Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit Morphs

2008-05-17 Thread Janice McDonald
hmmm.  whats reallly weird, every icelandic in europe, every
single one, the same exact sized small saddle fits them.  maybe when
they get on board a plane to go somewhere else their back goes splot
like a womans waist does when she takes off her girdle.  yeah.  right.
 or no!  i forget, us stupid americans, we bought all the
slaughterhouse stock draft /meat inferior types while everyone else in
europe has the lean mean show machines... the tony svelte iceies.
yeah, thats it.  and whats really weird, somehow all the first prize
stallions and mares producing, when they produce a foal and it gets on
a plane to somewhere else in europe, then IT somehow turns out to be a
lean mean show machine needing a teeny saddle and a noseband dug two
inches into the nose and loves it!  never acts up at all!  but somehow
when these same first prize studs and mares have an offspring and it
gets put on a plane to america, wow, somehow just flying over the
ocean, it begins to spread and morph into a giant draft/meat horse
inferior blop!  Someone should do a study on how flying to america
causes this...  also, someone needs to figure out why icies in europe
seem really happy with tight nosebands and tight saddles while in
america, they act up!!  It must not be the saddles and nosebands at
all!  it must be the water!  or no!  its the inferior american
intelligence!  we just dont know how to properly train a horse to love
and adore a tight noseband and tight saddle like they do in europe!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-05-17 Thread Janice McDonald
On 5/16/08, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> the most comfortable saddles are
> >>> often bad for the horse!  Like a Tucker, my gosh I loved riding in that
> >>> thing!  And it almsot ruined my jaspars back.  Then my orthoflex
> >>> stitchdown, something about  it just makes me sit correctly, so
> >>> balanced, I ride so well in it, and it just plain wont work on my
> >>> icelandics.  My sensation hybrid works on some but not others.  and it
> >>> is very comfortable. but some horses have to have spinal clearance.
> Janice, your horses for which the Hybrid doesn't work - they are TWH, right?
> I think that's the reason that there are so many treeless fans on this
> list - particularly Sensation fans.

oh yeah yeah, i forget to mention that sometimes!  They arent just
twhs, they are twhs with very very prominent spines.  actually what
they call "roach back" where the spine arcs up above the muscle.  My
fox's didnt used to be that way but now is and I wonder if he is
getting atrophy?  And wonder how to prevent it?

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-25 Thread Janice McDonald
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Renee Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >. . .   If the least little thing bothers her, she will let you know!!
> You know Susan,  I have come to have a great appreciation for a horse like
> that (my Eitill).

Eitill is the only icelandic I have ever ridden other than Tivar :)  I
adore him!  He acts like a little boy, so hard to believe he is as old
as he is?  I forget his age.  But he acts like Nasi, and is such a
comical guy!  his gait was identical feel to Stonewall.


even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-25 Thread Renee Martin
>. . .   If the least little thing bothers her, she will let you know!!

You know Susan,  I have come to have a great appreciation for a horse like 
that (my Eitill).To me, these horses are so much easier to manage than 
the stoic, put-up and shut-up types (my Soley).You know right away with 
something isn't right before you have a big(ger) problem on your hands.

Once, Eitill was acting all pissy on a ride, refusing to go forward,  acting 
skitterish, etc.   It was like Mr. Hyde had swooped in and replaced normally 
cooperative, sweet Dr. Jekyll.   Come to find out, a wire bristle from a 
brush had become lodged in the saddle blanket I was using after I'd used it 
to comb off the accumulated hair.   And it was poking him!
  Meanwhile, Soley went across the state in what I thought was a 
well-fitting, Cambell Endurance X-wide tree endurance saddle, never giving 
any indication otherwise.And then, a month later after that 10 day ride, 
the white hairs showed up on her shoulders!   Gawd!   Thankfully, they were 
temporary, but I wish she would have done SOMETHING to let me know all was 
not right.

-- Renee M. in Michigan 

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread Janice McDonald

> >> Bless yourheart.<<
> Uh, oh, can't be a good thing...

HAHAHA  no, not a good thing, but not a bad thing either.  Just very
very special and shall we say... challenging.  We were at the feed
store last week and the little counter helper girl said her horse bit
her the other day, and my husband sorta laughs and says "shoot, we
have a horse that likes to take the top of your head in his mouth and
slime you."  and she was just bug eyed.  She said HE BITES THE TOP OF
YOUR HEAD?!?!  and we tried to explain and we could tell that she, and
others listening, could never get it.  he is just very very much a guy
who gaits to the beat of his own drummer haha.  Like my friend sylvia
says...  most horses like to look around, but i have never seen a
horse that looks around like stonewall.  His head jumps around like a
hummingbird cause he's trying to see it ALL! and I still laugh about

The people from jeffers who came to take photos fell madly under his
spell.  and i swear he showed off for them!!  I bent over to pick
something up, i had been showing them his trick where i shove a cowboy
hat in the back of my pants and walk off and he follows and pulls the
hat out and holds it out for me.  And when I bent over and there wasnt
a hat he tried to grab the waist band of my underwear that was showing
and they were just squealing laughing!  Only he would try and give
somebody a wedgie.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread susan cooper

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>she has a definite stonewall look in her eye...<<

What does that mean?

>> Bless yourheart.<<

Uh, oh, can't be a good thing...

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread Janice McDonald

> Thank you - she is my prima donna.  If she were human,
> she would be the prissy cheerleader and some would
> probably call her a "mean girl".  If the least little
> thing bothers her, she will let you know!!  She is 1/2
> arab, 1/2 TWH, and has a saddle rack, smooth trot,
> easy canter, and a flat out gallop of 22mph!

well, now for the bad news...  in the photo of her in her boot "Mary
Janes" she has a definite stonewall look in her eye...
Bless yourheart.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread susan cooper

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> whgat kinda horse is Whisper??  in the pic in her
> easy boots, it
> almost looks like she is wearing mary Janes HAHa
> she is very pretty

Thank you - she is my prima donna.  If she were human,
she would be the prissy cheerleader and some would
probably call her a "mean girl".  If the least little
thing bothers her, she will let you know!!  She is 1/2
arab, 1/2 TWH, and has a saddle rack, smooth trot,
easy canter, and a flat out gallop of 22mph!

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread susan cooper

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I went to the site Susan!  Its not really treeless,
> right?  I like the
> booties.  My Jas can't have anything on his spine...
>  Did you get a
> pink one??

It IS A TREED SADDLE!!!  Just adjusts to fit the horse
exactly.  This might work perfect on Jas, and with
extra pads and shims, you could customize it for each
and every horse.  

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread Janice McDonald
whgat kinda horse is Whisper??  in the pic in her easy boots, it
almost looks like she is wearing mary Janes HAHa
she is very pretty
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread Janice McDonald
I went to the site Susan!  Its not really treeless, right?  I like the
booties.  My Jas can't have anything on his spine...  Did you get a
pink one??
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread susan cooper

--- Kristen Mikula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The saddle looks good. < 

Oh, forgot to add, the company is having some growth
issues, so wait time is approx. 12 weeks!  But go thru
a dealer.  The absolute best dealer who will help with
fitting and shimming is Carol Brand.  Here is her

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread susan cooper

--- Kristen Mikula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Which model are you demo-ing? <<

This is the Interntionl.  It has the endurance pommel,
which will take some getting used to (but makes for a
great "oh sh*t" handle), but is more like an English
seat with the thigh/knee blocks which are movable.  I
am used to an english saddle, so this was more for me
than the Trailmaster or the Eurolight.
>> Is is fairly quick to switch pads for a different

May 2 minutes total to pull off one set and slap
another on!  Seriously, once you get the set up for a
horse, which can take time and tweaking, it is done. 
Having said that, you should check for saddle fit
every couple of months as the horse changes fitness,
and tweak as necessary.  I think that's where people
run into trouble after a couple of months, is the
horse changes shape, but the saddle remains the same. 
With this saddle, you CAN change the saddle to fit
your horse as often as necessary!

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-23 Thread Kristen Mikula
> Opinions?

Hi Susan,

The saddle looks good.  Which model are you demo-ing? 
I was pleased to see your demo doesn't look as hideous
(in appearance) as some of the saddles on the website.

Is is fairly quick to switch pads for a different

-Kristen in MI


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RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit story compiled

2008-04-22 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Susan
>>I rode Whisper in it yesterday, and had really nice
sweat patterns.  
Great you can have a couple of more rides. What you did looked fine.  And I
think just keeping Andi quiet is a great thing - seems like the saddle has
quite a bit of adjustability.  Do look for the straightness - I have seen
several saddles come from reputable saddlerys and have them be crooked.



RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit story compiled

2008-04-22 Thread susan cooper

--- Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Will be great to see how Whisper does after a
couple of rides (can you do that)<<

I rode Whisper in it yesterday, and had really nice
sweat patterns.  I posted it to my blog(which is below
my signature).  I get to keep the demo thru next
weekend, so I will have more time to ride it on both
horses.  I don't want to sweat Andi up in it since I
am working on calmness under saddle with him right
now.  But as long as it is not too long for him, I can
tweak fit!

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-22 Thread Nancy Sturm

  And at a longer endurance ride, my plan will be to swap saddles at the 1/2 
way vet check
 to keep the horse's back from being sore.

While this is a great plan, on some rides it isn't going to be very easy to 
accomplish.  Limited Distance riders usually are only in camp at the start 
and finish in the NW.  for instance, Saturday we had two out checks where we 
couldn't even get crew in.  It's not all that hard to do LD without crew, 
but there certainly wasn't any way to switch saddles unless you sent your 
second saddle out on the truck with your crew bag.

The 50's more commonly return to camp at least once, but not always.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-22 Thread Robyn Hood

Hi Susan 

>>I will continue to ride my horses in the treeless
Sensation, but I will probably swap saddles back and
forth on them.  And at a longer endurance ride, my
plan will be to swap saddles at the 1/2 way vet check
to keep the horse's back from being sore.   

I think that is a good idea, to switch saddles.  I am convinced that one
reason so many school horses manage to stay sound is because the variety of
riders means they are not getting the same habitual pressure points caused
by the rider's habitual posture.

One thing that Connected Riding has done for me is to change my posture on
and off the horse which has pretty much eliminated my tendency to have a
sore back.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit story compiled

2008-04-22 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Susan,
Andi doesn't look bothered by it without a rider.  It is a bit hard to tell
if the back of the saddle moves but as Judy suggested you will want to feel
under the back of the saddle with a ride and moving.  Looks a bit like the
concept of the Trapizius and the Reactor panel (without the 'pucks').  Will
be great to see how Whisper does after a couple of rides (can you do that)
sometimes a horse is good in a saddle the first or second time, but if the
pressure points are different from another saddle it won't show up right
away - a little like wearing new shoes.  But it looks good so far.  Keep us



Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit story compiled

2008-04-21 Thread Raven
Thanks...enjoyed your blog.  Love the pink!! I was at Sportmen's
Warehouse yesterday looking for a field vest (hunting type vest) to
use for dog tracking (amazing all the stuff I have to carry).  They
had the cutest PINK fishing vest. I almost got it, but I really needed
that huge back pocket in the duck hunting vests. So went with boring
tan with hunter orange accents, HAHA!  Not my all.
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-21 Thread susan cooper

--- Renee Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From the pictures, I think it looks good so far
> Susan.   Will be waiting 
> (and checking your blog) to see what you think of it
> undersaddle.  <<

I rode Whisper in it today for a 6 mile ride with a
lot of trotting, gaiting, and cantering.  She had a
beautiful, even sweat pattern, and was not sore
anywhere with palpation.  She trotted with her head
down and rounded her back up into the saddle.  She is
a prima donna for sure, so if she didn't like the
saddle, she would have slung her head back at me. 
That's what she does in the Sensation occasionally,
and she is pissy when I saddle her up and mess with
the pad at her withers, so that tells me that saddle
has been hurting her!  
> Is that a black pad you have on Andi, or is that
> part of the saddle itself?<<

I think what you are seeing are the foam pads that
attach to the tree directly with velcro.  He and
Whsiper both are in the 3/4" pads.  There is a thinner
pad, 1/2", which would make the saddle wider, but I
don't need it at the moment, which is a good feeling
knowing I can make the saddle wider in the future!

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-21 Thread Renee Martin
>From the pictures, I think it looks good so far Susan.   Will be waiting 
(and checking your blog) to see what you think of it undersaddle.: ) 
Is that a black pad you have on Andi, or is that part of the saddle itself?

-- Renee M. in Michigan

> Here are some pics I took today of my first fitting of
> the Specialized Saddle on Andi:

[IceHorses] Saddle fit story compiled

2008-04-21 Thread susan cooper
I've updated my blog with my saddle fit trials:

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-21 Thread susan cooper

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> When you are sitting in it, are you able to put
your fingers under the bars in the back and move
without the fingers being squished?<<

The best thing about this saddle is that if it does
squish my fingers, I can tweak it.  With the different
shims, I can adjust the angle's to match up with the
horse.  In the saddle fit instructions, it says
excessive flair will put pressure elsewhere.  I did
see excessive flair, so I put a small shim at the
shoulders.  Then it felt a bit tight, so I moved the
shim back, and it felt perfect.  The other nice thing
is I have a cut out seat on my demo (and will probably
get this on mine, as well).  With the cut out, you can
see and feel the bars connect to the horse all along
the spine channel.  And speaking of spine channel, you
can make it wider or narrower depending on your horse.

I knew the biggest challenge with Andi was going to be
length.  And as I said, I can actually shorten the
length of contact by about an inch by moving the pads.
 I am pleased that Andi does not need the thinnest
pads at this time, because I know he is going to grow.
 They do make a wide tree, but I do not need it.  And
when he grows and gets fitter, I can adjust the
pads/shims as needed.

I will continue to ride my horses in the treeless
Sensation, but I will probably swap saddles back and
forth on them.  And at a longer endurance ride, my
plan will be to swap saddles at the 1/2 way vet check
to keep the horse's back from being sore.  Especially
as I get sore and sloppy in my equitation.  So a treed
saddle for the second half of the ride would help
protect the horse's back from less than perfect

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-21 Thread Nancy Sturm
 I love sheepskin!

Isn't that funny?  I see so much sheepskin at endurance rides and I really 
hated it - send the sheepskin back.  I felt like it perched me even farther 
from the horse.  My daughter Abby quit using hers and found the chafeing she 
was experiencing disappeared.  Most riders use them however.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread susan cooper

--- Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> how does it feel to you?  I thought the one I sat
on was not comfortable - REALLY not comfortable.<<

I've only ridden in it briefly in the arena.  It was
OK in there.  I will give it a good try tomorrow on
the trail on Whisper.  I can tell I will have to put
my fanny pack to the side or rear, tho, as the
endurance pommel is in the way of the pack.  If I get
it, I would also order the extra padded seat, and of
course, get sheepskin over it as I love sheepskin!

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread susan cooper

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is this a demo? <<

Yes, it is a demo.
>> When you are sitting in it, are you able to put
your fingers under the bars in the back and move
without the fingers being squished?<<

Havn't sat in it, yet.  That will happen tomorrow. 
Took some time to get it tweaked so the bars made even
contact from front to back.
> >I took some pictures last week of a Specialized
that was WAY crooked.  Have you checked that out?<<

Wow!  Was it warped?  Did it get wet? What kind of
conditions was it kept in?  Did it come that way?  How
old is it?  I guess any saddle with a wooden tree can
be crooked.  This one is not, and it certainly is
something to check for any treed saddle, at any time
in it's life.

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics(with a video now)

2008-04-20 Thread susan cooper

--- Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> If you place your flat hand between the front of
the saddle and Andi (it will be just behind the
shoulder I would hope) and lead him to see if the
shoulder runs into it. <<

It looked and felt OK.  He is so hairy, it is hard to
see where his scapula is.  I did take a video of him
in it, here it is:

>>how is the foam (or is it neoprene-like) fastened to
the saddle. <<

It is the hard foam, and it attaches with velcro. 
There are different foam pad thicknesses.  I have the
3/4" ones.  I also have the 1/2" ones to try, but,
believe it or not, it made the saddle too wide.  It
comes with different thickness shims, that I cut to
fit to fill in for rock, and there was too much flair,
so I shimmed it, and a small shim at the loins as
well(the thinnest here, but it needed something.)

>> The length looks okay as long as it is not
interfering with the shoulder. <<

My biggest worry was the length.  I could shorten it
by about 1" by cutting down the pad, and I may
consider that.  

>> Will you have a chance to have Sharon?  Ride in it
to see what Andi thinks?<<

Tomorrow!  We will go on a trail ride with Whisper in
it first; I did ride her in it in the arena briefly,
and she lowered her head and rounded up her back in
it.  So I am anxious to get her on the trail in it. 
Then Sharon will come over and we will play with Andi.

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread Nancy Sturm
Acknowledging that the fit for your horses is paramount, how does it feel to 
you?  I thought the one I sat on was not comfortable - REALLY not 


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread Judy Ryder


Thanks for the pictures, Susan!

Is this a demo?  or did you buy it already?

When you are sitting in it, are you able to put your fingers under the bars 
in the back and move without the fingers being squished?

I took some pictures last week of a Specialized that was WAY crooked.  Have 
you checked that out?


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Susan, 
>>>Here are some pics I took today of my first fitting of
the Specialized Saddle on Andi:

Looks interesting.
If you place your flat hand between the front of the saddle and Andi (it
will be just behind the shoulder I would hope) and lead him to see if the
shoulder runs into it.  Is it a bit like the reactor panel or how is the
foam (or is it neoprene-like) fastened to the saddle.  The length looks okay
as long as it is not interfering with the shoulder.  Will you have a chance
to have Sharon?  Ride in it to see what Andi thinks?




[IceHorses] Saddle fit pics

2008-04-20 Thread susan cooper
Here are some pics I took today of my first fitting of
the Specialized Saddle on Andi:


Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

Re: [IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Janice McDonald
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now nobody is allowed to laugh.  I just got an e-mail from my daughter
> asking if she could borrow a saddle pad because the Skito she's using is
> making a bald spot on Meridian's back and she hasn't had time to replace it.
> She's a teacher and it's conference week.
> To me that sounds like an issue beyond a worn out pad.  What do you think?
> Nancy

around here, in spring, when winter coat starts shedding, all the
little fungi spots start showing.  I didnt know Jas had a ringworm on
his behind until I did him with the shedding comb last weekend.  It
was hidden under all the hair.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 21/03/2008, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To me that sounds like an issue beyond a worn out pad.  What do you think?

I'd say so.  To me that would be like wearing a new pair of socks in a
bad pair of shoes.


[IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Nancy Sturm
Now nobody is allowed to laugh.  I just got an e-mail from my daughter 
asking if she could borrow a saddle pad because the Skito she's using is 
making a bald spot on Meridian's back and she hasn't had time to replace it. 
She's a teacher and it's conference week.

To me that sounds like an issue beyond a worn out pad.  What do you think?


Re: [IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Mic Rushen
On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:27:14 -, you wrote:

> I wonder what you all think of these articles and the trapezius saddle. 
>Sue UK

I had Trapezius saddles for many years and like them a lot. The only
downside is that they are pretty long, and the twist is fairly narrow
so some riders don't find them comfortable, but most horses seem to
like them a lot. The ones that DON'T like them let you know


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs:
"Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes"

Re: [IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Judy Ryder

>>>I wonder what you all think of these articles and the trapezius saddle.   <<<

Janice was on the list for several years.

Did she touch on the length of the saddle and where it ends?

Some Icelandics have very short backs, so there is limited room for the 
saddle and a rider's butt.

It is what it is.  Not all Icelandics will be able to have a treed saddle, 
and not all Icelandics will be able to carry bigger riders.


[IceHorses] saddle fit

2008-03-21 Thread Susan COOMBES
I reread this article after watching those wonderful videos. It is on 
Janice'swebsite. Janice sold me Ofeig. I noticed that poor saddle fit a causes 
stumbling. When I noticed marks on Corries numnah I got the saddle fitter out 
and she fitted a wider gullet. I can't say there is an improvement yet. I think 
these articles are very informative. I have a couple of books about the horses 
back and saddle fit. I haven't been able to make sense of them yet but I might 
just have a reread of them now. I wonder what you all think of these articles 
and the trapezius saddle. 
Sue UK


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-03-21 Thread Judy Ryder


Here's another set of pictures:


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit Videos (on-line)

2008-01-08 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Judy, 

>>Did you see the third video and what he says about adding a pad?

Dave Collins lives in Vernon and he is a really great guy and has a good
massage school.  What I take from that piece of his video is that the saddle
didn't fit to start with - it had pressure in the front and back - so adding
the pad is only going to make that bridging space more.  Adding pads to an
tight fitting saddle is not going to change it.

Like everything there are different opinions about saddle fit.  Like Dave
Genadek, Dave Collins follows the school of using a rocker in the middle of
the saddle to free the shoulders and hips.  I have seen that work in western
saddles pretty well.   

The English saddles that I have seen with this system work less well IMO.
When a horse moves a hind leg forward, the back moves up; the more
engagement from the back end, the more the back must have some space to move
up.  With the Balance saddles the tree is wide enough that the shoulders are
free - there is usually a little bit of bridging in the middle of the saddle
so that as a horse is asked to engage then there is room for the back to
come up.

The one that really knows how the saddle fits is your horse.  Not just the
first couple of times you use the saddle (remember that if one pair of shoes
hurt your feet - changing to any other shoe will usually change the pressure
point at least for a while) but look for the long term.   Look for the
attitude of your horse and not just for soreness in the back.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada




Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit Videos (on-line)

2008-01-08 Thread Judy Ryder


Did you see the third video and what he says about adding a pad?


[IceHorses] Saddle Fit Videos (on-line)

2008-01-07 Thread Judy Ryder
Here are a few on-line saddle fit videos:


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Karen Thomas
 Here's Ljufur with an Astund saddle.  He is not round or mutton-withered, 
 but has some nice withers.  As you can see, it does not fit him.   He's 
 very wary of it.

But Ljufur was a fairly tall horse, wasn't he?  How long was his back, relative 
to most Icelandic's - longer than some?  Extremely short?

Not only does that saddle appear high in front on him, which would tip the 
rider back, it looks to me like the panels would extend onto his loins.  That 
would be a double-whammy, to throw the rider's weight too far back, onto his 
loins.  This subject was just up on the treelesssaddles list.  Do you have a 
picture of a horse's skeleton on your website, Judy?  A lot of folks on the 
treeless list were surprised to see how far forward the horse's last rib is at 
his spine area.  Seeing a skeleton of a horse sparked a lot of light bulbs to 
come on with that crowd - a lot of discussion has ensued.  

Karen Thomas

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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Judy Ryder

How about this saddle fit:

riding style?


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Nancy Sturm
> Dana, who makes the Sensation, has designed several saddles for 
> Therapeutic
> riding centers so it may be worth just telling Kaaren what you need and 
> she
> can ask Dana or you can contact Dana.
Thanks!  That's one of the things we'll do.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Nancy
>>So that leaves me two Icelandics, one barely under saddle, one not
started, a disabled rider and an experienced but aging rider.

>>I'm thinking we may need two saddles.  I know many of you love Sensations 
and others like treed saddles and flex panel saddles.

Dana, who makes the Sensation, has designed several saddles for Therapeutic
riding centers so it may be worth just telling Kaaren what you need and she
can ask Dana or you can contact Dana.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada



Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Nancy Sturm
I could use some saddle buying input, and I am going to talk with Kaaen 
Jordan before I go off half cocked (as my mother would say).  Hunter seems 
to do very well in the Tucker saddle and I don't think I will mess with 

Probably we will either drive Twisty or do some lead line work, so he is 
probably okay as is, although I don't think the Tucker is a very good fit 
for him - very different back shape from Hunter.

So that leaves me two Icelandics, one barely under saddle, one not started, 
a disabled rider and an experienced but aging rider.

I'm thinking we may need two saddles.  I know many of you love Sensations 
and others like treed saddles and flex panel saddles.

I am open to all opinions as to how I should start with a historical leaning 
toward treed.

Here's a link to a saddle designed for a disabled rider: 
I could see Stephanie flopping forward and landing head first on the handle 
bar goody, but what else to you all see?


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Robyn Hood
>>Not a chance..  Though the length of the saddle is probably good.

I would agree but the saddle is too far forward and definitely looks perched
on her back.

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada




Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 30/12/2007, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you think this saddle fits this horse:

Not a chance..  Though the length of the saddle is probably good.

I should drag out those Icelandic saddles now and try them on Dagur
and Solon.  Seems to me they fit the boys when they were about two or
three years old.


[IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2008-01-01 Thread Judy Ryder
Do you think this saddle fits this horse:


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-02 Thread pippa258
Judy Ryder wrote:
>> Attached are pictures of the mare's back; separately, I will send a couple
>> of additional photos.
>> Do you think there is a connection between the saddle fit and her issues?
> Here are another two pictures.
> Any opinions or input?
That is such a narrow saddle.  It looks like its pulled up the pad at 
the cantle (a mini-wedgie?).  The girth seems too far forward and pulled 
hard into her elbow.  It looks like the mare is trying to stretch 
forward and find some relief.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm
Oh gee.  The saddle looks way too small.  Her girth has slipped way up into
the groove behind her elbow & probably is not very comfortable, but more
than that she is standing is a very self-protective posture.  If I went out
in the field and found a horse standing like that, I'd think belly ache or
some pain in the hind end.  I was going to write "pain in the rear" but
that's come to have other interpretations..

All this would be allowing for the fact that cameras stop action and this
may be the only moment in her life  when she ever stood in that posture.  If
that is her norm, I'd say she's in pain.   Which of course, you already
noted.  Oh - question - does she seem uncomfortable when she is not saddled?


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-01 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Judy,
>Here are another two pictures.

>Any opinions or input?

I would say that the tree is way too narrow and the wrong shape as well.
Even by opening the gullet on this Wintec you would still have and A shaped
tree instead of an arch or upside down U shape.  It is perching on the mares
back, too forward and because it is perching is sitting too high in front so
where the ride is forced to sit puts more pressure on the back of the
saddle.  This mare has a wide back.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
 Here are another two pictures.  Any opinions or input?

Oooh my, that makes MY back hurt, just looking at it.  No, that is NOT a
"medium Wintec" mare.  She certainly may have other issues I can't see, but
I'd bet a lot of money that saddle is WAY too tight.

Karen Thomas
Wingate, NC

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RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-01 Thread Karen Thomas
 Attached are pictures of the mare's back; separately, I will send a
couple of additional photos. ... Do you think there is a connection between
the saddle fit and her issues?

I'm terrible at looking at backs from that angle in pictures, but that back
doesn't look very narrow to me, and a medium Wintec is VERY narrow, despite
the name.  Even when Svertla came here, probably a 1.5-2 on the 1-10 body
condition score scale, she needed at least a "wide".  And Svertla is one of
my smallest Icelandics, fairly refined, and possibly a little stunted.  As a
test once, my friend and I put the Wintec gullet-gauge on a 12-ish-H
Welsh-type pony, thinking she might be one of the rare ones who might need a
"narrow" or "medium narrow."  Even she measured in the medium-wide-to-wide
range.  If that pony measured that wide, then I can't imagine any horse
needing less than a medium - most of my Icelandic's are way off the normal
Wintec scale.

I'd certainly be looking at trying a wider gullet in her saddle, if not
trying alternate saddles.  It might not be the root cause of her lameness,
but I'd bet there's a good chance it's not helping anything.

Karen Thomas
Wingate, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit and Lameness

2007-07-01 Thread Nancy Sturm
The disclaimer:  I am not an expert on saddle fit.

Does she react to your hand when you gently palpate her back?

Horses (like people) have varying degrees of ticklishness, but usually the
endurance horses we see with sore backs will flinch to touch.  Don't dig
your fingertips in.  Most horses will react to that, sore or not.  Just run
your flat hand over the back with  a small  ( I know that's a relative term)
amount of pressure.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2007-05-28 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Needless to say...I was boarding at a barn full of people who had
already thougth I was crazy...and this was the icing on the cake...Even my
Vet told Cake that he sure had me where he wanted meSheesh!

While I think it's quite possible, even often, that horses "tell" us their
preferences, I'd be hesitant to make snap judgments without considering all
the possibilities.  I've had cases where I suspected that a new bit, saddle,
whatever, was working well (or poorly), only to realize later that what I
assumed was merely coincidence.  Horses DO have other things going on in
their lives all the time, so a simple stomp of the foot could simply mean
that ANY saddle would hurt the horse today - possibly he's just sore today
from playing with his buddies.  And complaints aren't always from tack -
sometimes the horse may be distracted by what's going on back in the pasture
with his buddies.

Skjoni recently started having some of the same symptoms he had when the FnE
saddle stopped working for him, and when we switched him to the Sensation.
I was QUITE worried.  I'm so happy to have Cary riding with me on a horse
that he adores, but if the Sensation was no longer working...well, we're
running low on saddle options.  I quickly call the chiropractor out and was
VERY relieved to find out that his soreness was mostly in his hips and his
back and saddle area were in good shape.  And of course, thinking back, this
started within a couple of weeks of our putting Falki and Skjoni in the
pasture to babysit the two yearling colts.  The colts had upped the play
ante even above what the rowdy Icelandic geldings are used to, so Skjoni had
probably "butt-shoved" his rear end out of kilter.  I'm very glad I didn't
put his Sensation up for sale and go looking for another saddle...or another
horse for Cary.

And don't forget that horses have good memories.  If they are used to having
uncomfortable saddles, it may take a ride or two (or longer?) for some
horses to accept that THIS new saddle is different.  And sometimes the pain
will linger for a while after the offending tack is removed.   Some horses
seem to accept new tack/new changes easily and happily while some take a
little longer - just like people do.

I'd say always listen to the horse, but make sure you listen to the whole

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2007-05-27 Thread Judy Ryder

>From Nancy:

I once had a Lady Wade sent to me from Brighton Feed and saddlery.  I put it 
on my gelding's back...cinched it downI stepped back to admire the 
cowboy looks of a wade tree saddle and the sweetest gelding in the world 
looked at me deep into my eyes and stomped front right foot...First thought 
was it might have been a it was ignored as I stepped next to him to 
make sure the other side of his saddle was cinched comparably to the other 
side...and as I reached for the saddle he stomped again...I stood back and 
looked at him and all was right so I started to mount and he stomped even 
harder  again.  I immediately got down uncinched and took the saddle off and 
that nice sweet gelding appeared once more.  It was obvious by that time the 
stomping had to do with that saddle.  I thought maybe too heavy, big and 

I took it to a local saddle dealer who really had some elcheepo 
saddles...and I wasn't buying any so he asked me why...and I told him I was 
just wondering if he had a wade tree saddle that was a different size that I 
could try on my gelding...He said too bad you didn't bring that 
I went out to the car a brought it if for him to look atand, of course, 
he was cutting it down aesthetically as much as he could wanting me to buy 
one of his saddlesHe then got down on the floor with it...and I was sort 
of dozing off...knowing that he had no real idea of what he was looking for 
except a sale of one of his saddles to mewhen he found that the tree was 
very crooked...He showed me from the very front of it.  one bar was way off 
from the other

I sent it back immediately to Brighton and they appologized and credited me 
all my shipping as well as the price of the saddle.  That was the first time 
I was really super sure of what Cake, my gelding had found a way to tell me. 
His stomp was a "Heads up" not at all rude in the way he did it...but 
urgent, that I should pay attention.

Needless to say...I was boarding at a barn full of people who had already 
thougth I was crazy...and this was the icing on the cake...Even my Vet told 
Cake that he sure had me where he wanted meSheesh!

I enjoyed the story of Eira's marecause all my horses tell me if they 
don't like the saddle...except one who was used to being ridden in tack that 
didn't fit before I got him.  I doubt the thought crossed his mind to tell 
me that he couldn't turn after that cow because the saddle was too tight on 
his wither with double pads for cow working.  What told me about that...was 
the white spot the size of the orange he developed immediately after the 
four 8 hour days of the clinic where we learned to rope and work with 
cattle.  sigh.

Once they start talking to you...They don't shut up!!!


[IceHorses] Saddle Fit

2007-05-27 Thread Judy Ryder
>From Eira on the horseman list:

Thank you for the nice storys! Horses do try to tell us, but sometimes we
are not able to listen...

About 10 years ago I had a horse for lease, who tought me a great many
things. She was a very special horse and a good, clear teacher, but I did
not become very good at fitting saddles, because she did it for me!

I can still remember that day, when she told me she could pick out her own
saddles. I had a friend over to help me with choosing a saddle. I had
already tried them on by my self, I just wanted to be sure. So I had my
friend stand outside with the horse as I went in the saddle room to get the
first candidate, which I already thought was not very good for her. As I
came out with that saddle, the horse pinned her ears and gave me such a bad
look, that it felt like she was going to murder me! And I was not even close
to her yet! I stopped right there and told my friend, (who was looking at my
horse with disbelief), that I thougt this saddle was not fitting for her...

I turned on my heels and went back to the saddle room to get the other
saddle. This time the horse looked at me again as I came back, but with a
totally different look on her face. Ears up, she was happily standing there
as I put the saddle on and let my friend check it out. "This one is good"
she told me - but ofcourse I already knew it.

Never needed help with saddle fitting again with this horse -she would tell
me, loud and clear!

(from Finland)