Re: [IceHorses] Having "Feel" with Horses

2007-04-11 Thread Janice McDonald
On Ken McNabb show this week he says horses are the greatest animals
at "discerning intent".  and I feel I have that also, an unusually
strong ability to discern intent in others, animals and humans.  And I
think thats why I can read them so well, when others feel like a horse
is a renegade, I can look at them sometimes and just know so stringly
that the horse is afraid, bitter, hurt emotionally, sheepish,
depressed...  I can see it clearly.
yipie tie yie yo

[IceHorses] Having "Feel" with Horses

2007-04-10 Thread pippa258
I found this very interesting post on


For a very long time, I have spoken of a special thing that it seems to 
me some horsepersons have- a "feeling". I guess one can have it in 
varying degrees, because I usually have it, but when I have been working 
a lot with a horse, I get more and more cerebral, and lose it..and have 
to take a day or two off to relax. When I come back I can find it again. 
I developed it a lot with the first guy I asked to teach me, because I 
watched his approach to horses and saw that he had it- and I wanted it 
to rub off on me.

I struggle to put it into words, because I have found it hard to explain 
to someone else. Like when trying to teach a friend how to ride, and how 
to do that gentle sort of play with fingers , that is a give and take 
subtle "discussion" with the horse. It is exactly what you do on foot 
with the horse, and is the instinctual feeling that ends up giving you 
the immediate responses to movements- like I mentioned in another 
thread, when I bit the cheek of a horse that rudely put his head in my 
face. It sounds wierd, but the horse understood, he stayed out of my 
face, and he didn't seem inappropriately offended! In other words, I 
find it hard to describe because it just is something that the conscious 
mind doesn't control.

It finally came to me today what it is! I actually came to it by 
thinking about the people I know who have it, and what they have in 
common, personality wise! It is mirroring.

It is the natural tendancy to mirror others, that animals do, and we do 
too, especially as babies. If you retain this characteristic strongly, 
it does pose some problems in life- though it helps in horsemanship. The 
friends I know who have this thing are like me in that we are highly 
influencable on subtle levels. All of us stay out of social movements 
and trends, on the exterior being independant, but when faced physically 
with another, we soak up their traits and emotions. I start to pick up 
their accents and gestures within minutes, I get into their ideas and 
dreams, see things their way, feel things their way.

I have found myself feeling strongly attracted to men, but when away 
from them realize I find them unattractive and not at all a person I 
would like to be with. It took me years to figure out that I was just 
feeling their attraction for me. When I was younger, and during the 
first years of my marriage, I simply kept myself away from the presence 
of other men unless accompanied by my husband because of this problem!

The friends I am thinking of all have a problem with fidelity. The guy 
who first trained me is 40 years old and still single, and constantly 
jumping from one girlfriend to the next. He is always starting one 
relationship while still involved in another and claiming he feels 
terrible about it and can't help himself. It's amazing. Like many of the 
girls I know who have this, he has trouble saying no, and is known as 
the sweetest person around, ready to do anything he can to help 
othersand yet is totally unreliable, getting himself into situations 
he didn't realize he didn't want until after committing himself- so he 
has to make excuses and stuff to get out later.

Anyway..I am just using him as an example. I have many of the same 
problems, though it kinda seems like my effort to overcome them has been 
more fruitful, probably just due to my admitting they ARE problems! 
(which these other people haven't). This guy also has kept to breaking 
horses- he seduces them, and then they go off to their owners- he has 
three horses of his own which he broke and never did work with again. 
Just like relationships with women, deepening and developing those 
relationships would require having to tame that sensitivity and learn to 
master it- I think that is what has helped me learn to harness in my own 
a bit better (be loyal to my husband, to myself, say no at times, have a 
different opinion, leave others their feelings for themself.). I 
have one girlfriend with this same quality, who has made some good 
progress at dealing with it, though she just stays out of any 
relationships, and only rides in an arena -isolation is her present 
answer, as mine once was.

It is this empathy, mirroring, that makes me step towards my horse 
without thinking almost at the same time she takes a step towards me, or 
my hand flies out in the direction of her nose if she has it fly out 
towards me, even if I am looking away and am not totally conscious she 
did it. It is the subtle play that happens when I release pressure on 
the reins as she releases pressure on the bit, and put it back on if she 
pushes it, all this within a two second period, and without my thinking 
about it.

In less subtle ways it is the very quick reaction your body does towards 
a horse if it does such a threatening movement towards you- making the 
message clear to him way before he carries it any further. You just are 

[IceHorses] Having "Feel" with Horses

2007-04-10 Thread pippa258
I found this very interesting post on


For a very long time, I have spoken of a special thing that it seems to 
me some horsepersons have- a "feeling". I guess one can have it in 
varying degrees, because I usually have it, but when I have been working 
a lot with a horse, I get more and more cerebral, and lose it..and have 
to take a day or two off to relax. When I come back I can find it again. 
I developed it a lot with the first guy I asked to teach me, because I 
watched his approach to horses and saw that he had it- and I wanted it 
to rub off on me.

I struggle to put it into words, because I have found it hard to explain 
to someone else. Like when trying to teach a friend how to ride, and how 
to do that gentle sort of play with fingers , that is a give and take 
subtle "discussion" with the horse. It is exactly what you do on foot 
with the horse, and is the instinctual feeling that ends up giving you 
the immediate responses to movements- like I mentioned in another 
thread, when I bit the cheek of a horse that rudely put his head in my 
face. It sounds wierd, but the horse understood, he stayed out of my 
face, and he didn't seem inappropriately offended! In other words, I 
find it hard to describe because it just is something that the conscious 
mind doesn't control.

It finally came to me today what it is! I actually came to it by 
thinking about the people I know who have it, and what they have in 
common, personality wise! It is mirroring.

It is the natural tendancy to mirror others, that animals do, and we do 
too, especially as babies. If you retain this characteristic strongly, 
it does pose some problems in life- though it helps in horsemanship. The 
friends I know who have this thing are like me in that we are highly 
influencable on subtle levels. All of us stay out of social movements 
and trends, on the exterior being independant, but when faced physically 
with another, we soak up their traits and emotions. I start to pick up 
their accents and gestures within minutes, I get into their ideas and 
dreams, see things their way, feel things their way.

I have found myself feeling strongly attracted to men, but when away 
from them realize I find them unattractive and not at all a person I 
would like to be with. It took me years to figure out that I was just 
feeling their attraction for me. When I was younger, and during the 
first years of my marriage, I simply kept myself away from the presence 
of other men unless accompanied by my husband because of this problem!

The friends I am thinking of all have a problem with fidelity. The guy 
who first trained me is 40 years old and still single, and constantly 
jumping from one girlfriend to the next. He is always starting one 
relationship while still involved in another and claiming he feels 
terrible about it and can't help himself. It's amazing. Like many of the 
girls I know who have this, he has trouble saying no, and is known as 
the sweetest person around, ready to do anything he can to help 
othersand yet is totally unreliable, getting himself into situations 
he didn't realize he didn't want until after committing himself- so he 
has to make excuses and stuff to get out later.

Anyway..I am just using him as an example. I have many of the same 
problems, though it kinda seems like my effort to overcome them has been 
more fruitful, probably just due to my admitting they ARE problems! 
(which these other people haven't). This guy also has kept to breaking 
horses- he seduces them, and then they go off to their owners- he has 
three horses of his own which he broke and never did work with again. 
Just like relationships with women, deepening and developing those 
relationships would require having to tame that sensitivity and learn to 
master it- I think that is what has helped me learn to harness in my own 
a bit better (be loyal to my husband, to myself, say no at times, have a 
different opinion, leave others their feelings for themself.). I 
have one girlfriend with this same quality, who has made some good 
progress at dealing with it, though she just stays out of any 
relationships, and only rides in an arena -isolation is her present 
answer, as mine once was.

It is this empathy, mirroring, that makes me step towards my horse 
without thinking almost at the same time she takes a step towards me, or 
my hand flies out in the direction of her nose if she has it fly out 
towards me, even if I am looking away and am not totally conscious she 
did it. It is the subtle play that happens when I release pressure on 
the reins as she releases pressure on the bit, and put it back on if she 
pushes it, all this within a two second period, and without my thinking 
about it.

In less subtle ways it is the very quick reaction your body does towards 
a horse if it does such a threatening movement towards you- making the 
message clear to him way before he carries it any further. You just are 