found his wallet.  They are meeting for 
breakfast tomorrow.  There are still three $100 bills in the octopus hole...

Tomorrow is Sunday and all the pleasure boaters are out.  But my dad is 
going back to the hole on Monday with a stack of $1 bills and some shrimp...
(to be continued :-) )


Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Robyn Schulze
> >>have heard there is some kind of implant that can be done
> you'll have to share what you learn!! raven <;]

If you're talking about implants to replace bones in the hand, yes
there are implants of all kinds for (probably) all the bones in the
hand/wrist. I believe that they are plastic, not metal.  Go to a good
hand surgeon for that, not a regular orthopedic one.

Robyn S.

Re: [IceHorses] Used Saddle

2007-07-14 Thread Judy Ryder
I am
> interested in obtaining a saddle that might fit my Icelandic a bit
> better. If anyone is selling a used Icelandic saddle, that is
> reasonable priced and is appropriate for a wide-back horse, please let
> me know.

Hi Julie, I don't think you'll find an icelandic saddle that is wide enough 
for the wide or mutton-withered Icelandics.

In my opinion, the "icelandic saddles" probably are the worse fit for 
Icelandic Horses.

Best bet is the treeless saddle.  There are lots of brands, most made in the 
US, a few in Europe.

The are a couple of "treeless saddles" from Iceland.   They are priced like our 
saddles ($800 or so), yet don't have the substance of the treeless saddles.  
They seem to be more like bareback pads 
or the Baretek:

I think most people here have found the Sensation to be a very nice option 
for Icelandic Horses.  I have a Bob Marshall Sports Saddle that I've used on 
my Icelandics for about eight or nine years; and also have, more recently, a 


Re: [IceHorses] Now Standing Still / Mounting

2007-07-14 Thread Judy Ryder

 I sent some in last week of my friend working with Runa - there might 
 have been one of Cary playing with Maja too... I think I put them on 
 the Kodak gallery.

Karen, I have yours of Shirley and Falki, and Nancy's with Yrsa.

Can you re-send the link to the ones with Runa and Maja?  (Sorry, I'm WAY 



[IceHorses] Used Saddle

2007-07-14 Thread tjambrozandco
I have an almost brand new Tucker English Endurance saddle that I 
bought for a horse that I then traded for my Icelandic.  The Tucker is 
an average tree and my Icelandic has a wide back.  The Tucker that I 
have has a 151/2" seat, endurance stirrups, the works.  I am 
interested in obtaining a saddle that might fit my Icelandic a bit 
better. If anyone is selling a used Icelandic saddle, that is 
reasonable priced and is appropriate for a wide-back horse, please let 
me know.  Thanks-

Re: [IceHorses] western saddles

2007-07-14 Thread Sylvia Boyle
Why did Huggin not like the saddle? I am thinking of
getting one. Sylvia

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
>>think the weakness comes because of the pain. (In my case anyways.)

for hand is just plain shot. in '91 i shattered all the carpal
bones, tore the ligaments and tendons.  in '95, the took bones from my
hip to rebuild my hand. i have arthritics in it. they want to do one
more surgery, where they will insert a metal plate to help make it
more stable and hopefully help with the pain. but, i have been putting
that off. cuz it means one year no riding/horse chores.

>>have heard there is some kind of implant that can be done

you'll have to share what you learn!! raven <;]

RE: [IceHorses] Nosy horses

2007-07-14 Thread Karen Thomas
>>>Incidentally, Sina's grandmother was able to open just about every gate,
every stall door, the feed room door, etc. Before we installed extra
closures that were more difficult or out of her reach, she had the habit of
letting everyone out of their stalls.

Luckily, Sina has been one of my better-behaved ones, as far as staying
where she's put!

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Anneliese Virro

> hurts like heck. plus i just don't have the strength in that
> hand.  my hand surgeron told me that the right hand strength is like
> the hand of my 7 yr old.  wimpy hand. HA!
> raven

I think the weakness comes because of the pain. (In my case anyways.) I have
heard there is some kind of implant that can be done. I am about to
investigate that.


Re: [IceHorses] Ansur Saddle

2007-07-14 Thread Judy Ryder

Have anyone any experience of Ansur saddles?<<<

Got some pictures here:

Saddle is, to me, too expensive, and not good for Icelandics as it flattens
out and leaves not much spine clearance.


Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
>>  Courage, chica, this too will pass! If Huginn's appetite is coming
back he is on the mend.

HA!! Thanks!

>> About giving injections in the butt - this is NOT one of the best
sites! The  hide is tough there and it hurts. Have you tried the rear
upper thigh   muscle? That is a site that will not hurt if you do it

i am giving the injections on the butt (what I call the butt ~:0  ),
that area in the back...along the side of where his tail hangs.

>> And if your hand hurts when you  are doing these procedures hurts like heck. plus i just don't have the strength in that
hand.  my hand surgeron told me that the right hand strength is like
the hand of my 7 yr old.  wimpy hand. HA!

Re: [IceHorses] Nosy horses

2007-07-14 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/14/07, Anneliese Virro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mine have to supervise all activities to
> the point of coming close to being hit by whatever tool is being used. They
> have to examine everything they come across - which usually results in
> everything in their reach being knocked over (not so endearing!). If the
> garage is left open and they can gain access there is not telling about the
> havoc they will wreak in a very short time. They are like children who have
> to examine everything and possibly put it in their mouths and bite on it.

That sounds like Orri to a 't'and it can make it difficult to tack
him up or groom him because he gets impatient standing still--he'd
rather be snooping around.

Re: [IceHorses] Summer Itch

2007-07-14 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/14/07, Anneliese Virro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check Gat's belly seam. That is the first place where SE shows up.
> What you are describing does not sound like SE.

When we groomed her we didn't see or feel anything on her belly--it
was mostly around the head area.

> Treat these patches with
> diluted Iodine, Betadine or whatever. If it's rain rot it will respond very
> quickly. Make sure you dilute the fungicide, otherwise it burns.

Thank you!

[IceHorses] Trick Training Video

2007-07-14 Thread kim morton
This is a kind of cool video. 


[IceHorses] Re: Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread kim morton
--- In, Anneliese Virro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stand to the side and clean the place with and alcohol swab. (I know 
> vets don't do this but I think the rubbing distracts the horse and 
> alcohol prevents injection abscess.) Then take the needle off the 
> and flick it in - the quicker the better. If no blood comes out 
you're fine,
> attach the syringe and and squeeze it off. 

This is the way I give shots now, but my vet told me that the alcohol 
can actually cause abscesses if it gets under the skin, he told me I 
could use the alcohol if I wanted to though:)


Re: [IceHorses] Summer Itch

2007-07-14 Thread Anneliese Virro
> The BO says they're not ringworm as he's seen that before and knows
> what it looks like.  I'm just wondering if it's SE, although Gat has
> never had it before.  Orri doesn't have any at all.
> Thanks,
> V


Check Gat's belly seam. That is the first place where SE shows up.
What you are describing does not sound like SE. Treat these patches with
diluted Iodine, Betadine or whatever. If it's rain rot it will respond very
quickly. Make sure you dilute the fungicide, otherwise it burns.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Dawn?

2007-07-14 Thread Pam Hansen
>>>not too far from the Mackinaw Bridge (bridge that connects the
Upper and Lower Peninsulas<<<

Raven that isn't that far from us!! Roadtrip!  I'll keep you company
if  hubby can't go.

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Anneliese Virro

> Huginn is getting Naxcel in the AM and gentamicin
> (misspelled) in the PM. Gastroguard in the AM and Fastrack in the PM.
> Temp is taken AM & PM. He is getting ..IMHO...huge amounts of the
> antibiotics, it's a bit hard for me with my bad hand to push the meds
> in. A few days ago, I was giving him an injection in his butt, he got
> mad and kicked out. Missed me. I left his butt alone for day, and
> today, I tried the butt again and he was a good boy. I think the
> Nexcel must hurt or burn going in, he does not like that.


Courage, chica, this too will pass! If Huginn's appetite is coming back he
is on the mend.

About giving injections in the butt - this is NOT one of the best sites! The
hide is tough there and it hurts. Have you tried the rear upper thigh
muscle? That is a site that will not hurt if you do it right.

Stand to the side and clean the place with and alcohol swab. (I know many
vets don't do this but I think the rubbing distracts the horse and the
alcohol prevents injection abscess.) Then take the needle off the syringe
and flick it in - the quicker the better. If no blood comes out you're fine,
attach the syringe and and squeeze it off. If blood comes out you are in a
vessel and need to reposition the needle. And if your hand hurts when you
are doing these procedures - I know how that is, I have a very bad thumb
joint - take an aspirin or two a half hour before needing to use your hand.
It helps a little.

All the best,


[IceHorses] Nosy horses

2007-07-14 Thread Anneliese Virro

On 7/13/07 10:08 PM, "Virginia Tupper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> He is settling in but I find he's very nosy--has to get his nose into
> every nook and cranny, noses at the other horses, noses the ground
> (like in my Circle game video)he's like a dog.The other day he
> was nosing Gat's stall handle, and was lifting it--I'm sure with time
> he would've figured out how to open her door...who knows what he
> would've done then.  Anyone have a horse like this?
> V

Oh yes, Virginia! And that, I think is one of the (mostly) endearing
characteristics of many Icelandics. Mine have to supervise all activities to
the point of coming close to being hit by whatever tool is being used. They
have to examine everything they come across - which usually results in
everything in their reach being knocked over (not so endearing!). If the
garage is left open and they can gain access there is not telling about the
havoc they will wreak in a very short time. They are like children who have
to examine everything and possibly put it in their mouths and bite on it.
But this curiosity to me means intelligence and I highly value that.
Incidentally, Sina's grandmother was able to open just about every gate,
every stall door, the feed room door, etc. Before we installed extra
closures that were more difficult or out of her reach, she had the habit of
letting everyone out of their stalls.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread Pam Hansen
> > Just a short note to update you on Huginn and me.<<<

I am off all summer so if you want me to help during the day with a
supplement or feeding or whatever, I would love to help.  Maybe during
the day when you are working some beet pulp or feed?

[IceHorses] nexcel

2007-07-14 Thread Docnshop2
Hello Raven,
 Last year my pregnant mare Von had a puncture  wound right after I got 
her.  She was on nexcel for 10 days.  It is in  the cephalosprin family and I 
would assume very painful.  In humans  Rocephin is its cousin.  If you or your 
family has ever had this IM you  know it is painful.  We usuallly put a little 
lidocaine in it for humans so  it is not so painful.  I don't know if you can 
do this with horses or  not.

** Get a sneak peak of the all-new AOL at

Re: [IceHorses] Western Saddles

2007-07-14 Thread Pam Hansen
>>>WEstern saddles<<<

Another thing I was thinking about that my hubby did on the wintec is
make a handle, kinda like an endurance hump. It wasn't engineered
properly cause when I went to get off or on I broke it off.  It was to
high and in my way.  He says he is gonna perfect it for me.It was
covered with leather and people actually thought it was part of the
saddle. So, that is another option.  Get a Duette or thornhill that
fits her better than the wintec and have him perfect his project.
Someday , I will get something to work.

Re: [IceHorses] Western Saddles

2007-07-14 Thread Pam Hansen
you get a demo period<<<

So how do you get a demo period on a custom saddle? That is what worries me.

Raven, it was one very bad time for you at Forestville but remember
all the good times you had with him. You had many weekends for many
years.  Remember them!  And I pray you have many more with him.

Off subject but prayer does work sometimes.
I prayed my daughter got to see Dale earnhardt Jr at cedar lake in
wisconsin and get his autograph and she did!  He is her hero.  They
gave out 8,000 or more programs and only 400 actually got his time and
autograph and she was one. It was marked on the prgram if and who you
got to visit.  Someone offered her $200 to trade. The programs were
5.00 each and some people had more than 20.  She bought two.

Re: [IceHorses] western saddles

2007-07-14 Thread Raven
>>felt that the BMSS does not have a twist so if the Sensation did not
 work, I don't think you would find a BMSS comfortable

I loved my BMSS !!! I don't care for twists in saddle, so the BMSS
worked great for me, but not Huginn.   Raven

[IceHorses] Summer Itch

2007-07-14 Thread Virginia Tupper
Does anyone have a photo of what summer itch looks like?

Gat has a few patches of skin showing and she was rubbing her head.
The patches don't look painful.

The BO says he doesn't know what it is--possibly rainrot.  I took a
few photos but they turned out blurry and don't show well.

There's one patch under her forelock and the other under her mane at
the poll, then a couple other little spots around the face and neck.

The BO says they're not ringworm as he's seen that before and knows
what it looks like.  I'm just wondering if it's SE, although Gat has
never had it before.  Orri doesn't have any at all.

Re: [IceHorses] Western Saddles

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258
Raven wrote:
> Pam..IMHO...what ever saddle you think about buying, pleased make sure
> you get a demo period. Good luck! Raven <;]
Reactor Panel does have one of the best demo programs.  I think as far 
as flex panel saddles go, they are better than the flex panels that bolt 
on.  You can infinitely adjust the wide velcro discs that adhere the 
panels to the saddle and I believe they have an option to make the 
panels shorter.  You can lease one for up to 2 months for $50/month and 
really ride the heck out of it.   I found the seat hard (but I didn't 
know about sheepskins and gel pads back then) and they only have english 
styles (one endurance model that looks Englishey to me).


[IceHorses] Re: Huginn Friday Update

2007-07-14 Thread kim morton
--- In, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was giving him an injection in his butt, he got
> mad and kicked out. Missed me. I left his butt alone for day, and
> today, I tried the butt again and he was a good boy. I think the
> Nexcel must hurt or burn going in, he does not like that.

Do you have to do it in the butt?, I recall trying this and it is 
much harder to do in the butt, the neck is much easier. In fact my 
vet told me not to inject them in the butt last time I spoke with 
him because he told me that horses will get absesses from shots 
every so often and they are easy to get to in the neck and drain, 
but in the butt they can't get to them so easily.

> He wears a cotton sheet during the day, he is getting some peach 
> on his body.
> Up until a few days ago...Huginn was only a little bit interested 
> food, but today...he was very interested in food!

That sounds great.


Re: [IceHorses] Video

2007-07-14 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/13/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As for the sniffing, Dagur is like that too.

That's good to know--none of the other horses at our stable are as
curious as Orri is.  Even Gat.

Re: [IceHorses] Video

2007-07-14 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/14/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Those sliding bar-type latches - the most common type of stall door latch?  
> What a joke!

That's what's on the stall doors at our boarding stable.  I had Orri
tied outside of Gat's stall--he was lipping the latch and moving it.
Not sure if he was just curious, playful, wanting to get in with Gat,
or jealous because I was in with Gat and not with him.

Re: [IceHorses] western saddles

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258

> No kidding...for those of use obsessed with well-fitting saddles...the
> price becomes secondary...
> Wanda
> (I can't believe I just said that)
Also, never say it in front of a husband  ;-)


Re: [IceHorses] Western Saddles

2007-07-14 Thread pippa258
Pam Hansen wrote:
> I am next trying crestridge saddles.  It is an endurance short skirted
> extra wide saddle.  I need to take measurements and take pics for her
> to see if they think they have one that will work. i  have heard they
> are exceptional to work with. he said they have fitted Icelandics.
Hi Pam,

This place was able to fit my Percheron  They do 
Aussie saddles, some with horns, some with high cantles.   I know 
Aussies have a reputation for narrowness but they have a wide range of 
widths and their prices are reasonable.  Also, can have an Aussie made 
with a horn.

I got Starri soon after I bought the Perch's saddleit was way too 
wide for him so they are able to make it wide.


[IceHorses] Re: Dawn?

2007-07-14 Thread dawn_atherton
--- In, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dawn...can you please tell me where the free lease Ice horse 
gelding is located? Which town? I am interested in him. THANKS!
> Raven

Hi Raven, I think he's in or near the city of Cheboygan, 
Michigan.  It's in the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula, not too far 
from the Mackinaw Bridge (bridge that connects the Upper and Lower 

Dawn Bruin-Slot

RE: [IceHorses] Now Standing Still / Mounting

2007-07-14 Thread Karen Thomas
>> Did we ever get any pictures for the webpage for Training for Standing Still 
>> While Mounting?

I sent some in last week of my friend working with Runa - there might have been 
one of Cary playing with Maja too... I think I put them on the Kodak gallery.

Karen Thomas, NC

RE: [IceHorses] Video

2007-07-14 Thread Karen Thomas
>>>  I've watched Dagur pull and tug at the chain on the pasture gate until he 
>>> opened it and let everyone out.  When we latch gates now, we have to be 
>>> careful which way we leave the chain laying or he'll try it again.

Virtually all of our gates are double-latched, and some are triple latched.  
We've always seen our horses playing with the latches - most can figure out how 
to open a normal latch pretty quickly.  Those sliding bar-type latches - the 
most common type of stall door latch?  What a joke!  

Karen Thomas, NC