Re: [IceHorses] Re: Pleasant Hill, OR 25 yr old Mare NEED HELP

2007-11-20 Thread Nancy Sturm
We have a friend who recently retired from a long career of teaching jumping
to little girls.  Leslie had a wonderful string of hunter/jumpers, many of
them quite up in years.  I never talked with her about what she actually did
when she retired, but about a year ago she said she would be having the
horses put down because she couldn't guarantee the level of care for that
many elderly horses.

And on that same note, we just bought a very young African Grey parrot and I
have already arranged for her future and plan to leave a small trust for her
care.  She will surely outlivew us both, unless we live to be 110 or so.


[IceHorses] Re: Pleasant Hill, OR 25 yr old Mare NEED HELP

2007-11-20 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Yes, it is a shame that all horses on the planet can not be assured of
getting caring treatment until the end of their lives.  Even in affluent,
Santa Ynez , Calif.. I have seen quite a few older horses go through a slow,
neglected decline because of circumstances beyond the control of the
families that brought them into their lives.   It wasn't bad enough that the
ASPCA could get involved, but neglect none-the-less.   Divorce occured,
tragic cases of job loss, cancer etc in some..just busy lives with children
grown up & moved on in others.  It is a warning to us all to put aside a
fund for each of our horse's the day we buy them that won't be touched no
matter what.  If you forego 1- 2 weekly lattes @$3.00 for 20 years, that
would be enough to tide your horse's extra care over  for the last 5 or so
or to go to a rescue agency for their care if all else fails.   If the horse
passes on before you need to dip into it, then it is your "new" horse fund.

I personally feel that it'a a far kinder solution to euthanize an older
horse IF all other placement options have been exhausted than to let them
suffer neglect or worse..being passed place to place until they perhaps end
up in the sales yard which guarantees an end in a US slaughter house if they
are lucky (Juarez if they are not!!).
