Re: [IceHorses] Magic, Cushings and IR

2008-07-14 Thread Renee Martin
OMG -- this sure hit home, being my Rocky also has I.R. AND Cushings.   And 
he also had a terrible founder bout 3 years ago.   And he's in his mid 
twenties. . . (youngest he could be is 22).   I am just knocking wood at 
this point, that his Pergoglide keeps doing it's job.   So far, keeping 
weight on him has not been an issue, although I've been noticing he is not 
the air fern he used to be -- a good thing now, maybe not so much later on. 
Sigh.   But you know, with horses like these, every day is a gift and I'll 
take them as they come.I do push the envelope and let him have some 
carrots and even a few rolled oats every day.   I am trying to find balance 
in managing his condition versus his mental health.

-- Renee M. up in Michigan

Re: [IceHorses] Magic, Cushings and IR

2008-07-13 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A tribute to Magic:

At first glance at the Heading, I thought it was my Magic and thought how could
this be, he has EPM, not Cushings...  Then I read the article.  A sad
story for sure.
Hopefully, my guy will recover and get on with his life soon.

[IceHorses] Magic, Cushings and IR

2008-07-12 Thread Judy Ryder
A tribute to Magic:


[IceHorses] Magic

2008-07-05 Thread Karen Thomas
 Yes, his test came out positive for EPM (well, UC Davis said that there 
 was a 95% chance he had it, so I should start treatment!), so I have to 
 start Marquis as soon as I receive it from Valley Vet.  There is another 
 Icelandic owner in Sonoma that my trainer works with whose horse also 
 had EPM and went through the Marquis treatment.  I've emailed her for 
 info on her experiences, etc.  According to Susanna (my trainer) this 
 other horse recovered beautifully and is Kellie's favorite riding horse 
 now...  I will hope for the best!  Thanks for asking!

I hope Magic recovers fully and quickly.  Tell him that his sister (Flekka), 
niece (Princess Buttercup) and nephew (Isak) want him to get well quickly!

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Magic

2008-07-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope Magic recovers fully and quickly.  Tell him that his sister 
 niece (Princess Buttercup) and nephew (Isak) want him to get well quickly!

I will tell him.  I'm sure it will make him feel better!?!  The other woman I 
who has gone thru the EPM treatment with her mare called me and told me all
that she could remember about her horses treatment.  She said that her mare
has a little weakness on the bad side, but otherwise seems really good.  She
gave the Marquis treatment for 2 months.  I guess if that's what it
takes, I will
have to do that too.  Argh!!!