RE: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers

2013-09-16 Thread Greg Daley
I do have an identical twin brother, and hashing the DNA sequence collides more 
regularly than either random or MAC-based interface-identifiers in IPv6.

Also, he doesn't have the same opinions.

Greg Daley

From: [] On Behalf Of Phillip 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2013 11:33 AM
To: John Levine
Cc: IETF Discussion Mailing List
Subject: Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:45 PM, John Levine wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Since this has turned out to be ambiguous, I have decided to instead use a
SHA-256 hash of my DNA sequence:

How does your identical twin brother feel about this?

His opinion is identical to my own.


RE: Backwards compatibility myth [Re: Last Call: draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request-14.txt]

2012-02-14 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Randy and Brian, 

I am sure the discussion of the discussion has been had before, but:
  IPv4 provides no mechanism whatever for addresses greater than 32 bits.
  Therefore, mathematically, there is no possible design for an IP with
  bigger addresses that is transparently backwards compatible. We've
  known that since at least 1992.
 i guess you forget the discussion of variable length.  i hope we don't have to
 rehash it here.
 decisions were made.  some were quite bad.  v6 had some real zingers.
 remember tla/nla?  no feature parity, such as dhcp (a war which has not
 finished)?  it is almost as if it was designed to fail.

I think that the compatibility issue is a key reason why adoption has been 

Others are: 

No compelling IPv6 only features
- From my reading several key features were directed at IPv6 only originally, 
like IPsec.  Successive works to provided all non-address IPv6 features in IPv4.
- This in part is being addressed by helpful capabilities such as DHCPv6PD 
(although we could kill things entirely by back porting this to IPv4 ;-)

No local use benefit
- Ostensibly deploying IPv6 only gets you (slightly) more work. 
- compare this to transformative technologies such as Ethernet and IPv4, which 
had a better price point and enabled new local capabilities, which did not rely 
on neighbours adopting the same protocol.

Of course, these are short-sighted analysis.

Being able to uniquely address a peer device is a key benefit which we will see 
drive adoption once 103.X/8 is gone.

Another key benefit is local addressability which handles organizational 
merges/changes/private peering with ULAs (resolves the RFC-1918 collision 

For a few years I have been involved in an extremely pragmatic market where 
people want to see the money they will save by deploying a networking 
technology.  What would get my customers adopting would be a compelling TCO 


Greg Daley 
Solutions Architect
Logicalis Australia Pty Ltd
t +61 3 8532 4042
m +61 401 772 770
Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-07 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Doug, 

  We have local source address selection mechanisms in recent Windows
 versions that use randomized IIDs on outbound connections today.  This
 doesn't prevent exposure of the information regarding the internal
 network structure, but nor do firewalls at publically addressed IPv4
 institutions today.
 This has been covered many times, but once more (with feeling) ...
 The problem that 4941 is designed to fix is to avoid being able to
 track the same user on *different* networks. This is possible because
 by default the host portion of the address remains constant, and
 theoretically globally unique.
 Privacy for a user that is always connecting through the same network
 is a whole different basket of bagels.

We have not had carrier NAT solutions until walled gardens came in with 3G 
networks, and now people are mooting CGNs, but I have not seen many in general 
use for access networks.

Up until now, we have migrated addresses when a new PDP-Context, PPP 
(Dialup/xDSL) or DHCP Lease has been supplied.  In IPv4, the session uniquely 
identifies/identified the session and links to the user during that interval.
The same is true for IPv6, except that IPv6 defaulted to MAC based IIDs.  With 
4941, the same Layer 2 identity is removed, and we have the same circumstances 
with IPv4 and IPv6.

So CGNs for IPv4 are an answer to a new question that you pose where the 
implicit assumption is that it is insufficient to maintain address 
unlinkability between different PDP-Context/PPP/DHCP sessions.

Given that we have good local addressing mechanisms in IPv6 (ULA, Link-local) 
and automatic global prefix configuration mechanisms (SAA/RA/DHCPv6/DHCPv6-PD), 
I would like to know: What are the advantages of CGNs for IPv6 and does the 
cost to application development justify the change?


Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NATx

2011-12-07 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Martin, 
 As long as the current IPv4 characteristics are not transparently
 available with IPv6, it will probably deter adoption of IPv6 for the
 installed base.

I would argue that this is a commonly held incorrect view:  The problem is not 
that feature sets are unavailable, but that there is no compelling local 
economic case for installing IPv6.

IPv4 networks could not do everything that IPX networks were doing when the 
Internet boom occurred.  There was a compelling local use case which drove 
parallel adoption.

What we should be doing is identifying the key features of IPv6 that cannot be 
addressed by IPv4, and ensuring that these are available.  If these are good 
enough, IPv6 will be deployed.

Today the only feature IPv6 has which is absolutely better than IPv4 is 
end-to-end addressability.

Introducing CGNs places a barrier to this addressability.

Really if you want address-user unlinkability, use HMIPv6 or some other 
signalling based protocol to get temporary addresses in the carrier.  At least 
in that case the applications will know their addresses because they will be 
locally configured.

Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

RE: Consensus Call: draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request

2011-12-06 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Mark, 

 Adding a address range as non-public to existing equipment is a lot
 easier than adding IPv6 so that you can use DS-Lite.  Much CPE
 equipment doesn't have the flash capacity to do the later.  The former
 is trival provide the company that supplied the fireware is still in

I'm mixing this conversation with the discussion on Class E, because I think 
that your responses are perhaps less true if the address space is sourced from 
that block.

I would contend that attempts to use non-traditional (Class A/B/C) addresses 
will not be trivial for two reasons: 

Firstly there are inherent assumptions in the uses of particular address 
classes which can be littered through code.

This is a similar issue to the signed-integer time_t issue (though perhaps 
simpler, still not trivial).

Additionally, host communicating with address classes outside the predefined 
unicast set may not be able to reliably connect to older IPv4 devices, or 
devices on specific networks (e.g. with existing Bogon filters).  

Class E relies upon the endpoint understanding the format and purpose of the 
address in a similar fashion to IPv6.

From my point of view, CGNs and Class E usage are part of a continuum of IPv4 
address quality degradation.  I'm not against these addresses being used, but 
would seek to ensure that any uses of addresses in this fashion reflects the 
current internet environment, and doesn't require engineering changes on third 
party, legacy devices.


Greg Daley

Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-06 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Martin, 

The assumption that information is present only within the IP address is 
This has been studied for mobile IPv6 users as well, and there is information 
leakage up and down the stack.

We have local source address selection mechanisms in recent Windows versions 
that use randomized IIDs on outbound connections today.  This doesn't prevent 
exposure of the information regarding the internal network structure, but nor 
do firewalls at publically addressed IPv4 institutions today.

Putting NATs on the path just causes the device inside the network to be 
unaware of its presented addresses, which means that it will impede 
peer-to-peer communications, as it cannot even describe its available services 
without external information services.

This is the awful situation in IPv4 today:  Address scarcity is not the 
problem, addressability is the problem.

Greg Daley

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Martin Rex
 Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT
 Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
  In case you didn't see this:
  It's a complete IPv6 NAT implementation with the functionality of the
  IPv4 one in the same stack.  ALGs.  Port translation.  Connection
  tracking.  You don't need me to tell you why I don't like this.
 I fail to understand the issue that you have with this.
 Doing home gateways and *NOT* using dynamic temporary IPv6 addresses
 for outbound connections by default (i.e. *NO* static network prefix
 that can be linked to a single ISP customer) would be extremely
 irresponsible with respect to data privacy protection.
 Without that, I consider IPv6 a complete no-go.
 And many DSL routers are based on Linux, so having an implementation of
 such a NAT is a prerequisite before IPv6 can be reasonably offered to
 home customers in Europe.
 I'm perfectly OK with folks getting static IPv6 network prefixes for
 specific applications that desperately need it.  But the default
 definitely ought to be temporary dynamic IPv6 addresses, especially for
 outbound connections.
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-06 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Martin, 

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Rex []
 Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011 1:30 PM
 To: Greg Daley
 Cc:; mail-dated-1325290081.a3a4e0@sabahattin-;
 Subject: Re: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT
 Greg Daley wrote:
  The assumption that information is present only within the IP address
  is erroneous.
  This has been studied for mobile IPv6 users as well, and there is
  information leakage up and down the stack.
 Your reasoning is obviously flawed.
 Having a temporary dynamic IP address assigned will not prevent any
 negligent or privacy-ignorant protocols and apps higher up the stack to
 reveal identifying information about you.

My point is that it is unhelpful to ignore the principles underpinning IPv6 
architecture in order to fail to achieve your privacy goal.

 But _without_ a temporary dynamic IP address, each and every of your
 network communcation will be 100% identifyable as you for everybody
 that can oberserve you IP datagrams floating by, even when you're using

Yes, when your outbound sessions hit the internet, devices on the path can see 
where you come from.

In my world, these people can see what they can already learn from watching my 
IKEv1 aggressive mode identity (if not using certs) or WWW cookies, or TCP 
stack behaviour and use profile.

In your world you gave up peer-to-peer IPSec, SIP, etc  initiated from either 
end to gain a false feeling of privacy.

 I fail to understand what you mean by randomized IIDs.
 What you need is a temporary network address randomized by you ISP so
 that your address blends within the entire customer base of that ISP.

Please read RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address 

  Putting NATs on the path just causes the device inside the network to
  be unaware of its presented addresses, which means that it will
  peer-to-peer communications, as it cannot even describe its available
  services without external information services.
 Asking your border router for the temporary external IP-Address is
 trivial compared to performing a secure DNS lookup.

I have no interest in comparing apples to oranges.
I have implemented ICE and I can say it is non-trivial.


Greg Daley 

Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-06 Thread Greg Daley
Dear Martin, 

  I think you're confused. Whatever IPv6 source address is in the
  outgoing packet from the CPE is bound 1:1 to the subscriber. You
  conceal the address of the subscriber, if you ever want to get any
 packets back.
 The outgoing packet is bound 1:1 to the ISP of the subscriber, any only
 the ISP knows to which of his customers he is routing the datagrams
 during any specific point in time.  The DHCP lease should be 24h at
 most and the ISP is bound by data protection laws to not make the
 mapping publicly accessible except under very specific legal

I do not know if this is a current environment, or what you would like to see
(A reference would be good).

If you wish to rotate through address space, you could still use the 24 hour 
lease either as a replacement for or in addition to your static prefix in IPv6, 
but you do not need to use NAT.

One would use DHCPv6-PD to request the lease for a period, Router Advertise it 
downstream to your devices, which use it only for 24h, and at the end of the 
time return the prefix to the pool.

The mapping then becomes a routing one, rather than a NAT one, and the routing 
mapping only exists as long as the connection is available (if using PPP) AND 
the DHCP lease is held (under the same rules or laws you indicate).

While I do not think there is an option to return this prefix to the pool, and 
assign me a different prefix, it would be trivial to implement, and would 
not create a barrier to sessions like NAT would.  (Note that I would decouple 
the prefix return and assignment to de-link them in time).

This is presented as a counter-example to NAT is the answer, because this is 
a technologist perspective, and there are other solutions.  What we should 
really be doing is engaging with industry to identify the actual need, not 
choosing technical paths because of their feasibility in code.


Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

RE: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT

2011-12-02 Thread Greg Daley
Is the problem that they don't get what IPv6 is for?
Or that we haven't articulated the use cases appropriately?


Is there something they are trying to achieve other than more=good?

Greg Daley 

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Sabahattin Gucukoglu
 Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 11:08 AM
 Subject: Netfilter (Linux) Does IPv6 NAT
 In case you didn't see this:
 It's a complete IPv6 NAT implementation with the functionality of the
 IPv4 one in the same stack.  ALGs.  Port translation.  Connection
 tracking.  You don't need me to tell you why I don't like this.
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: Advance travel info for IETF-78 Maastricht

2010-03-28 Thread Greg Daley
 I wasn't in Dublin, so I don't know the issue there.
 Was the problem like in Vienna?

I have to say, that I didn't find Vienna a problem at all.

There was a great mass transit system, and a two minute train
trip to all the restaurants in the centre of town.

I don't often stay at the venue though, so I am used to a hike.


Ietf mailing list

RE: Make the Internet uncensorable to intermediate nodes

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Mark, 
You are incorrect.  I am not referring to IPSec, VPNs or Secure Shell.
I am not even referring to TOR (I don't put the solution before the problem).

I am referring to the goal:
1) Unsnoopable
2) Untraceable

The set {IPSec, VPNs, SecSH} meet only the first of these.

There is a functional difference between IETF continuing to work on 
protocols associated with 1), which there is a commercial need for today, 
and embarking upon standardizing protocols which address 1) and 2),
for which the purpose is political.

I am not opposed to this work.

Does it have to be standardized, and does it have to be IETF?

With regard to affronting hosts, I would think that anyone who visited
a home or a country would behave politely.

I am always polite and respectful of people in the USA when I visit, and
understand it is a privilege (as a non-Citizen) to be there.  

My message alluded to the fact that there are different patterns of 
politeness in many East Asian countries.   One of the issues is that
politicising IETF work would put our peers in China in an untenable 
position with regard to the authorities.  

These are the people we are going to China to engage with and encourage.

The people you may be angry with are not these people.

Please take the political activism somewhere else, where it will be more


Greg Daley

From: Mark Atwood [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2010 2:16 PM
To: Greg Daley
Cc: MtFBwU;
Subject: Re: Make the Internet uncensorable to intermediate nodes

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Greg Daley wrote:

I would actually not encourage IETF to work on such a 
technology as this,
particularly in the lead-up to IETF Beijing.  That would be a 
serious affront
to our hosts.

By as this, you are referring to both technologies such as Tor, and 
also similarly useful technologies as IPsec, VPNs, and Secure Shell, all of 
which are useful and are used today to Make the Internet uncensorable to 
intermediate nodes.

The Chinese government seem to be excessively affrontable, and entirely 
too many westerners are enablers of this.  It's insulting, by western 
standards.  If the west has to worry about insulting China, then China 
can get a clue about being insulting to the west. The Chinese government can 
grow a thicker skin.


Ietf mailing list

RE: Make the Internet uncensorable to intermediate nodes

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Daley
Dear MtFBwU,

Please excuse my weasel words.

My country is apparently about to adopt an internet censorship scheme.
I'm not happy about it, but I'm unlikely to build a system to circumvent the

I would actually not encourage IETF to work on such a technology as this,
particularly in the lead-up to IETF Beijing.  That would be a serious affront
to our hosts.  It is quite important to ensure that the IETF particularly is not
subject to any external party's agenda in the lead-up to the meeting.

In purely technical terms, there is a conflict with IETF's existing
routing practices which are shortest (routing) path oriented, so that
communications between pairs of devices will send most or all channels
of data down the same path.

Any form of communications which sends multiple elements down the same routing
path is subject to collation and correlation by an intermediate agency, assuming
that they use the same correlation mechanisms as the end-nodes.

So that means using diverse data paths, or creating some sort of protected
payload is required to ensure that only the parties to a conversation can
receive the data.

If there is a portion of the data which can be exchanged out-of-band, then a 
protection scheme can be negotiated there, or the sensitive content can be sent 
the remnant providing only innocuous context.

Alternatively, a system which can send data out-of-band  which the parties
can use to shuffle the data so that sensitivity is reduced.

In some environments use of such shuffle techniques and out-of-band channels is
not legal, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to act illegally.  

Out-of-band communications schemes such as have been mentioned are likely to be
focussed on by authorities.  Participation in particular schemes could get 
someone in

Systems which increase the apparent entropy of a communication path could even 
be detected,
and local endpoints (for example within a protected zone) could be identified 
on the increased entropy.

This would be dangerous for the participants, especially if they thought that
the channel they had was unidentifiable.

IETF's job is to make Standards, which are reliable, stable and widely 
Regardless of the focus of a protocol (routing, privacy or reliability), it's 
sufficient to create a system which is good-enough for today, but could be
dangerously ineffective tomorrow.

I believe this is something which is not something IETF should rush into willy 
ideology of participants aside.


Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

RE: [77all] No Host for IETF 77

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Daley

How about getting a corporation's IPv6 prefix aligned with their name?



 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Dave CROCKER
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2010 11:47 AM
 To: IETF Discussion
 Subject: Re: [77all] No Host for IETF 77
  Ever had a dot on your badge?  Well this is your chance.
   You can buy a green dot at the
  registration desk for your badge for $20.
 Oh boy.
 There's a model for the way to pursue this, from highway 
 beautification sponsorship.
 Might be interesting to walk down the IETF halls, with signs 
 along the way, 
 stating that this person or that person has has sponsored a 
 segment of the 
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

Malthus ( was RE: Motivation to submit an idea in IETF?)

2010-01-22 Thread Greg Daley

Hi Dean,

Sorry while I interrupt your melancholy ;)

 Its' a good read as well, and I highly recommend it; my depressing  
 theory, however, is that we're falling off the tail of the success  
 hump and sliding back into a strictly Malthusian model of supply,  
 demand, and starvation.


If (as I guess) you are right that demand outstrips our ability to generate
resources, then the least we can do is push back the barrier by making things
more efficient.

IETF protocols have been one of the mechanisms which have significantly 
reduced the cost of deploying useful robust communications networks.

Eventually, this may reach a point where networking is commodified beyond
the point where companies have an interest in flying staff around the world
to attend meetings.  I hope that by that stage we will have done work enough to 
eat our own dog food and run equally as effective (and more efficient) 
meetings online.

Notably, I have attended via work, and self funded (intermittently).  My finding
us that it is hard to get a company to stump up cash for IETF trips unless they
have a pecuniary or academic (which I guess is similar) interest.

Ietf mailing list

RE: Motivation to submit an idea in IETF?

2010-01-21 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Ashishek

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Abhishek Verma
 Sent: Friday, 22 January 2010 12:31 PM
 To: Paul Hoffman
 Subject: Re: Motivation to submit an idea in IETF?
 Hi Paul,
  At 6:27 AM +0530 1/22/10, Abhishek Verma wrote:
 I spoke to several people offline and i couldnt get any 
 good answers.
  I suspect that you got many good answers, maybe all 
 different. The fact that many people have different 
 motivations for submitting  their work to the IETF instead 
 of {something else} is a feature, not a bug.
 And what are those motivations? Wouldnt patenting be the most obvious
 thing to do?
 The typical response was that most ISPs prefer multiple 
 vendors, and a
 patented solution will cause issues as the other vendor 
 will not have
 that support. Is this the only  reason?
 This may not be the only reason, but is this a valid reason at all?

(Please note that my response is informational only and does not constitute
comments on any IETF policy or existing IPR claim.)

I think that whetever the reason, documents submitted to the IETF
are less likely to become standards track RFCs if there is critical
IPR which must be licensed in order to construct the protocol.

The IPR BCPs for the IETF enforce disclosure of known IPRs when an idea
is submitted for consideration. This tries to make the issue above board.

When IPR becomes known, unless it is accompanied by permissive license 
the community often prefers unencumbered technologies.  This allows the 
to be adopted by the widest number of users on the Internet, regardless of
whether they have money to pay license fees.

In terms of benefits which may be acquired by submitting IPR-free or
royalty-free IPR ideas to IETF, there may be value purely from creating a common
protocol to talk between vendors, an end-user may wish to drive standardized 
solutions where no or vendor only solutions exist, or there may be a desire
to make the Internet better from a community interest point of view.

As far as I know, in terms of creating or adding value to a business aligned
with work on IETF, there may be additional non-IETF focussed systems which can
be built on-top of, or around an unencumbered idea.  Such peripheral IPR could
then be used to build a business case with some protection.  It may require
some sophistication to ensure that the external idea/IPR does not impinge upon 
IETF submitted idea.

Please note that I am not an expert on this and you would need an Intellectual
Property Lawyer to look into the issue, if your business depended on building 

I hope this helps,

Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

RE: NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy

2009-10-27 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Dean, 

I appreciate that this is a realistic challenge for one of the key
users of the technology.

As a key user of the technology.  Why didn't we learn about this 
earlier in the process?  Perhaps if we did, we could have supplied
a solution which doesn't suck as badly as NAT.

I am quite interested to know your opinion. Was it because we weren't
looking to meet the customer's need, a breakdown in requirements
or something else?



 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Dean Willis
 Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2009 3:02 AM
 To: Sabahattin Gucukoglu
 Subject: Re: NAT Not Needed To Make Renumbering Easy
 On Oct 25, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
  Not in the IPv6 address space, anyway.  And if it is, there's  
  something wrong and we should put it right.
  Just been reading IAB's commentary on IPv6 NAT.  It seems 
 to me that  
  we are perpetuating the worst technology in existence *simply* for  
  one feature, network mobility, that is better served by proposing  
  new techniques and technologies and, in particular: we need 
 a simple  
  way to express host relationships inside an organisation that is  
  independent of external homing.  I refuse to suffer because of NAT  
  any longer and don't want to accommodate those that prefer it.  If  
  IPv6 does ever get wide enough deployment, and I truly hope 
 it does,  
  I might just *give up* things to accommodate the trouble-free life  
  that is no NAT.
  What do we have right now, first?
 As I understand it, the folks really pushing for IPv6 NAT are 
 from the  
 US department of defense.
 Let's consider a battlefield operation.
 We have a hierarchical organizational structure. At any given level,  
 there are a collection of numbered boxes. For example, consider   
 infantry companies, of which there might be 8 or so in an infantry  
 Company A has a bunch of networked boxes, A1, A2, A3, and so on.  
 Companies B, C, D, and so on have the like.
 A1 is configured exactly like B1, C1, D1, and so on, with the 
 same IP  
 addresses, passwords, default routes, everything. The inter-layer  
 boxes use NAT to make everything work, even that we have 
 re-used local  
 addresses at every level of the hierarchy.
 The battalion command post may also have some spare #1 boxes, #2  
 boxes, etc.
 Assume artillery falls on the command posts for Company A and 
 B and blows up some of their boxes. Recovery may necessitate 
 the networked boxes and command structures of both companies.
 So, while getting shot at, the network techs are busy running boxes  
 back and forth. Let's make a simple case: Boxes A2, A5, and A7 got  
 hit, so they're replaced by B2, B5, and B7. B3 and B4 are also hit,  
 bringing the B network down completely  Meanwhile, the 
 battalion guys  
 are shipping out spare #2, #3, #4, #5, and #7 boxes to company B.
 The B-boxes need to work instantly when plugged-in as 
 replacements for  
 A boxes. There's no time for manual reconfiguration, probably 
 no time  
 for dynamic topology discovery, or anything else. The techs on the  
 ground don't have the passwords, equipment, or know-how to 
 the boxes anyhow -- mostly, they just know to plug wire 1-4 
 into box 1  
 port 5. And the same goes when the spare boxes from the battalion  
 level arrive at company B -- they have to plug in and work instantly  
 without renumbering anything.
 NAT is the glue that makes all this work with minimal 
 and isolates what manual reconfiguration is needed to a specific set  
 of boxes at interconnect points, for which standardized 
 procedures can  
 be developed that allow topology to be reconfigured on demand under  
 very difficult circumstances.
 Keep in mind that all this stuff also has to be wrapped in military- 
 grade crypto, resist Tempest-style interception, remote radio data  
 insertion attacks, jamming, and sorts of protocol attacks, so 
 simplicity is the by-word of the day. We can't have a network fall  
 apart just because some enemy sapper managed to clamp a rogue 
 access point with a DHCP server onto a wire somewhere ...
 So, if IP applications and protocols worked entirely differently, we  
 could get away without NAT in IPv6. We'd kind of hoped that things  
 like Bonjour and multicast service discovery and P2P would have  
 matured fast enough to plug the gap, but so far they haven't 
 been seen  
 as adequate (and I'm not an expert on why not). Plus, the  
 mindset is understandably reluctant to change things that work. And  
 since NAT made all this stuff work for IPv4, they're planning to use  
 it for IPv6 too.
 Ietf mailing list

Re: reduce jitter in routed network for voip applications

2005-03-28 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Daniele,
Daniele Giordano wrote:
RTP is transparent at the transport layer. We analyse TCP and UDP:
TCP is connection oriented and so the communication begins with the
definition of a virtual circuit.
A virtual circuit is a temporary connection of sequence nodes with relative
reservation of bandwidth.
A connection oriented service gives the certainty that all information units
use the same nodes with a same medium latency.
Same latency maintains reduced the jitter.
[chop udp discussion]
What do you think about this?
TCP does induce delay variation when retransmission is considered.
End-to-end retransmission of VoIP is not useful in many cases.  TCP
by default does this.
The additional mechanisms in TCP to throttle transmissions when
multiple duplicate ACKs are seen will reduce the rate of transmission
in some cases for VoIP.  This will also cause packet delay variation.
TCP is not well suited to VoIP for these reasons.
Additionally, UDP and TCP packets travel through the network
at the same rate (if no differential forwarding is used).
The premise that TCP and UDP have different properties on the forwarding
plane is thus flawed.
Ietf mailing list

Re: anti-climatic odometer sighting

2005-02-15 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Michael,
Michael Richardson wrote:
So, I noticed that RFC4003 was issued.
Wow, so we passed the 4000 mark.
I went to find out what rfc4000 was.
Aha... not yet issued.
That's kind of anti-climatic. Oh well.
Maybe 4096 will be more fun :-)
Our first real milestone.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Authors soliciting comments

2005-01-11 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Fred,
I've previously worked with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) here in
Australia, and they propagate several of these type of warnings
between meteorological, seismic and aviation agencies here
and around the world using message switching systems.
The Internet is used for dissemination in a number of ways.
In the late 90's tcp/telenet sessions were in use on
extranet/leased line links, and pager, fax and other direct to the
public warning dissemination systems were in use.
It's probably worth trying to get input from existing agencies tasked
with this role in various countries, and some organizations (such
as the World Meteorological Organization) may be interested in 
contributing time and effort in this direction, but I don't know.
Perhaps there are also existing systems which may be used as a model.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that there is an actively monitored
tsunami service in the Indian ocean, which may have been able to
transfer such warnings.
The role of a generic, authenticated, internet-based warning system
may be useful in furture though.
Greg Daley
Fred Baker wrote:

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:36:10 -0500
Subject: I-D ACTION:draft-baker-alert-system-00.txt
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 

Title   : Structure of an International Emergency 
Alert System
Author(s)   : F. Baker, B. Carpenter
Filename: draft-baker-alert-system-00.txt
Pages   : 19
Date: 2005-1-11

The authors propose a way in which people could be warned of an
   impending event in a geographic region.  This is similar to and may
   use services such as the US Emergency Alert System, but differs in
   that message distribution is targeted only to the affected locality.
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Re: Why, technically, MIP and IPv6 can't be deployed

2004-11-09 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Francis and Ohta-san.

- Original Message -
From: Francis Dupont [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 2:15 am
Subject: Re: Why, technically, MIP and IPv6 can't be deployed

 In your previous mail you wrote:
Could you describe why exactly IPv6 can't run on the (layer 
 2?) WLAN
   That ND extensively, without any valid reason to do so, use
   multicast, which is not acknowledged at WLAN L2, means IPv6
   or its ND is unreliable over congested WLAN. If multicast
   ND packet is lost by congestion, it is not retransmitted by L2.
 = Masataka san, your argument is right (I saw 40% lost rate
 on multicast over IEEE 802.11b) but it applies to IPv4 (ARP
 uses broadcast) too...

I understand this is the case, but we can still modify the hosts
to do something about it.

Multicast or Broadcast are necessary if we want generic 
address discovery in IPv4/6 networks. Obviously we'll have problems
with MAC level acknowledgements for messages received by multiple

RFC 2461 (as described by a recent individual submission of mine)
allow Neighbour cache entries to be created with reliable 
802.11 MAC transport (unicast toDS=0,toDS=1, multicast toDS=1)
where there is only one MAC recipient in the contention domain.

This may be done to preemptively place neighbour cache entries
into first hop routers.

Since Ohta-san mentioned MIPv6 here, the router becomes the most
relevant peer for neighbour discovery.
The mechanism doesn't require protocol modification, and is
available today (If it's practically helpful, and implemented).
It may need some further documentation though.

Greg Daley


This has been implemented in 40 lines of C in the Linux Kernel.
Results, while early are fairly promising.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Why, technically, MIP and IPv6 can't be deployed

2004-11-09 Thread Greg Daley

- Original Message -
From: Masataka Ohta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 2:50 am
Subject: Re: Why, technically, MIP and IPv6 can't be deployed

 Francis Dupont wrote:
  Could you describe why exactly IPv6 can't run on the (layer 
 2?) WLAN
 That ND extensively, without any valid reason to do so, use
 multicast, which is not acknowledged at WLAN L2, means IPv6
 or its ND is unreliable over congested WLAN. If multicast
 ND packet is lost by congestion, it is not retransmitted by L2.
  = Masataka san, your argument is right (I saw 40% lost rate
  on multicast over IEEE 802.11b) but it applies to IPv4 (ARP
  uses broadcast) too...
 Yes, it does, but not so badly.
 ARP actually use broadcast for request but not for reply.

ND uses unicast for replies (Router Discovery may not though).

 Moreover, ARP request from terminals to base stations, which
 are often routers, are unicast at lower L2.

Same with ND.

Same with _any_ MAC unicast with toDS=1...

 So, over WLAN, ARP works a lot better than ND. It should
 also be noted that, with IPv4, it is natural to have link
 specific adaptation mechanism for each different link type
 that it is perfectly fine to have IP over WLAN which is
 different from IP over Ether.

Your premises are incorrect,  the comparisons you are using are invalid.

 On the other hand, ND, an attempt to have a universal
 adaptation mechanism ignoring link specific properties,
 which contradicts with the very basic reason to have
 adaptation, is a total failure.

Really, so does ARP, except where it's not supported, and requires
 It should be noted that MIPv6 is hopelessly tainted by ND.

I'l take hopeless ND taints any day.

The ND architecture as part of IPv6 (rather than the link-layer)
allows L3 neighbour security mechanisms to be implemented once in

I think that retransmission timers, and ordering of messages
in ND can be altered.  The insecurity of ARP cannot.

Which do we need for the future 10-15 years of the Internet?


Ietf mailing list

Oz Bar BoF Time and Place proposal.

2004-11-09 Thread Greg Daley

Sorry for not sending this out earlier, but thought I had.

I was thinking of meeting in the hotel lobby after the
plenary session on Wednesday night, and proceeding to the
Childe Harold Saloon down Connecticut Avenue

Please tell me if this is suitable or we need a better time
or venue.


Ietf mailing list

Re: RE: RE: Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61

2004-11-06 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Tom, 

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Gal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, November 5, 2004 7:53 pm
Subject: RE: RE: Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61

 What secret? That nobody in Australia actually drinks Fosters?

What! don't tell them that!

Now they'll all come to the BoF...


Ietf mailing list

Re: RE: Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61

2004-11-05 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Eric,

- Original Message -
From: Eric Burger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 6, 2004 10:02 am
Subject: RE: Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61

 Would I count as Australian if I like Australian Wine and Beer?

You'd have to at least know the secret of 
Australian beer exports...

I'd guess that we'd be talking mostly about
Australian technology adoption (access
technologies, IPv6, VoIP), the current level of
knowledge dissemination and and such like (regulation??), 
as well as standing around telling travel stories.

In terms of self-regulation, if you're able to contribute
(except for just the travel stories) then please come along.


  -Original Message-
  From: Greg Daley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 1:41 AM
  Subject: Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61
  Dear IETF'ers.
  Please excuse the exclusiveness of this invitation,
  but I'd like to invite people to an Australian Bar BoF
  in the coming week at IETF61.
  If you're Australian (resident or otherwise) or working on
  Australian projects with your internet or IETF work,
  please contact me so that we can organize a location and
  time to suit as many loud-mouthed antipodeans as possible.
  It may be a good chance to get together and meet others
  in different areas, and should provide an interesting
  forum for discussing the state of the industry, technology
  adoption in Oz and standardization from an Australian
  The first round of drinks is on my funding source,
  the Australian Telecommunications Cooperative Research Centre 
  I hope to hear from you, or I'll have to drink the budget myself.
  Yours Sincerely,
  Greg Daley
  Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Oz Bar BoF @ IETF 61

2004-11-04 Thread Greg Daley
Dear IETF'ers.
Please excuse the exclusiveness of this invitation,
but I'd like to invite people to an Australian Bar BoF
in the coming week at IETF61.
If you're Australian (resident or otherwise) or working on
Australian projects with your internet or IETF work,
please contact me so that we can organize a location and
time to suit as many loud-mouthed antipodeans as possible.
It may be a good chance to get together and meet others
in different areas, and should provide an interesting
forum for discussing the state of the industry, technology
adoption in Oz and standardization from an Australian
The first round of drinks is on my funding source,
the Australian Telecommunications Cooperative Research Centre (ATcrc).
I hope to hear from you, or I'll have to drink the budget myself.
Yours Sincerely,
Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list

Re: IETF 62

2004-09-19 Thread Greg Daley
Hi Ben and Sam,
Ben Crosby wrote:
Hear hear!
I debated posting after the fingerprint thread, and then again after the Cancun
 comment. Sam's email accurately sums up my own view.
Further, as the host of IETF61, we explored at least four possible venues,
 one of which was Ottawa - too bloody awkward to get to, since there 
are very
 few direct flights, and even fewer venues big enough to support the 
meeting -
 and another was Florida, a WDW Conference hotel. This venue was 
 rejected for a few reasons, one of which was the implications of
work, not play.  DC was ultimately selected as a good business town, and I
 hope it will be a succesful meeting.
It's worth realizing that fingerprinting is a current issue
(and likely a future one) which makes people uncomfortable
and may discourage people from making their first (or next)
visit to IETF, if it's in the 'States.
Considering the high level RIPE/APNIC activity with IPv6, it's
certainly worth minimizing some of the barriers to new participants
in coming to IETF.
Personally, I believe that if I enter a country as its guest, I subject
myself to their rules and security tests.  It doesn't mean I have to
like being fingerprinted though.
I know people for whom this dislike is a serious disincentive to attend.
If we continue to have the high proportion of events scheduled (by
default) in the USA, we may see the variety of international attendees
When there have been so few (2 I think) IETFs in Canada it seems a shame
to default to North America == USA and just ignore major cities such as 
Montreal or Toronto, because they're an hour or so further to fly.
As far as I can see, Minneapolis isn't a direct destination for all the
major airlines either.

Like it or not IETF isn't a political organization, but a politically
important one.  If we're choosing locations, sometimes the reason has to 
be political (I'm not talking about going to Canada here).
Seoul IETF apparently made good business sense. It made even better
political sense, since it encouraged government and business figures in
Korea to support IPv6.

If we're prepared to ignore political issues then we may miss such
opportunities for positive outcomes for IETF.
My current opinion only,
Greg Daley
Ietf mailing list