RE: Palladium (TCP/MS)

2002-10-25 Thread Caitlin Bestler
On 10/22/02, Franck Martin wrote:

>"Here is my preferred solution for Internet security. We
>could implement a secure user identity system precisely
>like telephone Caller ID. It would be essentially an
>Internet ID. All Internet transactions could be based on
>it. Anyone who sends me e-mail can be identified. Anything
>I send can be traced to me. People wouldn't be forced to
>participate, but if they remain anonymous, I might choose
>to block them. I certainly wouldn't accept file
>attachments from them. I know you hate this idea, but I
>think the Internet needs a fingerprint. It does not have
>to have personal information, but if you break the law it
>can be traced to you. You can choose not to have a
>fingerprint, but then your ability to communicate with
>others may be limited -- a price many people may choose to
>pay. "
If posting this comment on this thread is supposed to imply
that this is an alternative to Palladium, then I would
strongly suggest actually going and reading some of the
Palladium material.

Palladium is ultimately about creating a lockbox for key
data within a system. It really implies almost nothing about
system to system interaction -- it has more to do with how a
distributed application can avoid trusting the OS to store
data and keys.

Which is an admirable goal. I'll have to see the details. I
have some skepticism about how you prevent the OS, which is
the local traffic cop, from pulling off a man-in-the-middle

You can also make the obvious cheap jokes about Microsoft
leading the way to solve problems of applications developers
that do not trust the Operating System...

But seriously, there are two types of Operating Systems that
distributed applications should not trust: those where you
cannot review the source code, and those where any attacker
can modify the source code.

A lot of this thread has struck me as an attempt to import
the Bush/Cheney foreign policy to the IETF. Microsoft is
evil, therefore everything Microsoft does is evil. Any
statements they make are just part of their evil plan. We
might as well launch the pre-emptive strike right now.

It would make more sense to examine whether any aspect of
this problem is a proper topic for the IETF, and where our
concerns about interoperability would be.

For example, Microsoft's position papers claim that
alternate Nexus implementations will be legal. Will users be
able to enable different Nexus implementations to
interoperate and share keys for sealed storage?

Caitlin Bestler

Re: Re[2]: Last Call: Using XML-RPC in BEEP to Proposed Standard

2002-10-11 Thread Caitlin Bestler
On 10/11/02, Ward Harold wrote:

>As John says XML-RPC actually predates SOAP. It's also
>simpler and thus easier to implement but SOAP has better
>support for handling complex types. Ultimately you have to
>choose the one that best meets your application

> p.s. RFC 3288 describes how to use SOAP over BEEP

For systems that have to support SOAP *anyway*, XML-RPC
would be an additional feature to implement. If a
developer already has a SOAP implementation available,
are there any justifications for using XML-RPC?

- Reduced code space?
- Shorter messages to accomplish the same calls?
- More robust handling of any conditions?

I'm not throwing these out as rhetorical questions.
These are just the types of justifications I would want
for maintaining two options, rather than settling on one.

A quick google scan for justifications mostly came up
with arguments on why XML-RPC would be better *instead
of* SOAP. Are there valid arguments on why it is a
valuable tool *in addition to* SOAP?

Caitlin Bestler

Re: Datagram? Packet? (was : APEX)

2002-09-26 Thread Caitlin Bestler

On 9/26/02, Lloyd Wood wrote:

>On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Caitlin Bestler wrote:
>> So, as originally proposed an IP fragment is a fully
>> self-routed L3 datagram.
>well, not self-routed; you need routing state. I don't
>think the difference between routing table state and
>circuit-switched state is all that great; anything beyond
>hot-potato is fundamentally stateful.

Given the source interface, the *meaning* of an IP header
is not supposed to be dependent on the routing tables.
The routing tables merely implement that meaning.

By contrast, the meaning of an ATM circuit is dependent on
the context in which it was established. There is no
expectation that there is any meaning to this circuit
identifier beyond those imparted when the circuit was

I would maintain that all the IP exceptions that leap to
mind, such as NATs and load-balancing switches, do not
actually violate this. The intended destination is merely a
virtual host.

In any event, regardless of similarities in execution, the
difference in intended semantics is valid and fundamental.

Caitlin Bestler

Re: Datagram? Packet? (was : APEX)

2002-09-26 Thread Caitlin Bestler

On 9/26/02, Lloyd Wood wrote:

>On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Fred Baker wrote:
>> At 01:12 PM 9/25/2002 +0100, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>> >A datagram is self-describing; full source and
>> >destination. A fragment (IPv4 fragment) may not be.
>> you sure? take a GOOD look at RFC 791... It is
>> completely self-describing in terms of getting itself
>> there and where it belongs in the reassembled datagram.
>> If the other bits and pieces don't arrive, there is
>> another matter, but it is at that point a host issue,
>> not a forwarding issue.
>I'm not sure that following fragments relying on a bit in
>another fragment saying 'following fragment' is truly
>(Not having port nos in following fragments would only be
>a host issue if routers and firewalls never peeked at
>ports en route.)

So, as originally proposed an IP fragment is a fully
self-routed L3 datagram.

However, in the de facto world of merged L3/L4 routing
(with NATs, load balancers, etc.) it is dependent on state
information and hence is not a datagram.

However, the term was applied before L3/L4 "routing" came
into existence. So the term 'datagram' was correct. And of
course nobody would change the term ex post facto. This is
why these terms are indeed fluid and nebulous.

Re: how to take minutes

2002-07-24 Thread Caitlin Bestler

On 7/23/02, Randy Presuhn wrote:

>While these "blow by blow" accounts give the appearance of
>great detail, I think they are seldom sufficiently
>accurate or complete enough to support using them to
>discern "motivations and other nuances."  YMMV.
>A few years ago the minute taker for one WG session
>literally tape-recorded the meeting and transcribed it
>verbatim. Valiant, but I'm not sure it was actually
>helpful.  Even with the transcript and having been there
>in person, I'm still blissfully ignorant of the
>motivations behind some of the positions taken.
>I'd be happy with accurate lists of topics/issues
>discussed, agreements reached among those present, and
>action items assigned.  More isn't necessarily better.

I also tend to dislike "blow by blow" accounts, especially
if they become virtual transcripts of the session.

Recording someone's spontaneous wording in minutes that will
be saved, and be searchable, for years to come strikes me as
inappropriate. It will certainly chill spontaneous

On the flip side, presenting only the conclusions is
inadequate. The minutes should reflect all positions
discussed. It is important that there be a record of
alternatives that were considered, not just the option

Re: ARPOP_REQUEST with spoofed IP address (joe, turn it off!)

2002-07-23 Thread Caitlin Bestler

On 7/23/02, Vernon Schryver wrote:

>> From: Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > How does one tell, in principle, that the source IP
>> > address (ar$spa) in an ARP packet is in fact spoofed?
>> Not without cryptographic authentication, in general.
>> But for this particular issue, not updating the local
>> cache based on snooped ARP exchanges (i.e. what Linux
>> does) may make sense. Also, under this particular
>> misconfiguration, there'll very likely be two ARP
>> responses for a lookup of the IP address in question, so
>> maybe could be used as an indicator that there's a
>> problem.
>If you ignore gratuitous ARP, then what happens when a
>station goes down and then comes back up with a different
>MAC address?  That happens when the station is given new
>hardware or in some fail-over schemes.

There are some simple confidence counter techniques that
would filter out most spoofs but still allow fail-overs.

Basically, you use some simple counters and state variables
to detect when an IP address is being repeatedly switched to
one MAC address, and then back to the original value.

When this is detected the original mac address could then be
queried to confirm that it indeed thought it was the IP
address in question (just in case this is some sort of
migration feature and the flip-flopping was valid).

You could probe the original MAC address on *any* change,
but that could prove nasty on a large subnet. Having a
designated ARP validator on a subnet might make sense if a
network administrator was trying to prevent unauthorized use
of IP addresses on their network.

It's much easier to deal with spoofed source IP addresses on
a network basis than from inside one host. At the network
level the source IP address can be cross-checked against the
physical link it arrived on. Even with automatic fail-over,
the network administrator should know where an IP address
*could* come from. This is especially true of the IP
addresses most worth stealing.

Re: WG Review: Remote Direct Data Placement (rddp)

2002-06-18 Thread Caitlin Bestler

On 6/17/02, Timur Shemsedinov wrote:

>SC> Remote Direct Data Placement (rddp)
>SC> 1) A (transportindependent) protocol core to support
>SC> direct data placement from the NIC into specified 
>SC> memory, usually application buffers.
>SC> 2) A (transportindependent) protocol core layered on
>SC> top of the direct data placement protocol that 
>SC> specifies control of RDMA.
>SC> 3) A mapping of the direct data placement protocol
>SC> and the RDMA control protocol to SCTP.

>I have some questions.
>Whether it is supposed what server module will be inside
>the application (or in separate service)? This question
>has arisen because processes in the majority of
>operational systems have different address spaces.

Direct Data Placement protocols typically support anonymous
target buffers (essentially the same semantics as SCTP) as
well as tagged buffers.

Each placement specifies a tag and an address to be
interpreted in the context of that tag. How tags are
obtained is a local interface issue. How they are
distributed is a ULP issue.

However, the typical local interface is that the application
registers a portion of its own address space, and thereby
obtains tags that it can distribute to its peers.

You can find examples of such interfaces with InfiniBand
(, the Virtual Interface
Archtiecture ( and the Direct Access
Transport API (

InfiniBand is an excellent example of a specific solution.
The DAT specifications present a technology neutral
definition of Direct Data Placement capable transports.

>So, application should use mechanisms of memory sharing
>and cross-application interaction or RDMA module should be
>included into each application.

Typically, the local interface is indeed a user mode
library. However, it is local interface, so it can be
implemented many ways and not affect interoperability.

The reason it will tend to be a user mode library is to
avoid unnecessary user/kernel mode transitions. Typically
kernel interactions will be done when memory is registered
and endpoints are created. The goal is to leave the kernel
out of the loop on a per data transfer basis to the greatest
extent possible. Current local bus architectures,
particularly how interrupts work, limit the degree to which
that can be done. However things can still be minimized, and
most features of the local interfaces are intended to keep
user/kernel interactions as minimal as possible without
creating security holes.

>And how to understand "transport independent" in this case?

The meaning of a sucessfully delivered DDP or RDMA message
is not dependent upon the underlying IP transport protocol
that was used to deliver it.

The goal is to define protocols that run over ubiquitous
transports, not to define a new transport. Applications
should not be restricted to SCTP, but free to choose other
IP transports that are suitable to their needs. One example
would be use of DCP for applications (such as streaming
media) that prefer unreliable delivery because real-time
delivery requirements severely limit the time window for

This is similar to many protocols above layer 4 that run
over multiple transports, including RPC and SNMP.

Caitlin Bestler
Asomi Network Technologies

Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-26 Thread Caitlin Bestler

> > IPv6 needs to be justified on the number of nodes that truly need a
> > globally accessible public address, not by insisting on counting devices
> > that should remain anonymous or under limited (and controlled) visibility.
> you appear to be confusing visibility with accessibility.

No, that is exactly what I am not confusing.

If a node only requires accessibility by a few specialized nodes (such
as a water meter) then making it *visible* to more is just creating
a security hole that has to be plugged.

Yes, the hole can be plugged easily.

I am merely pointing out that the opportunity to add more rules to
an IPv6 firewall to plug a security hole that IPv6 created is *not*
an argument for IPv6.

Further, NAT boxes are very friendly to meter-type devices. They
can receive their IPv4 address via DHCP (eliminating the need
to administer addresses) and then they can contact the collection
server. The upper-layer protocols will identify the meter,
which they would have done for authentication reasons anyway.

There are also a large number of solutions using L2 tunneling.

My point remains, a globally meaningful address is something that
should only be applied when it is useful for that endpoint to
be globally addressable.

Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-26 Thread Caitlin Bestler

> > 3) new devices that plug into residential networks (mostly new)
> >
> > What stops the new devices from having v4 with NAT to translate between the
> > internet and the house. 
> nothing stops them, but if you want to access the devices from outside the
> house (and in many cases that's the point of such devices) then NAT gets 
> in the way.
> Keith

That's exactly why you want NAT/firewalling and other existing mechanisms.
These are devices that do not require global addressability. In fact they
SHOULD NOT be globally addressable.

IPv6 needs to be justified on the number of nodes that truly need a 
globally accessible public address, not by insisting on counting devices
that should remain anonymous or under limited (and controlled) visibility.

At times I suspect an administrative standard for uniquely referring
to a private IP address is a specific private IP network would have
been the only required improvement in global addressing.