RE: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
I agree, but only partly.

A second pass on the documents does have a beneficial effect. This is 
particularly the case for older 'standards' where the documents simply don't 
match current requirements (no security, iana considerations for a start) and 
are often missing key folklore essential for interoperability.

Where I think the process goes wrong is that it applies to documents, not 
protocols. A lot of crud goes through the mill in the name of avoiding 
recycling at proposed. And when a major revision of an existing protocol is 
done the revision goes back to proposed before being promited to draft.

> -Original Message-
> From: Eliot Lear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 6:18 AM
> To: Simon Josefsson
> Cc: IETF Discussion
> Subject: 2026, draft, full, etc.
> [I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list 
> as we seem to have changed topic.]
> Simon,
> > DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the 
> requirements in RFC
> > 2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF 
> > protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate 
> > interoperability between two completely independent 
> implementations of 
> > _all_ features in the protocol standard.
> I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is 
> mature.  We are in the process of doing what I would consider 
> to be a relatively minor update to it, and yet it is only PS. 
>  IMAPv4 is only PS and yet has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is 
> only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.  SIP is all over the place 
> and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty clear that 
> nobody cares about DS or IS.  What's more, why should they? 
> What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to 
> DS?  AND it's a whole lot of work.
> So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck 
> into requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be 
> eliminating it entirely?
> Eliot
> ___
> Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
Phil's strategy here is not without issues. This was raised during the W3C 
discussion when IBM pointed out at length that a license fee can be 
considerably less of an inconvenience than certain Zero fee licenses.

So for example a requirement that you can only implement a protocol using Java 
(or chose your language). Or use certain cipher suites, or a directory root 
controlled by the patent holder, or any number of similar schemes.

Defensive patents are certainly an acceptable practice, one that I would like 
to see encouraged. At this point I believe that you would find 95% of corporate 
patent lawyers at Internet companies would rank defending against patent 
lawsuits as a much higher priority than recovering revenue. 

One of the problems I see here is that engineers can be dissuaded from applying 
for defensive patents as doing so is likely to lead to them being held up for 
ridicule on forums like Slashdot. This is particular the case with defensive 
security patents which make claims against specific attacks against a system. 
The point here being not to sell products that implement the attack but to 
prevent others from doing so.

> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Burger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 5:16 PM
> To: Keith Moore; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Cc:
> Subject: Patents can be for good, not only evil
> I would offer that patents are NOT categorically evil.
> Phil Zimmerman has applied for patents in ZRTP, specifically 
> to ensure that all implementations fully conform with the 
> specification.  Cost to license for a conformant 
> specification?  $0.  Cost to not really provide privacy but 
> claim to be implementing ZRTP?  Costly!
> I specifically applied for patents underlying the technology 
> behind RFC 4722/RFC 5022 and RFC 4730 specifically to prevent 
> third parties, who are not part of the IETF process, from 
> extracting royalties from someone who implements MSCML or 
> KPML.  Cost to license?  $0.  Cost to sue someone who 
> infringes said third-party's IPR?  That depends, but at least 
> we raised the cost of shutting down an IETF standard.
> Remember, just because *you* do not have IPR in an IETF 
> standard does not mean someone *else* has IPR in the 
> standard.  If that someone else does not participate in the 
> IETF or, for that matter, happen to not participate in the 
> work group or, in reality, are not editors of a document, 
> they can fully apply their IPR against the standard once it issues.
> I like to have a little inoculation against that situation in 
> the stuff I submit.
> -Original Message-
> From: Keith Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 4:04 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: When is using patented technology appropriate?
> Lawrence Rosen wrote:
> > Keith Moore wrote:
> >   
> >> For several reasons, it is difficult to imagine an IETF-wide 
> >> procedure that allows the existence of a patent to trump other 
> >> considerations of protocol feasibility and deployability:
> >> 
> >
> > Who suggested otherwise? It is not the existence of the patent that 
> > matters, but its unavailability under license terms that allow 
> > implementation in
> > *any* software.
> >   
> _and_ its validity, _and_ its applicability, both of which 
> can be subjective and difficult to determine conclusively 
> without long delays
> and excessive expense.   so we have to make judgments.  and by "we" I
> mean individuals participating in IETF, not IETF itself.
> > The more feasible and deployable the protocol, the more 
> important will
> > be FOSS implementations.
> >   
> only relative to other protocols in the same space.
> granted that patents are the bane of any open 
> standards-making organization, because patents do exactly the 
> opposite of what open standards do.  at the same time, we 
> can't let FUD about patents become a denial of service attack 
> to IETF efforts.
> Keith
> ___
> Ietf mailing list
> Notice:  This email message, together with any attachments, 
> may contain information  of  BEA Systems,  Inc.,  its 
> subsidiaries  and  affiliated entities,  that may be 
> confidential,  proprietary,  copyrighted  and/or legally 
> privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the 
> individual or entity named in this message. If you are not 
> the intended recipient, and have received this message in 
> error, please immediately return this by email and then delete it.
> ___
> Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Ned Freed
> [I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list as we seem
> to have changed topic.]

> Simon,

> > DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
> > 2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
> > protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
> > interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
> > _all_ features in the protocol standard.

> I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.  We
> are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
> minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.

It is less clear, however, that all of its many features have been implemented

> IMAPv4 is only PS and yet has MASSIVE deployment.

The main barrier to IMAP moving to draft is the large number of normative
references that first need to move first. Getting RFC 2822 to draft is a
necessary first step and we're working on that. But what about TLS? The
now-widespread use of TLS+plain has solved a lot of problems for appplications
but has created a serious obstacle to standards track advancement.

Perhaps a downreference exception needs to be made here, but if so that needs
to be approved in advance because nobody is going to bother going through all
the pain of documenting interoperability without first being sure that a
normative reference issue isn't going to render their work meaningless.

> LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.

I suspect the main issue is the same as for IMAP.

> is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
> clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.

I really don't think that's true. The problem is rather than people have
(correctly IMO) assessed that while the benefits of DS are real they just
aren't worth the cost. The question, then, is whether or not the cost can be
lowered without compromising the status, and if so, how. My personal opinion is
that major loosening of the downref rules as well as less nit-picking on
feature lists would help a lot without damaging the brand in any significant

> What's more, why should they?
> What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND
> it's a whole lot of work.

> So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
> requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it entirely?

I agree with Brian that this isn't the answer. But the current situation isn't
right either. We need to focus on what's important, which is real world
interoperability. Things have gotten too complex for a more exhaustive academic
approach to be viable.


P.S. I actually started working on a feature checklist for RFC 3501 at one
point but after looking at the issues with normative refrences I simply gave

Ietf mailing list

Re: Non-participants [Re: Experimental makes sense for tls-authz]

2007-10-30 Thread Ned Freed

> [By the way, when I find myself in a WG meeting I'm not prepared
> for, I often have my head buried in the drafts being discussed,
> so as to be able to understand the issues. Don't assume that a head
> buried in a laptop is always doing email.]

Has there been an assumption that these "non-participants" sending
email have not read the tls-authz draft?

I'ts impossible to be sure given the lack of technical content in the comments
in question, but given that the call for comments that appeared on the FSF site
basically said "write in and voice your opposition to the publication of 
tls-authz" and did not mention actually reviewing the specification, it seems

reasonable to be skeptical.

And even if they have read tls-authz it is hard to take comments containing
oxymorons like "experimental standard" very seriously, since such comments are
a strong indicator of lack of familiarity with our process or 2026 criteria.

Again, I see no difference
between what is happening on this list vs. what would happen in a F2F
meeting, except that I've never witnessed a chair or AD say "Well, it
is obvious you guys are all non-participants and therefore your hums
will be ignored" in a F2F meeting.

OTOH, I've seen plenty of F2F meetings where people were asked if they have
actually read the draft and this information was definitely a factor in how
things preceeded from there.

And I agree with Frank's point about these emails.  They have been
unfairly classified as an "attack" or a DoS, perhaps to delegitimize
their content.  And this episode doesn't really compare to previous

I, OTOH, have to say that I agree with Scott Bradner's assessment that this is
effectively a call to engage in censorship.

I agree that some of the content of the emails is nonsensical, but
the counter argument to them is that the document should be published
because the IETF process has a slot into which it will fit.  Or in
other words, the IETF should publish it because it can.  That does
not seem like a good enough reason.

Speaking as someone who previously sent in a message saying I support
publication of tls-authz as experimental, now you're the one being unfair. I
_never_ voice support or opposition for a specification I have not read and
tls-authz is no exception. (And I doubt very much I alone have this policy.) In
fact as it happens I not only reviewed the specification I even managed to make
it to a WG meeting where the document was discussed some time back - unusual
for me given that I don't track TLS work all that closely.

I will add that the criteria I use in evaluting documents vary depending on the
status that is sought. In this specific case I actually think the document is
close to being of sufficient quality and more thatn sufficient utility to be
approved as proposed were it not for the patent issue.

The concerns I would have raised had there been no patent issue and had this
document tried for proposed standard have to do with the use of URLs to access
"large" SAML assertions and X.509 ACs. I'm always leery of protocols that can
cause an agent to silently dereference a URL outside of a user's control. I
think the possibility that such access needs to be controlled in some way might
deserve some mention in the security considerations section. I'm also unsure if
the warning against the possibility of a circular reference (the
x509_attr_cert_url or saml_assertion_url refer to a some URL which requires
tls-authz support in order to dereference) is quite strong enough.

But these concerns didn't seem sufficiently serious to require attention prior
to publication as experimental. I believe the main concerns with experimental
specifications should be (a) Whether or not things are clear enough for
meaningful experimentation to take place and (b) Whether or not the
experimentation has been defined in such a way that it won't interfere with
existing standards-compliant usage or any other experiements. And in my view
this specification easily meets both of these criteria. (I note in passing that
in my view the sender-id and SPF experiments taken together fail to meet the
last of these criteria and IMO should not have been published without first
being modified so there's no chance of them interfering  with each other.)

The one thing I wasn't sure of and did check for tls-authz was the size of the
ExtensionType field. Had that field been small I would have been concerned
about this extension wasting a valuable "slot". But since this is a 16 bit
field there's no shortage of values and I cannot get excited about the
possibility of wasting one.


Ietf mailing list

Re: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Brian E Carpenter

On 2007-10-30 23:18, Eliot Lear wrote:

[I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list as we seem
to have changed topic.]


DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
_all_ features in the protocol standard.

I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.  We
are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.  IMAPv4 is only PS and yet
has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.  SIP
is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.  What's more, why should they? 
What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND

it's a whole lot of work.

So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it entirely?

Well, as you know Eliot, we tested the IETF's enthusiasm for tackling
that discussion a couple of years ago, and found it lacking. I continue
to believe that to keep the "running code" goal alive, we need something
like the PS to DS promotion available, but we need to change things
to make it more attainable in practice. But if you want to see progress,
you're going to have to show a measure of consensus to the General AD.

Comments on draft-carpenter-rfc2026-changes-01.txt are welcome.


Ietf mailing list

Re: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread James M. Polk

At 05:18 AM 10/30/2007, Eliot Lear wrote:

[I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list as we seem
to have changed topic.]


> DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
> 2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
> protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
> interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
> _all_ features in the protocol standard.

I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.  We
are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.  IMAPv4 is only PS and yet
has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.

DHCP is the best (worse?) example of this, IMO. It's been DS (meaning 
at least 2 independent implementations) for how many years now (5, 6 
or 8+ years)? It's (as you say) MASSIVELY deployed. Yet it isn't a 
Full STD.  That one had always caused me to pause about how serious 
IETFers are really about 2026 processes...

is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.

Actually some do care *AND* the IETF gets dinged on this one by those 
that aren't IETFers as not mature. These are the same (psst: idoits) 
that confuse Internet "Draft" with "Draft" Standard, somehow thinking 
each status is the same (...somehow).

What's more, why should they?
What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND
it's a whole lot of work.

So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it entirely?


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Oppose draft-carpenter-ipr-patent-frswds-00

2007-10-30 Thread James M. Polk

At 04:24 AM 10/30/2007, Simon Josefsson wrote:

> At 04:48 PM 10/29/2007, Simon Josefsson wrote:
>>"Eric Burger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > One interesting side effect of the existence of an open source
>> > implementation of a protocol is monoculture.  We ran into a problem in
>> > ifax year ago when it turned out that all eight "independent"
>> > implementations all relied on the same library, thus rendering the
>> > "independent" implementations label difficult, to say the least.  Why
>> > were there no independent implementations?  Because in this case, the
>> > open source implementation was pretty good, and it was not worth
>> > investing in a proprietary implementation.  The result here has a really
>> > bad side effect for the IETF: if there is a good open source, free
>> > implementation, there will be no second implementation, resulting in it
>> > being impossible for the standard to progress.
>>But that is how it is supposed to work!  If there is only one
>>implementation, a standard is not mature enough to move to DS.  You need
>>to have at least two, preferably several more, completely independent
>>implementations in order to quality-test a standard.
> but why does one or both have to be open source?
> Why can't both be commercial?

DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
_all_ features in the protocol standard.  Another (existing) requirement
is that any patent licenses needs to be obtained through separate
processes.  I believe that a good way to demonstrate that the patent
license process works is to require that a free software implementation
exists.  I strongly believe it should be possible to participate on the
Internet without paying a software patent tax to some organizations.

I believe you are arguing that the ends justify the means.  In other 
words, because all the licensing has to be worked out (to become a 
DS), you believe a free implementation is the answer. I say it is 
not. Two commercial organizations can work out licensing and comply 
with this requirement - but you don't want that to be acceptable. I 
hold that this is what I'm referring to as "bad for the IETF" because 
corporations will either start involving themselves less in the IETF 
(directly affecting the IETF's revenue - which is already too low, 
and probably adversely affecting corporate sponsorship of meetings - 
which is already hard to acquire), and/or have fewer corporate 
participants care about DS and FS RFCs, because there is no incentive 
for them to do the work.

BTW - if you believe a free (cost-wise) implementation be mandatory 
for elevation to DS, why don't you suggest the text be changed to say that?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Oppose draft-carpenter-ipr-patent-frswds-00

2007-10-30 Thread James M. Polk

At 04:24 AM 10/30/2007, Simon Josefsson wrote:

> I admit now


all PSs have IPR attached, but this is almost certainly
> intended to kill any IPR from achieving DS. Is that what is intended
> here?

I don't believe that was the intention, but that's a question for Brian.

I disagree that all PSs are patented (if that is what you meant).

see above - I misspelled a word that means something else. sorry

implemented several such standards without worrying about patents.  I
believe the majority of PSs are actually published without known
patents.  A search in the IETF IPR tracker should answer that.


Ietf mailing list

Re: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Peter Saint-Andre
Dave Cridland wrote:
> On Tue Oct 30 10:18:08 2007, Eliot Lear wrote:
>> What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND
>> it's a whole lot of work.
> But it does do some good to review past specifications and note if
> they're still ok, it does do some good to note that specifications are
> solid, and it does do some good to say they're widely deployed. Sadly,
> this information does not get captured anywhere.

Not to mention the value of incorporating the results of implementation
and deployment experience (though perhaps that's part of what you call
reviewing past specifications).

I suppose that incorporating experience, reviewing the specification,
and the like can be done by cycling at PS forever, so it's not clear
whether DS and IS really matter. However, it may be that those good
things happen only by advancing a technology to DS. If so, then perhaps
it's OK that doing so is "a whole lot of work" as Eliot says. After all,
advancing an I-D to RFC is a whole lot of work, too, but we generally
consider that process to be beneficial. Maybe we need to more clearly
enunciate the benefits of advancing a technology to DS?


Peter Saint-Andre

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread peter_blatherwick
Hi Eric, 

I generally agree, that patents are not *necessarily* evil ... just that 
they can be, so need to err on the side of caution. 

> Phil Zimmerman has applied for patents in ZRTP, specifically to ensure
> that all implementations fully conform with the specification.  Cost to
> license for a conformant specification?  $0.  Cost to not really provide
> privacy but claim to be implementing ZRTP?  Costly!

Cannot resist:   I believe it was Dean Willis that described this approach 
as "brilliantly evil" a couple of IETF meets ago...  >;->

-- Peter

"Eric Burger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
29.10.07 17:16
Subject:Patents can be for good, not only evil

I would offer that patents are NOT categorically evil.

Phil Zimmerman has applied for patents in ZRTP, specifically to ensure
that all implementations fully conform with the specification.  Cost to
license for a conformant specification?  $0.  Cost to not really provide
privacy but claim to be implementing ZRTP?  Costly!

I specifically applied for patents underlying the technology behind RFC
4722/RFC 5022 and RFC 4730 specifically to prevent third parties, who
are not part of the IETF process, from extracting royalties from someone
who implements MSCML or KPML.  Cost to license?  $0.  Cost to sue
someone who infringes said third-party's IPR?  That depends, but at
least we raised the cost of shutting down an IETF standard.

Remember, just because *you* do not have IPR in an IETF standard does
not mean someone *else* has IPR in the standard.  If that someone else
does not participate in the IETF or, for that matter, happen to not
participate in the work group or, in reality, are not editors of a
document, they can fully apply their IPR against the standard once it

I like to have a little inoculation against that situation in the stuff
I submit.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: When is using patented technology appropriate?

Lawrence Rosen wrote:
> Keith Moore wrote:
>> For several reasons, it is difficult to imagine an IETF-wide 
>> procedure that allows the existence of a patent to trump other 
>> considerations of protocol feasibility and deployability:
> Who suggested otherwise? It is not the existence of the patent that 
> matters, but its unavailability under license terms that allow 
> implementation in
> *any* software.
_and_ its validity, _and_ its applicability, both of which can be
subjective and difficult to determine conclusively without long delays
and excessive expense.   so we have to make judgments.  and by "we" I
mean individuals participating in IETF, not IETF itself.
> The more feasible and deployable the protocol, the more important will

> be FOSS implementations.
only relative to other protocols in the same space.

granted that patents are the bane of any open standards-making
organization, because patents do exactly the opposite of what open
standards do.  at the same time, we can't let FUD about patents become a
denial of service attack to IETF efforts.


Ietf mailing list

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Re: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Dave Crocker

Eric Burger wrote:

5. I am now facing US$ 250,000 minimum, US$ 1,000,000 typical, in legal fees
to invalidate the patent issued in step 3.

From what I've been told, $1M is more like the entry fee for this contest, if 
the patent holder has any tenacity at all. And if they do, it gets a lot 
higher, quickly.

6. I would win the case, because I have the prior art.  However, I am not
stupid, so I begrudgingly pay $40,000 for the privilege of using my own
invention and not paying tons of legal fees.

Again, from what I've been told, your assertion is far too optimistic.  The 
realities of challenging a patent are not nearly that deterministic.  At a 
minimum, the human frailties of judges and juries makes it a gamble whether 
they will agree that a particular piece of prior art is, indeed, prior art.

Let's remember that patents are about technical things, and judges and juries 
-- no matter how diligent and well-intentioned, are not classed as 'skilled in 
the art'.  So their understanding of issues and details is typically going to 
be significantly constrained, no matter how well the issues are presented to them.

All of which serves to strengthen your argument in favor of defensively 
patenting the prior art.

This is why I call it inoculation.  US$ 12,000 in legal and filing fees
today has a 20x - 80x return on investment protection.

But that's real money for an individual to spend.  And real hassle. It's 
asking rather a lot to expect folks to a) think of their work as prior art, b) 
take the time, and c) spend the money just for the greater good.

That's assuming they can afford the time and money.

Is the system stupid?  Unquestionably.  Is it the system?  Yes.

Public review during the final stages of patenting has struck me as a 
particularly constructive effort.  Whether it works, I've no idea.  As noted, 
patent officers are human too.

But from what I've seen of patent file wrappers, the patent officers generally 
do seem to look for real prior art, albeit not as widely as we would wish. 
But, then, they operate under serious time and resource constraints.  Input 
from the public would help counter this.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking

Ietf mailing list

Re: Non-participants [Re: Experimental makes sense for tls-authz]

2007-10-30 Thread Andrew Newton

On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 2007-10-28 06:36, Andrew Newton wrote:

On Oct 27, 2007, at 11:00 AM, David Morris wrote:
Well for starters, the drive-by hummers have to sit through the  

and be present for the discussion (note I intentionally did not say
listen). They have to demonstrate enough interest in the IETF  
process to

actually pay the costs of attending the session.
Most of the drive-by hummers have their head buried in their email  
or other laptop work, so the expense they run for looking up to  
hum once or twice isn't at all onerous.  At least in this case,  
the drive-by emailers had to spend some thought cycles on the  
email they composed.

[By the way, when I find myself in a WG meeting I'm not prepared
for, I often have my head buried in the drafts being discussed,
so as to be able to understand the issues. Don't assume that a head
buried in a laptop is always doing email.]

Has there been an assumption that these "non-participants" sending  
email have not read the tls-authz draft?  Again, I see no difference  
between what is happening on this list vs. what would happen in a F2F  
meeting, except that I've never witnessed a chair or AD say "Well, it  
is obvious you guys are all non-participants and therefore your hums  
will be ignored" in a F2F meeting.

And I agree with Frank's point about these emails.  They have been  
unfairly classified as an "attack" or a DoS, perhaps to delegitimize  
their content.  And this episode doesn't really compare to previous  

I agree that some of the content of the emails is nonsensical, but  
the counter argument to them is that the document should be published  
because the IETF process has a slot into which it will fit.  Or in  
other words, the IETF should publish it because it can.  That does  
not seem like a good enough reason.

Secondly, WG chairs and the responsible AD are well able to notice
that a meeting has been packed, and to interpret any straw poll
or hum accordingly.

Well, I'm not sure how often it happens.  I can only think of 3  
incidents in these past many years.  But in a more recent one, the  
ADs seemed to either be unaware or unprepared.


Ietf mailing list

RE: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 29. oktober 2007 17:53 -0700 Lawrence Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The notion that each IETF working group has to approach patent issues on
its own, without help, is silly.

It's also a straw man.

RFC 3669. You may argue that we can do better, but the argument that there 
is "no help" is silly.

Ietf mailing list

RE: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread michael.dillon
> I've suggested before that the advancement of a specification 
> is a highly overloaded action - it implies that the IETF 
> thinks it's a good idea, it implies that the specification is 
> sound, it implies it's well deployed.

Does the IETF have a way to communicate that a specification is 
a good idea with a sound specification and that is well deployed?
For that matter, does the IETF have a way to make that determination?

One way in which the IETF has conveyed additional info in the past
is by designating RFCs as part of a BCP or FYI series. Similar 
mechanisms could be used to convey that a specification is more
than just a plain old humdrum RFC.

The point of all this being, that if the IETF does communicate that
certain RFCs are of a higher class than others, it makes it harder
for others to misunderstand the meaning (or mislead others about the
meaning) of RFC status for some particular protocol.

--Michael Dillon

Ietf mailing list

RE: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Yaakov Stein

Sorry that I answered before seeing that others
had already said the same thing.

However, even after reading your subsequent email,
I am unconvinced.  Requesting a re-examination
is a lengthy process, and if unsuccessful further
strengthens the party holding the patent
(as it has gone through 2 examinations).

On the other hand, the patent holder can force you
to respond in a Texas court within 30 days,
incurring the costs of representation.

BTW, this kind of patent busting is hardly new.
There used to be a "patent busters" site
where bounties were offered.


Ietf mailing list

RE: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Yaakov Stein
>> I specifically applied for patents underlying the technology behind 
>> RFC 4722/RFC 5022 and RFC 4730 specifically to prevent third parties,

>> who are not part of the IETF process, from extracting royalties from 
>> someone who implements MSCML or KPML.

> That was a waste of your time and money. Publication of those
inventions by you, at zero cost to you and others, 
> would have been sufficient to prevent someone else from trying to
patent them. 

Quite untrue, in my experience.

The patent examiners almost never find prior art from the open
Their decisions are based on their databases of existing patents.

So althought you are quite right in principle,
open publication has low probability of blocking someone from getting a

Fighting a granted patent on the base of open publication prior art
would cost much more.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread Eric Burger
More to the point, patent law is one of the only two areas of law where you
are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.  The other is tax law.

Yes, I could have simply published the work.  That establishes prior art.
However, let us consider this very real (I have experienced it) scenario.

1. I invent something.  It is generally useful, yet I don't think I'll get
rich on the idea.

2. I publish the invention, to put a stake in the ground, hoping to put the
invention into the commons.

3. Someone else, without knowledge of my publication, invents something
similar, or the same, and patents the invention.

4. That someone else sues people over my invention.

5. I am now facing US$ 250,000 minimum, US$ 1,000,000 typical, in legal fees
to invalidate the patent issued in step 3.

6. I would win the case, because I have the prior art.  However, I am not
stupid, so I begrudgingly pay $40,000 for the privilege of using my own
invention and not paying tons of legal fees.

This is why I call it inoculation.  US$ 12,000 in legal and filing fees
today has a 20x - 80x return on investment protection.

Is the system stupid?  Unquestionably.  Is it the system?  Yes.

On 10/30/07 2:52 AM, "Dean Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [I am rather getting tired of 100+ email addresses in the to: field.
> Pine also doesn't allow reply-all to the bcc: field.  I'm thinking of
> creating a new list of everyone that posts to the IETF list. Thoughts?]
> On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Lawrence Rosen wrote:
>> Eric Burger wrote:
>>> I specifically applied for patents underlying the technology behind
>>> RFC 4722/RFC 5022 and RFC 4730 specifically to prevent third
>>> parties, who are not part of the IETF process, from extracting
>>> royalties from someone who implements MSCML or KPML.
>> That was a waste of your time and money. Publication of those
>> inventions by you, at zero cost to you and others, would have been
>> sufficient to prevent someone else from trying to patent them. Next
>> time, get good advice from a patent lawyer on how to achieve your
>> goals without paying for a patent.
> This was true only in the U.S., and will not be true once the senate
> passes the first-to-file legislation that recently passed the house.
> Once first-to-file is put into effect, everyone has to race to the
> patent office. It doesn't matter who invented what. However, years ago
> legislation passed that grandfather'd the original inventor; the
> original inventor can't be charged fees. However, the original inventor
> can't change the royalty structure imposed by the first filer.
>> For those here who keep asking for protection against patents in
>> standards, there is no more effective technique than through a revised
>> IPR policy that prohibits patent-encumbered standards from gaining the
>> IETF brand in the first place.
> This sounds like a good idea at first. However, the LPF has long
> promoted protective patents:
> It would be a bad idea to prohibit all patents in standards.
> In a first-to-invent regime, the law still favors one with a patent,
> since it gives one a cross-licensing opportunity to settle a dispute
> with a similar, infringed patent, even if one uses their patent only
> protectively.
> In a first-to-file regime, protective patents are absolutely necessary.
> The U.S. is treaty-bound (GATT) to implement first-to-file patent law.
> The House recently passed this legislation, and I think it is expected
> to pass the Senate, but the Senate hasn't yet voted.
> I'm a little uneasy about changing the IETF patent policy. First, the
> current policy has exactly the right idea: consider the patent and its
> license, and make a smart decision. If one follows the rules honestly,
> the rules are just right.
> Second, the people most in favor of changing it are the very ones who
> silenced me, and who are generally pro-patent.  They were the same ones
> who said that RFC 3979 wasn't the policy of the IETF. When we look
> closely at the proposed document, it has ambiguities (already noticed by
> others) that don't distinguish free-as-in-beer from free-as-in-freedom.
> The only thing I might recommend changing about the present policy is to
> add a definite mandatory penalty for deceiving the IETF.
> I think we need more honesty and accountability in the leadership of the
> IETF before we make such changes.
> --Dean
> Dean Anderson
> President of the League for Programming Freedom
> --
> Av8 Internet   Prepared to pay a premium for better service?
> faster, more reliable, better service
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Re: 2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Dave Cridland

On Tue Oct 30 10:18:08 2007, Eliot Lear wrote:
I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.   

are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.  IMAPv4 is only PS and  
has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.  

is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.  What's more, why should  

Well, we don't, but mostly because we tend to know what the actual  
status of a particular protocol is. Usually.

But not always, especially when it falls outside our area of  
expertise, and far more importantly, people not directly involved in  
the IETF at all don't know.

I've suggested before that the advancement of a specification is a  
highly overloaded action - it implies that the IETF thinks it's a  
good idea, it implies that the specification is sound, it implies  
it's well deployed.

What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?   

it's a whole lot of work.

But it does do some good to review past specifications and note if  
they're still ok, it does do some good to note that specifications  
are solid, and it does do some good to say they're widely deployed.  
Sadly, this information does not get captured anywhere.

So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it  

And lose even the small amount of information it does give people?

I think we'd do better to decide what information we want to be able  
to provide, and provide it, rather than wondering how many levels of  
overloaded information we should have.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - acap://
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

Ietf mailing list

2026, draft, full, etc.

2007-10-30 Thread Eliot Lear
[I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list as we seem
to have changed topic.]


> DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
> 2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
> protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
> interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
> _all_ features in the protocol standard.

I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.  We
are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.  IMAPv4 is only PS and yet
has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.  SIP
is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.  What's more, why should they? 
What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND
it's a whole lot of work.

So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it entirely?


Ietf mailing list

RE: Patents can be for good, not only evil

2007-10-30 Thread michael.dillon
> That was a waste of your time and money. Publication of those 
> inventions by you, at zero cost to you and others, would have 
> been sufficient to prevent someone else from trying to patent 
> them. Next time, get good advice from a patent lawyer on how 
> to achieve your goals without paying for a patent.

Perhaps he did consult a lawyer and learned that by patenting
them he now has the ability to sue any non-licenced implementors
in court, and can take away a share of any earnings that they 
made with their non-licenced implementation. That is not possible
merely by publishing first.

Law is every bit as complex as network protocols or application
programming. It is better to consult with an expert in the field
before making assumptions.

I am not a lawyer.

--Michael Dillon

Ietf mailing list

Re: Oppose draft-carpenter-ipr-patent-frswds-00

2007-10-30 Thread Simon Josefsson
"James M. Polk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 04:48 PM 10/29/2007, Simon Josefsson wrote:
>>"Eric Burger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > One interesting side effect of the existence of an open source
>> > implementation of a protocol is monoculture.  We ran into a problem in
>> > ifax year ago when it turned out that all eight "independent"
>> > implementations all relied on the same library, thus rendering the
>> > "independent" implementations label difficult, to say the least.  Why
>> > were there no independent implementations?  Because in this case, the
>> > open source implementation was pretty good, and it was not worth
>> > investing in a proprietary implementation.  The result here has a really
>> > bad side effect for the IETF: if there is a good open source, free
>> > implementation, there will be no second implementation, resulting in it
>> > being impossible for the standard to progress.
>>But that is how it is supposed to work!  If there is only one
>>implementation, a standard is not mature enough to move to DS.  You need
>>to have at least two, preferably several more, completely independent
>>implementations in order to quality-test a standard.
> but why does one or both have to be open source?
> Why can't both be commercial?

DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
_all_ features in the protocol standard.  Another (existing) requirement
is that any patent licenses needs to be obtained through separate
processes.  I believe that a good way to demonstrate that the patent
license process works is to require that a free software implementation
exists.  I strongly believe it should be possible to participate on the
Internet without paying a software patent tax to some organizations.

> So few PSs become DSs, I believe this will almost certainly make
> progression from PS to DS slower. Is that what we want?

I believe it will lead to better quality DS standards.  The reason few
PSs become DSs is, in my experience, not because a lack of free
implementations, but rather that nobody cares enough to go through the
pain of interop testing.

The requirements for DS are pretty high already, which can be discussed
as a separate issue, but this draft is only a marginal change.  My
impression is that your problem really is that few documents move to DS,
not that a free implementation should be required.

> I admit now all PSs have IPR attached, but this is almost certainly
> intended to kill any IPR from achieving DS. Is that what is intended
> here?

I don't believe that was the intention, but that's a question for Brian.

I disagree that all PSs are patented (if that is what you meant).  I've
implemented several such standards without worrying about patents.  I
believe the majority of PSs are actually published without known
patents.  A search in the IETF IPR tracker should answer that.


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