[IceHorses] Huginn 07/03/07

2007-07-03 Thread Judy Ryder
Raven called and said that the Vet called her this afternoon,

They are still baffled by Huginn's illness... he has NO SNOT coming
out of his nose, he should have SNOT running everywhere, since they
popped the abscess in his throat... but there is none... so they are
Not 100% positive that he has Strangles...

What a roller coaster for Raven

The Good news,was that the Ultra sound of the liver looks good...

however they do not understand why the White blood cell count, Liver
and Kidney Enzymes are so high,  and remain so while the red blood
cell count remains LOW

Her Vet, Dr Tan used the word Cancer today. She had expected to find
either an Abcess or a cancerous tumor on the Liver, but it was not

She said, all the vets have come down to see Huginn, and are all
baffled by what he is presenting... they all love him too... He is
eating the beat pulp, not hay, he is happy and alert... loving on all
the attendants and Vets while they try to figure this out.

The plan is to do the blood panels everyday, so they will do that
again tomorrow then they will do another scope as planned on Thursday
to see what the abcess looks like that they drained and also check
that suspicious one in his gut. and look for others...

She said the Vet said that his panels are like those of a Severe
Colic.. but he did not colic, he is pooping, albeit only a little bit,
cause he is not eating much other then the beat pulp and baby carrots,
still no hay...

So please continue to send him Light, love, energy and prayers!

Raven is so appreciate for all the support, the energy, prayers,
money, donations, donations from sales of items, as well as the the
idea raffle and/or the auction off items...

I still have to figure out how best to do the EBay, raffle and / or
Auction... I will work on that tomorrow or Thursday ok, all ideas on
how to do it are appreciated... you can send them privately if you

She is grateful and appreciates everyone... she told me that she
shared a couple of the emails I had forwarded to her at work today
with her boss, who is not an animal person... her boss was in tears
after reading them, as was she.

You guys really are the best... If I could hug you all, I would...
Please know that I/we thank you...

I want you to know that she is also concerned about raising more money
then what the bill will be... I told her not to worry about that, as a
solution for that money will appear we we need to think about that,
Right now, I said, just know you can make the right decisions for
Huginn, cause you have people who love you and care and want to

She said, Please Debbie, ask the lists what we should do!!
I said OK... cause I know, that one of you will have a great idea for
that as well...

Debbie in MNJudyhttp://icehorses.nethttp://clickryder.com 

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn 07/03/07

2007-07-03 Thread Nancy Sturm
Oh man!  What a roller coaster.  Huggin's picture will stay on the
refrigerator door.

I had actually hoped enough money would come in to pay all his hospital
bills with maybe a little extra to begin the Huggin Fund.  Anyone on the
list who knows how to set up a non-profit.?   Wouldn't it be great to have
some sort of charitable fund to help with extraordinary veterinary bills?

Nancy, praying

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn 07/03/07

2007-07-03 Thread pippa258
Judy Ryder wrote:
 They are still baffled by Huginn's illness... he has NO SNOT coming
 out of his nose, he should have SNOT running everywhere, since they
 popped the abscess in his throat... but there is none... so they are
 Not 100% positive that he has Strangles...
I received a post recently from Whole Dog Journal regarding the summer 
blue-green algae blooms in ponds, lakes, streams that are deadly to 
dogs.  I know Raven camps out quite a bit...could this be a possibility?


Re: [IceHorses] Huginn 07/03/07

2007-07-03 Thread Bia
I'm in for a few bucks...I can't afford very much but I want to give 
something. Raven is such a nice person and I have followed her through 
Wizard etc... In many cultures...including jewish culture which is where I'm 
coming from, communities help any member of their community who is in need. 
They all contribute something to help finance the need. Everyone in the 
community helps sustain each person. It's a wonderful thing. As a side note, 
Judy, you have a typo on the date on the website. You wrote June instead of 
July for the first update. My heart is focusing on Raven and Huggin. I pray 
that he comes out in flying colors and is able to go on many more trail 
rides with Raven.