Re: [IceHorses] Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Laree Shulman
> So what instinct is that?  I'm sorry, I just have seen it too much...
> horses do act bratty, and sneaky, with each other, and with us.  Its
> almost comical.  it is comical.  to me :)

Janice -

I find it comical, too, because Doppa does the same exact thing.  If
she doesn't get her way about something - whack - there goes my knee
into a tree.  I thought I was just imagining it, but afer close
observation, realized this was a definite "on purpose" thing.  Now I
know to be prepared and not let it happen.


What a horse does under compulsion is done without understanding,
and there is no beauty in it either, any more than if one should
whip or spur a dancer.


Re: [IceHorses] Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Janice McDonald
On 9/21/07, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ..."horse doesn't make an intellectual decison..."  Bless the woman.  I am
> so sick of reading  (not on this list, ladies) that "my horse tried to do
> (fill in the blank)  to me."  We have plans.  Horses really don't.
> Nancy

what does it meant then, if its instinctual...  Tivar wants always to
be first in line on a ride. When he's not first he always looks for
the first opening to pass and make his way back to first.  We ride
frequently in an area that is a narrow trail.  On one ride, out of the
blue, he started whacking my right knee into a tree now and then.  I
thought that was a heads up of something wrong.  that maybe he was
veering right.  I got off, adjusted things, all seemed fine.  We
started on.  whack.  I started watching for in BEFORE it happened.  I
started realizing it ALWAYS happened within seconds after me reining
him in when he wanted to pass/be first.  As an experiment I allowed
him to pass and be first.  No more whacks.  In fact, at one point we
were trotting really fast and he did a hairpin between two saplings.
no whack.

a horse passed us and he flattened his ears.  I scolded.  we went on.
He tried to pass.  I scolded.  whack.

So what instinct is that?  I'm sorry, I just have seen it too much...
horses do act bratty, and sneaky, with each other, and with us.  Its
almost comical.  it is comical.  to me :)

Like Jaspar snatching bites of weeds on the trail.  If I unwind the
crop from the saddle and put it on my hand, he stops.  If I put it
away, he starts.  what instinct is that, the trail munchie instinct :)
 or the "I am gonna work around mamas rules" instinct.

to me that is intellectual.  But its not just bratty behavior, I have
seen many many cases of intellectual behavior both with each other and
with people.  Or maybe I am misunderstanding "intellectual"?  I saw
stonewall do something intellectual recently, and also ethical, a
demonstration of being a good "person" morally I thought.  traveller
had been mean to him and they were doing their usual mock-war-fighting
and Traveller cow kicked at him as he went by then went to graze.
Stonewall sneaked up on him.  Backed up, kept looking over his
shoulder, lining himself up, stepping his back feet for just the right
position to let him have it, and he waited.  he waited til Traveller
lifted his head from grazing and saw it coming and wham, he let him
have it.

He did not sucker punch him.  He did not sneak attack him altho they
do that too.  He was following some policy rule I think :)  But isnt
that intellectual??  or is it?

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-21 Thread Nancy Sturm
..."horse doesn't make an intellectual decison..."  Bless the woman.  I am
so sick of reading  (not on this list, ladies) that "my horse tried to do
(fill in the blank)  to me."  We have plans.  Horses really don't.
