Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Maurizio Codogno

In die Tue, 22 May 2001 20:49:51 -0400
Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit:

> I do this  for the mailing list of  the MPLS working group, so  I'm aware of
> what a nuisance it is.  But as far as mailing list management goes, it's not
> nearly as big a nuisance as trying to figure out which of the error messages
> to owner-mpls  are bogus  and which  are real.  (The  mailing list  has 3000
> members and each message to it results in 100 error messages.)

mailman seems to have an automated way to put subscribers whose email 
bounces out of the list, but I must confess I prefer to look at the 
errors and decide case per case. Luckily, my lists have at most 400 users.

ciao, .mau.

Re: perspective

2001-05-22 Thread grant mcdonald

what needs filtering is all this pointless commentary
on SPAM. i assure you all that somebody,
somewhere...probably several somebodies...are working
on the problem.
until then, do what i do: delete it
i get 250+ emails a day, and only about 5 of them are
spam. that tells me my filter works pretty good. if i
can suffer through the other 245, and not get worked
up about deleting the 5, then noone else should be
uptight about it either.

my next point is that today i recieved approx 35
emails from IETF members and list subscribers,
complaining about spam.

that's 30 MORE than the spam i got today.

so i'll ask the same question James did:
"what needs filtering?"


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Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Donald E. Eastlake 3rd


Why do you keep pretending that sending mail to the main submission
address is the only way to get a message out on a mailing list and
that there isn't immense harm done by spam?  What about months of work
wasted because a WG didn't get the input of those driven away by spam?
If you have trouble submitting mail to a WG maiiling list, or even
think you might, why not just send mail to the chair and ask them to
post it?  Wouldn't it be their job to do so if it was at all relevant?

Limitations on absolutely free direct immediate posting have negative
effects and *positive* effects.  The right balance is different for
different mailing lists.


From:  Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-Id:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  grenville armitage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In-reply-to:  Your message of "Mon, 21 May 2001 22:24:27 PDT."
Date:  Tue, 22 May 2001 11:49:44 -0400

>> > however, I have seen a couple of occasions where I believe that
>> > a 'moderator' acted inappropriately in filtering messages that
>> > came from non-subscribers but were arguably on-topic for the lists.
>> So the non-subscriber subscribed, and their posts went through okay,
>> right?  
>no.  the WG was badly in need of a clue from folks outside of the WG -
>because the WG was failing to understand how its work would interact
>with and/or affect other applications or protocols outside of its purview.
>the would-be contributor did not want to subscribe to the list because
>he/she had no desire to participate in the day-to-day conversations of
>the working group.  after all, the contributor normally worked at 
>layer X while the WG was working at layer Y.
>still, the WG needed the contribution.  it would have benefited from 
>knowing that what it was doing was inherently flawed, and that its
>poorly-informed design decisions would do harm and/or cause its work
>to be less useful than anticipated.
>but the capriciousness of the mailing list maintainer prevented this
>from happening, and many months of hard work were wasted.
>> (If not, and the moderator was in fact filtering all posts
>> to the mailing list in question, then this example is a red-herring.)
>seems like you've left a big hole in your case analysis.
>> Gas tanks explode - we ban cars?
>if the gas tanks explode under normal or even occasional use, we do in 
>fact recall the car.  
>you seem to believe that non-subscribers are inherently illegimiate,
>and that any barriers we erect to make it more difficult for them to 
>post are therefore justified.  looks like circular reasoning to me.

focus Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Vernon Schryver wrote:
> IETF lists have sufficient reasons to be just as open.  All of the
> proposals for filtering the IETF's lists would have false postive rates
> far worse than 1/month, where delays of more than 24 hours count as a
> false positive.

I think you're exaggerating a few things. First, the main proposal
in this thread is subscribe-before-post, which suffers no false
positives if you... ummm... subscribe before you post. Second,
since when has the IETF's activities been so urgent that a 24hr
delay on a "I forgot to subscribe before posting" email would be
mind-blowingly critical? (IMO, never. But hey, I take walks in the
sun every so often...)

I don't recall this thread seriously focusing on content filtering
(*being* filtered, sure ;)

> There is only one thing that prevents those who want a spam-free IETF list
> from having it.

Since I don't recall seeing absolute 'spam-free'-ness being a
design goal, I'm not sure who "those" people are. But then again,
I take walks


Grenville Armitage


2001-05-22 Thread James P. Salsman

It took a few seconds to ignore the spurts of spam that started 
the recent mailing list policy threads, but I am now dozens of 
messages behind, trying to read and carefully consider all of 
the resulting insightful and witty comments.

What needs filtering, again?


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: grenville armitage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >  Besides, mailing list traffic tends to be
> > "white listed" and so bypass individual spam filters.
> Which is why some of us would encourage the use of
> techniques that make mailing lists less attractive
> to opportunistic spammers.
> I feel dizzy.

I've run spam filters for a big commercial outfit, where people reasonably
preferred to deal with spam than to fail to communicate with customers or
prospects.  In such situations, unless your false positive rate rejects
fewer than 1 legitimate message per month, you should be castigated
and your filters turned off.
IETF lists have sufficient reasons to be just as open.  All of the
proposals for filtering the IETF's lists would have false postive rates
far worse than 1/month, where delays of more than 24 hours count as a
false positive.  Because of the nature of the traffic on the main IETF
list, I suspect the false positive rate would be approach 10% (except in
threads like this where the false negative rate be about 100%, because
we're all subscribers making this noise).

In other words, there are reasons why I only suggested that the
IETF-filtered list use the DCC body filtering.

There is something else about the proposals to impose additional
filters on this list that really bugs me.  I suspect that many of
those demanding that this list be filtered did not bother to do anything
about the recent spam, while those of us opposed all did do something.

There is only one thing that prevents those who want a spam-free IETF list
from having it.  In theory, someone could subscribe a reflector to the
main list or the overseas filtered list, and then run it like an ordinary
moderated list.  Others who want such filtering could subscribe to it.
In theory, everyone would be happy.  Unfortunately, there is that one
thing preventing global contentment.  At least one of those who want such
filtering would have to do some extra work.  This obviously would not
implement or run itself with the demands that someone else take care of it.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Eric Rosen

Maurizio> but this means 
Maurizio> - that there is a person who has the right to decide whether the 
Maurizio> message is spam or not
Maurizio> - that this person is willing to bear the burden for the sake of the 
Maurizio> whole community.

Maurizio> I happen  to do this  for some lists,  but it's a nuisance,  I may
Maurizio> assure you.

I do this  for the mailing list of  the MPLS working group, so  I'm aware of
what a nuisance it is.  But as far as mailing list management goes, it's not
nearly as big a nuisance as trying to figure out which of the error messages
to owner-mpls  are bogus  and which  are real.  (The  mailing list  has 3000
members and each message to it results in 100 error messages.)

It's  not  hard  to  decide  whether a  particular  message  is  unsolicited
commercial email or not, that's not something that people disagree about.  

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Vernon Schryver wrote:
>  Besides, mailing list traffic tends to be
> "white listed" and so bypass individual spam filters.

Which is why some of us would encourage the use of
techniques that make mailing lists less attractive
to opportunistic spammers.

I feel dizzy.


Re: since drums is closed...

2001-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC

At 12:00 PM -0500 5/22/01, Chip Rosenthal wrote:
>On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:00:49PM +0200, Maurizio Codogno wrote:
>  > I hope someone may give me an answer here, even if the topic is
>  > not quite in topic for the list.
>Don't have an answer to your question, but thought I'd point out
>that most of the DRUMS participants have moved over to the ietf-822
>mailing list hosted at

The folks who want to talk about message formats have moved there. 
The folks who want to talk about message transport have moved to 
ietf-smtp. DRUMS was covering two different topics.

>IIRC [EMAIL PROTECTED] should work.

Yup, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] will get you the companion list.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: grenville armitage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> Who knows. I suspect it would be a *vastly* long time before the
> ratio of 'blocked mailing list' to 'personal email addresses' becomes
> so high that spammers will special-case their code just to target
> mailing lists. Today mailing lists are accidental inclusions on spammer
> master target lists.

That last is clearly false for much of the spam that hits IETF lists.  At
least some spammers evidently already understand that one message through
a working and large list will hit a lot of valid addresses, often very
well "targeted" addresses.  Besides, mailing list traffic tends to be
"white listed" and so bypass individual spam filters.

>  They already deal with email addresses that get
> stale and bounce,

Serious spammer do not care about stale or bouncing addresses.  That's
demonstrated by the "dictionary attack" spammers who have lists of 100's
to 1000's of user names that they try at every domain they hit.  If you
have a vanity domain, then watching for dictionary attack bounces and they
wiring those addresses to automated body filters can be very effective
measured in low false positives and false negatives.

>   the trick is to convince them our mailing list address
> is similarly 'stale'. This *is* social engineering, by us, of them,
> using technology.

That assumes that that spammers prune their lists.  However, they clearly
do not.  My best body spam trap address today is a misspelling of my
username that first started getting hit several years ago, and that has
*never* been valid, and bounced for years until I recently wired it to
body filters.  The mispelling was apparently a harvesting software bug,
because many other people reported seeing equivalent bad addreses.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread stanislav shalunov

John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Randomly selected moderators.]
> Then you have to educate the subscribers on how to approve messages.

Include a short explanation in the message of why it is sent, and
offer to follow a URL to approve the message.  One of the randomly
choosen subscribers presumably knows how to follow a link.

Stanislav Shalunov

This message is designed to be viewed at 600 mph.

RE: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Tony Hain

My mail filters must be very effective. The > 20 messages on this thread in
the last 2 days constitute over a months worth of spam I have been aware of.
Now if I could only figure out how to construct an automated filter for:

if list = IETF and content = 'personal inconvenience rant' then permanently


FWIW: I agree with Keith's original tenant that technology applied without
my express awareness & consent (like NAT in the general case) is
inappropriate. I also agree with KRE that spam is a social rather than
technical problem, and any centralized technical approach will be worked
around. Rather than complain that someone else is not doing the work, maybe
those who don't want to take the time to construct their own filters should
ask the list if anyone else might be running their favorite mail tool and is
willing to share an existing rule set.

If you want to make sure I never see your message just include the strings
'$' or 'subscribe' in the subject, or send with any of these strings
anywhere in the header:
Kysi Ferul

Re: filtering of mailing lists

2001-05-22 Thread Pyda Srisuresh

--- Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suresh,
> I don't mind having WG lists moderate contributions from non-subscribers,
> provided the moderator can act in a timely fashion (say within a day or
> so) and the moderator allows any post that is even arguably on-topic for
> the list.

Having a separate subscribe-to-post requirement alleviates the burden
on the list administartor, at the cost of minor one-time additional
inconvenience to the poster. This, in no way, violates the principle 
of open participation and being open to good ideas from all sources.

If a responsible poster still chooses to send a message without
subscribing-to-post, then it is not unreasonable if the message posting
is delayed by more than a day or is dropped at the discrition of the 
list moderator(s). On the other hand, if spam is sent automagically to 
a bunch of lists, the spam will automagically get dropped, unless the 
spam sender subscribes to each of the lists and violates the posting
> for reasons already stated, I doubt that a single moderator could be
> found for the main ietf list.  but I would like to see an experiment
> with the 'multiple per-message moderators chosen at random from the 
> subcriber list' proposals.

I am OK with the idea of multiple moderators. Many lists already
have multiple moderators. The IESG members, for example, could be the 
moderators for the IETF list. 

Unless the moderators group is pre-selected, attempting to select a 
moderator at random from the subscriber list for each new mailing thread
can be at best difficult and at worst a box of pandora. The random 
selection process in itself can become very hard to manage and will 
become a giant meta problem in itself.

<.. stuff deleted>

Thanks. Have a nie day.


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A modest proposal

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Here's an experiment:

 - Create a read-only list, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

 - People send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as usual

- If the from: address is a subscriber to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  majordomo sends it to the members of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

- If the from: address is NOT a subscriber to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  majordomo sends it only to the people subscribed

- Archive posts that end up on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

People who want the complete, unadulterated feed of posts to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] can subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see everying
that is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The rest can (remain) subscribe(d) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gja (who honestly doesn't know enough majordomo to say if this
is a 5 min job, or 5 hours hacking)

Social solutions mean lawyers... Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Robert Elz wrote:
> This is not a technological problem - it is a social problem.  We cannot
> fix spam by technological means - it has to be fixed by social means.

If you remove technological means you're left with "Bad spammer,
please don't send email to our list". The non-technical escalation
path (aka 'social means') then leads to lawyers and politicians
thinking they know what's best. Then you'd really see what it feels
like to have the wrong weapon brought to bear on a problem.

I shudder at the thought.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Robert Elz wrote:

>   | Most spammers strike me as opportunistic and not overly interested
>   | in special-case-handling a couple of subscribe-to-send lists,
> Of course, and as long as they can get to the vast majority of their
> target, it will probably remain that way.

Good enough for me. It is said that to avoid a bear, you don't
need to be faster than the bear, just faster than someone else
in your group ;)

> how long do you
> think it will be before the spammer's lists of names contain not only the
> destination address, but the From: address they should use to send to that
> address?

Who knows. I suspect it would be a *vastly* long time before the
ratio of 'blocked mailing list' to 'personal email addresses' becomes
so high that spammers will special-case their code just to target
mailing lists. Today mailing lists are accidental inclusions on spammer
master target lists. They already deal with email addresses that get
stale and bounce, the trick is to convince them our mailing list address
is similarly 'stale'. This *is* social engineering, by us, of them,
using technology.


RE: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Christian Huitema

> Christian> I  would   much  rather  receive  and   delete  another
> annoying
> Christian> proposition to get rich quick or see lurid pictures than
> tolerate
> Christian> any form of censorship.
> As has been pointed out, the non-member messages can be moderated.  It
> takes
> about one  second to look  at a message  and tell whether it  is
> unsolicited
> commercial or  not.  So the downside  is that the non-member  message
> be
> delayed for  a bit  until the moderator  gets to  it.
This is one of many possible implementations. As Keith pointed out, it
is much better than any form of automated action, such as closed
membership list. The downside is that it is a heavy work on the single
"censor"; there are indeed ways to spread the load to multiple editors.

> I wouldn't  call that
> censorship.  (I  think one  has to  be very privileged  indeed to
> a small inconvenience with censorship.)

All form of filtering have the potential to drift into censorship. We
have seen it with the anti-porn web site filters, and we are indeed
seeing accusation of censorship floated against the RBL. For the IETF,
we must go to extreme to ensure openness and remove any hint of possible

-- Christian Huitema

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread John Kristoff

James Aviani wrote:
> I know this is fairly low-tech, but it seemed like a reasonable and practical
> solution to spamming.

This is a interesting if not good idea.  Some of the details may need to
be worked out (like perhaps certain people opt in or opt out of being a
moderator), but the technical implementation is probably the easy part. 
If you've given the IETF a solution without causing a theological debate
over the 'technical purity' of it, you've left your mark for posterity.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Kevin Farley

I think I might set a filter to look for this thread in the subject
line of my email and dump it. It only takes a minute to set it up.

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Re: since drums is closed...

2001-05-22 Thread Chip Rosenthal

On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:00:49PM +0200, Maurizio Codogno wrote:
> I hope someone may give me an answer here, even if the topic is
> not quite in topic for the list.

Don't have an answer to your question, but thought I'd point out
that most of the DRUMS participants have moved over to the ietf-822
mailing list hosted at


Chip Rosenthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Protect your mail server against spam.
Junk email is theft.  There ought to be a law.
"That's not communication.  That's gargling."  -Geoffrey Nunberg

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread John Stracke

James Aviani wrote:

> So here is the idea: For email that comes from non-subscribers, forward it to
> N subscribers randomly selected from the current subscribers. (Maybe pick
> from the most recent posters, since they are most likely to be active.) If
> one of subscribers thinks the mail is useful, he forwards it to the group. If
> more than one approves, still only one copy goes forward. (Software somewhere
> would prevent duplicates.)

Then you have to educate the subscribers on how to approve messages.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own. |
|Chief Scientist |==|
|eCal Corp.  |All your problems can be solved by not caring!|

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Maurizio Codogno

In die Tue, 22 May 2001 12:26:40 -0400
Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit:

> As has been pointed out, the non-member messages can be moderated.  It takes
> about one  second to look  at a message  and tell whether it  is unsolicited
> commercial or  not. 

but this means 
 - that there is a person who has the right to decide whether the 
message is spam or not
 - that this person is willing to bear the burden for the sake of the 
whole community.

I happen to do this for some lists, but it's a nuisance, I may assure you.

ciao, .mau.

Re: filtering of mailing lists

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore


I don't mind having WG lists moderate contributions from non-subscribers,
provided the moderator can act in a timely fashion (say within a day or
so) and the moderator allows any post that is even arguably on-topic for
the list.

for reasons already stated, I doubt that a single moderator could be
found for the main ietf list.  but I would like to see an experiment
with the 'multiple per-message moderators chosen at random from the 
subcriber list' proposals.

the problem with the NAT list was that posts from non-susbcribers 
were, apparently, simply discarded.  as you point out, this has since 
been fixed. 


p.s. I don't think the question of whether we inconvience the legitimate
poster or the spammer more is the relevant one.  a better question is 
which filtering policy allows our organization to function more effectively -
given that 'effectiveness' includes honoring our principle of open participation
and being open to good ideas from all sources.

> Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 10:16:37 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Pyda Srisuresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: filtering of mailing lists
> --- Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Here is a suggestion.
> > 
> > > Require people to subscribe to a list to post to the list.
> > 
> > worked great for the NAT WG list, which successfully used this technique
> > to discourage input from people harmed by NAT.
> NAT WG never had a separate subscribe-to-post requirement, FYI.
> The previous list as well as the current list (hosted by the IETF) 
> required a single subscription to receive as well as to post. 
> With the current list, messages sent by folks not subscribed to the 
> list would be directed to list administrator to permit posting to 
> the list. List administrator would have to manually approve the posting.
> Now, do you object to a separate subscribe-to-post requirement?
> Would this discourage or inconvenience you (the occassional non-spam 
> contributor to a non-subscribed-to-receive-list) or the spammer more?
> If the answer is debatable (or) the frequent spammer is likely to be 
> discouraged at least 50% of the time, the approach is worth a try.

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore

> > > So, here are the choices:
> > > 1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams per day,
> > >at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or
> > > 2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or to learn
> > >all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a few.
> > you have it backwards.  all subscribers of the list are 'inconvenienced'
> > if we discourage legitimate contributions from folks who are not willing
> > to jump through arbitrary and time-consuming hoops that we impose on them
> > just because a few people insisted (even in the face of evidence to the
> > contrary) that they knew what was best for everyone else.
> This assumes that list filtering cannot be done sensibly. This assumption is
> false; it can be done sensibly and is done sensibly all the time. And when it
> is done sensibly the amount of inconvenience is unnoticeable. Sure, there are
> plenty of lists that don't do filtering sensibly (including, alas, some IETF WG
> lists), but there are many others that do.

I also think that list filtering can be done sensibly, and I agree that this
is mostly (though not entirely) a matter of resources.  what I am objecting to
is the notion that 'sensible filtering' (particularly on the IETF list)
equates to 'filtering postings from non-subscribers'.

> > calling those hoops a 'minor inconvenience' is also misleading.
> Only if the lists aren't managed correctly.

which is, in my experience, all too often the case.   and the knowledge 
required to 'correctly' manage a list seems to be in short supply.
it would be useful to collect such knowledge into an RFC.

> Keith, I have to say that you are becoming your own worst enemy in this
> discussion. By insisting on an absolute policy of no filtering at all your
> ability to influence the policy that eventually is adopted is being
> compromised. 

but I have never insisted on such a policy.  I have only insisted that 
it's not appropriate to expect people to subscribe to the list in order
to contribute to the discussion.  in fact I use various kinds of filtering
on the lists that I maintain (different degrees depending on the nature
of the list), so I agree that filtering can be useful and appropriate.

> As a result we are increasingly likely to end up with a list
> policy imposed that doesn't accomodate some aspect of real world behavior that
> could have been dealt with.

as you might imagine I am also frustrated by the tendency of this kind of
debate to polarize people around extreme positions, rather than to encourage
brainstorming about solutions that would address the entire spectrum of
interests and concerns that are expressed.

at the same time, I feel that it's important to argue against proposals
for quick fixes that seem shortsighted.  we have too many of those already.
we need to understand the problem from a variety of perspectives before 
insisting that our proposed solutions are appropriate to impose on everybody.

> I also find the comparisons with NAT to be strained at best.

I'm sure we can all come up with  examples of 'solutions' that served one
interest while harming others, or that served short term goals while doing 
harm in the long term.  NATs aren't an especially unusual example of this,
they're just an example that can be understood by most of the list.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread grenville armitage

Lloyd Wood wrote:
> On Mon, 21 May 2001, grenville armitage wrote:
> > It is a fragile universe one inhabits where asking people to subscribe
> > to the community of interest before posting is equated to censorship.
> Be liberal in what you accept.

I am not a protocol. I am a human being.


Grenville Armitage

Re: filtering of mailing lists

2001-05-22 Thread Pyda Srisuresh

--- Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is a suggestion.
> > Require people to subscribe to a list to post to the list.
> worked great for the NAT WG list, which successfully used this technique
> to discourage input from people harmed by NAT.

NAT WG never had a separate subscribe-to-post requirement, FYI.

The previous list as well as the current list (hosted by the IETF) 
required a single subscription to receive as well as to post. 

With the current list, messages sent by folks not subscribed to the 
list would be directed to list administrator to permit posting to 
the list. List administrator would have to manually approve the posting.

Now, do you object to a separate subscribe-to-post requirement?
Would this discourage or inconvenience you (the occassional non-spam 
contributor to a non-subscribed-to-receive-list) or the spammer more?

If the answer is debatable (or) the frequent spammer is likely to be 
discouraged at least 50% of the time, the approach is worth a try.

> Keith



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RE: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Christian Huitema

> > So, here are the choices:
> >
> > 1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams
> day,
> >at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or
> >
> > 2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or
> learn
> >all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a
> you have it backwards.  all subscribers of the list are
> if we discourage legitimate contributions from folks who are not
> to jump through arbitrary and time-consuming hoops that we impose on
> just because a few people insisted (even in the face of evidence to
> contrary) that they knew what was best for everyone else.

There is a fine line between "anti-spam" and "censorship." I would much
rather receive and delete another annoying proposition to get rich quick
or see lurid pictures than tolerate any form of censorship. This
translates into an engineering requirement. Anti-spam filters, like all
filters generate false positive, i.e. declare as spam something that is
in fact legitimate, and false negative, i.e. declare as legitimate a
message that in fact is spam. The openness requirement of the IETF
translates in a requirement to eliminate "false negative." This is the
IETF, we ought to be able to engineer that.

-- Christian Huitema

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread ned . freed

> > So, here are the choices:

> > 1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams per day,
> >at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or

> > 2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or to learn
> >all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a few.

> you have it backwards.  all subscribers of the list are 'inconvenienced'
> if we discourage legitimate contributions from folks who are not willing
> to jump through arbitrary and time-consuming hoops that we impose on them
> just because a few people insisted (even in the face of evidence to the
> contrary) that they knew what was best for everyone else.

This assumes that list filtering cannot be done sensibly. This assumption is
false; it can be done sensibly and is done sensibly all the time. And when it
is done sensibly the amount of inconvenience is unnoticeable. Sure, there are
plenty of lists that don't do filtering sensibly (including, alas, some IETF WG
lists), but there are many others that do.

Whether or not list filtering can be sensibly applied to a list with the
characteristics of the main IETF list is just a matter of resources. The
necessary technologies exist to cope with all the trickiness the IETF list
presents and more. All we have to do is agree to apply them and find the
resources to make it happen.

> calling those hoops a 'minor inconvenience' is also misleading.

Only if the lists aren't managed correctly.

Keith, I have to say that you are becoming your own worst enemy in this
discussion. By insisting on an absolute policy of no filtering at all your
ability to influence the policy that eventually is adopted is being
compromised. As a result we are increasingly likely to end up with a list
policy imposed that doesn't accomodate some aspect of real world behavior that
could have been dealt with.

I also find the comparisons with NAT to be strained at best.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore

> Here is a suggestion.

> Require people to subscribe to a list to post to the list.

worked great for the NAT WG list, which successfully used this technique
to discourage input from people harmed by NAT.


closing list posting won't help us much

2001-05-22 Thread Ofer Inbar

A lot of the unwanted, off topic postings we get on the ietf list,
seem to be specifically directed at us.  For example, the political
diatribes from "kysi feryl" (did I spell that right?).  People who
want to advertise to or spam on the ietf list specifically, will
obviously not be turned away by any requirement to pre-register your
From: line before posting.  Closed posting is fine for small private
lists that want to stay private, but this list is too large, public,
and visible for it to be appropriate or useful here.

  --  Cos   [EMAIL PROTECTED]--  accessline: 781-273-2380
  --  (Ofer Inbar)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]--   pager: 800-351-9387

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore

> As has been pointed out, the non-member messages can be moderated. 

yes they can.  but this requires a moderator who has the time to do 
it, who can consistently do it in a timely manner, who acts as a 
spam filter rather censoring content with which he/she does not
agree, and who is trusted by everyone (or very nearly everyone) 
who wants to participate on the list.

and yes this is much better than insisting that people subscribe
to a list in order to post.  and it has worked fairly well for
a number of the lists that I run.

but I think it would be difficult to find a moderator for the 
ietf list that meets the above criteria.


RE: Mailing list policy

2001-05-22 Thread Book, Robert

Perhaps you might consider this issue from another angle. When you consider
the number of person-hours spent dealing with SPAM, you could see that,
cumulatively, there are many hours wasted on unsolicited and undesired
emails. And, while each instance may be a matter of seconds or minutes, over
a year's time, SPAM from all sources constitutes a significant waste of
people's time and, thus, the SPAMer is a thief. It is a social problem but
it can be resolved with a technical solution.
Don't make me come over there, Scott.. :-)

"Hey, what do we need this IP stuff for? We got 300 character/second
teletype. Who's ever going to need more than that?..." - Sparky, the
30 year two-wire man.

-Original Message-
From: Willis, Scott L [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Mailing list policy

Which is the lesser of the two evils:
*   Receiving an occasional SPAM Message
*   Being Bombarded continually with complaints about SPAM Messages

The request has been issued to stop spamming on this
address.  Why don't we return to normal IETF business at hand and just let
this issue pass. I'm sure there are others out there who is as fatigued as I
am about this moot point.

Have a nice day

-Original Message-
From:   John Stracke
Sent:   Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject:Re: Mailing list policy

Kevin Farley wrote:

> --- John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Today, if you want to
> > spam all of
> > them, you have to subscribe to all of
them, which is impractical.

(I spoke sloppily, by the way.  For "today",
read "with separate filters
on every list".)

> Impractical, but through software, not
impossible. Could readily be
> automated.

If that's so, then subscriber filters won't
work; as soon as it becomes
profitable to do so, the spamware vendors
will include automated
subscription features.


|John Stracke| |My
opinions are my own. |
|Chief Scientist
|eCal Corp.  |Whose cruel idea was it
for the word "lisp" to|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|have an "S" in it?


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread James Aviani

Forgive me here, but I was pondering the problem of mailing lists filtering
last night, and want to float an idea.

The problem as I understand it is that non-subscribers to a given mailing
list may contribute good ideas or may be spammers. And short of
human-directed analysis it's impossible to know whether the email should be
forwarded or not.

Further, by having only one person decide on what's appropriate, there is the
possibility for intentional or inadvertent censorship. Also, it's a
significant burden for someone to have to manually filter all of the email
from non-subscribers.

So here is the idea: For email that comes from non-subscribers, forward it to
N subscribers randomly selected from the current subscribers. (Maybe pick
from the most recent posters, since they are most likely to be active.) If
one of subscribers thinks the mail is useful, he forwards it to the group. If
more than one approves, still only one copy goes forward. (Software somewhere
would prevent duplicates.)

As long N is large enough and picked at random each time it would reduce
dramatically the possibility for censorship, fairly share the load, and
protect the email list from spammers, yet still allow for non-subscribing
folks to contribute.

I know this is fairly low-tech, but it seemed like a reasonable and practical
solution to spamming.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Pyda Srisuresh

Here is a suggestion. 

Require people to subscribe to a list to post to the list. 
This is in addition to requiring subscription to receive posts 
mailed to the list. Nanog adopts this approach and has been
fairly successful in avoiding spam, I believe.

Subscription to Post can be made contingent on the subscriber not
agreeing to post material that is out of scope for the list and
willing to abide by the list administrator's decision to moderate
inappropriate postings.

Free-for-all type of lists are inherently prone to spam. Thanks.


--- Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > however, I have seen a couple of occasions where I believe that
> > > a 'moderator' acted inappropriately in filtering messages that
> > > came from non-subscribers but were arguably on-topic for the lists.
> > 
> > So the non-subscriber subscribed, and their posts went through okay,
> > right?  
> no.  the WG was badly in need of a clue from folks outside of the WG -
> because the WG was failing to understand how its work would interact
> with and/or affect other applications or protocols outside of its purview.
> the would-be contributor did not want to subscribe to the list because
> he/she had no desire to participate in the day-to-day conversations of
> the working group.  after all, the contributor normally worked at 
> layer X while the WG was working at layer Y.
> still, the WG needed the contribution.  it would have benefited from 
> knowing that what it was doing was inherently flawed, and that its
> poorly-informed design decisions would do harm and/or cause its work
> to be less useful than anticipated.
> but the capriciousness of the mailing list maintainer prevented this
> from happening, and many months of hard work were wasted.
> > (If not, and the moderator was in fact filtering all posts
> > to the mailing list in question, then this example is a red-herring.)
> seems like you've left a big hole in your case analysis.
> > Gas tanks explode - we ban cars?
> if the gas tanks explode under normal or even occasional use, we do in 
> fact recall the car.  
> you seem to believe that non-subscribers are inherently illegimiate,
> and that any barriers we erect to make it more difficult for them to 
> post are therefore justified.  looks like circular reasoning to me.
> Keith


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Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Eric Rosen

Christian> I  would   much  rather  receive  and   delete  another  annoying
Christian> proposition to get rich quick or see lurid pictures than tolerate
Christian> any form of censorship.  

As has been pointed out, the non-member messages can be moderated.  It takes
about one  second to look  at a message  and tell whether it  is unsolicited
commercial or  not.  So the downside  is that the non-member  message may be
delayed for  a bit  until the moderator  gets to  it.  I wouldn't  call that
censorship.  (I  think one  has to  be very privileged  indeed to  confuse a
small inconvenience with censorship.)

Unless, of  course, you think that  people have a RIGHT  to send unsolicited
commercial email to IETF mailing lists. 

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore

> > however, I have seen a couple of occasions where I believe that
> > a 'moderator' acted inappropriately in filtering messages that
> > came from non-subscribers but were arguably on-topic for the lists.
> So the non-subscriber subscribed, and their posts went through okay,
> right?  

no.  the WG was badly in need of a clue from folks outside of the WG -
because the WG was failing to understand how its work would interact
with and/or affect other applications or protocols outside of its purview.

the would-be contributor did not want to subscribe to the list because
he/she had no desire to participate in the day-to-day conversations of
the working group.  after all, the contributor normally worked at 
layer X while the WG was working at layer Y.

still, the WG needed the contribution.  it would have benefited from 
knowing that what it was doing was inherently flawed, and that its
poorly-informed design decisions would do harm and/or cause its work
to be less useful than anticipated.

but the capriciousness of the mailing list maintainer prevented this
from happening, and many months of hard work were wasted.

> (If not, and the moderator was in fact filtering all posts
> to the mailing list in question, then this example is a red-herring.)

seems like you've left a big hole in your case analysis.

> Gas tanks explode - we ban cars?

if the gas tanks explode under normal or even occasional use, we do in 
fact recall the car.  

you seem to believe that non-subscribers are inherently illegimiate,
and that any barriers we erect to make it more difficult for them to 
post are therefore justified.  looks like circular reasoning to me.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Keith Moore

> So, here are the choices:
> 1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams per day,
>at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or
> 2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or to learn
>all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a few.

you have it backwards.  all subscribers of the list are 'inconvenienced'
if we discourage legitimate contributions from folks who are not willing
to jump through arbitrary and time-consuming hoops that we impose on them
just because a few people insisted (even in the face of evidence to the
contrary) that they knew what was best for everyone else.

calling those hoops a 'minor inconvenience' is also misleading.

> Indeed, this is a lot like the arguments re NAT.  There are the thousands of
> people it helps, vs. the few who are yelling that the sky will fall if it is
> not stamped out.

the people who are helped by NAT are also hurt by NAT.  but they might not realize
that NAT is the reason that they cannot deploy IP telephony.  they'll blame the
new application rather than the NAT because they've been brainwashed into thinking
that NAT is the right thing to do, and also because the guy who bought the NATs
in the first place is not going to admit that he was wrong.


since drums is closed...

2001-05-22 Thread Maurizio Codogno

I hope someone may give me an answer here, even if the topic is
not quite in topic for the list.

I was asked to find some information about the email traffic today
(number of messages per day, how much of the net traffic is email - is
it true that it is still more than web-based traffic?, various oddities)
Does anybody have some pointer?

thanks and ciao, .mau.

Re: Mailing list policy

2001-05-22 Thread Kevin Farley

--- John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin Farley wrote:
> > --- John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Today, if you want to
> > > spam all of
> > > them, you have to subscribe to all of them, which is impractical.
> (I spoke sloppily, by the way.  For "today", read "with separate
> filters
> on every list".)
> > Impractical, but through software, not impossible. Could readily be
> > automated.
> If that's so, then subscriber filters won't work; as soon as it
> becomes
> profitable to do so, the spamware vendors will include automated
> subscription features.

Exactly. Someone will realize how to make a profit of both sides of the

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RE: Mailing list policy

2001-05-22 Thread Willis, Scott L

Which is the lesser of the two evils:
*   Receiving an occasional SPAM Message
*   Being Bombarded continually with complaints about SPAM Messages

The request has been issued to stop spamming on this
address.  Why don't we return to normal IETF business at hand and just let
this issue pass. I'm sure there are others out there who is as fatigued as I
am about this moot point.

Have a nice day

-Original Message-
From:   John Stracke
Sent:   Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject:Re: Mailing list policy

Kevin Farley wrote:

> --- John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Today, if you want to
> > spam all of
> > them, you have to subscribe to all of
them, which is impractical.

(I spoke sloppily, by the way.  For "today",
read "with separate filters
on every list".)

> Impractical, but through software, not
impossible. Could readily be
> automated.

If that's so, then subscriber filters won't
work; as soon as it becomes
profitable to do so, the spamware vendors
will include automated
subscription features.


|John Stracke| |My
opinions are my own. |
|Chief Scientist
|eCal Corp.  |Whose cruel idea was it
for the word "lisp" to|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|have an "S" in it?


Re: Mailing list policy

2001-05-22 Thread John Stracke

Kevin Farley wrote:

> --- John Stracke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Today, if you want to
> > spam all of
> > them, you have to subscribe to all of them, which is impractical.

(I spoke sloppily, by the way.  For "today", read "with separate filters
on every list".)

> Impractical, but through software, not impossible. Could readily be
> automated.

If that's so, then subscriber filters won't work; as soon as it becomes
profitable to do so, the spamware vendors will include automated
subscription features.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own. |
|Chief Scientist |==|
|eCal Corp.  |Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|have an "S" in it?|

Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread ned . freed

> Date:Mon, 21 May 2001 20:21:10 -0700
> From:grenville armitage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   | Most spammers strike me as opportunistic and not overly interested
>   | in special-case-handling a couple of subscribe-to-send lists,

> Of course, and as long as they can get to the vast majority of their
> target, it will probably remain that way.

> But as soon as the spammers need to go to some extra effort to reach
> their audience, you can be sure they will.

> ...

> Now we're having suggested that only "known" e-mail addresses be allowed
> to send to certain destinations.   Assuming that becomes really popular
> (rather than just used on a small set of irrelevant lists) how long do you
> think it will be before the spammer's lists of names contain not only the
> destination address, but the From: address they should use to send to that
> address?

A long time, actually. While it is true that spammers will work around anything
that seriously impedes the flow of spam, you have not shown that spam sent to
lists is at all important to spammers. Every indication I see is that lists are
primarily useful to spammers as a source of addresses to send spam to directly,
and less as a target for spamming lots of people indirectly. Indeed, most
spammers that send to lists seem totally uninterested in the fact that they are
sending to a list; it is simply another address they have culled from some sort
of scan.

And while there have been some isolated reports of subscribe-then-send and
send-using-a-subscriber strategies used by spammers, the frequency of their use
appears to be way out of porportion to the number of lists that have
successfully fended off spam by using various subscriber-only techniques.

> I mean, how hard do you think it is to stick From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in the heading of the mail?

Actually, maintaining an additional per-list address and keeping that address
up to date is pretty difficult. It is much easier -- and quite effective -- to
simply prowl for addresses that reach users directly.

> This is not a technological problem - it is a social problem.  We cannot
> fix spam by technological means - it has to be fixed by social means.

In general, I agree with this assessment. But that doesn't mean that some point
fixes don't help in some cases.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Leo Vegoda

You wrote:

> So, here are the choices:
> 1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams per day,
>at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or
> 2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or to learn
>all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a few.

Another similarity to NATs is that you don't know how many people are
behind a single (subscribed) address. For instance, I read your message
via a local news server. Of course, this means that any attempt to work
out the utility value of a filtering system must fail.

I'm perfectly happy to filter messages to this list locally. To be
frank, it takes a very small amount of my time. Surely people who want
to subscribe to this list are capable of setting up local filters?



Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Francis Dupont

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   This is not a technological problem - it is a social problem.  We cannot
   fix spam by technological means - it has to be fixed by social means.
=> thanks for this nice summary about the spam problem!


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Robert Elz

Date:Mon, 21 May 2001 20:21:10 -0700
From:grenville armitage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | Most spammers strike me as opportunistic and not overly interested
  | in special-case-handling a couple of subscribe-to-send lists,

Of course, and as long as they can get to the vast majority of their
target, it will probably remain that way.

But as soon as the spammers need to go to some extra effort to reach
their audience, you can be sure they will.  Remember, once, they sent
from any random invented host name - then everyone started having their
mailers reject mail from unknown domains - now all the spam comes from
perfectly valid domains, which not only makes the checks for invalid
domains a waste of time (the check spends time achieving nothing at all)
but also results in all the failed spam (the bounces - and the abuse from
people who received it) being dumped on whichever unfortunate site they
picked to use as the domain name.

A supposed technological fix to a non-technological problem that just
made things worse, not better.

Now we're having suggested that only "known" e-mail addresses be allowed
to send to certain destinations.   Assuming that becomes really popular
(rather than just used on a small set of irrelevant lists) how long do you
think it will be before the spammer's lists of names contain not only the
destination address, but the From: address they should use to send to that

I mean, how hard do you think it is to stick From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in the heading of the mail?

One more technological fix that won't work.   And again, it will make
things worse, since then we won't be able to tell easily what is
traffic from people we expect to send to the lists, and what is not.

This is not a technological problem - it is a social problem.  We cannot
fix spam by technological means - it has to be fixed by social means.

And not only are technological "fixes" making things actually worse as
illustrated above, they're also suggesting to people that perhaps there
may be a technological fix that will actually finally solve the problem,
which lessens the demand for real social fixes instead.

Give up, let the spam through, deluge everyone with it - then the
opposition to it will rise quickly enough, and become urgent enough,
that the correct kind of remedies can be put in place.


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread Eric Rosen

So, here are the choices:

1. Save thousands of people from having to deal with multiple spams per day,
   at the cost of presenting a minor inconvenience to a few, or

2. Require thousands  of people to receive  and deal with spam  (or to learn
   all about mail filtering), in order to avoid inconveniencing a few.

Easy decision  to make.   For every  bit of whining  by the  usual suspects,
there are thousands of  folks that are very happy to have  the spam kept out
of their mailbox automatically.  (Every  mailing list manager knows that the
whining by  Keith and Lloyd is nothing  compared to the whining  by the list
members as they get spammed multiple times per day.)

Indeed, this is a lot like the arguments re NAT.  There are the thousands of
people it helps, vs. the few who are yelling that the sky will fall if it is
not stamped out.