Re: [IceHorses] Unexpected Bolt

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


This is Tori (she's on the list):


[IceHorses] Icelandic / TB Crosses

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


Re: [IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Lorraine
Tell me about it!!!  I haven't riden in years.  We are hoping to take them 
camping next week.  Sorry you couldn't stop by.  Too hot, like you said.


Re: [IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Lorraine

> especially in the barnyard.  Where/how do you find them? 
> Do home stores 
> just sell misters?

We got ours at Home Depo. but the boys won't stand under them.


RE: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Robyn Hood
>>>Someone just sent this link to another list.

I watched it as well and was really impressed with the timing and spacing.
It is a challenge to ride an organized ride with 8-10 riders, but 80 - wow I
think they did a really great job and for the most part the horses looked
great - the bottom line is you have to stay in your place as best you can so
sometimes you just have to use the reins but it was more relaxed than any
Icelandic demo I have seen.


Re: [IceHorses] Interview with Dr. Temple Grandin

2008-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm
Absolutely fascinating interview!  I often have several books going at one 
time.  Right now I am reading a mystery, plus Temple Grandin's Animals in 
Translation and her mother's book A Thorn In My Pocket.  Dr. Grandin has 
always interested me because out son Arontae has ( on a  long list of 
disability diagnosis) autism.  She is one of the few autistic people who 
provides a voice for the non-verbal and low-verbal autistic people like 


[IceHorses] Unexpected Bolt

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


[IceHorses] Icelandic Horse Conformation

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
Interesting thread on the Fugly Horse Board:


Re: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Seems strange, but then our Western riders and some cowboys don't post 
>>> either.

Yes, but the good ones are relaxed enough to ride the trot without really 
bouncing.   And, 
of course, working cow horses typically have pretty easy trots to sit.  A lot 
Icelandic's have soft trots too, but when they are pulled up and restrained in 
the show 
style, they get pretty bouncy looking.

>>> Tosca actually has the smoothest trot of any horse I have ever ridden, but 
>>> I notice as 
>>> she begins to use her hindquarters more effectively, she also trots with 
>>> more 
>>> impulsion making posting seem natural.

It could be that hers is slightly broken, to the foxtrotty side. I love foxtrot 
- it gives 
me enough movement to keep my back from locking, but there's no bounce.  Liz 
says that 
foxtrot is "lumpy but not bumpy."  I've been surprised sometimes to 
freeze-frame videos of 
Sina's trot, only to find that it's still slightly broken.

Karen Thomas, NC

[IceHorses] Feather, Jester, and Skugga

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
A thread about teaching Icelandic Horses, Feather, Jester, and Skugga, and 
how they learn:


Re: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm

 Not the traditional show type riders

Seems strange, but then our Western riders and some cowboys don't post 
either.  I have seen plenty of working cowboys post the trot, however.
Tosca actually has the smoothest trot of any horse I have ever ridden, but I 
notice as she begins to use her hindquarters more effectively, she also 
trots with more impulsion making posting seem natural.


[IceHorses] Interview with Dr. Temple Grandin

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


Re: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


Much better demo!  Still see fighting the bit; gotta get rid of the 
nosebands so the riders will be more aware of their hands and how their 
horse accepts the bit.


Re: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Ooops - have I missed still another Icelandic tradition?  Do riders not 
>>> normally post 
>>> the trot?

Not the traditional show type riders - it was one of the hardest things for me 
to watch 
when I first started paying attention to this breed.  Many do this horrible, 
bounce where they absolutely pound the horse's back.   I used to call it the 
trot - boing, boing, boing...  I used to have a link of Diddi, an Icelandic 
rider with 
tons of championships to his credit, bouncing so horribly on the back of his 
horse that I 
swear you could read the newspaper between him and his saddle.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm

 I even saw a couple of riders posting.

Ooops - have I missed still another Icelandic tradition?  Do riders not 
normally post the trot?


[IceHorses] Intimidation in Training

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
>From Rick Lamb's book and newsletter:

Intimidation in Training

 You can intimidate a horse into performing a certain way, but you'll be 
making more work for yourself in the long run.

Let's set aside any questions about the morality of harsh horse 
training methods.  They do work, and they've worked for centuries. The 
problem is, they have little staying power compared to gentle methods. 
Consider what happens when you give horses trained with each approach a 
couple months off. Trainer Mike Kevil:

"That is where you'll see the difference. You'll get on the horse that has 
been intimidated and you're going to have to intimidate him all over again. 
And see, he knows what's coming - the big, strong punch and the spur - and 
he's ready to fight you. The other horse, because he learned in a soft way, 
you ended that way, he trusts you. When you get on he just goes right on 
with the program."

So, the fact of the matter is the gentle methods of natural horsemanship are 
not only morally superior; they actually work better.


[IceHorses] Positive example - finally!

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
Someone just sent this link to another list.

Here are 80 Icelandic's doing a demo at a national level jumping show in 
Germany.  By looking at the flags, I gather they are from different 
countries.  Supposedly, these are mostly "average" riders, most are not show 
riders.   It looks like some of the horses are gaiting, some are trotting, 
and most look pretty relaxed, so the pattern works well.  I even saw a 
couple of riders posting.  I saw an occasional bobble in the pattern...but 
my goodness, that's a lot of horses!   They don't show many close-ups of the 
riders, but the ones I saw seemed to have the saddles in a respectable spot. 
I can't see details like bits and nosebands, but if you can get this many 
horses going with relatively even spacing, with all those flags, with that 
many horses looking relaxed, I'd say that's a big accomplishment.

I think it's impressive to see this many horses going so pleasantly - maybe 
it's because they went for a relatively simple pattern, at slow-medium 
speeds, rather than pushing speed at the expense of precision and 

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Lynn Kinsky

> A friend has them around their porch - seems like a very nice idea to 
> me,
> especially in the barnyard.  Where/how do you find them?  Do home 
> stores
> just sell misters?

Google on misters -- lots of companies will come up (for example:

Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

Re: [IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder

> especially in the barnyard.  Where/how do you find them?  Do home stores
> just sell misters?

I think Home Depot has them in the sprinkler department.  You can get the 
black drip system hose / pipe (it comes wound up in a circle, so it's not 
stiff like PVC, yet not as soft as a hose), and just poke the little misters 
thru the hose wherever you want them.  Also get a connection to slip on the 
end to connect to your hose, and the thing to get for the other end that 
caps it.


Re: [IceHorses] Nipped me!

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Thinking about it since it happened I've been wondering why he would do 
>>> that -- could he have been trying to groom me, or would it be some other 
>>> reason?  It didn't hurt, or pinch, it was like a soft grab.

Sometimes I think horses can be too...I don't know... too uncomfortable with 
people to let their guard down to play.  I do want my horses to be 
well-behaved, and I don't tolerate biting, but I don't want them behaving 
because they are scared.  You're right, you don't want him doing that, but 
from what you've described, I think it might be a good sign in some ways.  I 
warned Jacki that Cali might get to the point where she's a little "bad" at 
times, but not to worry about it...just correct it, but don't make a big 
deal over it and move on.  I think Cali wanted sooo badly to get the 
attention we were giving her that she was always on her Sunday-school-best 
behavior, trying extra hard to please us.  I loved her for it, but I also 
think it's important that horses know we love them no matter what, so they 
can truly relax.  So, odd as it sounds, I think a LITTLE bit of 
overly-brave.. just a little... "bad" behavior can be a good thing, 
signaling that he's settling in.

I will be very surprised if he makes a habit of it though - he was probably 
just testing the waters, to see what is, and isn't allowed in his happy new 
home.  I doubt he was trying to hurt you - how would he know how much it 
takes to hurt a human?   Now he knows... :)

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm

 Our kids have misters around their back patio which helps a tiny bit to 
keep  the area cool.  I remember Judy Roberts had misters in her horses' 
 for times like this.

A friend has them around their porch - seems like a very nice idea to me, 
especially in the barnyard.  Where/how do you find them?  Do home stores 
just sell misters?


Re: [IceHorses] car wash

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I'm starting some tentative ground work with him.  We both need it.

I'm sure you need it, for therapeutic reasons - I sure would if I were you. 
And what a positive use of your energy right now.  He looks like he's doing 
well, ready to take all the attention you care to bestow on him.  He's 
really gotten nice and stocky too, hasn't he?  He's not looking like a baby 
any more.  I suspect that Hroi will be his color - I love dark bays. (Ok, I 
also love red bays, chestnuts, chestnut/flaxens, blacks, palominos, silver 
dapples, duns, pintos, grays...)

I had to work all day today, and wouldn't you know it, the weather was just 
great: low-mid 80's and no humidity at all.  So, as soon as I got home, I 
ran out to play with horses.  It was Bjola's turn.  What a lovely mare, with 
a brain like a steel trap!  She needs more attention - I think her number is 
up next for some fine-tuning of her training.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Trailer Loading

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder

> To say he likes trailer loading is an understatement.
> I want this ingrained in everyone just in case of an emergency.

Good idea!  


Re: [IceHorses] Odd Colored Pinto

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


>>Wow!  And did you see that white head on the black horse! ;-)

Good catch!  I hadn't noticed that.


Re: [IceHorses] clicker training

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder


Good job, Wanda!  I bet he will be able to go down a line of cones, knock 
them over, and then go back the other way and stand them up!  Smart kid!


[IceHorses] Too hot!

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
We have been on the road all day, getting home from Phoenix where it is WAY 

Our kids have misters around their back patio which helps a tiny bit to keep 
the area cool.  I remember Judy Roberts had misters in her horses' corrals 
for times like this.


Re: [IceHorses] Nipped me!

2008-07-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/7/1 Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thinking about it since it happened I've been wondering why he would
> do that -- could he have been trying to groom me, or would it be some
> other reason?  It didn't hurt, or pinch, it was like a soft grab.

Our horses have done that from time to time...I believe it's just
mutual grooming.  You were right to let Orri know it wasn't the right
thing to do...


Thoughts become things...

[IceHorses] Nipped me!

2008-07-01 Thread Virginia Tupper
I was cleaning Orri's feet this morning and while trying to dig out
some mud, he started snuffling my back, then he gave me a little nip.

Since he's never done that before and it suprised me I popped up and
gave him tap on the nose, then shook my finger at him and sternly said
'don't you do that again'he backed up like I was gonna beat him up
or something.  Then I ignored him and shovelled out some poop, when I
was done and just standing still he came over to me and I loved on him
like nothing had happened.

Thinking about it since it happened I've been wondering why he would
do that -- could he have been trying to groom me, or would it be some
other reason?  It didn't hurt, or pinch, it was like a soft grab.

Virginia Tupper
NB, Canada

Re: [IceHorses] Trailer Loading

2008-07-01 Thread Virginia Tupper
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Wanda Lauscher
> Kevin moved the trailer into the riding arena tonight.  I had just
> popped the door open and Solon was standing at the ready.
> To say he likes trailer loading is an understatement.

So smart!

[IceHorses] clicker training

2008-07-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
Solon was asked to touch each of the cones ...I assumed he would use
his nose for all three.  Perhaps I should have specified.

He's added the type of touch at the end on his own...


Thoughts become things...

Re: [IceHorses] Re: grazing muzzle

2008-07-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/7/1 Susan Coombes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That's just like Ofeig's. The grass didn't come through as fast as the
> treats so she made the hole bigger. It only took her 4 days to demolish
> it.

I have a spare in the tack shed with a hole in it from last year.  I'm
thinking of taking it to a harness repair shop.  The rest of it is
fine...the hole is just twice the size.

I left it on Elska while we went to town.  When we drove in the yard,
Elska came stomping up to the gate and is presently hollering at me to
come out and take it off.


Thoughts become things...

Re: [IceHorses] Odd Colored Pinto

2008-07-01 Thread susan cooper
--- On Tue, 7/1/08, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a little pinto who is chestnut in the front,
> white in the middle, and 
> dark brown on the butt and tail:

Wow!  And did you see that white head on the black horse! ;-)

Susan in NV     read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:   


[IceHorses] Odd Colored Pinto

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
Here's a little pinto who is chestnut in the front, white in the middle, and 
dark brown on the butt and tail:


Re: [IceHorses] Video in the Ring / Setting the Camera

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
>>I would like to know what her intermediate gait is.  Is it normal that it 
>>would feel "softer" in the sand arena than on the hardpacked trails?

Yes, try to get a video!  The sand would change the timing of the
legs, so whatever gait she offers naturally might be slightly
different from sand versus hardpack.

Set the camera close enough to the horse to get good closeup of the
movement; maybe about 12 feet away, and just go back and forth in
front of the camera.  The extraneous footage without anyone in the
picture can be edited out later.

>> There just isn't any way to set a camera on the rail and get the film I want.
> I have a pipe rail arena, and I set my rubbermaid step stool that I use as a 
> mounting block over the pipe and set my camera on it to video.

Good use for the rubbermaid stool!

>>The easiest video camera I have to use us a little Flip video.  It's shaped
a little like a cell phone, very small.  I guess I could tape it to a fence

We can get a little creative here... how about making some type of
"mount" for the Flip camera?

It could be something like a short, wide, heavy glass, stuff a plastic
bag into it, or put the camera in the glass first, and stuff the
plastic bag around the camera to hold it in place.

Or... ??


Re: [IceHorses] WNV ALERT

2008-07-01 Thread Debbie K.
I am late giving mine this year, I bought it today, last year I gave
it in early June, My Vet thought I would be ok, since this is the 4th
or 5th year I have given it... they will all get it tonight...

My horses love their track system~
The Soul of a Horse ~ has touched my soul, may it touch yours too!
~ ~

Re: [IceHorses] Early Clicker Training

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder

> Boy am I impressed with her clicker training. I was just given a clicker.
> What kind of treats do you give? Sylvia

I use small pieces of alfalfa / bermuda pellets.  But you can use anything 
small that the horse likes.  It could be one cheerio, a tiny slice of carrot 
(sliced from a salad shooter, really thin), special treats for special 
jackpots (maybe a piece of sugared breakfast cereal, or a grape, etc.).

Have you tried clicker training?


[IceHorses] Re: grazing muzzle

2008-07-01 Thread Susan Coombes

> Someone was asking about grazing muzzles.  This is the one I used on
> Gusti last year.  Elska is now in need of it.  She's not that thrilled
> with it, but she DOES like how treats seem to come up through the
> hole.
That's just like Ofeig's. The grass didn't come through as fast as the 
treats so she made the hole bigger. It only took her 4 days to demolish 
Sue coombes

[IceHorses] Ryder Report

2008-07-01 Thread Judy Ryder
This week's horse news:


RE: [IceHorses] lightning

2008-07-01 Thread Jeannette Hoenig
"she was knocked down like a bowling pin"  Was her horse shod? That could have 
knocked her off her feet if she has on metal shoes.

Re: [IceHorses] fell off the pony

2008-07-01 Thread gemstonerotts

In a message dated 7/1/2008 5:52:46 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
Not getting caught in the stirrups is how I was practicing. I was leaving  
the stirrups to get off. Because of the MS my right leg is not too helpful and 
 don't know I was just doing something stupid. The right foot caught in the 
off  side of the saddle pad and so down I went. Too much athletics for someone 
my  age. New plan. The Passier saddle is higher in the cantle than the one I  
normally ride with. This riding English is harder for me. I will continue to  
look for an endurance western type that will fit him. Sylvia

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

Re: [IceHorses] Horse hair jewelry

2008-07-01 Thread Docnshop2
Thank you for the kind words.? I still cannot talk much about it.? Trojan was 
27 years old and was fine in the am.? I came home from work and he looked like 
he had been rolling.? I immediately put him on the trailer to go to my equine 
surgeon.? He had exploratory surgery.? He twisted his bowel but had 3 very 
large probably malignant masses in his stomach.? The vet recommended not waking 
him up.
I definitely understand what you are going through Wanda.? Hang in there.

??? Renee


Re: [IceHorses] chewing thing

2008-07-01 Thread Lorraine
I had a horse that chewed a huge hole in my wooden shelter.  I had to move the 
corral over.


[IceHorses] WNV ALERT

2008-07-01 Thread Janice McDonald
on our news today... MY vet is quoted as saying the very very wet
period recently has resulted in more mosquitos and now a WNV outbreak
resulting in an average of two horses a day being put down this week!!
they said people need to vaccinate NOW.  It could be a major public
health issue they said.  I am going to call and ask how long the shot
is good for!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] What a nice review for The Soul Of a Horse!

2008-07-01 Thread Debbie K.

I have so enjoyed watching Joe Camps book climb the ladder of
recognition, I love this review by Jack L. Kennedy.

Joe was very kind when he sent my daughter a signed copy of the book
to read, I have so enjoyed her comments as we get together to visit. I
love it when kids grow up and see life in a different, much wiser
way!!! I believe this book was just one more tool to help me with
raising my daughter...

My horses love their track system~
The Soul of a Horse ~ has touched my soul, may it touch yours too!
~ ~

Re: [IceHorses] chewing thing

2008-07-01 Thread Debbie K.
wrap the tree in horse fencing, the no climb kind or chicken wire...
as the tree grows you need to expand it though, or the tree will just
grow right through it... the other thing is to put 3 or 4 stakes about
a foot out from the tree all around it and wrap around the tree using
the posts to wrap around... trim up the tree so the mule can not get
to it, you can also make sure they horse has the right mineral mix, as
they are usually looking for copper, at least that is what I was told
by a couple different people...

My horses love their track system~
The Soul of a Horse ~ has touched my soul, may it touch yours too!
~ ~

Re: [IceHorses] chewing thing

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> can anyone advise what to use for a horse that chews trees?

We've found two things that work: cut the tree or fence it off.  Some trees 
don't appeal to them - they never chew on our pecan trees or pines, but they 
love oaks.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Back on the trail successfully!

2008-07-01 Thread Kathleen Douglas

The heart rate monitor is a great idea!  Dancer lets you know how he  
feels about things, but Ellie is the classic stoic Icelandic mare  
and, your right,  working with her has improved my powers of  
observation immensely.  Glad to hear you guys are back on the trail,  
give me a couple years and we can ride our boys together.  (Dancer  
turned 2 last week, can you believe it?)

"Washoe" Kat Douglas

RE: [IceHorses] Horse hair vase

2008-07-01 Thread Robyn Hood
>>Here's a picture of one made from strands of Svertla's hair.  
These are really beautiful and what a great tribute.




Re: [IceHorses] chewing thing

2008-07-01 Thread Mic Rushen
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 06:12:11 -0500, you wrote:

> any ideas?

Mule burgers?


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs:

Re: [IceHorses] Back to the ring successfully

2008-07-01 Thread Mic Rushen
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 06:10:16 -0500, you wrote:

>excellent use of duct tape:  wrap a pole or tree with it that horses
>are rubbing on.

Or for severe rubbing (if you can't fence the tree off), use duct tape
to fasten carpet tiles to the tree.


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs:

Re: [IceHorses] Horse hair jewelry

2008-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
>>My once in a lifetime horse, Trojan, died in December of  colic.  Even with 
>>surgery they 
>>could not save him either.  Suzanne  made me a beautiful horse show necklace. 
>> Check put 
>>her website.

>>> Oh Renee...and you didn't say a word...  I'm so sorry.

Me too, Renee.  I'm very, very sorry.

Karen Thomas, NC

[IceHorses] lightning

2008-07-01 Thread Janice McDonald
we had a terrible storm yesterday and my friend sylvia said she was
gazing out her window to make sure her horses were ok when lightning
struck just a few feet outside her paddock and knocked her mare down!
She said she didnt throw herself down it was like she was just knocked
down like a bowling pin!  She said she jumped up and ran like a nut
and sylvia saw she was ok so waited til the lightning was over.  She
said there was no burnt hair or anything.  maybe it came up through
the ground!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] chewing thing

2008-07-01 Thread Janice McDonald
can anyone advise what to use for a horse that chews trees?  It may be
a donkey thing.  My curly ray has killed several small trees chewing
them and now my friend sylvia's little mule is chewing the one tree in
his paddock and she cant get him to knock it off.  She was thinking of
painting it with turpentine.  I said that could hurt him...  i said
maybe she could duct tape it but he might ingest some.  any ideas?

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Back to the ring successfully

2008-07-01 Thread Janice McDonald
> Yet another use for duct tape!
> Susan in NV read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:  

excellent use of duct tape:  wrap a pole or tree with it that horses
are rubbing on.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Grand Escape!!!

2008-07-01 Thread Lorraine
OMG.  You have been tested.  I am glad the horses were ok. That is scarry when 
they get out.


Re: [IceHorses] fell off the pony

2008-07-01 Thread Lorraine

That is very lucky.  My fear is to get caught in the stirrups.


Re: [IceHorses] Horse hair jewelry

2008-07-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/6/30  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Suzanne Storms does some beautiful horse hair jewelry out of woven horse
> hair.  My once in a lifetime horse, Trojan, died in December of  colic.  Even
> with surgery they could not save him either.  Suzanne  made me a beautiful 
> horse
> show necklace.  Check put her website.  _www.Suzannestorms.com_
> (

Oh Renee...and you didn't say a word...

I'm so sorry.


Thoughts become things...