RE: [IceHorses] OT - opossums need home in So Cal

2008-06-07 Thread Mary
Sorry for your experiences, Janice.  I have never had an opossum kill my
chickens, ducks, or any other thing.  I had one as a pet years ago and he
was wonderful...I don't have rabies and neither did he.  They are extremely
gentle animals and I have never had any problems with them my entire
life...even before I rehabbed them.

Most of my dogs and cats are rescues from someone dumping them, etc.  My
great border collie, Dreyfuss was dumped in a freezing irrigation ditch in
January in Colorado...the other two didn't make it.  I, too, live in an area
where people dump animals all the time.  As I believe I've heard somewhere
around here..."Compassion is not species specific".  

Opossums aren't dangerous.  Rattlesnakes are.  We have our fair share out
I do not rescue anything that could KILL me or my animals.

SHEESH the judgement around here!

Either way...they found a home.

Mary Dudley, LVT

[IceHorses] OT - opossums need home in So Cal

2008-06-06 Thread Mary
Hi, guys...

I am posting this in hopes that someone MAY know of a rehabilitator out in
this area...I have a 1 year old opossum "Bindi" and someone recently gave me
one to work with...and NOW I need to find them a home.  I had someone out
here who was going to take them, but last Friday she said OK and this Friday
apparently doesn't know who I am.  These guys are NOT releasable.



RE: [IceHorses] 2nd eye photo

2008-06-01 Thread Mary

Yes, that would be OK.  I have specialized in veterinary ophthalmology for 3
years now.  If the sclera is injected (the blood vessels are prominent and
angry-looking) you need to call a veterinarian.  I would suspect more than
anything else there was some debris stuck under one of the lids...although
photophobia is indeed a sign of uveitis, it is also a common sign of
virtually anything wrong with the eye.  Fungal infections of the cornea,
corneal ulcerations, etc are all very very common to our equine friends.
Can you take a picture today?

Mary Dudley, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] sick horses

2008-04-16 Thread Mary

Has anyone heard from Robyn?


RE: [IceHorses] sick horses

2008-04-16 Thread Mary

How are the horses today?  Any chance there are some strange plants or weeds
that may have cropped up in small bunches in the pasture?

Praying for them,

RE: [IceHorses] Happy Ending!

2008-03-30 Thread Mary


That is excellent news.  I think we all tend to be a bit overprotective of
our mounts...especially when we sell them or find them new homes.  As
compassionate people (which MOST horse people are), we can't help it.  

Thank you for sharing.  LOVE to hear the happy endings.


RE: [IceHorses] west coast storms

2008-02-24 Thread Mary

I have been watching it (the weather channel) - nada...just rain and 50

RE: [IceHorses] west coast storms

2008-02-24 Thread Mary
I am so confused...I live on the west coast and haven't heard a thing about
the hurricane!  We do, however, from October through May get very strong
winds for days at a time (70mph would be the average)...

Confused and slightly frantic, now

RE: [IceHorses] OT -kitchen curtains-Virginia

2008-02-22 Thread Mary
That is SO CUTE!


RE: [IceHorses] Little Miss No-Name goes for a walk

2008-02-02 Thread Mary

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Totally OT-

2008-01-27 Thread Mary
Hey, Raven~  I have a broken link on my computer...what are we supposed to

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Horse vs Pony

2008-01-25 Thread Mary
I remember that we (the rocky mountain horse breeders) were LIVID because
there was a Horse Encyclopedia that was redone/printed about 12 years ago
and the RMH was listed as a PONY!  We all petitioned the publisher and
author to get it don to no avail.

According to breed description, the horse's height is supposed to START at


Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Pray for Sammie?

2008-01-20 Thread Mary

I had to drive to a 24 hour facility when I lived in CO because something
almost killed one of my cats that my stupid roommate let out.  I kept him
there for about 10 days with a very grave prognosis.  He lived!  Had him for
another 8 years or sowe are all still sending positive, healing thoughts
your way.  We all support whatever decision you make.   {{HUG}}

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Pray for Sammie?

2008-01-19 Thread Mary

OMG - I am definitely praying for you and all the animals here are sending
healing thoughts.

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] OT Arnie /How's Sophie

2008-01-15 Thread Mary
Arnie is very handsome!  I have a dog that I can't get to wear a top did you do it?

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Kaaren - whippets

2008-01-13 Thread Mary

YOU HAVE A SILKEN  I have been wanting one for a couple of years...very
hard to come by!  I am on the list and read voraciously about them and met
two in person and they just stole my heart!

Roses is lovely!

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

[IceHorses] Kaaren - whippets

2008-01-13 Thread Mary


I didn't know you had whippies!  I have a 4 year old neutered male and
yesterday just received an 8 week old female!  She's in her crate as I speak
making the saddest of sounds because she wants to come out.  I have border
collies, and aussie and a chinese crested, too...but I am so smitten with
the whippets!

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] OT - we're off to the City

2008-01-13 Thread Mary
I should add that the crates I was talking about are the foldable steel wire
dog crates...

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] gonna kill a dog

2008-01-13 Thread Mary

Many of us on this list have been rescuing and rehabbing animals as long as
you have.  I am a licensed technician, and am in the trenches every day of
animal rescue, suffering, welfare, etc.  If you honestly believe that the
very underpaid animal control officers know how to euthanize an animal
HUMANELY, you have another thing coming.

I suggest you volunteer for 2 weeks at your local humane society before you
go lecturing us on how to humanely deal with stray/possibly vicious dogs
that may KILL our own animals.  I have been on the 3am horse calls where
stray dogs have mauled a horse or baby, I have been on the animal CONTROL
calls where even in an urban area you CAN'T FIND THE DOG.  

It's much nicer to the stray to kill it quickly before it's too late.  Is
that kind?  I suppose that stray may have been through utter HELL and
doesn't know how to act and is suffering.  I agree with your assessment...a
human-created problembut before WE have to pay for someone else's
neglect or irresponsibility...put the animal out of it's misery.  Quickly.
So it won't suffer any longer.  Possibly face starvation, get hit by a car,
kicked by a horse to go die somewhere SLOWLY from it's injuries, or eaten by
coyotes...which is KINDER?

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] OT - we're off to the City

2008-01-13 Thread Mary
Hi, Nancy!

I have traveled with my grey a few times.  I have a store here called
Magnolia Bird Farm and they carry the foldable dog crates (steel wire that's
coated with some sort of safe coating)...I have a "travel crate" that's big
enough for her to be content for 3 - 4 days...and there is a snap-on plastic
handle on the top that makes it very easy to carry.  I hang a couple of
small bird toys and put in a perch.  Usually comes with plastic food/h20
dishes that screw on.  I will try to get a picture later.  I have a Kodak
easy share that's NOT so easy!

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] The Bucket List

2008-01-09 Thread Mary
Ride my horses in as many different, exotic locations as possible!


RE: [IceHorses] OT - Cesar's Way

2008-01-08 Thread Mary
It's called the "wolf Treatment"...Learned about it decades ago in school
(one of the reasons I don't like Cesar is that it all seems like a big "DUH"
to me) should only be done when the dog in question does NOT see you as
pack leader.  I had to do it to my Dreyfuss...she was a complete knucklehead
as a pup and by 6 months, it was clear she didn't respect me as leader.
Have never had a problem since

But Cesar isn't doing anything new...

Mary, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] Weather/California?

2008-01-04 Thread Mary
>>Are you  all safe and dry in California?

So far so good here in Norco!


RE: [IceHorses] Sheesh - way off topic rant

2008-01-01 Thread Mary
>>I defy anyone to accuse them of not having a
nice life..<<

I never said being outdoors didn't equate to a nice lifewhere did THAT
come from?  

I said the general population is simply ill-equipped to have pets, let alone
expose them to the outside world...think about it.  Wouldn't you say that
perhaps all of us on this list feel a little differently about and
treat/take care of our animals with more compassion, concern, understanding
than most?

All I was saying is think about the segment on TV that was mentioned.  Now
think about all the &^%$&*)(*)(*& that probably went to a PET STORE to buy a
fluff ball for Christmashonestly tell me what percentage of those will
still have a living pet in a year?  

Maybe it's my part of the country...but I see LOTS and LOTS of stupidity

Mary, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] OT Happy New Year to everyone

2007-12-30 Thread Mary
A, Bia!  I LOVED that!  Thank you (and I also liked your "beneficial
lessons" quote).


RE: [IceHorses] OT - choices

2007-12-29 Thread Mary
I already know piano, and used to have quite an operatic career...can still
sing, but really MISS playing an instrument.  I used to play cello ages ago,
but I was in 3rd and 4th grade and although district principal begged me not
to quit, I was very petite and tired of lugging the cello around.  Obviously
- not an issue anymore.  I love the sound of all three instruments
equallyI am wondering, however, if I didn't quite do well with guitar,
banjo may be out?

Raven - how were your vocal cords damaged?  BTW...I loved the link to your
albums of your family and grandpa.

My other thought for a task to start this year was to start law school and
be an animal rights lawyer (NOT for the PETA types) to prosecute animal
cruelty and neglect cases.


RE: [IceHorses] OT - choices

2007-12-29 Thread Mary

>>who sings to/with a cello?<<
I have seen and heard many a people sing with a cello


RE: [IceHorses] Warning

2007-12-29 Thread Mary
>when an adult bird really
>really loves you he will regurgitate food on you to show he cares.

This is very grey has always 'held' my pinkie finger in her mouth,
and made little cooing noises, then will let it go and start to regurgitate
(thank goodness she lets it go)...I am told I should be flattered...been 4
years and I am still not at that point!


RE: [IceHorses] OT - olympics in Canada

2007-12-29 Thread Mary
OMG...I am sitting here in a quiet house LAUGHING MY A$$ off and the
dogs/cats are looking at me like I have 5 heads!  Now the parrots are
chuckling in the other room, too.

Thank you SO MUCH, Mic...that was wonderful!


[IceHorses] OT - choices

2007-12-28 Thread Mary
If you HAD to choose between one instrument to play (and sing), which would
it be:
 1) cello
 2) harp
 3) banjo

Any input is greatly appreciated...


RE: [IceHorses] Warning

2007-12-27 Thread Mary
NANCY!  I am so sorry!  I don't know about your father's irregular
heartbeat, but unless Rocky was already diagnosed with heart disease, there
was nothing on Earth you could've done to prevent that.  Heck, it could've
happened one day when you came home from the grocery store

My thoughts are with you.  Going to hug Charlie and Tinker now.


RE: [IceHorses] Martha Stewart's Farrier

2007-12-26 Thread Mary


RE: [IceHorses] Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings / Tattoos

2007-12-26 Thread Mary
>>You lucky dog.  We get random drug tests at my job,
hence the "use to" smoke.  But some day I will again.<<

it's been over a few years, BUT...most of my friends and neighbors doI
just haven't had the timemakes me sad.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.


RE: [IceHorses] Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings / Tattoos

2007-12-25 Thread Mary
I have friends of all status and ages:  is it wrong is I take the "used to"
out of the phrase 'I used to smoke pot'


[IceHorses] Sleigh Ride

2007-12-25 Thread Mary Dudley
Merry Christmas, everyone!

I made a Hallmark Smilebox for you!
(it will open in your web browser)

This presentation was created with Hallmark Smilebox, an exciting service
for connecting with friends and family in a creative and compelling way.

Copyright 2007 Smilebox, Inc. | 8201 164th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Smilebox Privacy Policy:

RE: [IceHorses] weather

2007-12-25 Thread Mary
32 degrees f is the freezing number.  In Colorado, however, it was never
"too cold to snow"but it wouldn't snow until it got to 32 degrees.


RE: [IceHorses] Assa

2007-12-24 Thread Mary
Assa is GORGEOUS!  I love the look on her face.


RE: [IceHorses] Happy Holidays!

2007-12-24 Thread Mary

Thank you!  Happy Holidays to you and yours :)


RE: [IceHorses] Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings

2007-12-24 Thread Mary
>>I think the full moon has a draw / pull on female hormones, and maybe
out the worst in people sometimes.

The nosering was just an aside. << 

What side did you get pierced?  My mother (whom I am very close to) hasn't
said a thing about it.  I sometimes wonder if she's even seen it!  I
actually would like it a little higher up on my nostril...he marked it
before he did it, but without the gem actually in it, I couldn't tell what
it would look like.

It's been years...I guess I could get it redone, but there are so many more
things on my list with a higher ranking :)

I don't know if they will keep Snerra or not.  The decision was to get
through the holidays, then pick up from yesterday.

About the full moon:  In veterinary medicine, we are ALWAYS filled to the
brim with work ins after a full moon - so - YES it DOES have some weird
draw.  I happen to love full moons and celebrate them in my own
waymoonlight rides being a favorite way to celebrate :)


RE: [IceHorses] Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings

2007-12-24 Thread Mary
>>Wine... sometimes I wish I drank.

It's a full moon... do you suppose sometimes it
negatively affects us?

Does anyone here have a nose ring?<<

Judy...I just caught the beginning of you wish you drank because
wine looks yummy, or do you wish you drank because someone close to you has
a nose ring and you hate it and you think maybe it's because of the full

Went and saw Snerra (Jenna) today...THANK YOU for her info!


RE: [IceHorses] Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings

2007-12-24 Thread Mary

>Does anyone here have a nose ring?

I have a pierced nose...but I don't wear a ring in it. I wear a tiny
tanzanite gem.  I always thought pierced noses were pretty, but my husband
and family always said "NO"...then we went to Europe for a trip one year and
all of these gorgeous Italian business women had their noses
changed everyone's perception and I had it pierced when I came back.

Mary Dudley, LVT
Going to be 40 and FABUOUS this year (with three body piercings and multiple

RE: [IceHorses] I'm not doing very well

2007-12-23 Thread Mary
Hank is SUPER CUTE!!!  

He reminds me of my MFT/X gelding "Toby"...Toby can do the same stuff...I
was lucky when I got him...he reminds me of my border collies...never had to
teach it a THINGjust took everything I tried with him in
stride...obviously trusts me...although that makes me question his judgement


[IceHorses] Varoius elfie critters around my house :)

2007-12-17 Thread Mary

The horsie elves are very difficult!!!


RE: [IceHorses] I've been elfed!

2007-12-16 Thread Mary

Isn't this fun?  I have been sending to everyone  I know this holiday
season.  Would love to do one with my parrots, but I can't get their heads
to work right :(


RE: [IceHorses] Sweatshirts

2007-12-13 Thread Mary
>A sweatshirt cut up the middle would be called a
cardigan, or sometimes a jacket.

Hi, Mic~

By cutting the sweatshirt (which is a cotton knit material), Judy is making
it into a cardigan-like, or jacket-like garment...but I (my lingo) wouldn't
call it a cardigan or jacket without buttons, or a zipper, or something like
that to keep it closed.


RE: [IceHorses] Photo

2007-12-12 Thread Mary


Is this in any way the little brown mare Snerra that I wanted to track down
a couple of months ago?


RE: [IceHorses] hate crimes

2007-12-11 Thread Mary
Thank you for that!  I would never had thought to search for statistics.  I
am aware that there are jerks everywhere...have run into my fair share of
them.  I would definitely not feel comfortable living with him here in
Southern California...plenty of all races here, but this community in
particular would be very wary...

A good friend of mine who lives around Kansas City took me farm shopping out
there earlier this year...there were two communities that the realtor had
ready to show me, but she simply told him 'no'. When I asked her later on
why, she said that they 'definitely not the community for me'.  The next
town over, though was OKagain...everyplace has jerks.  Having lived in
NYC for 4 years, I know that!

*feels better about KY*

Mic~my great aunt was Lord Mayor of Wales (let's see...that was 30 years
ago) and I visited Wales for about 3 weeks at that time (I wasn't even 10
yet!)I also lived in and about London for about 1 year back in my
whippersnapper daysif there was any way possible to move to the UK,
believe me...I would move mountains to do it!  Wales is such a neat
country...BEAUTIFUL...people are rugged but niceI just spent 2 weeks
with my Welsh cousins while they were here on vacation.  I begged them to
forget their son (who loved California) and take me back with them
instead...yet here I sit  :(  


RE: [IceHorses] Lovely farm for Sale in KY - 80+ acres near Anneliese - VERY reasonable

2007-12-10 Thread Mary
So...the love of my life (whom I didn't marry when asked in the past) is
interested in living with would be an interracial
relationship...would that be something that wouldn't go over well in KY?  I
am not trying to upset anyone, but now more worried about my own safety


[IceHorses] OT-chick flicks

2007-12-10 Thread Mary
I am watching the end of Hidalgo...I am just is so beautiful,
sad, terrific and heart-wrenching when he lets Hidalgo go with the herd.

What is wrong with me?  Is it just because I am a chick?

Mary Dudley, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] OT - chickens

2007-12-10 Thread Mary
BUFF!  That's what I have.  She's really nice and a good layer.  I also have
the Araucanas...lovely eggs.  Great around Easter as Janice said.


RE: [IceHorses] Lovely farm for Sale in KY - 80+ acres near Anneliese - VERY reasonable

2007-12-10 Thread Mary
Are there any pictures of the house?  Inside?  Is it livable and needs to be
gradually repaired, or is it unlivable at the moment? there pasture now, or would I need to plant?


RE: [IceHorses] OT - chickens

2007-12-10 Thread Mary

I have a lovely hen that isn't a leghorn and she alone is giving me many
eggs (brown).  I will take a picture...have no idea what she her at
a feed store with a different 'blue' hen (which, BTW, is a rooster)

I sell my eggs for $1.50, too!  I can't afford them in the store, and these
are healthier, anyways.

Pic coming later.


RE: [IceHorses] Lovely farm for Sale in KY - 80+ acres near Anneliese - VERY reasonable

2007-12-10 Thread Mary
I am going through a divorce and chomping at the bit to get out of
California!  I was considering Kansas City area because the company I work
for has a clinic very close, but I could find work long as
there is a veterinary clinic.  I only have once icey, (and two other
un-mentionable geldings), but the idea of views forever and horseback riding
with others right out the property is SOOO temptingand I
LOVE fixer-uppers...I am the daughter of a builder/developer and I bought a
run down house out here for peanuts, fixed it up ( took about 5
years) and resold it for mucho mucho mucho profit (all on my own because my
ex was as ass about helping me)..

Another problem, though, is that I have only ever had my horses on drylot.
Even when I lived in CO.  How many acres of pasture is needed/horse?  



RE: [IceHorses] OT--Glass Toilets

2007-12-09 Thread Mary
>>here i am in a diaphonous gown at one of our ceremonies, i am on the
horse, i was the sacrificial princess offering that nite.

That is SO FUNNY!  I am literally crying I am laughing so hard.  One of my
cats is looking at me as if I have 5 heads right now.


RE: [IceHorses] Corral Panels

2007-12-09 Thread Mary
Out here, 98% of how we stable our horses is with pipe panels.  I have had a
horse get stuck in the gate before, but if the gates are put on correctly,
it actually will lift off the hinges and frees up the horse.

My horses do fine in the panels...18 years of it.  If they get cast (my
rocky stallion used to get cast all the time in the pipe panels as a young
colt), they just hang out until help arrives.  I naturally can see the
dangers involved, but neither myself or any of my friends have ever had a

I did have a friend who had to euthanize her horses because it got it's hoof
stuck in some wire mesh that was attached to the pipe panels (to prevent
mane rubbing) and she broke her leg in many places....


RE: [IceHorses] Help - again

2007-12-08 Thread Mary
>>Now if someone could just help me figure out my new Flip video goody


I never needed to figure out anything on my Flip...I just plugged it into my
computer and it did everything for mewhat software did you need to
update?  I just LOVE itso fun and I think good quality video!


[IceHorses] Cherie - opossum

2007-12-03 Thread Mary

I think she's about 5 - 6 months.  I am feeding her according to the
national society diet.  She has started nipping.  Still very sweet, but
Floyd never even hited at a nip...Bindi is getting to the point where we
have to use thick gloves...she didn't start this way.

Your email gives me hope and I am thankful for your answer!  Broccoli is her
fav treatperhaps clicker training this week is in store for her.

thank you!


[IceHorses] OT - trail class

2007-12-03 Thread Mary
No icelandics, but looks SO FUN!

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] My new mule

2007-12-02 Thread Mary

>>Hazel, my big beautiful black molly mule

She is BEAUTIFUL  I am so fascinated by mules.  Is this your first?


RE: [IceHorses] OT Fun - I'm a Great Dane

2007-12-01 Thread Mary
I would think that being a great dane would also mean there were stomach
issues...when I go to work early (we work inside an ER clinic that's open at
night), there are probably 3/week that had volvulous, or bloat...and I can
remember from my general practice days the same thing

Do either of you have stomach issues? you know anything about opossums?  I raised a male years ago and
had non issues, but this young female is becoming aggressive and I am
wondering if she might be reaching sexual maturity?

Any thoughts?

Mary, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] Senior Ice Ponies Looking for New Home

2007-11-27 Thread Mary
I work for one of the nation's renowned veterinary cataract surgeons...I
could get the surgery done for very little...and get the cushing's treated
for very little, but I certainly couldn't afford to BUY them if I were to do
that...let alone the shipping.

You know, I just had this discussion with someone else a few weeks
can something be such a part of the family and then have to find a home?  

I have such a soft spot for our animal senior citizens


RE: [IceHorses] Flip camcorder

2007-11-26 Thread Mary

I bought one of these at Costco about a year ago...they are SO EASY and
really have nice quality video.  It was under $100


[IceHorses] Paying more for free range

2007-11-21 Thread Mary
I read a book called Dominion, and became vegan afterwards

Although I pay close to $35.00 for my tofurkey feasts every year (go through
5 feasts), I have my brothers and wives/kids looking forward to it every
year nowit's really good, and I am a sap...I know nothing had to die for
my overeating

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch 

RE: [IceHorses] Hoof problems

2007-11-19 Thread Mary
> Betadine is not antifungal? I use betadine or diluted iodine on
> rain rot and
> it works. And rain rot is caused by a fungus isn't it? I am going
> to have to
> read up on that.

The betadyne or diluted iodine is probably just drying out the rain rot, but
not necessarily killing it.

Mary Dudley, LVT

RE: [IceHorses] File - Editing, Responding to the List

2007-11-18 Thread Mary
I totally understand, and I do agree that this is the most 'beautiful' of
lists!  Just never knew the top posting netiquette.  Please don't think I am
being combative - just wondering.

Just have a hard time remembering.   I will remember from now on...I hope.


RE: [IceHorses] OT -Dancing Grandma

2007-11-18 Thread Mary

Raven ~ How do you always come up with these wonderful links?


RE: [IceHorses] OT-Parrots-horses

2007-11-18 Thread Mary
Nancy~ did you train Hunter by whistling? 


RE: [IceHorses] File - Editing, Responding to the List

2007-11-18 Thread Mary
 >>Just a reminder for those who may need it<<
>>Top posting is not allowed<<


I am sorry I keep breaking the rules.  I don't mean to, Just have a
difficult time remembering them, as stated in the email, my other lists
don't have them.  I have a question, though:  Why is top posting not


RE: [IceHorses] OT-Parrots

2007-11-18 Thread Mary
The cue for my dogs is the same as yours:"Go Poopy"...for my birds it's
"Bombs Away" or "Fire in the hole"...I think you can indeed train older
birds...I can't remember how old Hoover is, but Charlie learned at 35 years
old...she didn't have any potty training at  all before that.


RE: [IceHorses] Retrying pics of Hawaii plus a couple new ones

2007-11-15 Thread Mary
YES!  I am positive you had a wonderful time :)  We like to stay at Kona
Village resort...just breathtaking and the foodWOW (and no TV,

Thank you for sharing your picsI am so jealous! 

RE: [IceHorses] Retrying pics of Hawaii plus a couple new ones

2007-11-15 Thread Mary

Where did you stay on the Kona side?  I know the Kona side very well. 

RE: [IceHorses] Totally OT- PonyDoodle

2007-11-15 Thread Mary
I have always wanted a standard poodle

[IceHorses] RE: greys

2007-11-13 Thread Mary
This cracks me up..once when I was getting out of the shower I heard my
'husband' in the computer room clearing his throat (he's a long time smoker)
(where our birds are, too), and I knew he should've been a long ways away on
business.  I put a towel around me and said "Kevin?" and Tinkerbell (in
Kevin's voice) said "Yes?" so I said "What are you doing home...did you
catch a really early flight?" and she said "f%$#^ it then" (in his voice)
and I was so was her and she actually LAUGHED when I came
around the corner and he wasn't there!

She also knows which meow belongs to which cat (there are 8 of them) and
which bark/sound goes to which dog AND which dog hasn't come in yet when the
door is opened and she calls the correct one to come in!

She will also hide her head under one wing when she has a potty mouth and
say "Oh, Tinker"


RE: [IceHorses] Two Rescue Icelandics Available

2007-11-12 Thread Mary

JUDY...they are both wonderful...wish I had pasture for them.  Poor kids.

[IceHorses] Karen - parrots

2007-11-11 Thread Mary


Karen - what kind of parrots do you have?  I have a 40 year old sulpher
crested cockatoo and a 3.5 year old grey (who continues to crack me up every
day)...even though I am in So Cal, it gets cold where I am and I have a heck
of a time keeping my girls warm this time of year.
I find that a lot of horse people also have birds...

Mary Dudley, LVT
Fandango Ranch

RE: [IceHorses] A Papaya A Day Keeps the Ulcers Away

2007-11-03 Thread Mary
I can't imagine papaya being readily available in the UK!  

C'mon, Mic$7/papaya/horse/'re on the verge of a gold mine a greenhouse and cultivate papayas and sell them to all the
horse farms locally at much less than your imported pricethis could
really take off!


RE: [IceHorses] top lines, hollowing, etc

2007-11-02 Thread Mary
I will try to get a picture this weekend...however, apparently the Santa
Anas are coming back.

[IceHorses] top lines, hollowing, etc

2007-11-01 Thread Mary
So...I have always been taught, and I suppose experience has taught me that
a good, consistent, strong walk will develop a topline.  My now-gelded ex
stallion just won't build a topline for meI don't know why.  I have
conditioned, added supplements (with reason, of course)...he won't gain
weight, nor give me a nice, solid, straight back.  He has developed a nice
chest, but his ribs are visible and from his 'waist' (flanks) back, he is
TINYand again, without a nice, level topline
Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch <> 

RE: [IceHorses] riding out a temper tantrum

2007-10-30 Thread Mary

Firstly, I want to say congratulations on staying on!

Second, this very similar event happened one ride on my Moldi.although he
was being ridden fairly regularly.but out of the blue, he took off, and I
couldn't stop him, turn him, shook me up for YEARS.  For some
reason, 3 weeks ago I just couldn't bear to have the horses standing.and I
started riding again.  He has been fine.a little unwilling to go where I
want him to go, but I am not scared anymore.  I hope this will continue.


I am very happy for your happy ending!




RE: [IceHorses] Animal Rescuer's Bridge

2007-10-29 Thread Mary
Judy~  Although I am in tears, this is beautiful.  Thank you for sending it.


RE: [IceHorses] sidepull I think I want to get

2007-10-28 Thread Mary
Please forgive my ignorance.what is a side pull for?  I used to have a
trainer that used them, but never understood.


[IceHorses] Re: Burned horse help

2007-10-28 Thread Mary
I hope it's OK to forward this info


This got sent to me by Cindy over at Savvy Stables in Valley Center.

Dr. Matthews called to say that he has a Foundation that will pay the
vet bills on horses that were burned in this fire. The instructions are
that whomever should call Dr. Matt Matthews 760-749-8147. Please tell
anyone you think may need this info. right away. There have already
been some horses put to sleep in Ramona.

RE: [IceHorses] Calla Lily

2007-10-27 Thread Mary
Judy - that's LOVELY!  I think you may have to call it Calla Lily Ranch now.
Regardless, it is a good omen.




RE: [IceHorses] Re: Clicker playday with Judy

2007-10-27 Thread Mary
I sold her about 5 years ago to a gal here in Norco, she was in foal to a
stallion in Newport Beach.  She was actually interested in buying my moldi,
but I backed out realizing I just couldn't sell him.  The gal I sold her to
is friends with another friend of mine and told her that Snerra wasn't broke
or anything (that little mare WAS BROKE.I took her everywhere!) and that she
went and had her trained.I had NO IDEA she sold her about 18 months ago.I am


RE: [IceHorses] Photos taken today from new home/land.

2007-10-27 Thread Mary


Forgive my ignorance, but where is this piece of heaven located?





[IceHorses] link to Little joe - Monica

2007-10-27 Thread Mary



RE: [IceHorses] Re: Clicker playday with Judy

2007-10-27 Thread Mary
ARE YOU SERIOUS tat bought her from me was supposed to tell me
if she was ever for sale again..WOW



RE: [IceHorses] Re: Clicker playday with Judy

2007-10-27 Thread Mary
K.please fill me in.why would Kim recognize Snerra?


RE: [IceHorses] Moldi 2006 (not so stocky anymore)

2007-10-27 Thread Mary
Thank you, Susan!  I adore him.but I think he looks great now.  He's 18

[IceHorses] Stocky ponies, their transformation, and Clicker Clinic

2007-10-26 Thread Mary

HP Photosmart Share





[EMAIL PROTECTED] has shared photos with you!

Photos are available until Monday, November 26, 2007


I THOUGHT Moldi fra Skaldsstodum was stocky when I bought him...but then I
restricted his diet a little and rode him a LOT

Also included some pictures of Judy at my old place teaching us about the


 View Larger Photos

RE: [IceHorses] Closed!

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
WOOHOO Virginia!  Let me know when you're ready to cut trails..hehehehe.a
flying pace is great for that!

RE: [IceHorses] Home Is Good!

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
THANK GOD!  I am so very happy to not only hear you are all getting back to
your regular routine, but everything is fine and plants are actually
BLOOMING.  I do think it's a good omen.


Gail - glad you finally got Nanna back, too.


[IceHorses] Fun January activities

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
Here's me and Moldi in January at a local lake/receration area.great trails
to tolt or pace on.


Mary Dudley, LVT

"Just Dream It"

Fandango Ranch




RE: [IceHorses] Horse rescue

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
You are NOT crazy, Lorraine!  




RE: [IceHorses] Cute dogs

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
Aaa he's so cute, I want to squeeze him and kiss him


RE: [IceHorses] Horse rescue

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
Thank you, Gail!  I am going to plan something for when everyone is here on
Thanksgiving.  Thank you for your prayer.


RE: [IceHorses] Drifa's summer adventures

2007-10-26 Thread Mary

RE: [IceHorses] Judy, our heroine

2007-10-26 Thread Mary


A housewarming for Linda would be a wonderful idea. ..


RE: [IceHorses] Horse rescue

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
Actually, it's a very odd feeling:  I have had so much disease, divorce,
negativity in my life that I absolutely had no place for Sir Robert when he
came back to own rescues aren't nearly as bad off as he was and he
had been mistreated and cast off and I just wanted him in a warm, caring
place WITHOUT the negativity, etc here.  I can't think of a better place for
him to be whilst being put down.  HOWEVER...I am bawling.  I think because I
found this out during all this other devastation.  I have been in tears for
people and their animals since Sunday

RE: [IceHorses] Horse rescue

2007-10-26 Thread Mary
I found out who it was.unfortunately, they laid Sir Robert to rest a few
years ago as his calcified knee simply became too painful even to walk.


I would like to have a memorial service for him.anyone have any ideas?

Mary Dudley, LVT
"Just Dream It"
Fandango Ranch
<http://MyNFLbiz. <> com/maryszoo> 


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