RE: Blast from the past

2001-01-30 Thread Dave Crocker

At 01:59 PM 1/27/2001 -0500, John C Klensin wrote:
>"spooling" or "mail store" mail-receiving processes came later --
>in the Multics case, not much later, as it became clear that
>direct-to-user-space delivery raised some security issues that no
>one was happy about-- but well before SMTP.

Hmmm.  It occurs to me that what you have highlighted is another Internet 
demonstration that scaling imposes more stringent demands.

However this was perhaps one of the earliest examples of social effects -- 
larger communities have less average trustworthiness? -- than technical ones.


RE: Blast from the past

2001-01-30 Thread John C Klensin

--On Tuesday, 30 January, 2001 00:44 -0800 Dave Crocker

> Hmmm.  It occurs to me that what you have highlighted is
> another Internet demonstration that scaling imposes more
> stringent demands.


> However this was perhaps one of the earliest examples of social
> effects -- larger communities have less average
> trustworthiness? -- than technical ones.

I wasn't significantly involved in the decision (Jeff or others
might remember), but keep in mind that Multics had very
significant security features: either mailboxes had to be moved
to an inner ring (which was eventually done) or there needed to
be a spool.  An essentially application process (relatively low
privs as system sorts of things went) really couldn't write into
a user directory in the user ring without either very funny
access or a huge security hole.  

So, while I agree with your conclusion, I suspect the reason for
this particular decision was not social, but system architecture
and, with it, another conclusion we often reach: if the security
model and mechanisms are designed in from the beginning, the
right sorts of things tend to fall into place without horrible
retrofits that almost never quite do the job.


Wall Street Journal: DNS is not secure

2001-01-30 Thread aaron

Researchers Find Software Flaw
Giving Hackers Key to Web Sites


WASHINGTON -- Computer experts discovered a flaw in widely used
software that could let hackers hijack corporate and government Web
sites and steal sensitive e-mail.

The flaw in software that controls most of the world's Internet traffic was
quickly deemed a "critical" threat. It affects a popular software known as
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) that operates the Internet's
equivalent of global telephone directories. Experts warned that hackers
could change or delete entries in those directories at their whim, reroute
Internet traffic or shut down Web sites.

Researchers at the federally funded Coordination Center -- formerly
known as the computer emergency response team -- said the flaw
"threatens the Internet's integrity" because the BIND software is "arguably
the Internet's single most important software package." The federal
government also issued urgent warnings Monday to its civilian agencies.

 World-Wide Bug

Network Associates discovers a big flaw in Internet software.

The software bug allows hackers to rewrite the Internet's equivalent
of telephone directories, called "domain-name servers." 

Any "calls" by Internet surfers made to an affected corporation
would go unanswered or, at worst, be redirected to Web sites
controlled by the hackers. They also could intercept and reroute
e-mail sent to people at that site. 

The flaw affects the latest version of so-called BIND software
created by the Internet Software Consortium for Unix and Linux
computers used by companies. BIND is arguably the Internet's
single most important software package and the flaw threatens the
Internet's integrity, say experts. 

There haven't been any reports that hackers have exploited the flaw,
but experts say tools to do so probably will start appearing on
underground Web sites within days. 

"This is among the most serious vulnerabilities to affect the Internet,"
said Shawn Hernan, the center's team leader for researching computer
vulnerabilities. "Web sites can be taken over, mail can be rerouted and
files can go where you don't expect them to go."

Consumers should watch for unexpected behavior at Web sites or for
undelivered e-mail, since those might indicate activity. Experts warned, for
example, that hackers could quietly redirect visitors from a bank's Web
site to a mock-up that they control to steal passwords and account

Major corporations and Internet providers, which typically operate name
servers, were urged to quickly upgrade their software, which could take
from a few minutes to about one hour. Consumers can contact their
Internet-service providers to ensure repairs have been made, especially if
they suspect trouble.

It is impossible to say precisely how many specialized directory computers,
called "domain name servers," are at risk, though experts said hundreds of
thousands need to be fixed by installing the updated software. Nearly
every Web site relies on name servers, which correlate easy-to-remember
Web addresses to the numerical Internet addresses that Web servers
actually recognize.

Name servers can't be hidden or disguised because Internet browsers must
know how to communicate with them to retrieve the latest address

"There's nothing you can do really as a consumer," said Weld Pond,
manager of research and development at @stake, a computer-security firm
in Cambridge, Mass. "Be more suspicious where you're going, be a little
more vigilant."

All 13 of the Internet's most important directory computers, the "root
servers" that direct the flow of the world's data traffic, were vulnerable
until they were repaired quietly earlier this month, weeks before Monday's

"It's not an exaggeration to say you could have turned off name resolution
for sections of the Internet; to the average user that would mean no more
Web, no more e-mail, no more Napster," said Jim Magdych, a security
manager at Network Associates Inc., which discovered the flaw.

There were no reports that hackers have yet exploited the bug, but experts
expect tools to start appearing on underground Web sites within days. In
one sense, Monday's disclosure was the start of a race between those
trying to exploit the software flaw and companies that need to repair their

"Once the tools start showing up, then the 'script-kiddies' can use them,"
said David Conrad, chief technology officer of Nominum Inc., a contractor
to the Internet Software Consortium, which distributes BIND software. "It
wouldn't require any knowledge, just a canned program that somebody
with knowledge had actually written." Mr. Conrad's company helped write
BIND's latest version, which isn't affected by the flaw. (Script-kiddies are
unsophisticated hackers who rely on malicious tools written by others with
more computer skills.)

Write to Ted Bridis at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Computer-related Crime

2001-01-30 Thread Gordon . Lennox

Computer-related Crime

The European Commission is participating in a number of initiatives aiming
at making communications networks like the Internet safer from criminal

It adopted on 26.1.2001 a Communication to the Council and the European
Parliament COM(2000)890) entitled Creating a Safer Information Society by
Improving the Security of Information Infrastructures and Combating
Computer-related Crime

The European Commission would like to invite comments from all interested
parties on the issues addressed in this Communication. Comments may be sent
up to 23 March 2001 via e-mail to the following address: 


Comments will in principle be published, unless the sender explicitly
requests the comment not to be published. Anonymous comments will not be
published. The Commission reserves the right not to publish comments it

The European Commission will also organise a public hearing of interested
parties on the issues addressed in the Communication. This hearing will take
place on 7 March 2001. Requests for an invitation to submit a statement at
this hearing may be sent up to 20 February 2001 via e-mail to the following


The European Commission reserves the right to make a selection of parties to
be heard. Any selection will be based on the number of requests and the wish
to have a wide coverage of interests.


Re: Computer-related Crime

2001-01-30 Thread Jon Crowcroft

as a european, i feel i have to be first to respond with:

"We're the government and we're here to help"

having said that, there's some useful references in yr. document

for those of you out there in ietf land without brit TV access ,yo
umight be amused to track down the Mark Thomas Product's
expose of the CEC's rather dubious track record on public access to
and compare it with some policies in the US and other places that any
valid/effective/non-pointless cybercrime policy must be consistent

i suggest someone setup a web site or list to accumulate ALL responses that
people want to make public otherwise you may never see them again:-)

it would also be most encouraging if the CEC were to actually use some
sort of secure email for the opposite requirement (folks that want
their responses provably private)

In message <91A2F218314CD4119566009027CA36EA0203ED45@ex2beimcombx04>, Gordon.Le

 >>Computer-related Crime
 >>The European Commission is participating in a number of initiatives aiming
 >>at making communications networks like the Internet safer from criminal
 >>It adopted on 26.1.2001 a Communication to the Council and the European
 >>Parliament COM(2000)890) entitled Creating a Safer Information Society by
 >>Improving the Security of Information Infrastructures and Combating
 >>Computer-related Crime  
 >>The European Commission would like to invite comments from all interested
 >>parties on the issues addressed in this Communication. Comments may be sent
 >>up to 23 March 2001 via e-mail to the following address: 
 >>Comments will in principle be published, unless the sender explicitly
 >>requests the comment not to be published. Anonymous comments will not be
 >>published. The Commission reserves the right not to publish comments it
 >>The European Commission will also organise a public hearing of interested
 >>parties on the issues addressed in the Communication. This hearing will take
 >>place on 7 March 2001. Requests for an invitation to submit a statement at
 >>this hearing may be sent up to 20 February 2001 via e-mail to the following
 >>The European Commission reserves the right to make a selection of parties to
 >>be heard. Any selection will be based on the number of requests and the wish
 >>to have a wide coverage of interests.

