[Ilugc] Running apache on different port

2012-05-04 Thread Suresh Kumar
Hello friends,

 i am currently running a Red Hat 5.2 Linux server,
 i have the current scenario as
 we have a kerio mailserver running on this machine , it runs on port 80
 but i also want to run apache server simultaneously, so when i checked for
the status of the apache server
 it said that "httpd stopped",
 if i start the httpd service, i am sure that i there will be a  conflict.
 so in order to avoid this, i am planning to run the apache server at
different port say 81
( i think this can be setup by changing the Listen:80 to Listen:81 in the
httpd.conf file)
 but in that case the webpages will be served only when i explicitly
mention the port no as 81
 for eg:
but what i want to do is that . i want to run apache server at port 81 and
want to access the pages without mentioning the port 81
 some thing similar to

Is this possible..?

Thanks in advance.
~ J Suresh Kumar
  95000 90432
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Re: [Ilugc] Running apache on different port

2012-05-04 Thread 0
>   but in that case the webpages will be served only when i explicitly
> mention the port no as 81
>   for eg:
>  http://localhost:81
> but what i want to do is that . i want to run apache server at port 81 and
> want to access the pages without mentioning the port 81
>   some thing similar to
> http://localhost
> Is this possible..?

Nope. In simple terms, the address bar format is 
"(protocol)://host[:port]". Port is optional if you are going to use the 
default port for the associated protocol such port 80 for http. If you 
don't use the default for the protocol, you have to explicitly specify it.

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[Ilugc] Fwd: [FSFTN] Fasting for Freedom of Speech in Internet

2012-05-04 Thread Shrinivasan T
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Alagunambi Welkin" 
Date: May 4, 2012 9:40 PM
Subject: [FSFTN] Fasting for Freedom of Speech in Internet

Dear Friends,

Aseem Trivedi and Alok Dixit from Save Your Voice completed the third day
of their hunger strike to support annulment motion against IT Rules-2011
in Rajya Sabha. They sat
"We started this hunger strike on 2nd May and we will carry on until we get
any satisfactory response from the government and the opposition regarding
the annulment of IT Rules-2011"


Please spread and create awareness, we will not get live media coverage for
this hunger strike, its up to us to raise voice for our freedom of speech.

More information,

Alagunambi Welkin
Executive Committee Member,
Free Software Foundation, Tamil Nadu,
part of Free Software Movement of India.

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[Ilugc] Fwd: [fsug-goa] Autokey: A free automation tool for Linux desktops

2012-05-04 Thread Shrinivasan T
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Diabolic Preacher" 
Date: Apr 26, 2012 12:01 PM
Subject: [fsug-goa] Autokey: A free automation tool for Linux desktops
To: "FSUG Goa" 



Autokey (aptitude install autokey-gtk or autokey-qt)

Autokey is the linux+X11+python equivalent of AutoHotKey (stuff that
newbies write malware with...more like prank software). Autokey is a
hotkey/phrase triggered automation tool. It allows you to automate anything
that you do manually with your keyboard and mouse. It is useful for both
the non-techie and techie uses of a computer.

Its most simple use which people would probably take advantage of almost
all the time is text expansion. Write a few characters, press space or
enter and autokey replaces ur trigger phrase with a larger chunk of text.
Why would you need this? Best example would be written correspondence.
Salutation, signature and sometimes even parts of the main body of a letter
or email could have oft-repeating chunks of text. Save time and energy on
typing by storing these text blocks in Autokey and assigning short keywords
or hotkey combinations. Having worked in a helpdesk environment I have
known how repetitive the emails can be.

A little more advanced usage of text expansion would be to also add in
keypresses that would do some action like sending the mail itself. As you
know almost everything can be done from the keyboard and what can be done,
can be automated.

The part of Autokey that i have not yet explored and this is like I guess
the raw power of it are its scripts. Autokey scripts are simply python
scripts with some GUI specific API functions. It's too hard to describe the
vast variety of possibilities when the whole desktop environment, the input
devices etc. are all controllable by a script.

Give it a try. Rarely these kind of tools are free on Windows and AHK is
nowhere near user-friendly.

Diabolic Preacher
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Re: [Ilugc] Running apache on different port

2012-05-04 Thread Mehul Ved
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Suresh Kumar  wrote:
>  but in that case the webpages will be served only when i explicitly
> mention the port no as 81
>  for eg:
>    http://localhost:81
> but what i want to do is that . i want to run apache server at port 81 and
> want to access the pages without mentioning the port 81
>  some thing similar to
>   http://localhost
> Is this possible..?

I am not familiar with Kerio but why do you need to run a mail server
at port 80?
There are a couple of ways around to solve your problem.

Situation 1: If you have 2 separate domains or ip addresses then you
can set a firewall rule that if the request comes in on kerio.domain
then it goes to port 80 and if it comes in on http.domain(s) then go
to port 81. But, this can be a messy solution and should be avoided as
far as possible.

Situation 2: Run apache on port 80, run kerio on a port other than 80
and setup a virtual domain which points to that port. Examples of this
setup can be found here
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html#port. IMO, this
is a cleaner and easier to maintain/debug solution.

With Regards,
Mehul Ved
ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] Fwd: [FSFTN] Fasting for Freedom of Speech in Internet

2012-05-04 Thread 0

> "We started this hunger strike on 2nd May and we will carry on until we get
> any satisfactory response from the government and the opposition regarding
> the annulment of IT Rules-2011"

Can someone confirm whether these are the rules they are opposing ?


GS.R. 782(E) and G.S.R. 783(E) dated 25.10.2011 - Information Technology 
(Certifying Authorities) Amendment Rules, 2011 (110 KB) PDF

GSR 316(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Electronic 
Service Delivery) Rules, 2011 (75.6 KB) PDF

GSR 313(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Resonable 
Security Practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or 
information) Rules, 2011 (146 KB) PDF

GSR 314(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Intermediaries 
guidelines) Rules, 2011 (49.4 KB) PDF

GSR 315(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Guidelines for 
Cyber Cafe) Rules, 2011 (45.6 KB) PDF

ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] Fwd: [FSFTN] Fasting for Freedom of Speech in Internet

2012-05-04 Thread 0

> "We started this hunger strike on 2nd May and we will carry on until we get
> any satisfactory response from the government and the opposition regarding
> the annulment of IT Rules-2011"
> http://kractivist.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/immediate-release-freedom-fast-third-day-of-hunger-strike-for-internet-freedom/
> Please spread and create awareness, we will not get live media coverage for
> this hunger strike, its up to us to raise voice for our freedom of speech.
> More information,
> http://www.internetdemocracy.in/2012/04/20/why-the-it-rules-should-be-annulled/

I think, they are talking about this,


It is a 4 page document so read it yourself and form your opinion.

IMO, to the most part the document is poorly written. It does not 
clarify many things when it comes to procedures, unless they are 
mentioned in the original IT act. I am no lawyer, so I don't know.

It is difficult to tell how these rules will play out, they might just 
collapse on themselves for not having any particular structure. 
Nevertheless, I am glad to hear there is an opposition for these rules.

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